Tag Archive: American Thinker

Obama Is Openly Colluding With The Enemy






” We are in the middle of a hot war in the Middle East, with constant terror attacks all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.  The enemy is called violent Islam, or radical Islam, or fascist Islam, or reactionary Islam, or merely “orthodox Islam.”

  We constantly waste time quibbling about the name.  But we know the enemy by now.

  (And yes, there are plenty of Muslims who want peace, but who are too scared to speak out, with some brave exceptions I mention below.  As long as the West colludes with violent Islam, peaceful Muslims will be too scared to speak out.  As long as we fail to stand for freedom, we will be supporting the worst of the worst, who always terrorize their own populations first.

  For fifty years, Muslims did not actively practice jihad against the West – until Jimmy Carter betrayed our ally the shah of Iran, and therefore empowered the first jihad-preaching Islamofascist regime in the world, the mullahcracy of Iran.  Because Carter was the weak horse, millions of Muslims around the world sensed a change in the wind – and that is why jihad is now breaking out all over.)

  The single most shocking fact today is that the U.S. government, under President Obama, is constantly colluding with the enemy.

  Check out of the facts for yourself. Don’t take anybody’s word for it. Make your own informed decision. This is a question not of opinion, but of fact.

  When a serving U.S. president has lost Foreign Policy magazine, the in-house trade union rag for the State Department, things have come to a bad pass.  But here is Foreign Policy on Obama’s “pivoting to Iran.”  “


Read the whole thing from James Lewis at American Thinker













Now Fire The Media






” Today, twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Empire, the Left still runs the Western media. Such a monopoly guarantees massive corruption, uniform indoctrination, constant media lies, and toxic politics. It shuts the voters out of power. The result is near-suicidal policies, like Europe’s importation of forty million Muslims. 

  The European Union is a monolith that enforces self-sabotaging policies on nations like the UK, precisely the way Obama wants to impose a centralized bureaucratic diktat in this country. Obama is an open Eurosocialist of the Third World (Leninist) variety.

  A single U.S. election victory is therefore only one small step toward reversing the new totalitarians. We can’t proclaim victory and walk away. The crumbling of the Soviet Union around 1990 gave us the illusion of victory, while the Left burrowed deeper and deeper into the vital organs of our society.

  Today the Left still has a stranglehold on our mainstream media and education, Karl Marx’s “Organs of Propaganda.” Marx was a third-rate philosopher and economist, but he was a first-rate agitator. Conquering the Organs of Propaganda really works. If conservatives do not regain control of American culture this election will only be a temporary rest in a headlong decline. 

  Conservatives take pride in individualism, as they should. Even during the Obama years, the growth of medical travel, genomic medicine and electronic health monitoring allow us to take advantage of free medical markets outside of Obama’s reach. “


Read the whole thing from James Lewis at American Thinker










American Thinker Post Of The Day





” When it comes to political “wars,” in spite of the meme perpetrated by most liberals, no one is more hawkish than modern liberals and the political party that they own, the Democrat Party. By and large since the 1960s, their efforts are summed up by one succinct and extremely accurate appellation: a war on the truth.

  In the history of our nation, only the pro-slavery Democrats of the 19th century rival the political deception employed by today’s liberals that lead the modern Democrat Party. Support of everything from abortion, to gender perversions, homosexuality, pornography, a redefinition of marriage, wicked climate policies, and an enslaving welfare state have made today’s Democrat Party little more than a modern-day Mephistopheles. Instead of magic to lure their Faustian targets, today’s Democrats employ, among other things, bribery, class warfare, fear,greed, lust, propaganda, scientism, vengeance, and violence. “



Read it all










Government Desperation Is Increasing






” Government beneficence is mostly a myth based on the following assumptions:

  1. It is necessary.
  2. It is good.
  3. It makes outcomes better than they otherwise would be.

  Point number one, the necessity of government, is true up to a point. There is arguably some limited set of functions that might better be performed jointly rather than separately. Extreme libertarians believe otherwise, suggesting there is virtually no role for government. Our Founders disagreed and provided for a quite limited role in the founding documents.

  The second two conditions, at least given what our government does today, are increasingly disputed by those who look at government objectively. If these latter two become widely accepted as untrue, then the role of government will be reduced dramatically. Government will do anything it can to prevent its reduction. It is this risk which leads to government desperation. It will do whatever it can to protect its privilege and plunder. 

  What does government do when it is failing? Why it lies, of course, just like a criminal enterprise.  It lies about anything it believes it needs to and can get away with. When you have the media running interference for you and an opposition party too cowardly to blow the whistle, that means you can lie just about anything and get away with it.”







” Even under normal conditions government fudges numbers to support its actions and policies. Government always benefits from making conditions look better than they are. A true understanding of what government does, as opposed to what it pretends to do, would mean its end, at least in any form resembling its current size, configuration and responsibilities. 

  Allowing government to report its own performance is worse than allowing the fox in charge of the chicken coop to report on the number and health of the chickens.”


Read the whole thing by Monty Pelerin at American Thinker













The Utter Failure Of Obama






Barack Obama is destined to be the greatest flop in American presidential history.  He is, in every sense of the word, an utter failure.

  Consider first his signature achievement, Obamacare.  Not only has Obama had to delay implementation, creating a perfect precedent for his Republican successor to do the same, but the law is more unpopular today than it has ever been according to all polling data. 

  Pew Research reports that 55% of Americans disapprove of Obamacare.  A clear plurality of Americans believe that they will be worse off because of Obamacare.  CBS News lists the “strongly approve” of Obamacare at 16%, while “strongly disapprove” is a whopping 47%.  Every polling organization, no matter how the question is worded, shows the same public disdain for this law.

  Obama, who “won” the Nobel Peace Prize almost as soon as he took office, is now officially a warmonger president – but one who leads from behind and rejects every attempt to form a national consensus policy, and whose utter haplessness in guiding national security is stunning.  Syria, Libya, Ukraine, Iraq – everywhere in the world, really – Obama’s foreign policy has been almost comic opera.”


Read the whole piece from Bruce Walker at American Thinker











Islamophobia? Hell Yes!



” On a recent family trip to Santa Monica, an evening walk on the Third Avenue Promenade felt as if we had been dropped into a Middle Eastern country.  90% of the people strolling down the bustling walkways and lounging at the cafes were Muslim. Women were dressed in either burqas, niqabs, or hijabs and the few younger women who were not, were speaking Arabic.

  This experience followed a trip to Maine where we found ourselves encountering an unusually large number of Muslims on the streets of several cities and learned of the mini-Dearborn into which the Lewiston/Auburn area had been transformed.

  Portland almost resembled midtown Manhattan where the Muslim population has been growing exponentially over the past several years.

  The left commands us to believe that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance.  And yet, despite the fact that we have welcomed these vast Muslim communities into our country with open arms, the reality is something quite different. After I left Santa Monica I recalled that a Pakistani hotel owner there was sued for throwing all of the Jews out of her hotel. She told her staff to “Get the [expletive deleted] Jews out of my pool” and that “no one who was identifiable as Jewish was so much as ‘allowed to dip their feet in the water.’”

  Dennis Prager’s recent column discussed a Muslim woman in Winooski, Vermont whose complaint over the “offensive” use of the word bacon in an advertisement led to the restaurant taking down the ad.  Pointing out that religious Jews who do not eat pork have never even considered advertising bacon as offensive, Prager wrote:

  The woman who wrote this totalitarian drivel is the worst combination of fake victimhood, political correctness (which itself is a PC euphemism for “that which offends the left”), and Muslims who seek to impose sharia law on non-Muslims….

  Would that the intolerance end there, perhaps I would feel safe with all of the hijabs that are appearing across America. But this summer we were treated to ugly pro-Hamas protests across the country.   From San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle to Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, Muslims screamed “Death to Israel,” called for a third intifada, chanted “Jews go back to the ovens,” and compared Israel to Nazis.  And two weeks ago on NYC’s Upper East Side, people in cars flying Palestinian flags yelling anti-Jewish statements attacked a Jewish couple. “



Read Lauri B Regan’s whole piece at American Thinker











‘Progressive Moral Depravity’: A Confederacy Of Dunces








” There’s a wonderful book, A Confederacy of Dunces, the title of which refers to an epigraph from Jonathan Swift‘s essay, “Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting“: “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” I was reminded of it this week when the confederacy of dunces both here and in Great Britain seems to have linked arms against the genius of Western civilization and the long-suffering middle class which has for so long sustained it.

  Key players in the confederacy are perpetually offended feminists who find patriarchal tyranny lurking behind every pronoun and university library stack. This week we learned to our horror that in Rotherham, England over a 16-year period 1,400 children — mostly white girls — were raped by multiple Pakistani Moslem men and they were beaten, raped, abducted, drugged, threatened into compliance, and trafficked around Northern England. Worse, the situation was widely known to the police, the city council members, and countless child welfare workers, all of whom refused to do anything to bring the miscreants to justice and stop the abuse. The story has legs and reports are already coming in of similar stories in other towns and cities in England and elsewhere in Europe.

  If you searched the usual feminist websites for the story as it broke you’d not have heard of it. Why? Quite obviously because “feminists” in the US and UK are like the old line Communists’ “useful idiot” pawns, set off to do battle with make-believe opponents on the basis of lies while their allies do far worse to them. The bureaucrats in Rotherham were, we are told, afraid to act because the pervasive worldview of multiculturalism has so paralyzed their brains that they feared being called “racists” if they took action to protect the girls.

  To be sure, as Ciaran, the author of the above-linked piece, notes, “multiculturalism is a Moral Autoimmune disorder”:

  A month or so ago I introduced the concept of Moral Autoimmune Disorders (MAIDs), a social strategy employed by free riders to turn cooperators’ altruistic punishment defense against themselves. In short, the free riders fool the cooperators into identifying their own group or even themselves as free riders, inducing them to direct their punishments upon themselves rather than the free riders.  This gives the free riders free reign to exploit the assets and resources of the cooperators.

  The Rotherham rape case provides a vivid example of just how effectively a MAIDs attack can be in suppressing a population’s instincts to self defense. When the political leaders on the left created the cult of multiculturalism to secure their own political advantage, and implemented both the carrot of “diversity” and the stick of “racism” to enforce it, they cast the native population of England as the moral transgressors, and fooled the English into seeing themselves as the free riders. So strong is the instinct to punish free riders in the English population that they not only refused to protect themselves, but they punished anyone who attempted to do so. “


Read the whole thing from Ms Feldman at American Thinker












Yes, I Blame White Liberals



” A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all-black high school.  I blame the black youths’ negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations.

  We see snooty, arrogant, superior intellectual-sounding white liberal pundits and hosts all over TV touting their absurd narrative that blacks have a right to be angry in racist America and must be coddled.  These liberal celebs followed certain steps and behaviors to achieve success.  And yet, they claim that expecting blacks to follow the same road map to success is racist.  Blacks should be repulsed by this liberal narrative, which implies that we are inferior.  I want to scream, “How dare you lower the bar for me?  I be as smart as any white person!”  Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  I have witnessed the same racist mindset in a white liberal couple who are longtime friends.  They have had financial highs and lows in their efforts to run various businesses.  They work hard and will take any job to pay their bills.  Applying for government welfare is not on their radar.  They employed horrible black employees, always making excuses for them, giving them a pass because they were black.  I was amazed that they could not see the racism at the root of their low expectations, disguised as compassion. 

  At every turn, liberals send the message that blacks are lesser Americans.  Liberals say it is hateful for conservatives/Republicans to expect blacks to speak English correctly, show an ID to vote, refrain from murdering each other, and stop dropping out of school.  White liberals say asking blacks to refrain from having babies out of wedlock is culturally insensitive and imposes morality on them.  Libs ignore the truth that fatherless households contribute to gang membership, black-on-black violence, and poverty.  Do you see the pattern?  White liberals insinuate that urban blacks are poor uncouth savages.  Therefore, a 6’4” 290-pound black thug should be given a pass for robbing a convenience store, assaulting the clerk, and attacking a police officer while on his way to Grandma’s house.”



Read the whole thing from Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker












Stop The World, Barack Wants Off!




” Some have called it the worst summer ever.

  This may or may not include the summer when an asteroid crashed near the Yucatan peninsula, almost extinguishing life on earth. But, with Labor Day past and the kids going back to school, it’s time to reflect on the summer of 2014.

  Terrorists announced a new caliphate in Syria and Iran, as Vlad the Shirtless warned of possible nuclear exchanges in Europe. All-out war erupted between Israel and Hamas, and the entire Middle East seemed to fall apart faster than an Obamacare promise. Rioting broke out in the Midwest. (For a while it was hard to tell if the video footage was from the Middle East or the Middle West.) An Ebola outbreak killed thousands in Africa. The U.S. economy continued to stumble…

  But the controversy that caused the Twitterverse to explode was when Barack Obama showed up on TV … wearing a tan suit. (Best Headline of the summer-WaPo: The audacity of taupe) Maybe his clown suit was at the cleaners?

  More serious news outlets were concerned about Obama’s admission that he didn’t have a strategy to deal with ISIL. Obama didn’t have a strategy? This is news?

  Speaking of which, over the summer some in the media actually began to question Obama’s achievements in office. Although this may have happened only because their dictionaries finally ran out of superlatives to use.

  On the subject of ISIL, is its name ISIL, or ISIS, or IS? All have been used. To quote Bill Clinton, I guess it depends on what your definition of IS is.

  Regarding the Clintons, is it just me, or was it a little ironic that Hillary spent much of the summer promoting an autobiography of her time as Secretary of State. Curiously enough, it wasn’t titled, “At This Point, What Difference Does It Make?” “



Read the whole piece at American Thinker















Obama’s One-Sided “No Victor/No Vanquished” Maximalist Philosophy

” The definition of a maximalist is a “person who holds extreme views and is not prepared to compromise.” Although he accuses others of being maximalist saboteurs, there is no one who holds more “extreme views,” or is less “prepared to compromise” than Barack Obama.

  In an interview with a supporter and defender of progressive-style overreaching government Thomas Friedman of the New York Times, in a piece entitled “Obama on the World,” self-proclaimed moderate Barack Obama talked of Iraq, Putin, and Israel.

  The president used the unrest in the Middle East to describe the state of American politics in the following way:

  We have so many things going for us right now as a country — from new energy resources to innovation to a growing economy — but we will never realize our full potential unless our two parties adopt the same outlook that we’re asking of Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds or Israelis and Palestinians: No victor, no vanquished and work together.

  Obama did not elaborate on whom, in America’s political system, he likens to ISIS, al Qaeda, Hezbollah or Hamas, so one can only guess. 

  According to Barack Obama, “societies don’t work if political factions take maximalist positions.” The president said, “At the end of the day… the biggest threat to America — the only force that can really weaken us — is us.” Naturally, that “us” does not include the one issuing the warning.


 Read the entire piece by Jeannie DeAngelis at American Thinker












The Left’s Alinsky Tactics In The Gun Debate




 ” In a blog for today’s American Thinker, Joseph Smith says that National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre is getting the “Alinsky Treatment” from leftists in the media and elsewhere.  He’s correct because as he said, they are attempting to freeze him as a/the target, personalize the gun issue, and demonize him for defending our right to bear arms–a right that’s guaranteed by our Constitution.

Make no mistake: the Second Amendment to the Constitution is the real target of leftist fanatics in this country–not LaPierre and Pratt.  They are merely the faces of the issue, and that’s why they are under attack.


Gun control advocates (i.e., private gun ownership abolitionists) in politics and the media will use every tragedy they can in their never-ending quest to do away with our right to bear arms.  They won’t let up, and they will use every dirty trick in the book to try and sway public opinion.  To date, they have been unsuccessful as Kurt Schlichter explains in hisop-ed piece titled “Liberals Panic As They Lose the Gun Narrative”:


When you argue for a living, you can tell how an argument is going for you. The evidence and my gut both tell me that the liberals have lost control of the gun control narrative.


Not for lack of trying – it was almost as if they were poised to leap into action across the political, media and cultural spectrum the second the next semi-human creep shot up another “gun free zone.” This was their big opening to shift the debate and now it’s closing. They’ve lost, and they are going nuts.


Winston Churchill said, “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give up. Never give up. Never give up. Never give up.”    ”


Read the whole thing at The American Thinker

  “There is a great deal that is embarrassing about this administration, just as there was about the emperor in Andersen’s tale, even when he had his clothes on. Because he had no real interest
in governing — he was all for show — the.emperor was easily swayed by charlatans. Because he was arrogant, he refused to accept
criticism. And because he was by nature immoderate and extreme, he engaged in foolish and excessive spending. More than anything, he
cared about his appearance, and all his efforts went into propping up his approval ratings.”

No clothes indeed.

  “There’s a vicious cycle in America: politicians make up onerous laws and regulations, and lawyers get rich exploiting them. But the
situation is even worse when the politicians are the lawyers — or in other words, the Democratic Party.

Clarice Feldman has a great piece about our “super genius” Wile E Coyote president , his continual exploding cigar moments and the desperate attempts by his toadies in the media to cover his a..

   Even to the point of fabricating scandal out of whole cloth . See for example Chick-fil-A . Read the whole story .

  ” While the story contains tons of material defending traditional Christian teachings on sexuality, the controversial entrepreneur never talks about gay rights or gay marriage. Why? Because he wasn’t
asked about those issues in the interview.

   As the talented ElizabethScalia observes:

   Read Mattingly’s whole piece, wherein he addresses the whole “well, they may not have said it but it’s what they meant, so what’s the big deal?” angle.

  The big deal is simply this: the press put aside context and decided to paint this company as some radically-religious-gay-hating-entity and then let the forces of anger, hate and spite have their way with it.

   The truth is, one can be a Christian and still be sympathetic to some parts of the so-called “gay agenda” without signing on
in toto. One can disagree on the issue of gay marriage – based on scripture, or thousands of years of tradition, or on natural law  without actually hating

   But the right to principled opposition is being erased, quickly, and the press is doing all it can to help erase it. We are losing the
right to say, “I don’t think the same way you do; my opinions are different.”

That matters, a lot.

  This is our mainstream press – the people charged with the public trust – and it has moved beyond advocacy and into “search
and destroy” mode.[/quote]

   Bear in mind that not only did the company’s CEO never discuss gay marriage with the reporter, but also there’s never been even a
suggestion that the company-known for its fine product, excellent service and outstanding
community welfare efforts and employee relations-has discriminated in any way against
gays. “

Clarice Feldman offers up a link-filled , detail-rich post examining
Wile E Coyote’s penchant for gaffe making when released from Telecaptivity and the MSM’s endless efforts at damage control that she dubs ” Boston Globing” .

   A very thoughtful read …


  “Never mind either that Obama regularly steps in it when he leaves the prepared script. Ace of Spades reminds of other times Obama has
stepped in it:

   For such a supposedly fantastic speaker, it’s sure hard to bring to mind any outstanding Obama quotes. I remember nothing from his big post-racial race.speech, his inaugural, his state of the union addresses. What I remember is
when he goes off teleprompter.

“Why can’t I just eat my waffle?”

“I’ve now been in 57 states — I think one left to go.”

“The private sector is doing fine.”

“At a certain point, you’ve made enough money.”

“The Cambridge police acted stupidly.”

“I bowled a 129. It’s like — it was like
Special Olympics, or something.”

“They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them.”

“We’re the country that built the
Intercontinental Railroad.”

“I think when you spread the wealth
around, it’s good for everybody.”

“You didn’t build that.” “

Kevin Jackson at American  Thinker offers this theory on the rise in mass shootings over the past decade or so .

  ” The evidence is pretty clear that we are having far more mass shooting these days than we had in the past. You might want to make the natural jump to guns, as that is what the media will tell us to do. Guns are easy to blame. Relatively easy to get, guns make good culprits. But if people were killing people by driving into crowds with Chevy Volts, I suspect the media would not blame the Volt.

  It should come as no surprise that the rise in mass killing sprees in America is in direct proportion to the rise in liberalism in American politics.

  The old America was about hope. Kids were taught that they could do anything, be anything. And though America has never been nor will ever be perfect, she has always found a way to allow everybody to thrive. All it took was a person willing to capture the American spirit, and have dogged determination to pursue the American Dream.

  Over the years, liberalism has destroyed that spirit. Today, liberalism offers an easy answer to everything, and government is that answer. Government will help you through all crises, even those it creates. Government should educate you, feed you, and make sure you have everything except the confidence to do for yourself — which is why government promises what even God doesn’t. Government promises you deliverance from everything, including yourself.

  Such is the definition of liberalism, which always circles back to hopelessness and despair. What happens when somebody gets that free education and can’t find a job? What happens when that person who got that government-mandated mortgage loses his home? What happens when unemployment insurance runs out, when there is no health care available, when there is no food on the table? “

  How Obama Has Failed the Black Community

“Recall the euphoria that engulfed the African-American community back in 2008, when Barack Obama became the 44 th president of
the United States. Blacks came out for him in droves and voted for him at an astounding 96% level. Times, they were a-changin’, so to speak.

  It was the dawning of a new era, as a large dose of hope and change was on its way to the country as a whole, and specifically to the
African-American community. Now, almost four years later, it’s clear that Obama has done nothing to improve the way of life among blacks as a whole. In fact, statistics show that life has actually regressed for African-Americans under Obama.

  As of June, the African-American unemployment rate is a staggering 14.4%, with Latinos and
Hispanics having an unemployment rate of about 11.0%, while the unemployment rate for whites is 7.4%. Compare these rates to
December 2008, the final month before Barack Obama stepped into the Oval Office. Whites were unemployed at the rate of 6.6% and
Hispanics were at a rate of 9.2%, while blacks had an 11.9% rate of unemployment.”

Runaway Slave


“Rev. C.L. Bryant is making waves with his new documentary,Runaway Slave. I had the
opportunity to preview the film in Bossier City, Louisiana, and I found the documentary thoroughly compelling.

  Runaway Slave was conceived by Rev. Bryant and supported by private donations and
FreedomWorks. It has been well-received in private screenings so far, often receiving standing ovations, and is poised to open in select theaters across the country next week. While at Regal Cinema 9 in Bossier City, it was the highest grossing film there.”

…. William L Gensert from the American Thinker explains why Obama’s laziness will prevent him from destroying us after all .

  “I’m not sure that Obama’s intent has been to destroy America — more likely, he wants to remake the country in his own image, ignorant
that who he is is not what we aspire to be. Yet even if his intentions were indeed bad, as a faux great man (or is it a great faux man),
accomplishing this task is simply not within the scope of Obama’s “brilliance.”

  You see, America is blessed.

  It’s not just our natural resources. By some estimates, our nation has more fossil fuel reserves than the rest of the world combined. If we chose to do so, we could exploit these blessings and never, ever take another drop of oil from our enemies. Remove the monopolistic
power of oil from terrorist nations, and their particular tyrannies will crumble, allowing peace to thrive.

  With the royalties alone, America could eliminate deficits and pay off the national debt, while the lower prices of gasoline and electricity would result in an economic bonanza for the nation. To paraphrase Nietzsche , nothing cures the ills of a nation like prosperity. “

Well deserved praise for a 21st Century Bob Hope from the American Thinker .

” With the exceptions of Bob Hope and Martha Raye, there may be no other American entertainer who has served our armed forces more. That person is Gary Sinise,actor, director, producer writer, musician, a bit of a down home, foot-shuffling, aw-shucks guy from the Midwest who has probably spent as much time in war zones as many members of our over-worked military,and certainly more than any Member of Congress. Sinise is one of those rare humans who is easy to sum up in quick terms: a really good guy. Or if you wish to add accolades as I’m sure many in the military would: a really damned good guy, among many other unpublishable terms of praise.”

  Sure , and we all know some folks , ostrich-like , that willfully remain ill-informed yet stubbornly insist on casting their ballot just the same .

” November will be here before we know it, and meanwhile folks are still yammering over phraseology. We’re just getting plain tongue- tied when we talk with our friends and family members who are avoiding being informed, but who are intending to vote anyway. So here’s a handy-dandy guide to print up and tape on the bathroom mirror for practice between flossing and brushing! “

More from American Thinker on American Exceptionalism , this time taking a view to the British contribution in creating that exceptionalism .

” Over the course of centuries America has experienced upheavals even the most prescient
leader couldn’t imagine. Yet,  following a sequence of political, industrial, social, and digital revolutions, Americans still revere the visionary English leaders who established a bastion of freedom that affords opportunity and
encourages immigration.

  The sentiments expressed by John Hector St. John in 1781 are relevant today: “[The Englishman] must greatly rejoice that [he] lived
at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of
settlements which embellishes these extended shores.”

   No wonder America celebrates its founding so enthusiastically. No wonder my overzealous neighbors keep me up all night. It’s not because they have an extra day off — they’re joyful because Britain bequeathed such a strong tradition of classical liberalism. “

   The American Thinker has offered up a host of articles honoring the American Experiment one of which you will find excerpted below . All are worth a read .

Honoring the USA on Independence Day

By Elise Cooper

” Independence Day, better known as July Fourth, is a national holiday established to honor the founding of America. The holiday also
commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

American Thinker interviewed a few patriots who have served their
country, asking them what this holiday means to them, as well as how current events affect American values. “

The issue that just won’t die , or should we say , one of the issues , along with the recently proven beyond a shadow of a doubt membership in the socialist ” New Party ” continues to gain traction at least in the blogosphere . 

 These two issues highlight with blinding clarity the abdication of the MSM of their responsibility to properly vet any and all public figures .  Face it , we (some of you anyway,we were never fooled) were sold a bill of goods . The man has never EARNED a single achievement that has been bestowed upon him . All has been GIVEN as some sort of entitlement . We are proud to hold to the belief that ” Dear Leader ” is now  ENTITLED to retire and leave us to pick up the pieces of his disastrous reign of incompetence .

“In my first American Thinker article on the Obama long-form birth-certificate forgery, “Oblivious to the Obvious,” published on April 10, I wrote: We start with the known facts: that (1) the “birth certificate” is fake, and (2) the president has said it’s his birth certificate.  It is up to researchers to work backward from the known facts to establish why the president was unable or unwilling to release a genuine one.

On May 22, the Hawaii Department of Health sent a “Verification of Birth” for Barack Obama to Ken Bennett, Arizona secretary of state (shown in Figure VB), with sufficient information to allow the president’s name to be placed on the November 2012 ballot in Arizona.  It provided enough additional information, I thought, to allow me to hone in on what might be on the genuine birth certificate that the public is not allowed to see.”