Tag Archive: American Exceptionalism

In Spirit Of Revolutionary War, Students Win Right To Hold “American Pride” Dance




” Patriotic teenagers in the birthplace of the American Revolution held their ground and fought back attempts by school administrators to cancel an “American Pride” dance on April 10 and replace it with a more inclusive event.

  Students at Lexington High School in Massachusetts said the administration had canceled their plans for a red, white and blue dance because it excluded other nationalities. Instead, the administration suggested a more inclusive “National Pride” dance.

“ It was suggested by the advisors that the students come in – maybe (a) National Pride theme so that they could represent their individual nationalities,” Asst. Supt. Carol Pilarski told television station WHDH. “Maybe it should be more inclusive and it should be ‘National Pride.’” 

  Word of the administration’s objections to an American-themed dance spread across town like the shot heard round the world.

“ (It’s) a lot of hypersensitivity to being politically correct,” one student told the television station.
“People consider America to be a melting pot,” said another student. “So the fact that it was even considered offensive is what people are a little surprised about.”

  Principal Laura Lasa told me the April 10th dance had never been canceled. They merely wanted to “dialogue” with students about inclusivity.”


Todd Starnes has the complete story













Right Wing News

















Australian Nick Adams Is Our 21st Century de Tocqueville







” Nick Adams, 29, author of “The American Boomerang,” is our modern day Alex de Tocqueville, a foreigner who shows us why we are exceptional before we fundamentally transform ourselves with policies akin to other worldviews.”



The American Boomerang


“There is a cabal of politically correct forces that seek to weaken America, because if they weaken America then their agendas and their objectives are more easily met,” Adams told The Daily Caller in an exclusive interview. “And this is the reason why they have waged this war on America, both domestically and internationally, in the court of public opinion . The saddest part is, Ginni, that they run our media, our institutions and our schools, and they chose their sides a long time ago and they only want to play unopposed. They are self-appointed shepherds that see us as their sheep. They are cultural dieticians that have created a moral monopoly, the absolute antithesis of the free marketplace of ideas. These are forces that must be stopped. These are forces that must be vanquished, because they promote and indoctrinate to the detriment of America, and therefore the world. Their doctrines of relativism and moral equivalence stunt decision-making, compromise opinion-making. They wantonly abandon the principles of Jefferson and Lincoln. They force America to float aimlessly without a rope of purpose or an anchor of conviction. They make America weak. And, for all of those reasons, those forces must be met with complete and total united opposition with any person who has an ounce of patriotic fiber in their body.”

Nick Adams is on fire for liberty, prosperity and a strong America and wants more Americans to be committed to understanding what differentiates America from the rest of the world. In a previous segment, Adams discussed what has happened to American men.”

    For those viewers interested in furthering reading about Mr Adams and his take on American Exceptionalism we offer the following description of the book , along with a short bio of the author including a link to download his book in PDF format .




Book Description

Publication Date: September 11, 2013

Is America still the world’s most celebrated and beloved superpower? Is this great nation poised for an amazing American century—or instead for a slow descent into mediocrity? In The American Boomerang, possibly one of the most important books of our time, philosopher and author Nick Adams explores America through sympathetic Australian eyes. In this fresh look, a conservative Adams reveals the turnaround nature of Americans, or their “boomerang spirit.” Optimistic while pragmatic, The American Boomerang makes the case for American exceptionalism, and continued American dominance throughout this century. It takes us from founding to the present, sharing an inspiring vision along the way, and makes the case that American values are conservative values, and to preserve its exceptionalism, America must remain a center-right nation. Despite the prophets of gloom, in the eyes of outsider Nick Adams, “America the Great” will only continue to become greater.


About the Author

Nick Adams is an internationally renowned Australian speaker, lecturer, author and media commentator. He is best known for his work in the field of American exceptionalism, and is credited with a resurgence in the idea worldwide. He champions the idea that the American success, power and influence of today rest strongly with the traditional family and values of the nation yesterday. He has been at the forefront of the culture war, with his work featured across national media mediums in America. Adams has received several state awards, including honorary citizenship, in America. As a professional speaker, he has given major addresses in several countries. His work in the United States has seen him speak in more than twenty states, at conventions, corporate meetings, military bases, universities, high schools and churches.”



    Here is a link to Amazon for those that would prefer either a bound copy or Kindle version of The American Boomerang.









Kenichi And American Exceptionalism



” This week, dancer Kenichi Ebina won the annual American talent competition “America’s Got Talent.” More than 10 million Americans voted for Kenichi, a Japanese man, over stiff competition. In the finals, Kenichi was up against “All American” archetypes like Jimmy Rose (a humble country singer who is a veteran and coal miner), Cami Bradley (a beautiful young woman who sings like an angel at her church), and Collins Key (a young teen heartthrob and magician.) Why did Kenichi–a Japanese man barely five feet tall who speaks broken English and had a stoic persona on the show–win a million dollar talent competition in America? He won because he was exceptional- not only a brilliant and unique dancer but a multi media artist who creates elaborate backgrounds to interact with on stage.

What does this say about America? Perhaps it says what is the greatest characteristic of America: we are a true meritocracy. If you can contribute something valuable, you will be supported in America-despite where you or your father was born or what your last name is. If you are ready to contribute, we are ready to accept and even celebrate you.”









From Scribd
















Warning : VERY Disturbing Video 



Reli Of Pea




    How dare you liberal assholes try to tell me that a society that not only condones this , but actively participates in it , is of equal moral standing with America .  America is the exception … this is the rule .


Hundreds Sign Up To Live In The Citadel – An Armed, ‘Defensible’ Fortress Community Planned For Idaho


  • Radical community will be funded in part by an arms factory
  • Walled city will boast firearms museum and defensible sections
  • Residents will live in accordance with Jefferson’s ideal of rightful liberty
  • 200 families already signed up through the group’s website
  • ‘Socialists, Liberals and Establishment Republicans’ warned to stay clear


Fortress: Plans for the Citadel, which is to be funded by an arms factory, include two perimeter walls with 18 watchtowers and further walled sections for residential areas



” Hundreds of families have signed up to join a new community dubbed the Citadel, an armed and ‘defensible’ fortress city where their freedoms and liberty will be fiercely protected.

Organisers have outlined plans for a community of 3,500 to 7,000 families of ‘patriotic’ Americans in western Idaho living and more than 200 have already signed up through their website.

The group has already purchased 20 acres in the area where they intend to build an arms factory which will be used to fund the project. “

No More Apologies

Breitbart – One Voice Silenced, Millions Awakened


More from American Thinker on American Exceptionalism , this time taking a view to the British contribution in creating that exceptionalism .

” Over the course of centuries America has experienced upheavals even the most prescient
leader couldn’t imagine. Yet,  following a sequence of political, industrial, social, and digital revolutions, Americans still revere the visionary English leaders who established a bastion of freedom that affords opportunity and
encourages immigration.

  The sentiments expressed by John Hector St. John in 1781 are relevant today: “[The Englishman] must greatly rejoice that [he] lived
at a time to see this fair country discovered and settled; he must necessarily feel a share of national pride, when he views the chain of
settlements which embellishes these extended shores.”

   No wonder America celebrates its founding so enthusiastically. No wonder my overzealous neighbors keep me up all night. It’s not because they have an extra day off — they’re joyful because Britain bequeathed such a strong tradition of classical liberalism. “

   The American Thinker has offered up a host of articles honoring the American Experiment one of which you will find excerpted below . All are worth a read .

Honoring the USA on Independence Day

By Elise Cooper

” Independence Day, better known as July Fourth, is a national holiday established to honor the founding of America. The holiday also
commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

American Thinker interviewed a few patriots who have served their
country, asking them what this holiday means to them, as well as how current events affect American values. “

From Arthur Brooks at the WSJ we get a lesson in what sets America apart from Europe and the cradle to grave government run life of security and dependency . Face it , regardless of what the progressive moral equivalency crowd would have you believe , American Exceptionalism is real . No nation in history has ever emerged from obscurity to dominate the world stage in such a brief period of time . No nation has contributed more to the improvement of human welfare , no nation has risked it’s blood and treasure defending strangers around the globe , asked nothing in return and voluntarily withdrew to it’s own borders once the crisis had been averted . Is that not exceptional ? 

This is American Exceptionalism :

This is American Exceptionalism :

And this :

Need more :

Photo, caption below.

Still not convinced ?

Get the picture ?

  All the moral equivalency and attempts to rewrite history cannot eliminate the fact that American Exceptionalism has bettered and continues to improve the world . As we teeter on the precipice of statism ala Europe it is worth remembering what America is all about . Before you utter the progressive mantra that it was government that accomplished these things remind yourself that unlike most nations we are , at least for a little longer , a nation ” of the people , by the people , for the people . 

Asteroid Mining

F….ng A ! This is The True American Spirit . The one that built this country . This is the can-do attitude that has always set us apart . Yes it is an integral part of AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM .