Tag Archive: Abortion

82-Yr Old Grandmother Tired Of Democrat Games; Voting Republican




” This 82-year old grandmother called into C-Span Washington Journal and let the Democratic Party have it with frustrations and haymakers.

  I have noticed in years what the Democratic party has done to my people. Unemployment is higher in the black community….than anywhere else.

  I cannot say, there’s no way I can continue to say that I was a Christian and stay in the democrat party. They advocates the killing of babies, they advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones sitting doing nothing……. “


Thanks to Wayne DuPree









Hot Air





  2700 aborted babies a day Progressive’s idea of birth control . Hypocrisy anyone ? The numbers at the link to CDC “only” average two thousand two hundred per day  but even that figure is obscene …










Wendy Davis Admits To Fuzzy Facts In Bio

” Texas state Sen. Wendy Davis, who is running for governor of Texas, has admitted that some of the public details about her personal history are incomplete or inaccurate, according to a report in the Dallas Morning News.

  Davis, a rising Democratic star, has touted herself as a Texas success story. She has said she was a divorced teenage mother who went from living in a mobile home, juggling low-wage jobs and going to community college to graduating from Harvard Law School.

  The up-from-nowhere narrative, which emerged during an 11-hour filibuster she staged in June to oppose abortion restrictions, has been a central part of her candidacy and appeal, helping to boost her national profile and fundraising efforts.”



Read more here and here




Meet The Humble Nuns Who Just Shook Up The Obama Administration







” Who takes care of poor people when they get old—when they are on their deathbeds? For thousands of people, the answer is Little Sisters of the Poor.

“ The elderly are at risk, with no one to speak up for them, no one to stand up and to express to the world and show the world that these people are still valuable,” explains Sister Mary Bernard.

  The Little Sisters take care of more than 13,000 poor men and women around the world who are elderly. They dedicate their lives to running homes for these most vulnerable.”


Read on at the Foundry









A Frustrated And Angry West Virginia Has Been Cutting Ties With Its Reliably Democratic Roots



West Virginia




” Ordinary West Virginians used to look to Washington with something close to reverence. It was a partner in good times, a lifeline in bad ones, a powerful ally against the big corporations that came for its coal and timber. By some measures, West Virginia relies more on federal money than any other state.

But increasingly, it also has become an extreme example of the hostility that shows up in every national poll when people are asked how they feel about the federal government. Many here now speak of Washington as an enemy that threatens their economy and their way of life, that traps them into dependency.

Washington’s 100 percent against us,” said M.E. Walker, a retired road builder who lives in Pence Springs in Summers County. “They don’t like our jobs. They don’t like our attitudes.”








Published on Jul 25, 2013

” Once again, MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to a college campus and asked students to sign a petition. This time the goal was to get people to show their support for legalizing 4th trimester abortion.

For those of you who failed biology, babies are born at the END of the 3rd trimester. For those of you who didn’t, watch this….”










” Chilling effect. That’s the term lawyers and judges use to describe the result of government actions that deter people from exercising their right of free speech.

There have been plenty of examples in the past 10 days.

Anti-abortion groups were asked to pledge that they would never picket Planned Parenthood clinics. Organizers were asked numerous personal questions, including what they said in their prayers. If that’s not chilling, I don’t know what is.”

More here


Second ‘House Of Horrors’ Abortion Clinic Where Doctor ‘Twisted Heads Off Fetus’ Necks With His Bare Hands’ Is Investigated In Texas




” A second ‘house of horrors’ abortion clinic is being investigated in Texas, just days after Dr Kermit Gosnells was found guilty of murdering newborns at his Philadelphia termination center.

Dr. Douglas Karpen, seen here in court, is accused of killing babies aborted in their third trimester

Houston doctor Douglas Karpen is accused by four former employees of delivering live fetuses during third-trimester abortions and killing them by either snipping their spinal cord, stabbing a surgical instrument into their heads or ‘twisting their heads off their necks with his own bare hands’.

Other times the fetus was so big he would have to pull it out of the womb in pieces, Karpen’s ex-assistant, Deborah Edge, said in an Operation Rescue video, which has prompted a criminal investigation into the doctor.

‘Sometimes he couldn’t get the fetus out… he would yank pieces – piece by piece – when they were oversize,’ Edge explained. 

‘And I’m talking about the whole floor dirty. I’m talking about me drenched in blood.’

Two of Edge’s colleagues, Gigi Aguliar, and Krystal Rodriguez, also described the hellish scenes which took place at the Aaron Women’s Clinic in Houston in 2011, and possibly two other abortion clinics run by Karpen in Texas.”












The Looking Spoon


Mr. Conservative Cartoon Of The Day







How Case Of Abortion Doctor Accused Of Slaughtering Babies He Delivered Alive Raises Profound Moral Questions That MUST Be Faced





” For more than 30 years, it was supposed to be a haven for poor and needy women, a place where they could get check-ups, prescriptions and abortions from a doctor who boasted that he never turned away a patient for want of money.

But a shocking court case gripping America has heard that the truth about the Women’s Medical Society clinic in Philadelphia was very different — and that it was in fact a ‘baby charnel house’ where babies were delivered alive, only to have their spines severed after birth and their remains discarded in shoe boxes and even catfood containers.

The trial of Dr Kermit Gosnell, a late-term abortionist (a late-term abortion typically refers to a termination that occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy) who presided over what prosecutors dubbed a ‘house of horrors’, has sickened and disgusted the U.S. public.

But the case has also divided the U.S., a country which has yet to decide exactly where it stands on a woman’s ‘right to choose’ and raises moral questions that some argue undermine the whole ethical case for abortions.”








Abortionist: ‘I Try And Sever The Umbilical Cord First…This Way The Fetus Is Expired First’

” Live Action has released its second video exposing infanticide in America.  This time we’re in the DC area. In the video, the Live Action investigator, who is 24 weeks pregnant, visited a clinic, and asked what would happen if her baby happened to be born alive – or survive – the procedure.  In the video, Dr. Cesare Santangelo says that he would let the child to die.

‘Technically – you know, legally we would be obligated to help it, you know, to survive.  But, you know, it probably wouldn’t.  It’s all in how vigorously you do things to help a fetus survive at this point.  Let’s say you went into labor, the membranes ruptured, and you delivered before we got to the termination part of the procedure here, you know?  Then we would do things – we would – we would not help it.  We wouldn’t intubate.  It would be, you know, uh, a person, a terminal person in the hospital, let’s say, that had cancer, you know?  You wouldn’t do any extra procedures to help that person survive.  Like ‘do not resuscitate’ orders.  We would do the same things here.’ “







An Open Letter To Liberals




” Dear Liberals,

I wanted to send along my condolences in regards to the rough week you guys have had.

Now that the Boston Marathon bombers have been officially identified as Muslim terrorists, I can only imagine how heartbroken you must be. Hell – I wouldn’t be surprised if Tingles Matthews is on 24-hour suicide watch. Then, you have the morbidly-obese Michael Moore, who immediately speculated that the bombers were “white right-wingers,” now pathetically claiming via Twitter that he was “right.” (Seems as if he missed the part about the killers being radicalized Chechen Muslims.)


I’m sure it must also be rough for you guys to read about the horrific testimony and see the grisly images coming out of the Philadelphia abortionist’s murder trial. Not very good for the cause, is it? Talk about being caught between a rock and a hard place; your media refuses to cover the story in its effort to protect abortion at all costs – while it continues to draw an ever-increasing amount of criticism for doing so. I mean, it’s getting so bad that even liberal commentators are pointing out the hypocrisy. Too bad Gosnell didn’t kill all those babies with an AR-15, huh? How awesome would that have been? ” 



Read The Whole Thing











From Boston To Texas, It’s Been A Freaky Week In America




” In America, all atrocities are not equal: Minutes after the Senate declined to support so-called gun control in the wake of the Newtown massacre, the president rushed ill-advisedly on air to give a whiny, petulant performance predicated on the proposition that one man’s mass infanticide should call into question the constitutional right to bear arms.

Simultaneously, the media remain terrified that another man’s mass infanticide might lead you gullible rubes to question the constitutional right to abortion, so the ongoing Kermit Gosnell trial in Philadelphia has barely made the papers — even though it involves large numbers of fully delivered babies who were decapitated and had their feet chopped off and kept in pickling jars. Which would normally be enough to guarantee a perpetrator front-page coverage for weeks on end.

“Doctor” Gosnell seems likely to prove America’s all-time champion mass murderer. But his victims are ideologically problematic for the media, and so the poor blood-soaked monster will never get his moment in the spotlight.

The politicization of mass murder found its perfect expression in one of those near parodic pieces to which the more tortured self-loathing dweebs of the fin de civilization west are prone. As the headline in Salon put it, “Let’s Hope The Boston Marathon Bomber Is A White American.” David Sirota is himself a white American, but he finds it less discomforting to his Princess Fluffy Bunny worldview to see his compatriots as knuckle-dragging nutjobs rather than confront all the apparent real-world contradictions of the diversity quilt. He had a lot of support for his general predisposition.”









The Kermit Gosnell Case Confirms That Late-Term Abortion Can Amount To Legalised Infanticide





” Thanks to the US media blackout, I had no idea who Dr Kermit Gosnell was until Friday. Now that I do, I hope the name becomes seared into the American national consciousness. It could transform the debate about abortion.

Gosnell was one of those “courageous foot soldiers of the prochoice movement” who ran an abortion clinic for poor women in Pennsylvania. A more accurate word for the institution, provided by Andrew McCarthy, is “abattoir”. It is alleged that conditions were unhygienic (investigators said it smelled of animal urine) and unqualified employees performed complex medical procedures. One woman died during an abortion from an overdose of anaesthesia. Terminations were performed after the state’s 24-week limit (which is itself only supposed to be reached in extreme cases) and babies were pulled screaming from their mothers. They were dispatched using a crude snipping technique: the victim was flipped upside down and the spinal cord severed using a pair of scissors. Bodies were stored in jars. Said one employee, “It would rain fetuses. Fetuses and blood all over the place.” If Gosnell is found guilty, he himself will face execution.

The case has three big consequences. First, it reminds us that the abortion industry is indeed an industry – operating for profit, sometimes with cynical motives. Gosnell claims he was helping poor women, but he charged $3,000 for a procedure and enjoyed an annual income of $1.5 million. That he is accused to reusing medical supplies suggests that he upped his profit margin by reducing costs. Gosnell was a businessman, not a doctor.

Second, the claim that “hundreds” of babies survived the late-term abortion within the mother’s body and had to be killed outside of it blows out of the water the insistence of Planned Parenthood that such survival rates are very rare. Evidently, those babies are made of tougher stuff than prochoice militants realise.

Finally, the Gosnell story has to reopen the discussion about the nature of late-term abortions. It is self-evident that state and local agencies did not do their job, reflecting a “hands-off” approach to the abortion industry by politicians and public employees that smacks of moral complacency. More profoundly, if the demon doctor is found guilty of seven counts of murder related to the children, the question has to be asked “why”? Beyond breaking the 24-week limit, the implication of a guilty verdict is that those were not just “parts of a woman’s body” but human lives that Kermit casually snipped away with a pair of scissors. That they only became human lives the moment they left the mother’s body is an absurd proposition: the issue here is clearly age and development of the fetus. Inside or outside their mother, a guilty verdict suggests that they had reached the point of becoming human beings with rights. To quote columnist Kirsten Powers:

Regardless of such quibbles, about whether Gosnell was killing the infants one second after they left the womb instead of partially inside or completely inside the womb — as in a routine late-term abortion — is merely a matter of geography. That one is murder and the other is a legal procedure is morally irreconcilable.

The conclusion that can be drawn is that because of the relative development of the fetus, a late-term abortion involves something closer to the taking of life than earlier terminations. Basic human empathy should tell you that. I want you to take a look at a photo published by The Atlantic of one of the girls delivered by Gosnell as part of a late-term abortion. Look at her hair, her fully formed face, arms, legs and toes. Imagine her crying. That is a child. A child with a right to life.

The Gosnell case isn’t just about one man’s guilt – it’s about the moral compass of an entire nation. Late-term abortion of this variety amounts to legalised infanticide. It must stop.” 



    Forgive our wholesale copying Dr Stanley but this piece must be read by all Americans . Please view this reproduction in toto of your article as the sincerest form of flattery in which it is intended . You , sir , have written what no American MSM writer has dared … The Truth . Thank You 














” It doesn’t emit the stench of delirious, inhuman evil that surrounds abortionist Kermit Gosnell and his henchpersons, but conditions were quite fearsome at Planned Parenthood of Delaware, where filthy conditions put patients at risk of contracting hepatitis, or even AIDs, according to former nurses who talked with Philadelphia ABC News affiliate WPVI:

Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich, former employee said, “It was just unsafe. I couldn’t tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was.”

Werbrich alleges conditions inside the facility were unsanitary.

“He didn’t wear gloves,” said Werbrich.

Another former employee, Joyce Vasikonis told Action News, “They were using instruments on patients that were not sterile.”

The former nurses claim that a rush to get patients in and out left operating tables soiled and unclean.

Werbrich said “It’s not washed down, it’s not even cleaned off. It has bloody drainage on it.”

“They could be at risk of getting hepatitis, even AIDS,” added Vasikonis.

Both of these nurses said, they quit to protect their own medical licenses, stunned by what they called a meat-market style of assembly-line abortions.

Vasikonis said, “I felt I could be held liable if a patient was harmed.”

“Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it’s needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained, said Werbrich.”


Planned Parenthood got $542 million in taxpayer support last year – wasn’t any of it spent on oversight?

As a matter of fact, WPVI asked that very question:

In Delaware, abortion clinics are not subject to routine inspections. The state only steps in when they have a patient complaint. Planned Parenthood is essentially in charge of inspecting itself.

Mary Peterson from the Delaware Department of Health and Human Services said, “I am not going to lie to you, we don’t have the manpower to do routine inspections.“ “






100 Percent FED Up



Gun Owners of America


Witness The Left’s Celebration Of Abortion


Illustration By Steve Breen

HT/ Chicks On The Right

West Point Study Demonizes “Far Right” As Terrorists






” Our soldiers are forbidden from criticizing Islam but a West Point study calls Americans on the political right “terrorists.”

Michael Carl of WND alerts us to a new West Point study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center which should ring alarm bells.

The study, “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” links the “far right” to terrorism. By “far right,” the study includes members of “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement,” the latter referring to those who are pro-life and anti-abortion.

The author of the West Point study, Arie Perliger, cites “anti-abortionists” as an active terrorist threat. He writes:

“The anti-abortionists have been extremely productive during the last two decades, amassing 227 attacks, many of them perpetrated without the responsible perpetrators identified or caught. And while, in both cases, the 1990s were more violent than the last decade, in the case of anti-abortion, the trend is much more extreme, as 90 percent of attacks were perpetrated before 2001.” “

A Nation Rises – March for Life

FBI Murder Stats

We Can and Will Force Christians to Act Against Their Faith




” “Because Hobby Lobby is a secular employer, it is not entitled to the protections of the Free Exercise Clause or RFRA [the Religious Freedom Restoration Act],” Delery told the court on behalf of the administration. “This is because, although the First Amendment freedoms of speech and association are ‘right[s] enjoyed by religious and secular groups alike,’ the Free Exercise Clause ‘gives special solicitude to the rights of religious organizations.’”

In keeping with Delery’s argument, the Washington Post, as a corporation, can use its First Amendment-protected freedom of speech to write editorials in support of the Obama administration imposing its contraception mandate on businesses like Hobby Lobby. But the members of the family that created and owns Hobby Lobby, because they formed Hobby Lobby as a corporation, have no First Amendment freedom of religion that protects them from being forced by the government to act against their religious beliefs in providing abortion-inducing drugs.

The second argument the administration makes to justify forcing Christians to act against their faith is more sweeping. Here the administration argues it can force a person to act against his religion so long as the coercion is done under the authority of a law that is neutral and generally applicable—in other words, as long as the law was not written specifically to persecute Christians as Christians, the government can use that law to persecute Christians. ”







” Now that Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor has denied Hobby Lobby’s application for an emergency injunction protecting them from Obamacare’s HHS Mandate on abortion and birth control, Hobby Lobby has decided to defy the federal government to remain true to their religious beliefs, at enormous risk and financial cost.

Hobby Lobby is wholly owned and controlled by the Green family, who are evangelical Christians. The Greens are committed to running their business in accordance with their Christian faith, believing that God wants them to conduct their professional business in accordance with the family’s understanding of the Bible. Hobby Lobby’s mission statement includes, “Honoring the Lord in all we do by operating the company … consistent with Biblical principles.”

The HHS Mandate goes into effect for Hobby Lobby on Jan. 1, 2013. The Greens correctly understand that some of the drugs the HHS Mandate requires them to cover at no cost in their healthcare plans cause abortions.

Today Hobby Lobby announced that they will not comply with this mandate to become complicit in abortion, which the Greens believe ends an innocent human life. Given Hobby Lobby’s size (it has 572 stores employing more than 13,000 people), by violating the HHS Mandate, it will be subject to over $1.3 million in fines per day. That means over $40 million in fines in January alone. If their case takes another ten months to get before the Supreme Court—which would be the earliest it could get there under the normal order of business—the company would incur almost a half-billion dollars in fines. And then of course the Supreme Court would have to write an opinion in what would likely be a split decision with dissenters, which could easily take four or six months and include hundreds of millions of dollars in additional penalties. ”








” FOX NEWS: To provide all Americans with health insurance, premiums will have to rise to pay for it, Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini told CNBC’s “Closing Bell” on Wednesday. “If we’re going to insure all Americans, which is a worthy and appropriate cause, then somebody has to pay for it,” Bertolini said of the expected premium increases under Obamacare. Bertolini said that insurance premiums could double in some places just on the basis of what types of policies people buy today. He also said that when Obamacare is fully implemented, it won’t start the way people had hoped and it won’t be cheaper. ”




Gobsmacked !

I find myself speechless at the realization that Bill Maher and myself are in complete agreement ….. At least in this matter ..

Read for yourself ..


”  “I am for the death penalty, although I do believe in more DNA testing,” Maher continued. “My motto is, ‘Let’s kill the right people.’ I’m pro-choice. I’m for assisted suicide. I’m for regular suicide.
I’m for whatever gets the freeway
moving. That’s what I’m for.” “