Immigration Activist Suggests Race May Be Why GOP Opposes Obama Executive Action — Then It Was Trey Gowdy’s Turn




” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) interrogated Marielena Hincapie, the executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, during a Tuesday House hearing on President Barack Obama’s executive action on immigration reform after she seemingly suggested race may be the basis behind the GOP’s opposition to the unilateral action.

“ I could’ve sworn in response to a question you received… you suggested race is the basis for why we may have this constitutional perspective,” Gowdy said to Hincapie. “Did I understand you correctly?”

“ I believe I was responding to the question about, is there an explanation about why…” Hincapie began before being cut off.

“ Well let me offer another explanation to you, OK? Not a single Republican who is here right now has ever served under a Republican president — not one. So I hope I do live long enough to hold a Republican president to the exact same standard that I am holding this one. But for you to run to race as the explanation for why we hold the position that we do.”


The Blaze