Tag Archive: Andrew Cuomo

New York Governor Destroyed In Soon-To-Be Viral Ad Featuring His Opponent’s Wife




” Sheila Astorino is a mother, school teacher and the wife of Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino who’s challenging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. Sheila is featured in a new ad that says what Cuomo is doing is “unforgiveable.” “

Young Conservatives

Cuomo’s Gun Law Plays Well Downstate But Alienates Upstate





” In large stretches of upstate New York, it is the reason Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is deeply unpopular. To many voters in New York City and its suburbs, it is one of his crowning achievements.

  Mr. Cuomo, a Democrat, made New York the first state to pass a broad package of new gun laws after the mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., in 2012. Seizing a singular political moment, he called it the Safe Act, and he implored Congress to follow his lead.

  Nearly two years later, as he seeks a second term, Mr. Cuomo presents the act to his supporters as one of his greatest successes, and Democrats are assailing the governor’s Republican challenger, Rob Astorino, for being lax on guns. It remains one of the most far-reaching pieces of gun-control legislation passed in response to the Newtown shooting.

  But in pushing for passage of strict new gun laws, Mr. Cuomo alienated a vocal constituency across upstate New York, a region he has otherwise wooed. In court, gun owners have challenged the constitutionality of the laws; on lawn signs and bumper stickers in places like the Catskills and western New York, they demand their repeal.

 Counties, towns and villages have passed resolutions denouncing the laws, and some counties have even demanded that their official seals not be used on any paperwork relating to them. In response to an open records request, the governor’s office shared hundreds of pages of such resolutions, from far-flung places like the Adirondack town of North Hudson, with 238 residents, to more populous areas like Erie County.

The calculation when it was passed was people were going to get mad for a little while and then get over it,” Stephen J. Aldstadt, the president of the Shooters Committee on Political Education, said. “I don’t think people are getting over it.” Despite its scope, the Safe Act was not everything it was originally intended to be, and there were stumbles. A provision limiting the size of gun magazines, for example, turned out to be unworkable.

  Thirty-two days after the shooting in Newtown, on Jan. 15, 2013, Mr. Cuomo signed the act into law. The measure included an expanded ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, as well as a broader requirement for background checks, and tougher penalties for gun crimes.”

Read the whole article at NY Times

Cuomo Fears The Worst As First Polls After Scandal Approach





Gov. Cuomo, “crazed with anger” and increasingly abusive to those around him, fears the first round of public polling since the “Morelandgate” scandal will take a major toll on his — until-now — sky-high popularity, administration insiders say.

  He won’t have long to wait.

  A poll designed to gauge the scandal’s impact will be released this week by the Marist Institute of Public Opinion and it could have a major impact on Cuomo’s race against Republican Rob Astorino and on his Democratic primary battle with Zephyr Teach­out, a Fordham law professor.

  Administration insiders, aware of private polling data already collected by Cuomo’s campaign, say the public poll likely will show the governor’s approval rating plummeting.

“ The bad news is starting to stick. This is very serious,’’ a senior Cuomo administration figure nervously told The Post.”



NY Post









Cuomo, Amid Moreland Struggles, Realizes He Might Lose


cuomo arrogant




” After his worst week in office since becoming governor, Andrew Cuomo is now viewed for the first time by important Democrats as potentially vulnerable to Republican challenger Rob Astorino, The Post has learned.

  The changing sentiment results from the extraordinary criticisms Cuomo received last week from corruption-fighting Southern District US Attorney Preet Bharara — because of the governor’s summary dismissal of his anti-corruption Moreland Commission panel — and from an assortment of “good-government’’ over his transparently phony plan for a severely limited system of publicly financed elections.

“ It was a disastrous week for Andrew. He was being attacked all over town, and it appeared to be the culmination of not just weeks, but months, of eroding support for the governor from within his own Democratic base,’’ one of the state’s most influential Democrats told The Post.”

The NY Post has more

Tale Of Two Rallies As 11K Parents & Kids Fight For Charters



The parent’s and student’s pro-charter schools rally in Albany 



” It was a tale of two rallies — with Mayor de Blasio getting schooled by Gov. Cuomo.

  An overflow crowd of 11,000 charter-school supporters braved Albany’s subfreezing weather Tuesday to cheer Cuomo as he blasted the state’s 200-plus failing public schools and declared that “parents deserve a choice” in charter schools.

“ We are here today to tell you that we stand with you,” the governor told the huge crowd. “You are not alone. We will save charter schools.”






” Cuomo pledged to ensure that “charter schools have the financial capacity, the physical space and the government support to thrive and to grow.”

  His public promise followed an exclusive report in Tuesday’s Post that he privately told a meeting of business leaders last month he would support legislation to provide funds for charters to lease facilities if de Blasio boots them from public-school buildings.”



   Compare the two rallies , the sparsely attended one indoors right in the city where around a thousand , mostly union , professional protestors sat in the comfort of a heated auditorium versus 11,000 parents , students and teachers that travelled a hundred miles on short notice to attend their rally outdoors in the frigid temperatures of upstate Albany .



The Di Blasio/Union anti-charter schools rally.


” The massive demonstration outside the state Capitol was the largest there in years, despite being scheduled just last week in response to de Blasio’s eviction of three “co-located” charter schools.

  Meanwhile, de Blasio drew fewer than 1,500 people — mainly unionized service workers — to a long-planned, nearby rally in support of his tax-the-rich plan to finance pre-kindergarten for all city kids.”



    We seldom find anything to agree with as far as Andy Cuomo is concerned but the fact that he felt the need to speak on behalf of charter schools should give the reader a good indication of where the public stands on this issue , after all there is no greater panderer in the state than Gov Cuomo .















Glenn Beck’s Open Letter To Gov. Cuomo: Are We Welcome In New York?





” Dear Gov. Cuomo:

  In light of your comments this past Friday, in which you declared that those “…extremist conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay” have no place in the state of New York, we would humbly request a written explanation as to whether or not we are welcome to do business in this state. For many of our employees are pro-life and believe strongly in the Second Amendment. All of us will stand against any group being discriminated against.

  But if we are not welcome, we will leave.

  To give you some background on who we are and what we believe, Mercury Radio Arts and TheBlaze Inc. is a multimedia news, opinion and entertainment company, dedicated to delivering high-quality programming 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Through our Mercury One non-profit organization, we have also raised and given away for emergency relief over $14 million since its inception.

  We were the first responders to Coney Island during Superstorm Sandy, not the federal government and not the state government, but Mercury One. We are good neighbors. We employ approximately 200 people in the State of New York and well over 300 people nationally from Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas.

  We don’t see things as left and right. We see things as right and wrong.

  And we believe that the only moral position is to stand up to bullies and fascists of all kinds. We believe in equal rights for all and special privileges for none. We believe it’s our duty to dedicate our life and sacred honor to all American citizens, and every last one of us deserves and has a right, not from our government, but from our Creator, to be heard.

  If the majority tramples on the rights of the minority we all lose.

  And the most important minority is the individual – whether he or she be an “extreme conservative” or an “extreme progressive.” “

The whole letter can be read at The Blaze

A SAFE Act? Cuomo Official Uses Handgun As Laser Pointer During Presentation

Glock Laser Pointer


” Perhaps while Andrew Cuomo was forcing the unconstitutional SAFE Act down the throats of New Yorkers he should have included the confiscation of guns by his own administration.

  It has come out that on October 24th of last year, Jerome Hauer, Cuomo’s Dir. of Homeland Security, took out his Glock 9mm handgun (you know, the one WITHOUT a safety) and used the laser pointer on it to give a presentation to a Swedish delegation.

  People were basically diving for cover to avoid being killed by Hauer’s asininity.

  When Hauer was previously asked why he carries a gun he has responded flippantly saying to “look him up on Google”.

  Fair enough Mr. Hauer.  Google is an amazing search engine and here is what I found.

  Mr. Hauer makes $136,00 a year.  He has a license to carry a firearm in both upstate New York as well as New York City; must be nice to have connections that ordinary citizens are denied.

  But looking further things start to get more interesting.  Hauer is NOT in law enforcement nor has he ever been.  His position as Dir. of NY’s Homeland Security does NOT grant him the authority of law enforcement officers.  This is important because IT IS AGAINST THE LAW FOR STATE EMPLOYEES TO BRING WEAPONS TO THE WORKPLACE if they are not employed as law enforcement officers.”




Read more









Torpedo Los! Another Toys For Totalitarians Shipment Delivered, This Time To Andrew Cuomo

” USPS reports that the following letter and package was signed for by A Hasson at Albany, NY, at 9:24 this morning.

23 December 2013

Andrew M. Cuomo

NYS State Capitol Building

Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo,

  Merry Christmas! Although it will no doubt get to you late, enclosed you will find my Christmas gift to you, one thirty-round standard capacity AK-74 magazine in 5.45×39 caliber, manufactured by TAPCO, USA, located in the great little town of Kennesaw, Georgia, where every head of household residing within the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition. You have been awarded this gift as part of what my friend David Codrea calls my “Toys for Totalitarians Campaign.”

  I selected this magazine in honor of Mikhail Kalashnikov, who died today. Given your collectivist politics, I thought it was an appropriate choice, since Kalashnikov was an unrepentant Soviet to the end of his days. To other tyranneau governors such as yourself — Hickenlooper of Colorado and Malloy of Connecticut — I sent magazines manufactured in their states to remind them of the companies (and jobs) departing their jurisdictions because of their own unconstitutional laws banning such devices to otherwise honest, law-abiding citizens. But you don’t need any reminders about what the wildly misnamed SAFE Act is costing your state, so the Kalashnikov magazine seemed the appropriate choice. From one collectivist to another, I thought.”





Vanderboegh defies anti-gun governors with ‘Toys for Totalitarians’

Freedom fighters launch ‘Toys for Totalitarians’

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New Gun-Control Law Targets Gun Makers



   If the rumblings are to be believed , Remington Arms , New York state’s oldest gun manufacturer , is finally getting ready to head for a more amenable work environment . 


” ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo’s tough new gun law has put a target on the state’s gun makers.

  Cities, counties and states from across the country have been making lucrative pitches to New York’s firearms companies, urging them to relocate. Their argument: They have a gun-friendly atmosphere, and New York does not.

  “They receive solicitations . . . on almost a daily basis,” said Lawrence Kean, senior vice president and general counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade group.

  “CEOs have told me they could basically move their factories for free.”

  Cuomo pushed his new gun law through the Legislature a month after the deadly shooting rampage in Newtown, Conn. The law broadened the definition of what is considered a banned assault weapon, and it reduced the size of permissible gun magazines to seven rounds, from 10.

  Since then, the state’s remaining firearms companies, including major employers like Remington Arms in upstate Ilion and Kimber Manufacturing in Yonkers, have been wooed by officials from places including South Carolina and Texas.”

   The move can’t come soon enough for us . Any manufacturer whose livelihood is based on the manufacture and sale of a product(s) that in the state in which they reside and pay taxes has been banned should take their business elsewhere as soon as humanly possible . Here’s to hoping that both Kimber and Remington see that things will only get worse in NY , which has become an embarrassment to the Union , the Founders and freedom lovers everywhere . 

Related :

Remington And Kimber To Relocate?

Remington to move to Tennessee?

National Review On Remington









New York State Exposed: Is The SAFE Act Driving Businesses Out Of NY?

” Gun retailers and manufacturers say the SAFE Act is having a negative impact. 

Joseph Palumbo owns Albion Gun Shop in Albion. He says since the SAFE Act went into effect earlier this year, he has lost 40 to 50 percent of business.  He and his family have considered moving out of state.

Palumbo said, “I don’t want to leave, this is where I live, this is my home, but I have to do what I have to do to survive.”

Amanda Ciavarri asked, “What would you say to the hundreds of people who say hundreds, maybe thousands of jobs in upstate New York, have been lost because of the New York State SAFE Act? It’s driving gun retailers and gun manufacturers across the boarder to Pennsylvania.” 

Governor Cuomo said,  “I don’t think that’s correct on the facts.”

Cuomo’s main reason for the SAFE Act has been safety. But, is this the solution? A study from the  Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which aims at the reducing the threat of gun violence, says gun restrictions don’t necessarily prevent violence. The study suggests better policing and targeting certain areas works. The SAFE Act passed 43 to 18 in the New York Senate, but 52 counties including Monroe, Ontario, Wayne have passed resolutions opposing the SAFE Act. Ten counties have not.”

   As the above graph clearly shows , dangers of gun violence and murder in the New York is a myth . The crime rates have been plummeting even as gun ownership has skyrocketed , since Rudy Giuliani instituted the “broken windows” policy in the early nineties . The need for the government to ban legal firearms ownership is a misleading effort to consolidate power with the State and has nothing at all to do with “safety” .

Local Firearms Company Relocating To South Carolina




” A Rochester-based company that makes firearms, ammunition and tactical equipment is relocating its headquarters in Dorchester County, South Carolina officials announced Monday.
The state Department of Commerce said that the $2.7 million investment by American Tactical Imports, currently located on Airpark Drive, would mean more than 100 new jobs for the Summerville area.
According to its website, ATI makes a variety of products, including handguns, shotguns, rifles, vests and handcuffs.”









NY Gun Law’s Required Ammunition Background Checks Not Expected To Start In January




” The state is holstering a key provision of Gov. Cuomo’s gun control law requiring first-ever background checks on ammunition purchases.

Under the gun law passed earlier this year, the state could have begun requiring background checks as of this coming Jan. 15. It also could have ordered sellers of ammunition to begin keeping key information on buyers, including their names, the amount of bullets purchased, their addresses, and occupations.

But the State Police Sunday they are delaying implementation, a move first reported by the Buffalo News, until it can develop the needed database system allowing it to move forward.

Gun advocates argue that the ammo background check delay is further proof the gun law that also expanded the state’s ban on semi-automatic weapons and sought to reduce the size of ammunition magazines was passed in haste in January, just weeks after the Sandy Hook , Ct. mass school shooting.

Cuomo and the Legislature earlier this year were already forced to roll back a centerpiece provision of the gun law–one that required that no ammo magazine be able to hold more than seven bullets. Cuomo said the requirement proved unworkable because most manufacturers don’t make seven-bullet magazines.

Instead, a change was approved allowing for the sale of the old maximum 10-bullet magazines, but with a caveat that owners in most cases not put more than seven bullets in them.”








Cuomo Refutes Claims He Ordered Anti-Corruption Group To Nix Subpoenas

” Gov. Andrew Cuomo denied Thursday that he personally ordered his anti-corruption commission to quash subpoenas bound for his allies — but was vague on whether the governor’s office played a role.

“You know that the Moreland Commission is staffed by people from the governor’s office and the AG’s office,” Cuomo said.”










… Due To ‘Excessive’ Tax, Spending Policies




” New York’s the pits — especially when it comes to economic development, according to a new study.

The Empire State ranked dead last when it comes to its economic outlook based on Albany’s tax policy.

The report, authored by economists Arthur Laffer, Jonathan Williams and Stephen Moore, gives New York state, along with New Jersey (45) and California (46), low marks because of excessive tax and spending policies that hurt businesses and individuals.

“We hate to keep picking on California, New Jersey and New York, but they continue to be models of how not to govern a state,” the report warned. “These three states,” the report continued, “impose tax rates at or near the highest in the nation and about twice the national average.”

New York placed 50th for its high personal and corporate tax rates, 12.62 percent and 15.99 percent, respectively.

Which states did the report say had the best economic climate? The top five were Utah, South Dakota, Virginia, Wyoming and Idaho.”










New York Creates ‘Texting Zones’ To Stop Car Accidents



” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo introduced “texting zones” to the state’s highways this week in order to prevent accidents caused by motorists who send text messages while driving.

In recent years, local governments across the U.S. have worked hard to curb the growing trend of texting-related accidents, but the arrival of new and more feature-rich mobile devices have posed a challenge to their efforts.

Just as rest stops give road-weary, long-distance drivers a rest from the road, New York’s “texting zones” aim to encourage hardcore texters to pull over before writing a message on their mobile devices. Drivers will be alerted to the 91 new zones via 298 signs strategically placed along state highways. “













” Opposition to New  York’s extreme gun control law the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act continues and elected officials are stepping forward to promote full repeal of the bill that was hastily, strong-armed into law.

“The Republican majority made this happen,” said Rep. David J. DiPietro (R.-East Aurora), a freshmen state assemblyman representing parts of Erie and Wyoming County in western New York.

Dean G. Skelos (R.-Rockville Centre) who is the majority leader of the New York State Senate is to blame, he said.  “He voted for the bill.  He allowed the bill to come to the floor.

The former Village of Aurora trustee and mayor said that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo brokered a deal with Skelos to enact the SAFE Act.  “They threatened Long Island Republicans that if they did not vote for the bill, $1 million would be donated to an opponent for their seat.”

Skelos and his Long Island delegation sold us out,” he said.

An overwhelming majority of Democrats in the state’s assembly will not pass a repeal bill, and the governor will not sign it, she said.  “Our hope is in the lawsuits pending and the courts determining the law unconstitutional.” “


    Long Island “Republicans” are nothing of the sort . They are all John McCain style republicans which is to say , no republican at all .





Government On The Friends And Family Plan



” In his stirring speech to the 1984 Democratic National Convention, then-New York governor Mario Cuomo used an extended metaphor of the whole nation as a family. So maybe it should come as no surprise to discover that his son, current New York governor Andrew Cuomo, uses the New York State government as a jobs program for his friends and their families. The Empire State Development Corporation in particular is chock-full of his donors and friends, and their young sons–not to mention Cuomo’s political advisers.

He’s not alone in spending (other people’s) money to help family and friends. TheWashington Post reported in December on the family-friendly atmosphere at the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority:

Meet the Kulle family: mom Helen, daughter Ann Kulle-Helms, son-in-law Douglas Helms, son Albert, daughter-in-law Michele Kulle and Michele’s brother, Jeffrey Thacker.

They all worked for the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority. All at the same time.”






The Enablers’ Enabler


This Is What’s Wrong With Albany


” For those who still wonder how Albany works, here’s a short scorecard. Not long after a state ethics commission released a report on the serial sexual harassment by Vito Lopez, it became clear he would have to leave. It also became clear the politicians who enabled him would continue with business as usual.

Right now there’s something of a race regarding Lopez’s departure. The state assemblyman says he’ll resign on June 20. Andrew Cuomo says he should go now or be expelled. Shelly Silver says he’s working on expulsion.

What Lopez did is vile enough. But he couldn’t have got away with it for as long as he did without assistance from the most powerful man in the Legislature, Speaker Silver. Instead of moving to kick Lopez out when two staffers complained of sexual harassment, Silver enabled Lopez by paying the women over $100,000 from public funds to keep them quiet.

Then there’s Gov. Cuomo. The governor says there must be “zero tolerance” for the behavior Lopez showed. But instead of calling for Silver to step down for the coverup, Cuomo is defending him.”



A Little Background on “Shelly” Silver


     This man is allowed to sit on the board of one of the biggest tort law firms in New York , all the while controlling the very legislation that passes through the state government . Given the leftist proclivities of the “people’s republic of NY” Silver is and has been effectively in control of the state assembly for decades . Is it any wonder that trial lawyers rule the state , to the detriment of honest citizens everywhere ? 


1) Find a lawyer – Legal service professional: Sheldon Silver

phone 212-558-5500
fax 212-344-5461
e-mail client relations
Weitz & Luxenberg
700 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Admitted: New York

Law School: Brooklyn Law School

College: Yeshiva University

Member: Speaker, New York State Assembly

Born: New York, NY


2) Amid scandals, new state financial disclosure mandates

 “That means that Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver will have to disclose within a narrowed range of income levels how much he earns at Weitz & Luxenberg, the law firm where he is of counsel.

Silver’s relationship with the powerful tort firm has long been an issue, as critics have wondered if it has led to legislation benefitting trial lawyers. The speaker has refused to say how much he earns at the firm.”


3) Sheldon Silver’s law firm digging for gold in “hydro-fracking …

4) NEW TORT STATE: Silver & Luxenberg | Gather

5) BP’s Gulf of Mexico oil spill tragedy to most, but to Sheldon …

6) Lawmaker And Lawyer: No Conflict, Says Silver – New York Times

7) State Officials Hide What Those in City Must Disclose

8) New York: Ethics Laws, Yes, but State Enforcement Non-Existent










Cuomo Staffers Elect To Quit




” Disenchanted members of Gov. Cuomo’s administration, embarrassed by the worsening government scandals and convinced that Cuomo won’t be president, will soon leave their jobs — just as the governor is stepping up plans to run for re-election next year.

Several “significant departures’’ are expected in the coming months, sources told The Post.

“A lot of people are looking to get out. They’re tired and, frankly, it’s not the best place to work,’’ said a source with first-hand knowledge of the situation. “There’s a lot of abuse that’s involved in working for the governor, and more and more people are saying, ‘What do we need this for?’ ’’ the source continued.”








Governor Cuomo Says Boston Bombing Part of ‘New Normal’






“It’s a terrible situation in Boston. And, unfortunately, … one gets the sense that this is more reflective of the ‘new normal,’ if you will,” he explained. “So much of society is changing so rapidly. We talk about a ‘new normal’ when it comes t0 climate change and adjusting to a change in the weather patterns. ‘New normal’ when it comes to public security in a post-9/11 world. Where these random acts of violence, which at one time were implausible, now seem all-too-frequent.”



   Correct us if we are wrong  but might this “New Normal” be a byproduct of an over-weaning , ineffective and corrupt government that takes more and more from society and contributes less and less to it’s actual well-being ?

   It strikes us that this contrived idea of a “new normal” is a statist tool to justify ever-increasing government intrusion into the daily lives of Americans all in the name of “public safety ” .

In that regard it would appear that the statists among us have a very handy ally in the Jihadist movement and it comes as no surprise to find that the authorities will bend over backwards to dhimmie themselves on the altar of political correctness as the threat of terrorism is the perfect ” bogeyman” to use for the erosion of our liberties .








NYSAFE Act: Keeping our communities safe while respecting hunters and sportsmen

Gun Owners

” The SAFE Act prevents criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns, cracks down on illegal guns and bans only the most dangerous assault weapons. The SAFE Act protects law- abiding citizens right to bear arms and does not restrict New Yorkers’ ability to buy, sell, keep or use their guns.” *

   This is what you will find at the confiscation registration website . Each of the questions is hotlinked to a dropdown menu with the state – approved answer.

   You can register here but you cannot see the registration form until you have already given the State Police all of your personal information . Name , address , DOB , description , driver’s license # etc .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Assault Weapons

Q: I own a gun that I use for hunting, is it an assault weapon?
Q: I own a handgun, is that an assault weapon?
Q: I am not sure if the gun I own is an assault weapon. How do I find out?
Q: I have an assault weapon. Do I have to give it up?
Q: How does registering my gun compare to getting a handgun license?
Q: What do I do if I don’t want to register my assault weapon?
Q: If I modify my gun by removing all design characteristics that makes it an
assault weapon, do I have to register it?
Q: If I don’t currently own an assault weapon, how does the new ban on
assault weapons affect me?

Assault Weapon Registration

Q: Where do I get the assault weapon registration form?
Q: How much does the registration cost?
Q: How do I complete the form?
Q: Once the form is submitted, how will I know that my weapon has been successfully registered?
Q: By when do I have to register my weapon?
Q: What happens if I fail to register my weapon by the deadline?
Q: Will this information be publically available?
Q: Once I’ve registered my weapon, do I ever have to register it again?
Q: Do I have any other obligations associated with registering my assault weapon?


Q: How does the SAFE Act impact magazines?
Q: Can I continue to buy 10 round magazines?
Q: How many rounds can I put in my magazine?
Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Antique Guns & Magazines

Q: Is there any exception for historic or antique guns and magazines?
Q: What qualifies as an antique gun or magazine?
Q: I have an antique gun that now qualifies as an assault weapon. Can I transfer it?
Q: I have an antique gun with a magazine that can contain more than ten rounds.
Can I keep the magazine?

Private Sales

Q: What types of private handgun, rifle or shotgun sales or transfers are subject to background check requirements?
Q: What family members are exempt from the private sale/transfer provision?
Q: As a private individual seller/transferor, how do I conduct a background check
on a buyer or transferee?
Q: Do I need to get a background check if I am selling or transferring the firearm
to a relative?
Q: Are dealers required to facilitate a private sale or transfer?
Q: What if I fail to comply with the background check provision?

Safe Storage

Q: When am I required to safely store my gun?
Q: What do I have to do to safely store my gun?

Please note: This website is informational only and does not constitute legal advice.



* We’ve got a bridge for sale if you believe this .





   PS : Here is a poem from the comments at the Breitbart link to the NY State registration story .We thought it very apt for the occasion .


John (magnum)  MarvLS1 • 32 minutes ago


America is the land of the free,
Millions have died for you and me.
Our Constitution is under attack,
By “The Messiah” , the socialist Barack .

The Democrat party has ceased to be,
They wish total control over you and me.
Socialists and Communists they have become,
Destroy America, their rule number one.

Cutting the military their ultimate goal,
Along with selling their devilish soul.
Drones in the sky in the land of the free,
So they can keep tabs on you and me.

The Second Amendment they HATE you see,
Because it means freedom for you and me.
They tap our phones and e-mail too,
They are afraid of what we can do.

They want my guns, they are saying to me,
Not as long as I breath and able to see.
I took my oath and went to Nam,
They WILL NOT get guns from this old man !

Many have died for the red white and blue,
If the need arises, I will too.
Guns from my hands they will have to pry,
MOLON LABE is the battle cry !!!!!!

John D USN RVN 71, 72, 73, evac 75










Lawmaker To Investigate Gun Seizure



”  A state lawmaker is calling for an investigation into how an Amherst man’s guns were taken away by mistake.

State Assemblyman Ray Walter says when he saw the news coverage of David Lewis’ case, he knew immediately something was “seriously wrong.” Walter wants some answers, when he meets face-to-face with the State Police Superintendent in Albany next Tuesday.

Lewis said, “It’s been very embarrassing. I feel like I’ve been let down, and my privacy’s been invaded.”

Lewis’ attorney, Jim Tresmond, suspects investigators are using the SAFE Act, to pry into confidential medical records.

“We hear that there’s a special unit that’s been created to peruse the HIPAA reports,” Tresmond said.

Walter added, “Or else this was just a test case on the part of the Governor’s office, to see how far we could push this law. And I hope that’s not the case.”

State Supreme Court Judge William Boller has ordered Lewis’ pistol permit reinstated; once Lewis has it back, he can pick up his guns from Amherst Police.

Tresmond says he’ll be filing in federal and possibly state courts, on the grounds that Lewis’ rights to due process were violated.”







NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told To Turn In Pistol Owner ID & Firearms


” Remember all those who denied that firearms confiscation as a result of New York’s new gun laws was too “insane” to even consider?

That it was strictly in the realm of paranoid conspiracy theorists and the “it cant happen here crowd”?


There’s just one huge problem it is happening now in New York State!
It seems those that tried desperately to warn of such an insidious plot had hit the bullseye with their warnings after all. News came from multiple NY State based firearms enthusiast websites late Friday that confiscations of Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, draconian and blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act.

Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated  have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days and caused multiple Anti Gun and Progressive News Groups to initiate a concentrated denial of service hacker attack against Ammoland Shooting Sports News (see Daily KOS ” Keeping Track Of The RKBA Crowd” http://tiny.cc/ug67uw),  in an effort to keep the information from the public.

From NY http://tiny.cc/nyfirearms

“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Those are the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Now, before anyone trots out the old saw about how this is nothing more then a paranoid, unsubstantiated rumor on a “gun nuts” internet forum. I spoke to the Attorney of Record in this matter on the phone this morning and he confirmed that the above snippet is accurate and these cases are happening!

James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation.”






Mayor Bloomberg Tees Off, Hints Gov. Cuomo Partly To Blame For Albany Circus




” It was the ultimate putdown of state lawmakers caught in the corruption spotlight. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said they’re not qualified to get real jobs.

The circus has returned to Albany.
The man known in some parts as “El Bloombito” took out his rapier to cut state lawmakers down to size with a jab only a self-made billionaire could fire off, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Friday.

“The average legislator who has to make policy on things that influence our lives, our kids’ lives, our future, would they ever get a job in the private sector making policy on big things? No, not a chance,” Bloomberg said.

After a week of almost non-stop corruption revelations, including charges that Bronx Assemblyman Eric Stevenson took bribes to write a bill to help his friends, Bloomberg also included Gov. Andrew Cuomo in his revulsion of all things Albany, implying that one of the things that aids corruption is the practice of the governor sending lawmakers something called a “message of necessity” so a bill can pass quickly, without anyone having a the chance to study it.

“Why can’t you give it time? Well, the answer is they don’t want anybody to see it. That’s the only explanation,” Bloomberg said.”





