Tamir Rice ‘Directly And Proximately’ Responsible For Own Police Shooting Death, Says City






” The death of Tamir Rice was “directly and proximately” caused by the 12-year-old’s own actions, the city of Cleveland has argued in a defense document following a civil claim from the boy’s family. Rice was shot dead by a police officer last November.

  When he was shot, Rice was holding a toy gun which police mistook for a real firearm. The incident sparked widespread criticism that officer Timothy Loehmann, who killed Rice, employed a drastic overuse of force.

  The city of Cleveland’s defense, filed with the US district court on Friday, argues that both Rice and members of his family are to blame for any damages, injuries and losses arising from the incident. The argument lists 20 lines of defense, including that Rice did not “exercise due care to avoid injury” and that members of his family, including his mother and teenage sister, who have lodged the claim, sustained damages “caused by their own acts”. “



   Read more on the city of Cleveland’s attempt to excuse their police officer’s wanton killing of Tamir Rice by blaming the victim at the Guardian and in case you’ve missed it you can catch on the horrifying execution and it’s aftermath by reading our previous posts here , here and here .

   Be sure to watch the above video and see the young man gunned down before the police car is even brought to a stop and bear in mind that the city medical examiner ruled the shooting a homicide .