Category: Weather

Thousands Gather Along English Channel To Witness ‘Tide Of The Century’






” Thousands of people gathered on beaches in northern France and south west England on Saturday to watch what is being called “the high tide of the century”.

  The exceptionally high spring tide, swollen by a “supermoon” effect linked to the solar eclipse on Friday, sent huge surge waves crashing onto beaches and along estuaries on both sides of the English Channel, to the delight of surfers and tourists.

  The most dramatic effects of the day’s supertide were witnessed at the picturesque island of Mont Saint-Michel, off the coast of Normandy, where a wall of water as high as a four-story building momentarily cut it off from the mainland.

  For a few minutes, Mont Saint-Michel was completely encircled by the sea by a ‘supertide’ caused by the Moon’s extra-strong gravitational pull on the sea. The phenomenon is linked to the alignment of the Moon, Sun and Earth following Friday’s solar eclipse.

  Spotlights illuminated the island’s medieval walled town and gothic abbey during the high tide, with visitors jostling to take photos of the phenomenon.

  As the surge began to make its way along the coast and tidal estuaries, surfers took to the water in the north west town of Pontaubault and waves crashed onto seawalls along the coast, drenching onlookers.”


The Telegraph has more














Solar Eclipse ‘Will Be Memorable’ – But Beware



Toatal Eclipse 3:20:15




” A near-total solar eclipse will occur in the skies above Britain this week, prompting warnings about the dangers of watching the spectacle without taking precautions.

  The eclipse will begin around 8.30am on Friday and last for two hours as the moon moves in front of the Sun. The proportion of the Sun covered by the moon will increase the further north you are.

  In London, 84% of the Sun will be covered, while in Edinburgh the proportion is 93%. The last solar eclipse of such significance took place in August 1999, when a total eclipse occurred.”


Sky News


Links to much more on the impending solar eclipse:


March 20, 2015 — Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse 20 March 2015

Total Solar Eclipse of 2015 Mar 20 – NASA Eclipse Web Site

Solar Eclipse 20 March – The Science Geek












Exclusive Drone Video Shows A Frozen Niagara Falls





   From NBC News: ” The bitter cold temperatures have turned Niagara Falls into a beautiful series of frozen falls.”

With White-Knuckle Grip, February’s Cold Clings To New York





” As it limps away, February will not be missed. With the average temperature for the month lingering around 24 degrees, some 11 degrees shy of normal by the National Weather Service’s calculation, this insult of a month looks as though it will clock in as the coldest recorded February in New York City since 1934. That is 81 years of weather. That is all the way back to the Depression, when there were so many more dire things to worry about than whether 7-Eleven had salt or whose turn it was to walk the dog.

  That year, February averaged 19.9 degrees and included the lowest daily reading ever registered for New York: On Feb. 9 the mercury sank to a ridiculous 15 degrees below zero. “


Read more at The New York Times













Snow For All 50 States Forecast In Next 7 Days


GFS total snowfall forecast for the 7 days ending Friday morning, March 6, 2015.



” The unseasonable cold is expected to continue over much of the U.S., with some interruptions, and the latest GFS model forecast shows some snow for portions of all 50 states in the next seven days. (Graphic courtesy of, click for full-size). “


Read more from Dr Roy Spencer PhD













Nearly Frozen Waves Captured On Camera By Nantucket Photographer


(Photo credit: Jonathan Nimerfroh  - Instagram: @jdnphotography)

(Photo credit: Jonathan Nimerfroh – Instagram: @jdnphotography)



” The record-setting winter of 2015 has left us with all kinds of remarkable images, most of them of snow and ice. But a photographer on Nantucket found something most of us have never seen – nearly frozen waves.”







” Jonathan Nimerfroh was walking along a beach on the island recently when he saw these waves rolling in like slush. “ It looks like a big Slurpee rolling ashore,” Fisher said. “


Thanks to CBS Boston and Jonathan Nimerfroh












Portland Police Demonstrate Cold Temperatures By Turning Water To Snow








” An officer of the Portland, Maine, Police Department tested the air temperature on Feb. 24 by throwing a glass of water outside, only for it to freeze as it came into contact with the bitter air.”


Thanks to













NYC On Ice From Brian Eden




Published on Feb 24, 2015
A time lapse video of tugboats and ferries trying to navigate the frozen East River in NYC. Taken from Droga5 HQ, February 24, 2015 “




Here’s one of the ice moving upriver from Brandon Rosenblum:




Published on Feb 24, 2015

” Icebergs float in the East River during one of the coldest winters recorded in New York City”














Topless Sledding Championships Attracts 14,000 In Braunlage, Germany




” It may not be the Winter Olympics but this topless tobogganing tournament has certainly got fans nipping out for a better view.

  These busty babes braved freezing temperatures to compete in a brrr-illiant TOPLESS tobogganing tournament. 

  More than 14,000 spectators turned out to watch the eye-popping event where 30 male and female competitors bounced along a 100 metre track on sledges. 

  One lucky onlooker said: “It was very cold and because of that some of those girls would definitely have had a bit of an advantage in a photo finish.”



   Lest anyone think that this is a new occurrence , a search of Youtube uncovered the fact that this tournament got it’s start in 2009 . Below is a news report on the second annual event from 2010 .





See more , much more here












Niagara Falls Frozen: Amazing Pictures Show Waterfall Draped In Sheets Of Solid Ice




” Niagara Falls has frozen over as arctic temperatures have taken hold across the Great Lakes, creating an amazing sight that’s generating some viral photos and drawing tourists from around the world.

  With temperatures dipping to 13 degrees below zero in the region, the famous waterfall has turned into a giant cascade of icy sheets. Pictures of the frozen Niagara Falls have circulated around the internet, showing just how massive the ice is around the waterfall.”






” The extreme cold temperatures are helping create the frozen phenomenon. When the weather is this cold, the tremendous amount of mist generated by the powerful waterfall turns everything around it into ice, building in ever-thickening layers that make for an incredible sight.

  This is not the first time that a frozen Niagara Falls has gained attention. Last year some photos of the ice-draped waterfall went viral, thanks in part to a bit of a misunderstanding about just how icy it had gotten. In March, a late-winter cold snap left icy covering the sides of the waterfall, but many pictures circulating on the internet and social media claimed that it had actually frozen over entirely.”


   In fact the Falls are so frozen that intrepid climber Will Gadd dared to ascend the icy wall …







Visit the Inquisitr for more on frozen the Niagara Falls













Captain Kevin Wentworth At Stone Pier





Chebeague Island

Chebeague Island, ME


” Captain Kevin Wentworth of the Chebeague Transportation Company shared this amazing video out at Stone Pier. Amazing stuff! “













The Boston Yeti Is Back! Monster Spotted In New Snowstorm




The above video is from the Boston Yeti’s first appearance last month during Juno



” The Boston Yeti, who made his debut during last month’s blizzard, was on the run again Monday as New England woke up to a fresh round of snow.

  A new storm threatening to bring up to 1 to 2 feet to some areas churned across the already snow-weary Northeast, making for a slippery, tedious commute. But that didn’t stop the yeti, who was spotted at least once this morning.

  The Boston area could receive up to 2 feet of snow by Tuesday, giving the Yeti plenty of time to terrorize the city once again.

  The Yeti’s movements are being documented on the @BostonYeti2015 Twitter handle, which mysteriously appeared during the first snowstorm as residents across the Northeast battened down the hatches.”


Thanks to Mashable












The Fiddling With Temperature Data Is The Biggest Science Scandal Ever





” When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified.

  Two weeks ago, under the headline “How we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”, I wrote about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked warming.

  This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognized by expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.

  Following my last article, Homewood checked a swathe of other South American weather stations around the original three. In each case he found the same suspicious one-way “adjustments”. First these were made by the US government’s Global Historical Climate Network (GHCN). They were then amplified by two of the main official surface records, the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (Giss) and the National Climate Data Center (NCDC), which use the warming trends to estimate temperatures across the vast regions of the Earth where no measurements are taken. Yet these are the very records on which scientists and politicians rely for their belief in “global warming”. “


The Telegraph has much more













Entrepreneurial Teens Told They Can’t Shovel Snow By Cops; Story Snowballs On Social Media



Bound Brook Snow Shoveling




” Two energetic teenagers reportedly had their shoveling business squashed by government regulations last week, but the story gets a little muddy after a social media avalanche.

  Home from school in Bound Brook, NJ for a blizzard that never happened, the teens decided to be productive with their time. With at least a few inches of snow on the ground, they thought they could make some extra cash and offered shoveling services in their neighborhood.

  The 18-year-old boys, Matt Molinari and Eric Schnepf, found out the hard way – wherever there is an ounce of ingenuity or entrepreneurial spirit – there will be a government regulation to squash it.

  The two friends started their journey Monday evening, and handed out flyers which offered their services. It wasn’t long before they were approached by police and ordered to stop their budding business, reported.

  A nearby resident witnessed the interaction between the boys and police and took their grievance to a popular Bound Brook Facebook page.

“ Are you kidding me? Our generation does nothing but complain about his generation being lazy and not working for money,” the resident wrote. “Here’s a couple kids who take the time to print flyers, walk door to door in the snow, and then shovel snow for some spending money. And someone calls the cops and they’re told to stop?”

  Common-sensed members of the Bound Brook Facebook page agreed and offered overwhelming support of the young entrepreneurs, despite the municipality’s law against unlicensed solicitors and peddlers, according to “


Read more













Scientific Consensus That 2014 Was Record Hottest Year? NO


2014 Temps Global




” So the results are in. The main US global-temperature scorekeepers – NASA and the NOAA – say that last year was definitely the hottest year on record. But they’ve been contradicted by a highly authoritative scientific team, one actually set up to try an establish objective facts in this area.

  On the face of it, there’s no dispute. The NASA and NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) statement says:

  The year 2014 ranks as Earth’s warmest since 1880, according to two separate analyses by NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientists.

 Open and shut, right?

  But in fact, detecting a global average temperature rise – of less than a degree since the 1880s, as all sides agree – among thousands upon thousands of thermometer readings from all over the world and spanning more than a century is no simple matter. The temperature at any given location is surging up and down by many degrees each day and even more wildly across a year. It can be done, across a timescale of decades, but trying to say that one year is hotter or colder than the next is to push the limits of statistics and the available data. This sort of thing is why the battle over global temperatures tends to be so hotly debated.

  A few years ago, a new dataset was established called the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature project. It was intended to address various issues raised by climate skeptics: but in fact it has plumped down firmly on the warmist side of the debate, saying that in fact there are no undue biases in the temperature records, changes in the Sun do not have any major climate effects, and so on.

  Now, however, the BEST boffins have broken ranks with the NASA/NOAA/UK Met Office climate establishment and bluntly contradicted the idea that one can simply say “2014 was the hottest year on record”. According to BEST’s analysis (pdf):

  Our best estimate for the global temperature of 2014 puts it slightly above (by 0.01 C) that of the next warmest year (2010) but by much less than the margin of uncertainty (0.05 C). Therefore it is impossible to conclude from our analysis which of 2014, 2010, or 2005 was actually the warmest year.

  That may seem like not such a big deal, but it is really. At the moment the big debate in this area is about the “hiatus” – has global warming been stalled for the last fifteen-years-plus, or not? “


Read it all at The Register













Drone Video Tours Frozen Shore Of Lake Michigan





“Michigan teenager shared stunning footage of a partially frozen Lake Michigan he shot using a drone-mounted GoPro camera.

  Tommy Sadler, a student at Byron Center High School in Grand Haven, posted a video to YouTube Sunday showing the frozen shore of the second largest of the Great Lakes at the Rosy Mound Natural Area in Grand Haven. “


UPI News












Bombardier’s Ideas For The Future Of The Snowmobile






” Do you love the feel of gliding over soft powder while astride your favorite snowmobile? Have you spent the winter helping out friends and family thanks to your trusty Ski-Doo? Whether it is outdoor sporting activities or participating in search and rescue, snowmobiles provide a critical function in our lives during Canadian winters. Building off existing models and considering concerns raised by snowmobile enthusiasts, I bring you a list of nine concept ideas about the future of the snowmobile.”


”  Wireless heat & power

This idea could take the form of inductive plates embedded in the footrest of the snowmobile that would create a magnetic field to transfer electricity wirelessly to the boots of the driver and passenger. The boot would then use this electricity to generate heat. The electricity could also be transferred to heated socks or to the rest of your suit, gloves and helmet using a similar hidden and wireless process.”



”  Integrated rear trunk

When you’re leaving for a weekend ride, there never seems to be enough space on snowmobiles for cargo. Sure, you can buy portable bags or luggage as accessories, but maybe it’s time to design a snowmobile with an actual rear trunk large enough to carry gear for two. This compartment could also be heated (at least above the freezing point) so that your liquids (like contact lens fluids) would not freeze during. With 48 inches to spare, I am sure designers can think of clever ways to integrate this.”



”  Warning sensors

Another desirable feature would be infrared sensors that could detect humans, animals, and other vehicles in front of you and around corners. Basically, sensors in front of your sled would detect and interpret information using the onboard computer. The results could appear on a display in the dashboard and be sent as a warning (using digital voice technology) to your helmet.”



Read on












New Yorkers Told To Stay Home As 2 Feet Of Snow Forecast


Another %22Storm Of The Century%22




” New York officials told residents to stay at home as a blizzard forecasters call “life-threatening” may dump as much as two feet of snow from New York to Boston.

  Northern New Jersey, New York City, Long Island and large parts of southern New England to Boston may receive as much as 24 inches (60 centimeters) of snow, the National Weather Service said in its latest advisory. The storm has already caused more than 1,800 flight cancellations and will likely block road and rail traffic, close schools and knock out power across the U.S. Northeast.

  Snow may fall so hard and fast that commuter rail, buses and subways could shut down before workers leave for home on Monday afternoon, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said yesterday in an e-mailed statement. A blizzard warning has been posted from New Jersey to Maine’s border with Canada. “


Bloomberg News












Boats In Frightening Seas — 10 Videos That Will Scare The Heck Out Of You






#1 ” This breathtaking compilation shows big ships in monstrous seas. How big? At one point waves are breaking over the bow of an aircraft carrier. Later, an enormous cruise ships wallows like a toy. “


There are nine more heart-stopping videos here .











Minnesota Brothers Create Amazing Sea Turtle Snow Sculpture






” A trio of Minnesota brothers is upping their snow sculpture game. For the past four years the Bartz brothers of New Brighton, Minnesota have used their front lawn, and snow from Mother Nature, to create amazing works of art.

  Their past creations include a walrus, shark, and puffer fish. This year the brothers created a giant sea turtle sculpture out of snow.”



     Just over a year ago we featured these brothers for their creation of the “Snow Shark” . This year’s creation comes to us thanks to WHOTV











I-94 Insane Accident (150+ Car Pileup)



Published on Jan 9, 2015

” Terrible accident on I-94 in Michigan on 1/9/15. Thoughts and Prayers to Everyone Involved. “











The Tree-Ring Of The Fisherman




” I mentioned the other day Dr Judith Curry’s New Year predictions:

  In terms of global temperature, I expect the hiatus to continue at last another decade, but won’t pretend to predict year to year variations. In terms of U.S. politics, I expect the Republican dominated Senate to hold more congressional hearings related to climate/energy issues. I don’t expect much to be accomplished in the Paris UNFCCC meeting. And finally I predict that Michael Mann’s lawsuit against NRO/CEI/Steyn won’t be resolved in 2015.

  I’ll come back to that last one – personally, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mann’s suit against me lasts as long as “the hiatus” and then some. And I’ll return to the first one, too. But let’s start with that third one – the upcoming Paris meeting of the UNFCCC. When I first started seeing headlines about the Pope pushing for action on climate change, I assumed the College of Climate Cardinals had had a whip round and decided to buy Michael E Mann a funny hat and a big balcony to make up for the implosion of his self-conferred Nobel Prize. But no, this isn’t His Hockiness but His Holiness – the real, actual Pope:

  This March, following a visit to the Philippines, Pope Francis will publish an encyclical on the environment that insiders say will tackle the issue of global warming head on. Pope Francis is hoping to have some impact when world leaders meet to discuss climate change in Paris next year…

  So the pontiff wants to get a piece of the climate-change action. Do carbon offsets qualify for papal indulgences?”


Saturday’s must read












12 Injured In 35-Car Pileup On I-93 In New Hampshire






” A 35-car pileup on snowy Interstate 93 in New Hampshire on Friday morning left a tractor-trailer in flames, crumpled cars strewn along the roadway and 12 people injured, as snow squalls and ice made driving treacherous.

  The crash was reported around 10 a.m. on I-93 North in Ashland, according to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. New Hampshire State Police Lt. Jerome Maslan said 35 vehicles were involved in two separate pileups, after initial reports that 50 to 100 cars might have been involved.

  One of the crashes involved a tractor-trailer that caught fire after a vehicle went underneath it. Aerial footage of the crashes showed boxes strewn about and crumpled cars.”

NECN has more

Waterfall Freezes Over On The Yellow River






” Tourists have been flocking to a section of China’s Yellow River in far greater numbers recently as part of the Hukou Waterfall has frozen over in the incredibly cold weather.

  With temperatures dropping to as low as -12° Celsius, part of China’s second-largest waterfall has become a wall of ice, making it seem like someone has emptied the contents of a fire extinguisher over the entire scene.

  The Hukou Waterfall is situated where the provinces of Shanxi and Shaanxi meet and it is roughly 66-ft high.





   Meanwhile , as scientists proclaim 2014 the “hottest year everrecord snowfalls , ice buildups and other cold weather-related events continue to pile up even as winter just begins .  Then again , the “crisis” is no longer global warming , but climate change .