Tag Archive: 5th Amendment

Congress Has Just Overruled Your 1st, 4th And 5th Amendment Rights




” As of today, Bill HR4681 has passed the house and senate, and is currently undergoing arbitration before being sent to the President for his signature in to law. The law says that the intelligence community can collect, retain, and disseminate all electronic communications including voice calls [without any constitutional restrictions] on all US citizens and everyone else in the world.  And they have 5 years before they are supposed to destroy the records.  However, they can keep them indefinitely if they fall into several categories of interest.

  It is all out in the open now.  Your 1st, 4th, and 5th Amendment protections are gone.  This act gives new meaning to ‘land of the free, home of the brave.’  The intelligence community isn’t doing anything in secret any more.  Americans are now living in an environment much like the days of the old Stalinist Soviet Union, where the presumption was that all conversations were monitored and one takes measures to have a ‘private’ conversations. 

  So turn up your radio or turn the water on in the sink and watch what you say on the phone or Facebook, even casual remarks on twitter may come back to haunt you in the future.  Don’t believe me, I have pasted the relevant parts of the bill below this story. Still don’t believe it? Just go to www.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-bill/4681/text and read it from the horse’s mouth.

What are you willing to do about it?

[Congressional Bills 113th Congress]

[From the U.S. Government Printing Office]


[H.R. 4681 Enrolled Bill (ENR)]


One Hundred Thirteenth Congress

of the

United States of America


Subtitle A–General Matters

Sec. 309. Procedures for the retention of incidentally acquired




(a) Definitions.–In this section:

(1) Covered communication.–The term “covered communication”

means any nonpublic telephone or electronic communication acquired

without the consent of a person who is a party to the

communication, including communications in electronic storage.

(2) Head of an element of the intelligence community.–The term

“head of an element of the intelligence community” means, as


(A) the head of an element of the intelligence community;


(B) the head of the department or agency containing such


(3) United states person.–The term “United States person”

has the meaning given that term in section 101 of the Foreign

Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1801).

(b) Procedures for Covered Communications.–

(1) Requirement to adopt.–Not later than 2 years after the

date of the enactment of this Act each head of an element of the

intelligence community shall adopt procedures approved by the

Attorney General for such element that ensure compliance with the

requirements of paragraph (3).

(2) Coordination and approval.–The procedures required by

paragraph (1) shall be–

(A) prepared in coordination with the Director of National

Intelligence; and

(B) approved by the Attorney General prior to issuance.

(3) Procedures.–

(A) Application.–The procedures required by paragraph (1)

shall apply to any intelligence collection activity not

otherwise authorized by court order (including an order or

certification issued by a court established under subsection

(a) or (b) of section 103 of the Foreign Intelligence

Surveillance Act of 1978 (50 U.S.C. 1803)), subpoena, or

similar legal process that is reasonably anticipated to result

in the acquisition of a covered communication to or from a

United States person and shall permit the acquisition,

retention, and dissemination of covered communications subject

to the limitation in subparagraph (B).

(B) Limitation on retention.–A covered communication shall

not be retained in excess of 5 years, unless–

(i) the communication has been affirmatively

determined, in whole or in part, to constitute foreign

intelligence or counterintelligence or is necessary to

understand or assess foreign intelligence or


(ii) the communication is reasonably believed to

constitute evidence of a crime and is retained by a law

enforcement agency;

(iii) the communication is enciphered or reasonably

believed to have a secret meaning;

(iv) all parties to the communication are reasonably

believed to be non-United States persons;

(v) retention is necessary to protect against an

imminent threat to human life, in which case both the

nature of the threat and the information to be retained

shall be reported to the congressional intelligence

committees not later than 30 days after the date such

retention is extended under this clause;

(vi) retention is necessary for technical assurance or

compliance purposes, including a court order or discovery

obligation, in which case access to information retained

for technical assurance or compliance purposes shall be

reported to the congressional intelligence committees on an

annual basis; or

(vii) retention for a period in excess of 5 years is

approved by the head of the element of the intelligence

community responsible for such retention, based on a

determination that retention is necessary to protect the

national security of the United States, in which case the

head of such element shall provide to the congressional

intelligence committees a written certification



(I) the reasons extended retention is necessary to

protect the national security of the United States;

(II) the duration for which the head of the element

is authorizing retention;

(III) the particular information to be retained;


(IV) the measures the element of the intelligence

community is taking to protect the privacy interests of

United States persons or persons located inside the

United States. “






   Many thanks to Universal Free Press for providing this story . Below the reader can see who voted to rob you of your rights and who voted against Statism …






YEA   R   Byrne, Bradley AL 1st
YEA   R   Roby, Martha AL 2nd
YEA   R   Rogers, Mike AL 3rd
YEA   R   Aderholt, Robert AL 4th
NAY   R   Brooks, Mo AL 5th
YEA   R   Bachus, Spencer AL 6th
YEA   D   Sewell, Terri AL 7th
YEA   R   Young, Don AK
YEA   D   Kirkpatrick, Ann AZ 1st
YEA   D   Barber, Ron AZ 2nd
NAY   D   Grijalva, Raúl AZ 3rd
NAY   R   Gosar, Paul AZ 4th
NAY   R   Salmon, Matt AZ 5th
YEA   R   Schweikert, David AZ 6th
YEA   D   Pastor, Ed AZ 7th
YEA   R   Franks, Trent AZ 8th
YEA   D   Sinema, Kyrsten AZ 9th
YEA   R   Crawford, Eric AR 1st
YEA   R   Griffin, Tim AR 2nd
YEA   R   Womack, Steve AR 3rd
YEA   R   Cotton, Tom AR 4th
YEA   R   LaMalfa, Doug CA 1st
NAY   D   Huffman, Jared CA 2nd
NAY   D   Garamendi, John CA 3rd
NAY   R   McClintock, Tom CA 4th
YEA   D   Thompson, Mike CA 5th
NAY   D   Matsui, Doris CA 6th
YEA   D   Bera, Ami CA 7th
YEA   R   Cook, Paul CA 8th
YEA   D   McNerney, Jerry CA 9th
YEA   R   Denham, Jeff CA 10th
YEA   D   Miller, George CA 11th
YEA   D   Pelosi, Nancy CA 12th
NAY   D   Lee, Barbara CA 13th
NAY   D   Speier, Jackie CA 14th
NAY   D   Swalwell, Eric CA 15th
YEA   D   Costa, Jim CA 16th
NAY   D   Honda, Mike CA 17th
NAY   D   Eshoo, Anna CA 18th
NAY   D   Lofgren, Zoe CA 19th
NAY   D   Farr, Sam CA 20th
YEA   R   Valadao, David CA 21st
YEA   R   Nunes, Devin CA 22nd
YEA   R   McCarthy, Kevin CA 23rd
YEA   D   Capps, Lois CA 24th
YEA   R   McKeon, Buck CA 25th
YEA   D   Brownley, Julia CA 26th
NAY   D   Chu, Judy CA 27th
YEA   D   Schiff, Adam CA 28th
YEA   D   Cárdenas, Tony CA 29th
YEA   D   Sherman, Brad CA 30th
NO VOTE   R   Miller, Gary CA 31st
YEA   D   Napolitano, Grace CA 32nd
YEA   D   Waxman, Henry CA 33rd
YEA   D   Becerra, Xavier CA 34th
NO VOTE   D   Negrete McLeod, Gloria CA 35th
YEA   D   Ruiz, Raul CA 36th
NAY   D   Bass, Karen CA 37th
YEA   D   Sánchez, Linda CA 38th
YEA   R   Royce, Ed CA 39th
YEA   D   Roybal-Allard, Lucille CA 40th
NAY   D   Takano, Mark CA 41st
YEA   R   Calvert, Ken CA 42nd
NAY   D   Waters, Maxine CA 43rd
NAY   D   Hahn, Janice CA 44th
NO VOTE   R   Campbell, John CA 45th
YEA   D   Sanchez, Loretta CA 46th
NAY   D   Lowenthal, Alan CA 47th
NAY   R   Rohrabacher, Dana CA 48th
YEA   R   Issa, Darrell CA 49th
YEA   R   Hunter, Duncan CA 50th
YEA   D   Vargas, Juan CA 51st
YEA   D   Peters, Scott CA 52nd
YEA   D   Davis, Susan CA 53rd
YEA   D   DeGette, Diana CO 1st
NAY   D   Polis, Jared CO 2nd
NAY   R   Tipton, Scott CO 3rd
YEA   R   Gardner, Cory CO 4th
YEA   R   Lamborn, Doug CO 5th
YEA   R   Coffman, Mike CO 6th
YEA   D   Perlmutter, Ed CO 7th
YEA   D   Larson, John CT 1st
YEA   D   Courtney, Joe CT 2nd
YEA   D   DeLauro, Rosa CT 3rd
YEA   D   Himes, James CT 4th
YEA   D   Esty, Elizabeth CT 5th
YEA   D   Carney, John DE
NO VOTE   R   Miller, Jeff FL 1st
YEA   R   Southerland, Steve FL 2nd
NAY   R   Yoho, Ted FL 3rd
YEA   R   Crenshaw, Ander FL 4th
YEA   D   Brown, Corrine FL 5th
YEA   R   DeSantis, Ron FL 6th
NAY   R   Mica, John FL 7th
NAY   R   Posey, Bill FL 8th
NAY   D   Grayson, Alan FL 9th
YEA   R   Webster, Daniel FL 10th
NAY   R   Nugent, Richard FL 11th
YEA   R   Bilirakis, Gus FL 12th
YEA   R   Jolly, David FL 13th
YEA   D   Castor, Kathy FL 14th
YEA   R   Ross, Dennis FL 15th
YEA   R   Buchanan, Vern FL 16th
YEA   R   Rooney, Thomas FL 17th
YEA   D   Murphy, Patrick FL 18th
NAY   R   Clawson, Curt FL 19th
NAY   D   Hastings, Alcee FL 20th
YEA   D   Deutch, Theodore FL 21st
YEA   D   Frankel, Lois FL 22nd
YEA   D   Wasserman Schultz, Debbie FL 23rd
YEA   D   Wilson, Frederica FL 24th
YEA   R   Diaz-Balart, Mario FL 25th
NAY   D   Garcia, Joe FL 26th
YEA   R   Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana FL 27th
NAY   R   Kingston, Jack GA 1st
YEA   D   Bishop, Sanford GA 2nd
YEA   R   Westmoreland, Lynn GA 3rd
YEA   D   Johnson, Hank GA 4th
NAY   D   Lewis, John GA 5th
YEA   R   Price, Tom GA 6th
NAY   R   Woodall, Rob GA 7th
NAY   R   Scott, Austin GA 8th
YEA   R   Collins, Doug GA 9th
NAY   R   Broun, Paul GA 10th
YEA   R   Gingrey, Phil GA 11th
YEA   D   Barrow, John GA 12th
YEA   D   Scott, David GA 13th
NAY   R   Graves, Tom GA 14th
NAY   D   Hanabusa, Colleen HI 1st
YEA   D   Gabbard, Tulsi HI 2nd
NAY   R   Labrador, Raúl ID 1st
YEA   R   Simpson, Mike ID 2nd
YEA   D   Rush, Bobby IL 1st
YEA   D   Kelly, Robin IL 2nd
YEA   D   Lipinski, Daniel IL 3rd
NAY   D   Gutiérrez, Luis IL 4th
YEA   D   Quigley, Mike IL 5th
YEA   R   Roskam, Peter IL 6th
YEA   D   Davis, Danny IL 7th
NO VOTE   D   Duckworth, Tammy IL 8th
NAY   D   Schakowsky, Jan IL 9th
YEA   D   Schneider, Bradley IL 10th
YEA   D   Foster, Bill IL 11th
YEA   D   Enyart, William IL 12th
YEA   R   Davis, Rodney IL 13th
YEA   R   Hultgren, Randy IL 14th
YEA   R   Shimkus, John IL 15th
YEA   R   Kinzinger, Adam IL 16th
YEA   D   Bustos, Cheri IL 17th
YEA   R   Schock, Aaron IL 18th
YEA   D   Visclosky, Peter IN 1st
YEA   R   Walorski, Jackie IN 2nd
YEA   R   Stutzman, Marlin IN 3rd
YEA   R   Rokita, Todd IN 4th
YEA   R   Brooks, Susan IN 5th
YEA   R   Messer, Luke IN 6th
YEA   D   Carson, André IN 7th
YEA   R   Bucshon, Larry IN 8th
YEA   R   Young, Todd IN 9th
YEA   D   Braley, Bruce IA 1st
YEA   D   Loebsack, David IA 2nd
YEA   R   Latham, Tom IA 3rd
YEA   R   King, Steve IA 4th
NAY   R   Huelskamp, Tim KS 1st
YEA   R   Jenkins, Lynn KS 2nd
YEA   R   Yoder, Kevin KS 3rd
YEA   R   Pompeo, Mike KS 4th
YEA   R   Whitfield, Ed KY 1st
YEA   R   Guthrie, Brett KY 2nd
NAY   D   Yarmuth, John KY 3rd
NAY   R   Massie, Thomas KY 4th
YEA   R   Rogers, Hal KY 5th
YEA   R   Barr, Andy KY 6th
YEA   R   Scalise, Steve LA 1st
YEA   D   Richmond, Cedric LA 2nd
YEA   R   Boustany, Charles LA 3rd
YEA   R   Fleming, John LA 4th
YEA   R   McAllister, Vance LA 5th
YEA   R   Cassidy, Bill LA 6th
YEA   D   Pingree, Chellie ME 1st
YEA   D   Michaud, Michael ME 2nd
YEA   R   Harris, Andy MD 1st
YEA   D   Ruppersberger, A. Dutch MD 2nd
YEA   D   Sarbanes, John MD 3rd
YEA   D   Edwards, Donna MD 4th
YEA   D   Hoyer, Steny MD 5th
YEA   D   Delaney, John MD 6th
NAY   D   Cummings, Elijah MD 7th
YEA   D   Van Hollen, Chris MD 8th
YEA   D   Neal, Richard MA 1st
NAY   D   McGovern, Jim MA 2nd
YEA   D   Tsongas, Niki MA 3rd
YEA   D   Kennedy, Joseph MA 4th
NAY   D   Clark, Katherine MA 5th
NAY   D   Tierney, John MA 6th
NO VOTE   D   Capuano, Michael MA 7th
YEA   D   Lynch, Stephen MA 8th
YEA   D   Keating, William MA 9th
YEA   R   Benishek, Dan MI 1st
YEA   R   Huizenga, Bill MI 2nd
NAY   R   Amash, Justin MI 3rd
YEA   R   Camp, Dave MI 4th
NAY   D   Kildee, Daniel MI 5th
YEA   R   Upton, Fred MI 6th
YEA   R   Walberg, Tim MI 7th
YEA   R   Rogers, Mike MI 8th
YEA   D   Levin, Sander MI 9th
YEA   R   Miller, Candice MI 10th
NAY   R   Bentivolio, Kerry MI 11th
YEA   D   Dingell, John MI 12th
NAY   D   Conyers, John MI 13th
YEA   D   Peters, Gary MI 14th
YEA   D   Walz, Timothy MN 1st
YEA   R   Kline, John MN 2nd
YEA   R   Paulsen, Erik MN 3rd
NAY   D   McCollum, Betty MN 4th
YEA   D   Ellison, Keith MN 5th
YEA   R   Bachmann, Michele MN 6th
YEA   D   Peterson, Collin MN 7th
YEA   D   Nolan, Richard MN 8th
YEA   R   Nunnelee, Alan MS 1st
YEA   D   Thompson, Bennie MS 2nd
YEA   R   Harper, Gregg MS 3rd
YEA   R   Palazzo, Steven MS 4th
YEA   D   Clay, Lacy MO 1st
YEA   R   Wagner, Ann MO 2nd
YEA   R   Luetkemeyer, Blaine MO 3rd
YEA   R   Hartzler, Vicky MO 4th
YEA   D   Cleaver, Emanuel MO 5th
YEA   R   Graves, Sam MO 6th
YEA   R   Long, Billy MO 7th
YEA   R   Smith, Jason MO 8th
YEA   R   Daines, Steve MT
YEA   R   Fortenberry, Jeff NE 1st
YEA   R   Terry, Lee NE 2nd
YEA   R   Smith, Adrian NE 3rd
YEA   D   Titus, Dina NV 1st
YEA   R   Amodei, Mark NV 2nd
YEA   R   Heck, Joseph NV 3rd
YEA   D   Horsford, Steven NV 4th
New Hampshire
YEA   D   Shea-Porter, Carol NH 1st
YEA   D   Kuster, Ann NH 2nd
New Jersey
YEA   D   Norcross, Donald NJ 1st
YEA   R   LoBiondo, Frank NJ 2nd
YEA   R   Runyan, Jon NJ 3rd
YEA   R   Smith, Chris NJ 4th
NAY   R   Garrett, Scott NJ 5th
NAY   D   Pallone, Frank NJ 6th
YEA   R   Lance, Leonard NJ 7th
YEA   D   Sires, Albio NJ 8th
YEA   D   Pascrell, Bill NJ 9th
YEA   D   Payne, Donald NJ 10th
YEA   R   Frelinghuysen, Rodney NJ 11th
NAY   D   Holt, Rush NJ 12th
New Mexico
YEA   D   Lujan Grisham, Michelle NM 1st
YEA   R   Pearce, Steve NM 2nd
YEA   D   Luján, Ben NM 3rd
New York
YEA   D   Bishop, Timothy NY 1st
YEA   R   King, Pete NY 2nd
YEA   D   Israel, Steve NY 3rd
YEA   D   McCarthy, Carolyn NY 4th
YEA   D   Meeks, Gregory NY 5th
YEA   D   Meng, Grace NY 6th
NAY   D   Velázquez, Nydia NY 7th
YEA   D   Jeffries, Hakeem NY 8th
NAY   D   Clarke, Yvette NY 9th
NAY   D   Nadler, Jerrold NY 10th
YEA   R   Grimm, Michael NY 11th
YEA   D   Maloney, Carolyn NY 12th
NAY   D   Rangel, Charles NY 13th
YEA   D   Crowley, Joseph NY 14th
NAY   D   Serrano, José NY 15th
YEA   D   Engel, Eliot NY 16th
YEA   D   Lowey, Nita NY 17th
YEA   D   Maloney, Sean NY 18th
NAY   R   Gibson, Christopher NY 19th
YEA   D   Tonko, Paul NY 20th
YEA   D   Owens, William NY 21st
YEA   R   Hanna, Richard NY 22nd
YEA   R   Reed, Tom NY 23rd
YEA   D   Maffei, Daniel NY 24th
YEA   D   Slaughter, Louise NY 25th
YEA   D   Higgins, Brian NY 26th
YEA   R   Collins, Chris NY 27th
North Carolina
YEA   D   Butterfield, G.K. NC 1st
YEA   R   Ellmers, Renee NC 2nd
NAY   R   Jones, Walter NC 3rd
YEA   D   Price, David NC 4th
YEA   R   Foxx, Virginia NC 5th
YEA   R   Coble, Howard NC 6th
YEA   D   McIntyre, Mike NC 7th
YEA   R   Hudson, Richard NC 8th
YEA   R   Pittenger, Robert NC 9th
YEA   R   McHenry, Patrick NC 10th
NAY   R   Meadows, Mark NC 11th
YEA   D   Adams, Alma NC 12th
YEA   R   Holding, George NC 13th
North Dakota
YEA   R   Cramer, Kevin ND
YEA   R   Chabot, Steve OH 1st
YEA   R   Wenstrup, Brad OH 2nd
YEA   D   Beatty, Joyce OH 3rd
NAY   R   Jordan, Jim OH 4th
YEA   R   Latta, Robert OH 5th
YEA   R   Johnson, Bill OH 6th
YEA   R   Gibbs, Bob OH 7th
NAY   D   Kaptur, Marcy OH 9th
YEA   R   Turner, Michael OH 10th
YEA   D   Fudge, Marcia OH 11th
YEA   R   Tiberi, Pat OH 12th
YEA   D   Ryan, Tim OH 13th
YEA   R   Joyce, David OH 14th
YEA   R   Stivers, Steve OH 15th
YEA   R   Renacci, James OH 16th
NAY   R   Bridenstine, Jim OK 1st
YEA   R   Mullin, Markwayne OK 2nd
YEA   R   Lucas, Frank OK 3rd
YEA   R   Cole, Tom OK 4th
YEA   R   Lankford, James OK 5th
NAY   D   Bonamici, Suzanne OR 1st
YEA   R   Walden, Greg OR 2nd
NAY   D   Blumenauer, Earl OR 3rd
NAY   D   DeFazio, Peter OR 4th
NO VOTE   D   Schrader, Kurt OR 5th
YEA   D   Brady, Robert PA 1st
YEA   D   Fattah, Chaka PA 2nd
YEA   R   Kelly, Mike PA 3rd
NAY   R   Perry, Scott PA 4th
YEA   R   Thompson, Glenn PA 5th
YEA   R   Gerlach, Jim PA 6th
YEA   R   Meehan, Patrick PA 7th
YEA   R   Fitzpatrick, Michael PA 8th
YEA   R   Shuster, Bill PA 9th
YEA   R   Marino, Tom PA 10th
YEA   R   Barletta, Lou PA 11th
YEA   R   Rothfus, Keith PA 12th
YEA   D   Schwartz, Allyson PA 13th
NAY   D   Doyle, Mike PA 14th
YEA   R   Dent, Charles PA 15th
YEA   R   Pitts, Joseph PA 16th
YEA   D   Cartwright, Matthew PA 17th
YEA   R   Murphy, Tim PA 18th
Rhode Island
YEA   D   Cicilline, David RI 1st
YEA   D   Langevin, Jim RI 2nd
South Carolina
NAY   R   Sanford, Mark SC 1st
YEA   R   Wilson, Joe SC 2nd
NAY   R   Duncan, Jeff SC 3rd
NAY   R   Gowdy, Trey SC 4th
NAY   R   Mulvaney, Mick SC 5th
YEA   D   Clyburn, Jim SC 6th
YEA   R   Rice, Tom SC 7th
South Dakota
YEA   R   Noem, Kristi SD
NAY   R   Roe, Phil TN 1st
NAY   R   Duncan, John TN 2nd
YEA   R   Fleischmann, Chuck TN 3rd
NAY   R   DesJarlais, Scott TN 4th
YEA   D   Cooper, Jim TN 5th
YEA   R   Black, Diane TN 6th
YEA   R   Blackburn, Marsha TN 7th
YEA   R   Fincher, Stephen TN 8th
NAY   D   Cohen, Steve TN 9th
NAY   R   Gohmert, Louie TX 1st
NAY   R   Poe, Ted TX 2nd
YEA   R   Johnson, Sam TX 3rd
NO VOTE   R   Hall, Ralph TX 4th
YEA   R   Hensarling, Jeb TX 5th
YEA   R   Barton, Joe TX 6th
YEA   R   Culberson, John TX 7th
YEA   R   Brady, Kevin TX 8th
YEA   D   Green, Al TX 9th
YEA   R   McCaul, Michael TX 10th
YEA   R   Conaway, Michael TX 11th
YEA   R   Granger, Kay TX 12th
YEA   R   Thornberry, Mac TX 13th
NAY   R   Weber, Randy TX 14th
YEA   D   Hinojosa, Rubén TX 15th
NAY   D   O’Rourke, Beto TX 16th
YEA   R   Flores, Bill TX 17th
NAY   D   Jackson Lee, Sheila TX 18th
YEA   R   Neugebauer, Randy TX 19th
YEA   D   Castro, Joaquin TX 20th
YEA   R   Smith, Lamar TX 21st
YEA   R   Olson, Pete TX 22nd
YEA   D   Gallego, Pete TX 23rd
YEA   R   Marchant, Kenny TX 24th
YEA   R   Williams, Roger TX 25th
NAY   R   Burgess, Michael TX 26th
YEA   R   Farenthold, Blake TX 27th
YEA   D   Cuellar, Henry TX 28th
YEA   D   Green, Gene TX 29th
YEA   D   Johnson, Eddie TX 30th
YEA   R   Carter, John TX 31st
YEA   R   Sessions, Pete TX 32nd
YEA   D   Veasey, Marc TX 33rd
YEA   D   Vela, Filemon TX 34th
NAY   D   Doggett, Lloyd TX 35th
NAY   R   Stockman, Steve TX 36th
YEA   R   Bishop, Rob UT 1st
YEA   R   Stewart, Chris UT 2nd
YEA   R   Chaffetz, Jason UT 3rd
YEA   D   Matheson, Jim UT 4th
NAY   D   Welch, Peter VT
YEA   R   Wittman, Robert VA 1st
YEA   R   Rigell, Scott VA 2nd
YEA   D   Scott, Bobby VA 3rd
YEA   R   Forbes, Randy VA 4th
YEA   R   Hurt, Robert VA 5th
YEA   R   Goodlatte, Bob VA 6th
NAY   R   Brat, Dave VA 7th
YEA   D   Moran, Jim VA 8th
NAY   R   Griffith, Morgan VA 9th
YEA   R   Wolf, Frank VA 10th
YEA   D   Connolly, Gerald VA 11th
NAY   D   DelBene, Suzan WA 1st
YEA   D   Larsen, Rick WA 2nd
YEA   R   Herrera Beutler, Jaime WA 3rd
YEA   R   Hastings, Doc WA 4th
YEA   R   McMorris Rodgers, Cathy WA 5th
YEA   D   Kilmer, Derek WA 6th
NAY   D   McDermott, Jim WA 7th
YEA   R   Reichert, David WA 8th
NO VOTE   D   Smith, Adam WA 9th
NAY   D   Heck, Denny WA 10th
West Virginia
YEA   R   McKinley, David WV 1st
YEA   R   Capito, Shelley WV 2nd
YEA   D   Rahall, Nick WV 3rd
YEA   R   Ryan, Paul WI 1st
NAY   D   Pocan, Mark WI 2nd
YEA   D   Kind, Ron WI 3rd
NAY   D   Moore, Gwen WI 4th
NAY   R   Sensenbrenner, James WI 5th
YEA   R   Petri, Tom WI 6th
YEA   R   Duffy, Sean WI 7th
NAY   R   Ribble, Reid WI 8th
NAY   R   Lummis, Cynthia



   This is a despicable vote and all the Republicans that voted in favor of this bill should hang their heads in shame . 









Court Rules Police Can Force Users To Unlock iPhones With Fingerprints, But Not Passcodes






” A Circuit Court judge in Virginia has ruled that fingerprints are not protected by the Fifth Amendment, a decision that has clear privacy implications for fingerprint-protected devices like newer iPhones and iPads.

  According to Judge Steven C. Fucci, while a criminal defendant can’t be compelled to hand over a passcode to police officers for the purpose of unlocking a cellular device, law enforcement officials can compel a defendant to give up a fingerprint.

  The Fifth Amendment states that “no person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,” which protects memorized information like passwords and passcodes, but it does not extend to fingerprints in the eyes of the law, as speculated by Wired last year. “













Issa Looks To Call Back IRS Official Who Refused To Testify, Says She Voided 5th Amendment Right






” Republican Rep. Darrell Issa declared Thursday that the embattled IRS official who refused to testify Wednesday had no right to do so, and is now looking to haul her back before his committee. 

The chairman of the House oversight committee made the call after consulting with attorneys about IRS official Lois Lerner’s bizarre appearance before the panel on Wednesday. Lerner, the head of the exempt organizations division which oversaw the controversial targeting of conservative groups, caused confusion Wednesday morning when she pleaded the Fifth and refused to answer questions — but also delivered an opening statement in which she asserted her innocence. 

“After consulting with counsel, Chairman Issa has concluded that Ms. Lerner’s 5th amendment assertion is no longer valid,” spokesman Ali Ahmad said. “She remains under subpoena, the Committee is looking at recalling her for testimony.” 


See also : IRS Official Who Refused To Testify Facing More Scrutiny Over Scandal, Past







NY Gun Confiscation Underway – Citizens Told To Turn In Pistol Owner ID & Firearms


” Remember all those who denied that firearms confiscation as a result of New York’s new gun laws was too “insane” to even consider?

That it was strictly in the realm of paranoid conspiracy theorists and the “it cant happen here crowd”?


There’s just one huge problem it is happening now in New York State!
It seems those that tried desperately to warn of such an insidious plot had hit the bullseye with their warnings after all. News came from multiple NY State based firearms enthusiast websites late Friday that confiscations of Pistol Owner ID Cards, as well as firearms and accessories has commenced in NY under the provisions of the horribly flawed, draconian and blatantly unconstitutional NY SAFE Act.

Those folks having their weapons and FID cards confiscated  have been discovered to have been prescribed multiple different types of psychotropic drugs, such as those for Depression or Anxiety. These are known as SSRI ( Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) class drugs and have the potential to cause serious and adverse side effects, something I wrote about extensively last week in an article that went viral in days and caused multiple Anti Gun and Progressive News Groups to initiate a concentrated denial of service hacker attack against Ammoland Shooting Sports News (see Daily KOS ” Keeping Track Of The RKBA Crowd” http://tiny.cc/ug67uw),  in an effort to keep the information from the public.

From NY http://tiny.cc/nyfirearms

“John Doe, an upstanding professional with no outstanding criminal convictions and no history of violent action received a letter from the Pistol Permit Department informing him that his license was immediately revoked upon information that he was seeing a therapist for anxiety and had been prescribed an anxiety drug. He was never suicidal, never violent, and has no criminal history. The New York State Department of Health is apparently conducting a search of medical records to determine who is being treated for anxiety drugs and using this as a basis for handgun license revocation.

Those are the facts. Nothing more, nothing less.”

Now, before anyone trots out the old saw about how this is nothing more then a paranoid, unsubstantiated rumor on a “gun nuts” internet forum. I spoke to the Attorney of Record in this matter on the phone this morning and he confirmed that the above snippet is accurate and these cases are happening!

James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation.”






NY State Supreme Court: Gov. Cuomo Must Prove New Gun Laws are Constitutional



” Do New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s new draconian gun laws pass constitutional muster?

n the lawsuit, Tresmond challenges the constitutionality of the NY SAFE Act on the grounds that it violates not one’s Second Amendment rights, but one’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendment protections against government seizure of private property without “due process and just compensation.”

In an interview with the Utica Observer-Dispatch, Tresmond explained how his two plaintiffs, both gun owners who possess ‘assault’ weapons and ‘high’-capacity magazines will be forced to forfeit their property when the new laws take effect.

“If you can take somebody’s $20,000 gun or firearm without any compensation whatsoever, that’s criminal,” Tresmond added, noting that the case may be on its way to becoming a class action lawsuit. “

