Tag Archive: ALEC

Here Is The Full Video That The School And Youtube Don’t Want You To See








” This is a video of my nephew Alec being beaten by a group of teens on his bus ride home from school yesterday. He was able to get off the bus at the next stop, 14 miles from his home. He went to the Magnolia Fire Hall and called the police.

  The bus driver failed to intervene AT ALL. She didn’t stop the bus while the beating occurred. She didn’t call the police and file a report. She didn’t inform the administration that the beating occurred. Apparently, the bus driver called the school and stated that Alec left the bus early for no reason, according to the administrator that called my brother yesterday.

  Of course, this morning, when my brother informed the school administrators that he had video evidence of the beating, the administrator now denies saying that Alec left the bus for no reason and of his own accord and that the bus driver stated that nothing had happened on the bus. There is some question as to whether the bus driver is related to one of the students beating my nephew. This needs to be addressed and either refuted or confirmed by the school administration.

  A student had the video posted to his facebook page and linked it to each of the student’s accounts that were doing the beating. A friend of my sister-in-law made her aware of the video posted on facebook and when I was made aware of the video I captured and saved the video. Almost immediately after my sister-in-law contacted the school, and made them aware of the video on facebook, the link was removed. Fortunately, I already captured and saved the video prior to it being deleted.

  I’d ask that every parent that views this video place their child in this situation and then act accordingly. I’d ask that my friends, both parents and non parents, share this video and contact the school. The school is Parkway Academy – Central. The principal’s name is Gail Evans. She may be reached by phone at: 302-730-8280 or by e-mail at: gevans@provcorp.com. Please act to ensure that the school takes appropriate action to punish these thugs and to ensure that they terminate the driver. No child should have to be attacked like this in school or on a bus ride to and from school while adults excuse and allow it to happen.”











NBC Silent On $7.3 Million From Soros For Special Anchor’s Liberal Report




” Not only did NBC allow their special anchor Maria Shriver to promote her own report on “Nightly News,” they did it without disclosing that it was made in partnership with a group that liberal billionaire George Soros gave $7.3 million to.

  In “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back From the Brink,” which was published on Jan. 11, an outspokenly liberal nun, Sister Joan Chittister, took aim at religious attitudes in America that “devalue” and marginalize women.

  Shriver was invited to the White House on Jan. 14 to present her report to President Barack Obama, whom she promoted as being “sympathetic” to working mothers. On NBC “Nightly News” that same night, Shriver contrasted a supportive Obama against a Congress that is supposedly dragging its feet on the matter. “While President Obama has pledged to fix the problem, Congress has been slow to respond,” Shriver said.”









Seiu Astroturf

Michelle Malkin is all over this progressive effort to stifle free speech/enterprise .

“I received the following statement from Amazon.com today regarding its decision not to renew its membership with the American Legislative Exchange Council:

Thanks for reaching out to me. Each year we evaluate all of our association memberships and we’ve decided not to renew our participation in ALEC, in part because of positions that group took on issues unrelated to our business.

Mary Osako
Amazon Spokesperson

In other words: They caved. They chose to appease marginal agitators who have capitalized on the Trayvon Martin case to squelch conservatives’ participation in the legislative process. ”

Be sure and sign the Reverse the Course petition and let Amazon Know how you feel .

  I am deeply disappointed in Amazon and will be taking down their link on my site along with sending them a note regarding my feelings about their spineless cave to the thugs on the Left . Intimidation is all they have remaining . 

“At their shareholder meeting today in Seattle, Amazon announced that they are dropping their affiliation with the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).”