Tag Archive: A&E

Here Is The Complete Apology From Their Facebook Page 




Dear Cracker Barrel Customer:

” When we made the decision to remove and evaluate certain Duck Dynasty items, we offended many of our loyal customers. Our intent was to avoid offending, but that’s just what we’ve done.

  You told us we made a mistake. And, you weren’t shy about it. You wrote, you called and you took to social media to express your thoughts and feelings. You flat out told us we were wrong.

  We listened. 

  Today, we are putting all our Duck Dynasty products back in our stores. 

  And, we apologize for offending you.

  We respect all individuals right to express their beliefs. We certainly did not mean to have anyone think different.

  We sincerely hope you will continue to be part of our Cracker Barrel family. “




   You can make a difference . Should you feel the desire to voice your feelings here is the contact page for the Cracker Barrel management . They made a mistake , but at least they had the willingness to admit it and try to make amends . That’s more than most PC organizations can do . 
















A&E Really Wanted To Tell You A Story ’Bout A Man Named Jed







” I’ve been learning more, over the past few days, about Duck Dynasty.

This narrative makes a lot of sense:

  Duck Dynasty is not the show that they wanted, it is the show that got away from them.

  It seems what the producers intended and what A&E envisioned with the show is much different than the show that they ended up with, but they didn’t do anything about it because it was so wildly popular and so wildly profitable. But even with all the money, they have never really been comfortable with what happened.

  This is what happened. The whole idea of the show was to parade these nouveau riche Christian hillbillies around so that we could laugh at them. “Look at them,” we were supposed to say. “Look how backward they are! Look what they believe! Can you believe they really live this way and believe this stuff? See how they don’t fit in? HAHAHA” “



  Who’ll have the last laugh now ? Hopefully the Robertson clan will tell A&E to pound sand .

Read the rest at Legal Insurrection








Sheriff Takes A Stand Over Duck Dynasty; Announces Department Will No Longer Assist A&E During Filming




” Douglas County Sheriff Phil Miller posted the following statement on his personal Facebook page Friday announcing his own “business decision, saying, “It is time for someone other than Hollywood and the news media to stand up for what is right!”:

Screen shot via Douglasville & Douglas county for Civic Action









Cracker Barrel vs. Duck Dynasty




” If you think the A&E Network’s decision to indefinitely suspend the star of its cash cow “Duck Dynasty”made bad business sense, wait until you hear what Cracker Barrel did. Yesterday the restaurant chain that made its name and fortune on the appetites of Southern folk like Phil Robertson and the rest of his duck-calling entrepreneurial family decided to pull some “Duck Dynasty” merchandise from its stores.

  In a statement on its Facebook page, Cracker Barrel cited its “pleasing people” motto and its commitment to “the ideals of fairness, mutual respect and equal treatment of all people.” The company then explained why “Duck Dynasty” no longer may reflect those ideals:

  We continue to offer Duck Commander products in our stores. We removed selected products which we were concerned might offend some of our guests while we evaluate the situation. We continually evaluate the products we offer and will continue to do so.


  It didn’t take long for “Duck Dynasty” fans to voice their outrage to Cracker Barrel, which has more than 67,000 employees at its 600-plus stores. At last check, the Facebook statement had sparked more than 27,000 comments, most of them from regular diners who said they won’t be any longer. The post also has been shared more than 4,900 times, presumably by those same former customers telling their friends to boycott Cracker Barrel in the future.

  All of which made me wonder: Why would Cracker Barrel take this stand? The executives and corporate board members who run the chain surely know that most of the people who shop and eat at an “old country store and restaurant” are the enlightened rednecks who sided with the Robertsons. Yet Cracker Barrel decided to cast its lot with A&E, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and the Human Rights Campaign.

  I found the answer in Cracker Barrel’s corporate history — not the filtered, flattering version the company tells but the version you can find via Google. The key finding: Cracker Barrel has been in trouble with homosexual rights activists before.”



Here is Cracker Barrel’s Facebook page along with a few comments re: Phil Robertson


” Jody Dixon After you are done removing the selected products, go ahead and remove a bunch of tables and chairs……you won’t be needing them any more.

  Michael Stover UNlike. Don’t cave in to the politically correct mob of left wing INtolerant fools. Stand for free speech, or risk losing lots of customers, like ME.

  Charlene Harrelson Griffin I have no problem passing on Cracker Barrel and heading to the nearest Chick-Fil-A from now on. “

More at The Enlightened Redneck









” … Time We ‘Stop This Bullshit Ass PC Game’ “



” Kid Rock took to his website last night to speak out in support of Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson who has been suspended from the show by TV Network “A&E” following remarks about homosexuality.”



Read more from Pat Dollard









Twitchy Has The Story

Brad Thor DD

BlazeTV is the perfect venue for Duck Dynasty and the Robertson Clan’s family values . Great idea Brad .



Update : Beck jumps into the Duck Dynasty fray …





” “Duck Dynasty on TheBlaze” has a nice ring to it, according to Glenn Beck.

  One day after Phil Robertson’s comments about homosexuality earned him an indefinite suspension from the hit series “Duck Dynasty” on A&E, Beck offered the entire Robertson family a place on his own network.

“ [All the other networks] will fold to pressure,” he said. “They will all fold to sponsors. They will all fold to money because they are all in over their eyeballs are debt … the only reason why Phil was put on hiatus and not the rest is because it is a money-printing machine.” “



Fans Go Online To ‘Bring Back Phil Robertson’





” Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson has been suspended from the reality program but his fans are taking action.

  A&E suspended Robertson following remarks he made in the January issue of GQ magazine where he says homosexuality is a sin along with bestiality and promiscuity.

  Fans have turned to the social media to oppose the suspension, there are at least seven variations of “Bring Back Phil Robertson” pages on Facebook. The most popular among them had 300,000 likes as of early Thursday morning. 

  The leading “Bring Back Phil Robertson” Facebook page features a link to a Change.org petition calling on A&E networks to “end the wrongful suspension of Phil Robertson”; the petition had over 32,000 supporters early this morning. “



    CNS is right about the outpouring of support for Phil but wrong with regard to the most popular Facebook page . While “Bring Back Phil Robertson” may have hundreds of thousands of supporters , the “Boycott A&E Until Phil Robertson Is Put Back On Duck Dynasty” page gained over a million likes in less than 24 hours and now stands at 1.39 million and growing . 










From Duck Commander.com




” We want to thank all of you for your prayers and support.  The family has spent much time in prayer since learning of A&E’s decision.  We want you to know that first and foremost we are a family rooted in our faith in God and our belief that the Bible is His word.  While some of Phil’s unfiltered comments to the reporter were coarse, his beliefs are grounded in the teachings of the Bible. Phil is a Godly man who follows what the Bible says are the greatest commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart” and “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Phil would never incite or encourage hate.We are disappointed that Phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right.We have had a successful working relationship with A&E but, as a family, we cannot imagine the show going forward without our patriarch at the helm.  We are in discussions with A&E to see what that means for the future of Duck Dynasty.   Again, thank you for your continued support of our family.”












‘Duck Dynasty’s’ Phil Robertson On Indefinite Hiatus Following Anti-Gay Remarks




” A&E has placed Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson on indefinite hiatus following anti-gay remarks he made in a recent profile in GQ.

” We are extremely disappointed to have read Phil Robertson’s comments in GQ, which are based on his own personal beliefs and are not reflected in the series Duck Dynasty,” A&E said in a statement. “His personal views in no way reflect those of A+E Networks, who have always been strong supporters and champions of the LGBT community. The network has placed Phil under hiatus from filming indefinitely.” “