U.S. Offering $5 Million Reward For Al Qaeda Capo … Who Was Released From Gitmo In 2006



” I wish I could tell you that this is a bad Bush policy that Obama’s long since discontinued but we know better, don’t we? I wonder what reward we’ll be offering for this turd, say, circa 2020.

  The defense here, I take it, will be to point to the amount of time that’s elapsed since they released him and claim that no one could have known in 2006 that this guy would grow into a fish big enough to justify a multimillion-dollar reward. Which raises the question: What sort of fish did they think he’d grow into? A garden-variety battlefield jihadi? Even in a best-case scenario, where they sincerely thought the Saudi “rehab” program would straighten him out, they were badly, badly wrong in their judgment.

  Ibrahim al-Rubaysh was originally released in 2006 by the George W. Bush administration and put into a Saudi Arabian “rehabilitation” program. However, al-Rubaysh returned to the battlefield and now serves as a top leader with Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula — one of the most dangerous Al Qaeda affiliates… “


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