Category: War

    In remembrance of those who made the ultimate sacrifice here are some links to Memorial Day posts from our archives … 


Americans Forget The Meaning Of Memorial Day!

Know Your History … The Origins Of Memorial Day

A Little Reminder Of What Memorial Day Is Really About …

Memorial Day Via The Looking Spoon

What Memorial Day Is Really All About

History Of Memorial Day Memorial Day Tribute

No Daily Comedy 5.27.13 – Memorial Day Tributes

Daily Video 5.27.13 Memorial Day 2013

Thank You , Mr President … For Staying Away From Arlington On Memorial Day




Thank you veterans , both living and deceased , we honor your sacrifice …












“Taps” Performed In Arlington National Cemetery

Summer And Winter





Published on Jan 21, 2014

” The buglers of The United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” perform over 5000 missions a year in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.
Featured here are SSG Jesse Tubb (summer) and SSG Drew Fremder (winter) “











Army Morale Low Despite 6-Year, $287M Optimism Program





” More than half of some 770,000 soldiers are pessimistic about their future in the military and nearly as many are unhappy in their jobs, despite a six-year, $287 million campaign to make troops more optimistic and resilient, findings obtained by USA TODAY show.

  Twelve months of data through early 2015 show that 403,564 soldiers, or 52%, scored badly in the area of optimism, agreeing with statements such as “I rarely count on good things happening to me.” Forty-eight percent have little satisfaction in or commitment to their jobs.

  The results stem from resiliency assessments that soldiers are required to take every year. In 2014, for the first time, the Army pulled data from those assessments to help commanders gauge the psychological and physical health of their troops.

  The effort produced startlingly negative results. In addition to low optimism and job satisfaction, more than half reported poor nutrition and sleep, and only 14% said they are eating right and getting enough rest.

  The Army began a program of positive psychology in 2009 in the midst of two wars and as suicide and mental illness were on the rise. To measure resiliency the Army created a confidential, online questionnaire that all soldiers, including the National Guard and Reserve, must fill out once a year.

— Forty-eight percent or about 370,000 soldiers showed a lack of commitment to their job or would have chosen another if they had it to do over again. Only 28% felt good about what they do.

— About 300,000 soldiers or nearly 40% didn’t trust their immediate supervisor or fellow soldiers in their unit or didn’t feel respected or valued. Thirty-two percent felt good about about bosses and peers.”


USA Today










Former 10th Mountain Division Soldier Aids Christian Militias Fighting ISIS






” A former 10th Mountain Division soldier is helping Christian militias in Iraq protect their homes from Islamic State group militants.

  Brett Felton, who previously served with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, told a crew from CBS News’s “60 Minutes” that his Christian faith inspired him to travel into the country.

“ People say, ‘You’re crazy for doin’ this,’” Mr. Felton said on the program. “I think people are crazy for not doing their part, to be honest with you. To me, for the Christians here, it would be an honor to give my life helping these people.”

  Mr. Felton deployed to Iraq in 2006, and left the Army in 2007.

  The Troy, Mich., native arrived in Iraq after sneaking over from Lebanon, where he was studying.

  The news program’s crew found him in February training forces in Bakufa, a small village north of Mosul, where many of its Christian residents have fled.”

Read more

Veteran Has Recruited 17 Men To Fight In Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing Group


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” A local veteran has put together a combat team to fight terrorists in the Middle East. Now, they’re getting ready to deploy in a few months.

  Action News first told you about this story last month on the day Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing was formed.

  Founder and Army veteran Sean Rowe’s goal was to find several veterans willing to fight the terror group, and he found more than a dozen veterans are willing to fight.

  Almost half of them are from Florida and Rowe said a lot of people reached out to him after our first story aired. They all have a military background and are ready to return to the battle field to fight ISIS.

  Rowe said he was looking for a few good men to join his group Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing and he’s found them. Just don’t call them mercenaries.

“ I hate that term. We’re not doing this for money; we’re volunteering our time,” Rowe said.”


   Read more about Sean Rowe as he joins other Christian volunteers in the fight against the existential threat to our civilization while our leaders dither and issue platitudes .












American-Israeli Rabbi Compares Obama To Haman





‘ Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, chief rabbi of Efrat, on Saturday night compared US President Barack Obama to Haman and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Mordechai.

  Speaking at the Jerusalem Great Synagogue, the American-born Riskin said that he could not understand what was going through Obama’s mind.

“ The president of the United States is lashing out at Israel just like Haman lashed out at the Jews,” he said.

“ I’m not making a political statement,” he clarified, “I’m making a Jewish statement.” 
  When a woman in the audience shouted out that he was being disrespectful to the US president, she was booed by the crowd. Riskin said he didn’t need any help from the audience.

“ I am being disrespectful because the president of the United States was disrespectful to my prime minister, to my country, to my future and to the future of the world.”

  Just as Mordechai was focused on saving the Jews of Persia from destruction, he said, so Netanyahu is focused on saving Israel and the world from destruction.

  He said more than once throughout his address that he was proud of Netanyahu, and added that he did the right thing in speaking to Congress “even if it angered Obama.”


Continue reading














‘Arab-Israel Alliance’ Leaving Obama Isolated




” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has jabbed President Barack Obama with a stinging remark that although Israel and the United States are friends, fears of Iran and the ISIS have forged a “new partnership” of Israel and “many of our Arab neighbors.”

  Netanyahu took the opportunity of being charged with the responsibility to form a new government to say:

  We very much appreciate, and will take care to preserve, our alliance with the best of our friends, the United States; however, we will continue to work to prevent the agreement with Iran, an agreement that endangers us, our neighbors and the world. We see eye to eye with many of our Arab neighbors regarding the danger posed by Iran and we also view positively the benefit that this new partnership could have for the region.

  The chaos in Yemen has once again embarrassed the Obama administration by exposing another colossal foreign policy failure that has made President Obama increasingly isolated in the region.”



    This article from today’s Jewish Press amply demonstrates that our “Dear Leader” sides , not with all Muslims , but only with the extremist factions … Iran , Palestinian terror groups and jihadists , while Israel forges alliances with the more moderate Muslims of the mideast in the interests of self-preservation.

    One side seeks only to be left in peace while the other works ceaselessly towards a Global Caliphate with the active collusion of our “commander-in-chief” … President “Peace Prize” , who claims to seek peace in the middle east is in actuality ensuring  , whether by incompetence or design , that war is coming ala Neville Chamberlain .












US Declassifies Report, Exposes Details On Israel’s Nuclear Program





” The United States has just revealed a stunning amount of information on some of Israel’s the most closely guarded secrets: information about its military cooperation with America and 20 years’ worth of details on Israel’s nuclear technology development, up to the 1980s.

  The 386-page report, composed in 1987 by the federally funded Institute for Defense Analysis, (an NGO that operates under the Pentagon), is titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations.”

  It was declassified by the Pentagon in early February – but oddly, the report has been redacted so as to black out or withhold everything the Institute wrote on America’s NATO allies – but to reveal all that American experts assembled in Israel.



     Obama has been working diligently on two things since taking office , his golf game and ensuring that no allies ever trust America again . The enemies of the US couldn’t have gotten a better president if they had hand-picked him themselves . Read more on the administration’s betrayal of Israel by our “Muslim-In-Chief” at the Jewish Press 

   And to all of our Jewish readers who’ve supported Mr Obama , you had better be prepared to bid farewell to the Jewish homeland as he eagerly gives Iran the means of Israel’s destruction .












Losing Yemen






” The last US special forces have been withdrawn from Yemen without exciting much notice from the US press.  Max Boot tweets: “All US SOF evacuating Yemen. Huge win for AQAP, huge defeat for US. How many foreign policy disasters can we handle?” Reuters reports, “the United States has evacuated its remaining personnel, including about 100 special operations forces, from Yemen because of the deteriorating security situation there, U.S. officials said on Saturday.”  This means that the last vestiges of what the Obama administration only recently touted as their model counter-insurgency operation are gone.  The collapse has flown largely under the media radar.

  Last week Craig Whitlock of the Washington Post reported that $500 million dollars in American supplied weapons are now in the hands of “Iranian-backed rebels or al-Qaeda”.  The Islamist blitzkrieg is living off huge quantities of captured US materiel.

  BS News reported that an “Obama administration’s senior counterterrorism official acknowledged Thursday that the U.S. intelligence community was surprised by the collapse of the U.S.-backed government in Yemen.”  Nobody saw it coming, but the very same people assure the public they know what is to come.  They’re in intelligence, right?

  Nick Rasmussen, who directs the National Counterterrorism Center, told the Senate Intelligence Committee that Yemen’s American-funded army failed to oppose advancing Houthi rebels in the same way the U.S.-supported Iraqi military refused to fight Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants last year.

  What happened in Iraq with the onslaught of ISIS “happened in Yemen” on “a somewhat smaller scale,” he said. “As the Houthi advances toward Sanaa took place… they weren’t opposed in many places…. The situation deteriorated far more rapidly than we expected.” “



   Read more on the latest , of many , foreign policy failures of the Obama administration from Richard Fernandez

After 12 Years, CIA Releases Classified Document Used To Justify Invasion Of Iraq








” John Greenewald, the operator of The Black Vault, a hub for declassified government documents, contacted the CIA in 2014, requesting an updated version of the NIE that contained more details. The CIA provided Greenewald with a newer version in Jan. 2015, which he first shared with VICE News.

  VICE News noted that the release of this document marks the first time the public has access to the “hastily drafted CIA document that led Congress to pass a joint resolution authorizing the use of military force in Iraq.”

  While the newly released version of the NIE still keeps some details from the public, it provides more information about the intelligence the US claimed to have when choosing to invade Iraq, and it points out some holes in the stories of the US officials who were justifying the invasion to the American public.

  When presenting the war on March 19, 2003, Bush stated that the United States’ goals were to disarm Iraq of its supposed weapons of mass destruction, to overthrow Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, and to free the Iraqi people.”



Ben Swann has more













Breaking A Decades-Long Trend, The World Gets More Violent








” If you were watching the news last year, it was hard to escape the impression the world was falling apart. Now the data is in. And yes, it turns out the world’s most violent conflicts got a lot bloodier in 2014 — almost 30 percent bloodier, in fact.

  According to an analysis of data from the world’s 20 most lethal wars last year, at least 163,000 people died in conflict. That compares to just under 127,000 in the 20 worst wars the previous year, a rise of 28.7 percent.”





  That’s a pretty disturbing spike by anyone’s terms. And if you look at the first few months of 2015, the violence doesn’t seem to be waning.

  What’s even more worrying is that this seems to be part of an ongoing trend that now goes back eight years. According to the Australia-based Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), global violence — as defined by a range of measures from conflict deaths, to displaced persons, to homicide rates — has been rising since 2007.”



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” This news is in many ways surprising because up to 2007, the data suggested the world was becoming a much safer place.

  According to the IEP, global violence had been broadly subsiding since the end of World War Two. Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker traces it back even further. Since the dawn of prehistory, Pinker’s research suggests, mankind has been becoming less violent.

  So what is going wrong now? And how bad could it all get? ”


   What could have changed ?  Couldn’t be a lack of competent leadership now could it ? Nah … they’ve assured us we’ve never been safer . Read more at Reuters …













Steve King: How Can American Jews Be ‘Democrats First And Jewish Second’



” Rep. Steve King wants to know how American Jews continue to identify as Democrats.

  The Iowa congressman questioned how American Jews can be “Democrats first and Jewish second,” while supporting President Obama’s foreign policy toward Israel.

” Well, there were some 50 or so Democrats that decided they would boycott the president’s speech. One thing that’s happened is — just look at the polling, that means — here is one thing that I don’t understand, I don’t understand how Jews in America can be Democrats first and Jewish second and support Israel along the line of just following their president,” he said on Boston Herald radio Friday when asked about the Democratic members of Congress who skipped out on attending Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress some two weeks ago.”


Continue reading












‘Jade Helm 2015’ 8-Week Summer Special Ops Exercises Prep For End Game And ‘Mastering The Human Domain’






” From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army’s Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in ‘Jade Helm 15’, 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America in which the states of Texas and Utah are both labeled ‘hostile’ territory in the ‘drills’ as outlined in more detail in the US Army Special Ops Command documents embedded below. “







” While US Army operations planner Thomas Mead tells “this allows our soldiers to get a better training environment” and “you only get so much in a military environment”, his disclaimer is “you don’t get a true interaction with the public” which leads us to ask these questions: How much interaction do they expect with the public between the hours of 11 pm and 4 am, when these exercises will be taking place? Maybe even more importantly, what exactly is ‘mastering the human domain‘, the exercise tag line seen in the image at the top of story? “



Read all about the latest preparations for martial law at the All News Pipeline














Chuck Norris Does A Bibi Netanyahu Commercial




” It is said that Rome was not built in a day, but only because Chuck Norris was too busy at the time helping God create the Heavens and the Earth. I guess the Lord was busy because now Chuck Norris has done an ad for Bibi Netanyahu’s campaign. Hopefully the power of the Chuck will work —after all everyone knows that on the 8th day God created Chuck Norris.”

Courtesy of Yid With A Lid

Saddam Hussein’s Tomb Suffers Extensive Damage During Fight Between Islamic State, Iraqi Forces






” The tomb of Iraq’s late dictator Saddam Hussein was virtually leveled in heavy clashes between militants from the Islamic State group and Iraqi forces in a fight for control of the city of Tikrit.

  Fighting intensified to the north and south of Saddam Hussein’s hometown Sunday as Iraqi security forces vowed to reach the center of Tikrit within 48 hours. Associated Press video from the village of Ouja, just south of Tikrit, shows all that remains of Hussein’s once-lavish tomb are the support columns that held up the roof.”






” Poster-sized pictures of Saddam, which once covered the mausoleum, are now nowhere to be seen amid the mountains of concrete rubble. Instead, Shiite militia flags and photos of militia leaders mark the predominantly Sunni village, including that of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the powerful Iranian general advising Iraqi Shiite militias on the battlefield.”



Daily News












This Man Was A University Lecturer. Then To ISIS Terrorists, He Became The ‘Angel Of Death.’






” Back in June 2014, an iconic and possibly legendary figure arose to fight the terrorist group ISIS. Reputed to be a university lecturer and Tae kwon do champion in Iraq, the man going by the name Abu Azrael has become known to the ISIS-fighting world the “Angel of death.

  Azrael has become the face of the Imam Ali brigade, a group of Shi-a fighters that some believe are backed by Iran. According to the Daily Mail, the group is fighting alongside the Iraqi army, showing how the cross-cutting cleavages among national interests in the Middle East are complex indeed.”


German Socialist Killed Fighting With Kurdish Forces In Syria


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” A young German woman has been killed while fighting alongside Kurdish forces against Islamic State militants in northeastern Syria, according to a monitoring group.

  The woman, named by some sources as Ivana Hoffman, was killed on Sunday near the town of Tal Tamer where she was assisting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in their struggle against the IS fighters.

  She is the third Westerner killed among Kurdish ranks in Syria.

  Hoffman, who reportedly went by the Turkish nom de guerre Avasin Tekosin Gunes, identified herself as a member of the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (MLKP), a Hoxhaist party based in Turkey where it is listed by the government as a terrorist organisation.

          A photo circulated by MLKP supporters, showing Hoffman holding the MLKP newpaper ‘Atilim’ (‘The Leap’), location uknown.

  A statement on the MLKP’s website lauding Hoffman’s final hours in Syria reads: “Her dreams are our dreams, her path is our path and her memory is our honour. Comrade Avasin Tekosin Günes is immortal.”

  A video released by the MLKP in January purported to show Hoffman (whose faced is obscured) in the Kurdish region of Syria, also called Rojava, describing her reasons for fighting:

“We are here on the front – IS territory is right behind us,” she tells the camera.”






   Read more on the third western volunteer to die fighting with the Kurds against ISIS who joins Aussie Ashley Kent Johnson and Brit Konstandinos Erik Scurfield on the KIA roles .  

   More on Ms Hoffman’s death can be found herehere , and here .













Netanyahu Speech Divides Dems





” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday delivered a blistering rebuke of President Obama’s Iran strategy, warning in an address to Congress that the nuclear disarmament talks would “all but guarantee” a march to war.

  The fiery takedown of one of Obama’s top foreign policy priorities split leading Democrats, with some hailing the speech as a thoughtful warning from America’s closest ally in the Middle East and others condemning it as an underhanded attack on the White House.

  More than 50 Democrats boycotted the speech to protest both Netanyahu’s censure of Obama’s policies and Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) decision to invite the prime minister without first consulting the White House or Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill. 

  House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who attended the speech, issued a scathing statement afterward.

“ I was near tears throughout the Prime Minister’s speech — saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the [negotiating] nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation,” Pelosi said.”



    Pelosi is an anti-semite and an idiot . If she was in tears it was only because Prime Minister Netanyahu exhibited a level of diplomacy and leadership that is conspicuously absent among Ms Pelosi and her boy in the White House and it must have been terrifying for that contrast to have been so starkly displayed for all the world to see .

   Other dems , from districts more dependent on Jewish voters , saw things a little differently …



” That view wasn’t shared by other top Democrats, who praised Netanyahu’s message as both powerful and necessary amid a time of rising terrorist threats in the Middle East.

  Rep. Joseph Crowley (N.Y.), vice chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, said it was “a very strong speech” in defense of Israel’s position.

  Rep. Nita Lowey (D-N.Y.), ranking member of the Appropriations Committee, called it a “powerful, strong, factual, inspiring” address that “sent a very strong message to the entire world.”

  And Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee, said it was “a brilliant speech” that did “a very effective job” warning Congress of the risks surrounding Obama’s Iran negotiations.

“ I was skeptical about the deal going in, I’m just as skeptical after the speech, and I think a significant number of my colleagues are where I am,” Rep. Israel said. “He changed minds. The question is: How many minds did he change?” “



    For future voting consideration , here is The Hill’s list of House and Senate democrats that boycotted the Prime Minister’s speech to Congress yesterday : 



House (48)

Rep. Karen Bass (Calif.)

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Ore.)

Rep. Corrine Brown (Fla.)

Rep. G.K. Butterfield (N.C.)

Rep. Lois Capps (Calif.)

Rep. Andre Carson (Ind.)

Rep. Joaquin Castro (Texas)

Rep. Katherine Clark (Mass.)

Rep. Lacy Clay (Mo.) 

Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.)

Rep. Steve Cohen (Tenn.)

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.)

Rep. John Conyers (Mich.)

Rep. Danny Davis (Ill.) 

Rep. Rosa DeLauro (Conn.) 

Rep. Peter DeFazio (Ore.)

Rep. Diana DeGette (Colo.)

Rep. Lloyd Doggett (Texas)

Rep. Donna Edwards (Md.)

Rep. Keith Ellison (Minn.)

Rep. Chaka Fattah (Pa.)

Rep. Marcia Fudge (Ohio)

Rep. Raúl Grijalva (Ariz.)

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (Ill.)

Rep. Denny Heck (Wash.)

Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (Texas)

Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (Texas) 

Rep. Marcy Kaptur (Ohio)

Rep. Rick Larsen (Wash.)

Rep. Barbara Lee (Calif.)

Rep. John Lewis (Ga.)

Rep. Dave Loebsack (Iowa)

Rep. Zoe Lofgren (Calif.)

Rep. Betty McCollum (Minn.)

Rep. Jim McDermott (Wash.)

Reps. Jim McGovern (Mass.)

Rep. Jerry McNerney (Calif.)

Rep. Gregory Meeks (N.Y.)

Rep. Gwen Moore (Wis.)

Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.)

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Texas)

Rep. Chellie Pingree (Maine)

Rep. David Price (N.C.)

Rep. Cedric Richmond (La.)

Rep. Jan Schakowsky (Ill.)

Rep. Bennie Thompson (Miss.)

Rep. Mike Thompson (Calif.)

Rep. John Yarmuth (Ky.)


Senate (8)

Sen. Al Franken (Minn.)

Sen. Tim Kaine (Va.)

Sen. Patrick Leahy (Vt.)

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Sen. Brian Schatz (Hawaii)

Sen. Martin Heinrich (N.M.)

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.)

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) 



   As the terrorist regime in Tehran inches ever closer to membership in the exclusive “nuclear club” remember these names , along with Barack Obama and that other incompetent fool John Kerry .





Read more at The Hill













DNI: 2014 Was Deadliest Year For Terror Attacks In 45 Years







” Terrorist attacks and resulting deaths increased sharply last year, according to statistics made public Thursday by the director of national intelligence.

“ When the final counting is done, 2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in the 45 years such data has been compiled,” DNI Director James Clapper told Congress, adding that about half of all attacks took place in three states: Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

  Last year from January to September, around 13,000 terror attacks were carried out, killing 31,000 people. By contrast, in 2013, 22,000 people were killed in terrorist violence in over 11,500 attacks, Clapper disclosed during a wide-ranging world threat briefing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

  More than 3,400 foreign jihadists have joined the al Qaeda offshoot known as the Islamic State (IS) that is showing signs of establishing its own nation state, Clapper said.

  The DNI also testified that IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS) is expanding outside Iraq and Syria into the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and South Asia. The group also is planning terror attacks on Western interests and against Shiite Muslims, he said.”



    Contrast the Obama administration’s own DNI chief’s testimony with his boss’s statement of just a few months ago wherein “President Peace Prize” asserted that the “world has never been safer”. Read more .













US Christians Back Emerging Private War On Iraq Jihadists






” After fighting with rebels in Libya and Syria, Matthew VanDyke has rolled up in northern Iraq, but the celebrity American revolutionary-cum-filmmaker has traded his fatigues for a three-piece suit.

  VanDyke, who rose to fame as a foreign fighter backing Libyan rebels against Moamer Kadhafi, has just finished leading his new military contracting firm through its first assignment — training Christian volunteers to take on jihadists.

  Funded by Christian groups from abroad, mainly from the United States, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit (NPU) aims to bring a local Christian militia to bear against the Islamic State group that has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.

  VanDyke is one of the best-known — and least camera-shy — figures in an expanding and complex constellation of foreign fighters, organisations and donors getting involved in a private war against the jihadists.

” This is an extension of my work as a revolutionary,” he says as he takes a sip from his cappuccino in a cafe in the Kurdish capital of Arbil. “What gives somebody else the right to sit home and do nothing?” 

  The 35-year-old came to prominence in 2011 when he joined Libyan rebels in the fight to overthrow Kadhafi. He was held by regime forces in solitary confinement for more than five months.

  The film “Point and Shoot” directed by Marshall Curry, which won the best documentary award at the Tribeca Festival last year, recounts the 35,000-mile motorcycle odyssey that led VanDyke to Libya and which he describes as “a crash course in manhood”.

  Not one to shy away from self-aggrandizement, VanDyke’s official website claims that his own documentary on the Syrian conflict, in which he volunteered in 2012, won no fewer than 82 prizes.

  A few months ago, VanDyke changed tack and decided to form his military contracting firm, the Sons of Liberty International (SOLI), with the training of a few hundred NPU volunteers as a first assignment.

  The Nineveh in the NPU’s name refers to a northern region which Iraq’s Assyrian Christians and other religious minorities consider their ancestral home.

  IS last year declared a “caliphate” over parts of Iraq and Syria it had seized, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes, including many Iraqi Christians.

  The mostly Sunni Arab group has been accused of persecuting other communities and this week was reported to have taken several hundred Assyrian Christians hostage in northeastern Syria.

  A US-led international coalition launched an air war on the jihadists in August and dispatched forces to train Kurdish and Iraqi federal troops who hope to eventually retake lost ground.

  In the meantime other — less official — parties have been drawn into the conflict from abroad.

  The NPU, for example, is being funded by the American Mesopotamian Organization (AMO), a California-based group founded by Assyrian-Americans.”



    Even as we mourn the loss of the first western volunteer to die fighting ISIS the news is filled with encouraging reports of private citizens and organizations , Christian and otherwise , stepping up to the plate as the western powers , those dauntless defenders of liberty , dither , bluster and wring their hands .

   Read the rest of this article at Yahoo News and see the links below for many similar tales …



Daniel Hannan: Westerners Joining ISIS to Fight for a Cause

The names: Who has been recruited to ISIS from the West

Westerners Join Iraqi Christian Militia To Fight ISIS

Kurdish fight against ISIS draws dozens of Westerners

How ISIS and other jihadists persuaded thousands of Westerners to fighttheir war of extremism

Dozens of Westerners join battle against ISIS














Australian Killed Fighting Islamic State Named As Ashley Kent Johnston


Ashley Kent Johnson RIP




” An Australian killed fighting for the Kurds against Islamic State in northern Syria – and thought to be the first Westerner to die in battle against IS – has been identified as 28 year-old Ashley Kent Johnston.

  Mr Johnston, born in Maryborough, Queensland, is believed to have been a resident of the ACT before joining the fight against IS in Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.

  Australian Kurdish Association president Gulfer Olan confirmed Mr Johnston had died in the fighting and said she was trying to contact Mr Johnston’s family to pass on the Kurdish community’s condolences.

  A man reported killed fighting against Islamic State in Syria, and identified as 28-year-old Australian Ashley Kent Johnston.

  Fairfax Media has obtained an image of Mr Johnston’s passport from Australian Kurdish representatives. He was born on April 15, 1986.”

  The news of the Australian’s death travelled fast through Kurdistan and the Kurdish controlled enclave of Jazira in north-eastern Syria.

  Mr Rahman said dozens of Westerners had joined the YPG’s ranks.

” There are foreigners fighting on all sides of Syria’s war … They are volunteers, they don’t get paid anything at all,” he said.

” The YPG isn’t actively recruiting foreigners, but people from countries like Canada, the United States, Britain, Spain, Australia, Holland, Austria and France have travelled to Syria to join their ranks,” he said.”




The YPG posted an announcement along with a tribute video on their Facebook page:




” We the YPG regretfully inform you of the death of one of our bravest western fighters Heval Bagok Serhed. He is the first western fighter to be martyred fighting the evil of isis. Rest in Peace our Brother

  We cannot disclose his identity as of yet for security reasons but in Rojava he went by the name of Heval Bagok Serhed. A YPG spokesman Redur Xelîl will make a statement to the media in due course. What we can disclose is his story of heroism and self-sacrifice for the Kurdish people.

  Throughout his time in Kurdistan he had a positive impact on my peoples lives though his humility and kindness to everyone he met. He was taken from us in a heroic assault on ISIS positions in a small village near Shingal. His squad of 8 fighters were in a truck which had broken down and it was critical that they dislodge ISIS from their positions so they pushed on fearlessly with little regard for the own safety. They where massively outnumbered and outgunned but fearless in the face of this as they knew another ISIS death meant saving the lives of countless civilians. He was a fearless and exceptional soldier as well a great man.

  Please keep his family and loved ones in your prayers and remember him and his heroic actions, which saved his comrades. He has given his life in the line of duty for his brothers in arms and for humanity in riding this world of the greatest evil of the 21st century. ISIS.

  Long live the resistance of the YPG/YPJ and long live the memory of Heval bagok serhed!! Kurdish People will never forget you and you will live in our heart forever . ”  The Lions Of Rojava

Rest in peace Christian soldier … 


Sydney Morning Herald















Pentagon Benghazi Documents Expose Administration Lies






” Scandal: Heavily redacted documents show a military response had been drafted in answer to the Benghazi terrorist attack by a group supporting “an Islamic state” in Libya. It also showed the attack wasn’t inflamed by a video.

  It’s taken Judicial Watch two years to obtain from the most transparent administration in history the 486 pages of documents pertaining to the military response to the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attack on our Benghazi diplomatic mission. They confirm what we have said repeatedly, that the Benghazi tale spun by President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was indeed a lie agreed upon.

  Despite heavy redaction, they show that the real “JV team” — a term applied by Obama to the deadly Islamic State — resides in the White House. The papers reveal, for instance, that at one point the military relied on a photo from a Twitter post to determine the status of Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was killed with Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith in the first of two attacks.

  Several hours later — hours during which a rescue or support attempt arguably could have been made — terrorists killed CIA contractors and former Navy SEALs Ty Woods and Glen Doherty.”


Lest we forget …






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ISIS Jihadists Kidnap 90 Christians In Syria






” Jihadists from the Islamic State group have kidnapped at least 90 Assyrian Christians in northeast Syria, a monitor said on Wednesday.

  The abductions took place on Tuesday after IS seized two Assyrian villages from Kurdish forces in the province of Hassakeh, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

  The Britain-based monitor had no details on the missing Assyrians, who were taken from two villages — Tal Shamiram and Tal Hermuz — after they were attacked by IS.

  IS has destroyed churches and Christian shrines in Syria, and demanded that Christians living under its rule pay a tax known as jizya.”



Read more of the poor , misguided ISIS members’ search for gainful employment here 












The Oscar Nominees, Mapped



Oscar Map


Click the image for interactive map



” Sunday night brings the 87th Academy Awards, but the social media conversation about the nominated films, actors and actresses has been going on for weeks. The maps below show which movies and people are winning the Facebook Oscar “conversation” from Jan. 1 to Feb. 16.

  If Facebook chatter determined which film wins the Oscar for Best Picture on Sunday, “American Sniper” would grab the statue – and it wouldn’t be close. The film about the life and war experiences of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle has dominated conversation about the Oscar nominees on the social media platform across the country.

“ American Sniper” talk made up 80% or more of the Facebook discussion about the Best Picture nominees in 9 of every 10 counties. And, of course, the film scored big at the box office.

  But click through the maps above and you’ll notice some differences in the patterns for other films that reveal how audiences can vary, depending factors such as racial composition and education level.”



   Of course we all know that the “progressives” in LaLa land would never choose a movie that portrays the American soldier in an honorable light but read more and use the interactive maps for all the nominees at the Wall Street Journal