Tag Archive: $100 Million

Hillary’s $100 Million Hollywood Makeover





” The First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia described the reforms which resulted in the Prague Spring as “socialism with a human face.” The New York Times calls Madam Secretary, CBS’s extremely expensive prime time contribution to the Hillary campaign, “Hillary with a human face.”

  A network series can cost between $3 and $4 million an episode. Assuming that Madam Secretary runs even one season, instead of being canceled ignominiously like Commander in Chief, the 2005 attempt at giving Hillary a human face, it will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 million.

  That’s double the $46 million that Hillary’s campaign spent on TV ads against Obama and it gives the Hillary 2016 campaign over 20 hours of prime time network unpaid ad space. If the series lasts long enough to run through the whole campaign that will double to $200 million. But the Hillary 2016 campaign is expected to cost around $2 billion. CBS’s $100 million donation is only a drop in a big bucket

  Hillary won’t be able to get anyone to play Hillary Clinton once she actually runs for office. Lori McCreary, the executive producer of Madam Secretary, said that she was inspired to create the $100 million Hillary infomercial by watching the Benghazi hearings. Her obvious unspoken thought was that the scene of Hillary doing her best Khrushchev imitation while self-righteously covering up the brutal murder of four Americans would have gone much better if someone else had been playing Hillary.”


 Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage has much more












White House Defends High Bills For Africa Trip




” The White House Friday defended the first family’s upcoming weeklong trip to Africa, which could cost taxpayers up to $100 million, as “great bang for our buck.”

“There will be a great bang for our buck for being in Africa because when you travel to regions like Africa that don’t get a lot of presidential attention, you tend to have very longstanding and long-running impact from the visit,” said Ben Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser to President Obama.

The excursion will involve military cargo planes airlifting 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines, and three trucks to carry bulletproof glass panels to cover the windows where the first family is set to stay. A Navy aircraft carrier or amphibious ship with a fully staffed medical trauma center will be stationed offshore in case of an emergency.

Fighter jets will fly in shifts to provide around-the-clock protection over the president’s airspace. The trip will reportedly involve hundreds of Secret Service agents.”









“$100 Million Security System Breached by Drunken Jet Skier”

“Multiply this by about 1,000 to get an idea of the problem with our entire approach to security


  Sorry—I meant 1,000 times the wasted money, although I imagine that 1,000 drunken jet skiers could wreak a lot of havoc before Homeland Security could do anything about it. ”

For this we are extorted out of hundreds of billions of dollars and our priceless civil rights by the insatiable Federal Growth Machine .

The Weekly Standard


“A new chart set to be released later today by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee details a startling statistic: “Over 100 Million People in U.S. Now Receiving Some Form Of Federal Welfare.” “

  ” Less than 100 days before the election, a string of public opinion polls consistently show that the
public views both presidential contenders as strong, honest leaders.

    The editors find it deeply troubling that after four years a majority of the public still views Obama as a ” strong , honest leader(s)” .

    Therein lies the value to the democratic party of a compliant , lapdog media . That is a service that no amount of campaign advertising could ever hope to equal .

   All we libertarian/conservative types can say is ” thank God Al Gore invented the internet” .

The truth will out … But not without cost

   Such a snapshot is particularly troubling for Obama, given that his campaign has dumped more than $100 million into television
advertisements in battleground states — roughly three-quarters of it on attack ads against Romney.”