Category: Security

Police Shoot Dead 2 Gunmen At Texas Exhibit Of Prophet Mohammad Cartoons




” Texas police shot dead two gunmen who opened fire on Sunday outside an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad that was organized by an anti-Islamic group and billed as a free-speech event.

  The shooting in a Dallas suburb was an echo of past attacks or threats in other Western countries against art depicting the Prophet Mohammad. In January, gunmen killed 12 people in the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in revenge for its cartoons.

  Sunday’s attack took place at about 7 p.m. in a parking lot of the Curtis Culwell Center, an indoor arena in Garland, northeast of Dallas. Geert Wilders, a polarizing Dutch politician and anti-Islamic campaigner who is on an al Qaeda hit list, was among the speakers at the event.

  Police said they had not determined the identity of the two gunmen or whether they were linked to critics of the event who had branded it anti-Islamic.

  As a precaution, a police bomb squad was checking the suspects’ car, and the immediate vicinity of the Culwell Center was evacuated, city police spokesman Joe Harn said. Investigators were keeping their distance from the bodies of the gunmen, which were close to the car, until the vehicle was deemed clear of explosives, he said later.”














Amid Chaos, Al-Qaida Consolidates Hold Of Yemen Province






” Al-Qaida’s branch in Yemen consolidated control over much of the country’s largest province on Thursday, capturing a major airport, an oil terminal and the area’s main military base, and striking an alliance with local tribal leaders to administer the region.

  The gains highlight how al-Qaida has exploited the chaos in Yemen, where Shiite rebels are battling forces loyal to exiled President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi. A 3-week-old Saudi-led air campaign in support of Hadi has so far failed to halt the rebels’ advance.

  Military officials and residents said al-Qaida fighters clashed briefly with members of one of Yemen’s largest brigades outside Mukalla, the capital of Hadramawt province, which the militants overran earlier this month. The militants then seized control of Riyan airport and moved to secure their hold on the city’s main seaport, which is also an oil terminal.

  The security officials, speaking from Sanaa on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief the press, said the leaders of the brigade in charge of protecting the entire area fled.”

AP News has more on Barack’s latest foreign policy “triumph”

Border Agents Bracing For New Immigrant Surge



Families of Central American immigrants turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico on September 8, 2014 in Mission, Texas. Although the numbers of such immigrant families and unaccompanied minors have decreased from a springtime high, thousands continue to cross in the border illegally into the United States. The Rio Grande Valley sector is the busiest area for illegal border crossings, especially for Central Americans, into the U.S.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Photo: John Moore, Getty Images

John Moore, Getty Images



” On a recent evening near the banks of the Rio Grande, a group of five Guatemalan immigrants, among them two girls, ages 8 and 10 without a parent or guardian by their side, turned themselves over to U.S. Border Patrol agents. 

  It is a familiar scene to law enforcement agencies in South Texas that witnessed nearly 50,000 unaccompanied children and families, mostly from Central America, illegally streaming across the border here last year.

  While far fewer immigrants have been detained in recent months than during the same period a year ago, thousands are still crossing the Rio Grande illegally, and border agents are bracing for thousands more in the months ahead.

  Already, 15,647 minors and 13,911 families have been detained since the beginning of the fiscal year in October, along the whole Southwest border, most of them in Rio Grande Valley. With the historically busy April, May and summer months ahead, it is conceivable that apprehensions this year will surpass all but the unprecedented surge of 2014.”


Houston Chronicle












Veteran Has Recruited 17 Men To Fight In Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing Group


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” A local veteran has put together a combat team to fight terrorists in the Middle East. Now, they’re getting ready to deploy in a few months.

  Action News first told you about this story last month on the day Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing was formed.

  Founder and Army veteran Sean Rowe’s goal was to find several veterans willing to fight the terror group, and he found more than a dozen veterans are willing to fight.

  Almost half of them are from Florida and Rowe said a lot of people reached out to him after our first story aired. They all have a military background and are ready to return to the battle field to fight ISIS.

  Rowe said he was looking for a few good men to join his group Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing and he’s found them. Just don’t call them mercenaries.

“ I hate that term. We’re not doing this for money; we’re volunteering our time,” Rowe said.”


   Read more about Sean Rowe as he joins other Christian volunteers in the fight against the existential threat to our civilization while our leaders dither and issue platitudes .












‘Arab-Israel Alliance’ Leaving Obama Isolated




” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has jabbed President Barack Obama with a stinging remark that although Israel and the United States are friends, fears of Iran and the ISIS have forged a “new partnership” of Israel and “many of our Arab neighbors.”

  Netanyahu took the opportunity of being charged with the responsibility to form a new government to say:

  We very much appreciate, and will take care to preserve, our alliance with the best of our friends, the United States; however, we will continue to work to prevent the agreement with Iran, an agreement that endangers us, our neighbors and the world. We see eye to eye with many of our Arab neighbors regarding the danger posed by Iran and we also view positively the benefit that this new partnership could have for the region.

  The chaos in Yemen has once again embarrassed the Obama administration by exposing another colossal foreign policy failure that has made President Obama increasingly isolated in the region.”



    This article from today’s Jewish Press amply demonstrates that our “Dear Leader” sides , not with all Muslims , but only with the extremist factions … Iran , Palestinian terror groups and jihadists , while Israel forges alliances with the more moderate Muslims of the mideast in the interests of self-preservation.

    One side seeks only to be left in peace while the other works ceaselessly towards a Global Caliphate with the active collusion of our “commander-in-chief” … President “Peace Prize” , who claims to seek peace in the middle east is in actuality ensuring  , whether by incompetence or design , that war is coming ala Neville Chamberlain .












Report: Radio Shack To Sell Customers’ Personal Information In Bankruptcy Sale






” When you go shopping, you probably think stores will keep your personal information safe and secure.

  But now, a report says Radio Shack is ready to auction off customer information as part of its bankruptcy sale.

  As CBS2’s Dick Brennan reported, the report says Radio Shack is ready to sell information they have on some 117 million customers, including names, addresses, phone numbers and other details on purchases.

  This despite the Radio Shack privacy policy, which says “We will not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone at any time.” “


Continue reading














Report Says Former IRS Employees–Think Lois Lerner–Can Still Peruse Your Tax Returns




” Could Lois Lerner still take a look at your tax returns on IRS computers? It sounds preposterous, but a new watchdog report says former IRS employees still have access to IRS computer systems long after they have no official business with the information. The report is by the U.S. Government Accountability Office, an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. The GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. In the case of IRS security, the report says not well.

  This report cites significant deficiencies in the security of IRS financial reporting systems. Millions of Americans who are legally required to file taxes are fearful about fraud. The report says the IRS needs to continue improving controls over financial and taxpayer data. In the case of former IRS workers with continuing access to IRS data systems, they need to be cut off.”














Signing Any Deal With Iran Is Bad For America





Published on Mar 21, 2015

” Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Signing Any Deal With Iran Is Bad For America
Rift Between Pres Obama & Netanyahu Widens After Election In Israel “














Abbott: Australia ‘Sick Of Being Lectured’ On Migration




” Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said the country is “sick of being lectured” by the UN over its treatment of asylum seekers. It comes after the special rapporteur on torture said some aspects violated the convention against torture.

  Australia detains all asylum seekers who arrive by boat, holding them in offshore processing camps. Rights groups have criticized conditions on Manus Island, where asylum-seekers are held.

  In a new report to be tabled to the UN Human Rights Council on Monday, the rapporteur, Juan Mendez, investigated allegations of torture and abuse in more than 60 countries.

  In Australia, he highlighted some cases where the authorities had failed to provide adequate detention conditions, end the detention of children, or prevent escalating violence and tension at Manus Island.

  This meant Australia had violated the right of the asylum-seeker to be free from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, the report said.

  The Australian government has rejected the report.”


Good on ya , Mates … Eff the UN More here from the ever UN-friendly BBC













Senate Unanimously Welcomes Netanyahu To America





” The Senate on Thursday unanimously passed a resolution welcoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to America and endorsing his speech before a joint session of Congress.

  Critics of the Obama administration view the unanimous approval as a rebuke to the White House and Democrats, who have vowed to boycott Netanyahu’s address and work to counter his warnings about the dangers of a nuclear Iran.

  No Senate Democrats sponsored the measure, which attracted 50 Republican cosponsors. However, none attempted to block its passage, signaling that support for Israel and Netanyahu’s message has outweighed a pressure campaign by the Obama administration to sabotage the address.

“ The Senate warmly welcomes the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, on his visit to the United States, which provides a timely opportunity to reinforce the United State-Israel relationship,” the resolution states.

  Congress “eagerly awaits the address of Prime Minister Netanyahu before a joint meeting of the United States Congress,” it continues.”


Read more













5 Most Dangerous Hackers Of All Time




” As you may know Hackers aren’t inherently bad — the word “hacker” doesn’t mean “criminal” or “bad guy.”, it means someone who tries to find solutions or alternative solutions to a problem. Geeks and tech writers often refer to “black hat,” “white hat,” and “gray hat” hackers. These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behavior.

  A white hat hacker is someone working for corporations like anti-virus or firewall companies or in general trying to help society like most Anonymous Hackers.

  A Gray Hat Hacker is someone who usually doesn’t work for any company and is neither good or bad, meaning that he hacks systems kinda illegally, but still not doing any harm to the system or anyone else.

  A Black Hat Hacker is usually considered as the ‘typical’ bad guy who is doing harm, either financially or by just exploiting and hacking systems to push his own limits or better to day ego. “


Thanks to AnonHQ














From We The People





How can you argue with this ?














DNI: 2014 Was Deadliest Year For Terror Attacks In 45 Years







” Terrorist attacks and resulting deaths increased sharply last year, according to statistics made public Thursday by the director of national intelligence.

“ When the final counting is done, 2014 will have been the most lethal year for global terrorism in the 45 years such data has been compiled,” DNI Director James Clapper told Congress, adding that about half of all attacks took place in three states: Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

  Last year from January to September, around 13,000 terror attacks were carried out, killing 31,000 people. By contrast, in 2013, 22,000 people were killed in terrorist violence in over 11,500 attacks, Clapper disclosed during a wide-ranging world threat briefing before the Senate Armed Services Committee.

  More than 3,400 foreign jihadists have joined the al Qaeda offshoot known as the Islamic State (IS) that is showing signs of establishing its own nation state, Clapper said.

  The DNI also testified that IS (also known as ISIL or ISIS) is expanding outside Iraq and Syria into the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and South Asia. The group also is planning terror attacks on Western interests and against Shiite Muslims, he said.”



    Contrast the Obama administration’s own DNI chief’s testimony with his boss’s statement of just a few months ago wherein “President Peace Prize” asserted that the “world has never been safer”. Read more .













My Son Is Dead Because The Concept Of Borders Is Dead






” A grieving Texas father told Breitbart Texas, “my son is dead because the concept of borders is dead.” Spencer Golvach was senselessly murdered by an illegal alien who had been deported a number of times after being convicted of committing crimes, including as law enforcement officers now tell us, crimes of violence. Golvach was shot in the head on January 31st while sitting in his car waiting for a stoplight to change. Golvach’s father said he wants the “boomerang” of deportation and illegal reentry into the country to be stopped.

  Victor Manuel Reyes was a violent man who on the night of Golvach’s execution, went on a killing spree through the streets in Harris County. He killed two men, including 28-year-old Juan Garcia. Then he shot at another couple before he was shot to death by a Harris County deputy.

  Mr. Golvach recounted the tragic events of his son’s death. “My son, Spencer, pulled up to a stoplight … A Victor Manuel Reyes, an illegal alien,  pulls up next to him, pulls his gun out, rolled his window down and blew my son’s brains out.”

  Golvach said he “understands that not all of those who enter here illegally are bad, but the current system does not allow us to check. This leaves Americans vulnerable, as we see with my son.”

  The grief-stricken father told Breitbart Texas “this has to do with foreign intruders into our country. We are not … filtering out …we simply do not know who is coming in.” “


Breitbart has the exclusive interview












Video From





    This dog has obviously done this before as it is absolutely tenacious in it’s defense of it’s turf against the cobra but that doesn’t matter to the animal rights nuts in the comments that would rather the cobra be free to maybe kill a child or other family member from the dog’s household . 

European Parliament, American Embassy And Brussels Court House In Bomb Scare





” Brussels was the scene of 3 different bomb alerts on Monday. One involved the American embassy, another the European Parliament and a third one the Brussels Court House dubbed the Palace of Justice. One suspect has been apprehended after the bomb threat at the European Parliament; he had a chain saw and a gun in his car. All 3 bomb alerts turned out be false alarm. Belgian police have had to make dozens of interventions since the terror alert level was raised two weeks ago. Police warn that those found guilty of a bomb hoax will face harsh punishment.

  3 European Parliament buildings were evacuated around noon due to a bomb threat. Nearby Montoyer Street was closed for all traffic. The evacuation was mostly a precaution, police say, after a suspicious-looking man had been spotted in the area. The alert was lifted shortly after 1pm.

  One suspect was apprehended, a man wearing a military uniform and acting suspiciously. The suspect was also carrying car keys, which fitted a nearby car. This vehicle was searched using a sniffer dog. The bomb disposal unit DOVO was also called to the scene. No explosives were discovered, but police did find a gun and a chain saw inside the vehicle.

  The 32-year-old man, who hails from Slovakia, apparently told the police he wanted to meet the European President. An examining magistrate will have to decide whether he will remain in custody. The Brussels public prosecutor demands his arrest for possessing weapons without a license and for threatening with an attack.

  The American embassy also had a bomb scare. According to Francophone sources, a man had parked a car in front of the building in order to flee the area immediately after. The area was closed due to safety reasons by the police. One hour later, the ban to enter the area was lifted again. “


Read more












March Of The Mini-Drones






” They’re the ultimate in narcissism and they’re literally taking off. Meet the new drones that are in fact flying selfie sticks — loving, attentive toys programmed to snap photos and video of you from all directions.

  Some fit the palm of your hand and fly indoors and overhead, taking social snaps at a party or family get together.

  Bigger outdoor drones take overhead video of you skiing down a slope, surfing the waves and on a motorbike, trekking off-road.

  One takeout from this month’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is that consumer drones are going beyond flying machines that you pilot manually. New autonomous drones can be preprogrammed; they take off to follow a set flight path or follow you, maintain a certain distance, height or nominated angle for the best snaps and video.

  Meet Nixie, a tiny, wearable drone that attaches to your arm. To take a selfie, you detach and throw. Nixie will travel away from you, stop, turn around and take a snap before flying back to your arm.”







” The UK’s Torquing Group showed off another tiny device that it labelled an autonomous, intelligent swarming nano drone. It’s called ZANO and it’s big business, attracting $4.4 million in funding. The first deliveries are due in June.”







” ZANO costs about $300 and has several flying modes. Fly it manually by tilting your phone and tell it to hold a set position while you remotely take snaps, or choose “follow me” mode and watch it follow you at a set distance taking photos and video.

  Torquing Group says ZANO has obstacle avoidance technology — it can sense if it’s strayed too far from your smart device. And if it runs low on battery it will return to you automatically.

  Obstacle avoidance technology itself is rapidly developing, so hopefully there will soon be fewer cases of drones crashing into trees. As more fly drones begin to populate what will become progressively crowded overhead space, this technology will be a necessity.

  Some drones have unusual applications. Germany’s railways has sought to use them to detect and identify graffiti vandals and taggers ruining its rail property. Mexico’s drug cartels have reportedly used drones to fly drugs across the US border for several years. They typically earn $2 million per flight in sales.

  It’s unsurprising that one would eventually crash. It happened just this week when a drone carrying 2.7kg of methamphetamine came down in a shopping centre car park at Tijuana.

  The increasingly diverse use of drones also is a problem for regulators. Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority requires they must be flown less than 400 feet above the ground, during daylight conditions, inside uncontrolled airspace, and away from airports and people.

  CASA this year however is rewriting these older rules to address the huge increase in drones in Australia. Retailers estimate that at least 100 new drones come online each week.

  It’s not just small drones that take flying selfies, larger outdoor drones such as AirDog and Hexo+ do it too. It’s early days in judging effectiveness, but the promise is for professional overhead filming previously only obtainable from a helicopter.

  In the case of AirDog, a quadcopter, its operator dons a waterproof tracker so it can detect where they are and follow them. You preprogram the distance and orientation of the drone, for the stills and video you want. Unfortunately, with our current weaker Aussie dollar exchange rate, the AirDog costs $1500. And you’ll need to attach your own GoPro camera.”







” The six-bladed Hexo+ costs a tad less, and uses a smartphone Wi-Fi signal to track you. Again, it’s BYO GoPro and if you’re near water you’ll need to put your phone in a waterproof case. Again you pre-program the angle of shots, but this time the Hexo+ promises to properly frame you in every shot.”







” There are a myriad of other drones. For sheer smallness, there’s the Proto-X, a tiny quadcopter that’s just 45mm x 45mm and weighs 11g. You launch it from your fingertips and control it with a 2.4 Gigahertz radio transmitter that has bright LED lights. The Proto-X is so tiny it would be hard to see without lights.

  Proto-X claims to be the world’s smallest quadcopter and costs around $50. It doesn’t have a camera and you must fly it manually. You’d be wise to fly it indoors or you risk losing it.”







” There’s also the new Micro Drone 3.0, slightly larger than Proto-X, but one of the first tiny drones to market. The first model debuted in 2010. The drone ­includes a camera and is highly manoeuvrable.”







” Small drones have recently become popular, thanks to Parrot’s minidrone rolling spider released at last year’s CES. The 55g drone has large plastic wheels that lets it run along the ground, walls and ceilings as well as fly. It has a vertically-oriented camera that captures low resolution images.”







” Not all drones are built with equal features. Go online and you’ll see a myriad of mini drones on eBay and Amazon costing less than $60. Consumers need to be aware of the different feature sets.

  Drones can have a high or low resolution camera, or none. There’s varying battery life and recharge time. Some fly for less than six minutes, some such as the X6 quadcopter claim flight times of 20-40 minutes.”







” Some drones are easily damaged, others can survive collisions with walls. Some drones have on-board memory for storing vision, others stream to your phone, some do both.

  There’s also the question of the controlling device. Some drones are operated by an RF controller, similar to a model aircraft controller. Others are controlled from a smartphone using Wi-Fi, and let you watch streamed vision from the drone on the smartphone screen.

  There’s also bigger consumer drones such as the upcoming Parrot Bebop and Chinese manufacturer DJI’s Inspire One. They are a story on their own.

  At the other end of the spectrum, there are mega drones built for industry and capable of carrying payloads of 9-10 kg. At CES, Shenzhen-based Harwar showed off drones designed for reconnaissance during bushfires, transporting emergency medicines, public security, monitoring road traffic, surveying and search and rescue.

  As drone traffic multiplies, regulators will need to step in. More and more drones are a headache for regulators. In Australia, CASA could be forced to specify not only where drones fly, but at what height. Should drones crisscross the city delivering pizzas, books and other commercial goods be granted exclusive use of a certain airspace height? Will police or emergency services drone be granted special fast sky laneways?

  These fast, affordable drones are with us now, so regulation will quickly become a legal imperative.”


Thanks to The












Papa John’s Pizza Stands By Employee Who Shot Armed Robber In Self Defense






” Papa John’s Pizza is standing by a pizza delivery woman who opened fire Sunday on an armed robber in an act of self defense.

  The pizza franchise told Thursday the employee, who hasn’t been named, will not be fired from the company. 

  The employee was making a delivery in Decatur, Ga., Sunday night when a man approached her vehicle, forcing her onto the ground at gunpoint, according to the DeKalb County Police Department. The woman, who had a gun in her pocket, was able to fire at the man while on the ground — striking the alleged assailant, identified as 24-year-old Donquaz Stevenson, in the face.

  Stevenson was later found in a neighbor’s yard and arrested, according to police, who said the pizza delivery might have been a setup. Local media outlets reported that a second suspect carjacked the delivery woman’s silver 2000 Honda Accord and remains on the run.

  Stevenson was charged with armed robbery and was being treated for a gunshot wound at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta. “


Read more











2016 And Paris: It’s The Jihad, Stupid!




” Forget the economy, forget education, forget even Obamacare. All politics is local, as Tip O’Neill famously said. And there’s nothing more local than a crazed jihadi aiming an AK-47 at your head and splattering said head against the wall and through the window.

  The last few days should remind us of that. And if you don’t think what happened in Paris can happen here, you’re out of your bloomin’ mind. It already has, as everybody knows, and the chances are about 99.9999% it will again. (We could be hit by an asteroid instead, saving us from the jihadis.)

  Meanwhile, under the watch of the man who masquerades under the moniker of president of the United States, someone who can barely muster a dopey three-minute speech filled with banalities about the killings in France, radical Islam has metastasized across the world in a manner only dreamed of on 9/11. A map on Gretawire shows terror networks cutting a wide swathe across the planet, from South America through North Africa on to the Indian subcontinent and then into South-East Asia. In a sense the map should already include Western Europe, the way things are going.

  And most likely things are going to get worse. Al Qaeda (operating with impunity in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere) and ISIS (with a state of its own the size of Indiana) are in a pissing contest for terrorist maniacs of the year while Boko Haram is doing its best to exterminate everyone in Nigeria, and apparently succeeding – all in the name of Allah. And our president never uses the word “Islamic” or acknowledges that we are at war — even though, quite obviously, the Islamists are at war with us and with Western civilization. And they seem just to be getting started. Only the morally narcissistic buffoons at the New York Times would think otherwise. “


    As poor as the Democratic choices for president are likely to be , it is doubtful the the candidate put forth by the Republicans will be much better .

Read more












Ohio Airport Jihad: “Armed With Knives” Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed Attacks Police At Airport







” A 41-year-old Ohio man armed with several knives tried to buy a plane ticket with a fake ID before being gunned down by police after lunging at an officer with a blade outside the Columbus airport, police said.

  Hashim Hanif Ibn Abdul-Rasheed had parked illegally outside the ticketing terminal and was acting bizarrely as he tried to buy a ticket to an undisclosed location Wednesday afternoon. He showed off a woman’s ID to try and make the buy at one point before he was rebuffed, cops said.”



Pamela Geller has more on the latest example of “workplace violence” from the “Religion Of Peace™ “… 













Record Number Of North American Jews Emigrate To Israel






” A record number of Jewish immigrants from North America arrived in Israel in 2014, the Jewish Agency for Israel and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption reported, calling the wave a 10-year high, according to Ynetnews.

  More than 3,700 Jews from the U.S. and Canada as well as 525 from the United Kingdom, moved to Israel over the last year, Ynet reported, citing a 7 percent increase in those arriving from North America and a 32 percent increase overall. About 20,000 immigrants arrived in 2013.

  Last year also saw a first with immigrants from France topping the list of countries of origin with 7,000 in 2014. That figure is double the number from 2013, Ynet said of the “aliyah.”

  The news outlet said lone soldiers coming to Israel without family members to serve as soldiers in the IDF increased by 10 percent in 2014, with 350 “young Jews from North America” enlisting last year.”



   As the title of the accompanying video says , “When Jews flee , a nation is sick” . They are like the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” warning us of impending doom .














Lethal Lace







” Many women have (validly) complained that few concealment holsters are designed with their clothing requirements and body contours in mind. Fortunately, as more women enter the shooting world, there are entrepreneurs jumping into the market with a variety of products designed to meet their needs.”






” Lethal Lace is a product that is simple in design and seems to work well. It is not a perfect solution for all people, and it does have some drawbacks (such as the ability to reholster.) However, I can see how some people might like the flexibility that this offers.”






Read more at The Firearm Blog












Netanyahu Lauds US, Australia For Efforts To Reject Palestinian UN Bid




” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday lauded the US and Australia for voting against the Palestinian UN Security Council draft resolution on Tuesday, and praised Rwanda and Nigeria for abstaining.

I want to express appreciation and gratitude to the United States and Australia, as well as special appreciation to the President of Rwanda, my friend Paul Kagame, and to the President of Nigeria, my friend Goodluck Jonathan,” Netanyahu said when he arrived Wednesday morning to vote in the Likud primary.

“ I spoke with both of them, they promised me personally that they would not support this decision, and they stood by their words. That is what tipped the scales,” he added.

  The Palestinian resolution calling for a full Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by 2017, and the establishment of a Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital, did not muster the necessary nine votes Tuesday in the Security Council.

  Earlier Wednesday, Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said the Palestinian failure to get their statehood resolution passed Wednesday in the UN Security Council should teach them that provocations and attempts to unilaterally impose conditions on Israel will lead them nowhere.

“ The Palestinian disregard for important countries in the international arena, first and foremost the US, stems from the backing they get form some of the states in Europe,” he said, in an obvious reference to the “for” votes cast by France and Luxembourg.

“ Every state that truly wants to move an arrangement forward needs to act responsibly and make clear to the Palestinians that decisions are only made around the negotiating table,” Liberman said.

  While France and Luxembourg voted for the Palestinian resolution, two other EU countries – Britain and Lithuania – abstained, illustrating the wide differences on the Mideast that exist inside the 28-state EU.

  Liberman praised his ministry for the work it did to thwart the resolution, the second time in three years that Israel dodged a bullet on this issue in the Security Council, and cited Israel’s concentrated diplomatic efforts in Africa, the far East and central Europe. In 2011 the Palestinians failed in their attempt to win full UN statehood recognition in the UN.

  In addition to the United States, Australia voted against the resolution on Tuesday. Britain, Lithuania, South Korea, and two of the three African states on the Security Council – Rwanda and Nigeria – all abstained, depriving the Palestinians of their nine votes needed to pass the resolution and force a US veto.”


Story continues at Jerusalem Post











Hackers Released An Enormous Cache Of 13,000 Passwords And Credit Cards






” On Friday, a group claiming affiliation with the loose hacker collective Anonymous released a document containing approximately 13,000 username-and-password combinations along with credit card numbers and expiration dates.

  The stolen personal information was released in a massive text file posted the document sharing site Ghostbin. The compromised sites run the gamut from pornography to gaming to online shopping. 

  Some of the most significant leaks came from online video gaming networks like Xbox Live, the Sony PlayStation Network, and There was information from accounts at Walmart, Amazon, and Hulu Plus, as well as keys to computer games like The Sims 3 and Dragon Age: Origins, and a whole lot of porn sites.

  Some Anonymous members have pushed back on the assertion that this leak had anything to do with the hacktivist group. Anonymous has no official leadership or centralized organizational structure; instead, it functions as a loose affiliation of computer hackers that join together in support of various causes, ranging from battles with the Church of Scientology to doxing members of the KKK. If hackers branding themselves as Anonymous carry out a particular action, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s any of the same people who have carried out any other Anonymous-branded action.

  Judging from the document, the following sites were compromised or, at the very least, had some of their user data stolen—possibly through malware installed onto users’ personal devices or other nefarious methods.


  • Amazon
  • Walmart
  • PlayStation Network
  • Xbox Live
  • Hulu Plus
  • Dell
  • Brazzers
  • lKnowThatGirl
  • Mofos
  • DigitalPlayground
  • Wicked
  • Twistys
  • Fantyasyhd
  • Puremature
  • Tiny4k
  • MotherFuckerXxx
  • Playboy
  • CastingCouchX
  • BangBros
  • POVD
  • BabesNetwork
  • ArtisticAddiction
  • X-art
  • Shutterstock
  • DareDorm
  • PrettyPetites
  • NaughtyAmerica
  • PornAccess
  • RookieBabe
  • GFMembersPass
  • HungarianHoneys
  • PleaseBangMyWife “


Daily Dot has more