Category: Race Relations

What Happens When A Black Man Brings His White Girlfriend Into A Harlem Barbershop?




” What happens when a black man brings his white girlfriend into a barbershop in Harlem? The video showing how people reacted to this stereotyping scenario might surprise you.

  In the video, several men and women react to racist hairdresser’s attempts to intimidate and humiliate a young girl because of the color of her skin.”










Jim Norton, On HuffPostLive, Attacks Liberal Hypocrisy On Race And Political Correctness



Jim Norton


” Comedians often aim their jokes at conservatives, but not this time. Comedian Jim Norton attacked Al Sharpton, host of MSNBC’s “Politics Nation,” and his network for hypocritically promoting racial and homophobic vitriol.

  Norton criticized Sharpton and MSNBC while on Nov. 19’s HuffPostLive. He claimed that MSNBC exhibits a double standard where they accept certain offensive behavior by individuals such as Sharpton, but censor contributors like Alec Baldwin. He also attributed a similar hypocrisy to Hollywood’s conception of political correctness.

  Norton, known for his popular radio show “Opie & Anthony,” get slamming Sharpton, saying he’s “been an absolute pig for many years, and he gets away with it because everyone’s afraid just to tell him exactly what a complete a**hole he is.”

  When asked about MSNBC host’s Alec Baldwin’s recent homophobic remarks, Norton said that he had “no problem with Alec Baldwin.” Instead, his problem is “with MSNBC and they mete out punishment arbitrarily.” He criticized MSNBC for punishing Baldwin, while ignoring the “jackass” Al Sharpton. MSNBC’s recent blind eye towards Martin Bashir is certainly an example of this double standard.”















” Tiffany Thompson got her wish: Demetrius Murphy met the “Right Person” and he will not be playing the Knockout Game any more. Ever. St. Louis homeowner shot Murphy dead late last week during a burglary. And a whole lot of people in St. Louis feel relieved, if not safer. Murphy was a member of a group that is credited with making the Knockout Game a St. Louis tradition, then a national pasttime.

  The rules of the Knockout Game are simple: Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from three to 30.

  You can play anywhere, but “vibrant and culturally mixed” neighborhoods are probably the best. That is where the victims are: Asians, “gays,” artists, yuppies, seniors , college students – people who won’t fight back. Over the last two years, hundreds of people around the country have become victims. Some say over 100 in St. Louis alone. Some died. Others, like Murphy’s victim Matt Quain, suffered broken bones in his face and jaw.

  Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks. Many of these cases of black mob violence are documented in the book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return racial violence and how the media ignore it.”


Good riddance .









Black Motorist Intentionally Runs Down White Couple In Ohio


Montez Hollins



” On Friday, police in Columbus arrested Montez Hollins, 24, after he reportedly slammed his car into a couple, killing the man and seriously injuring the woman.

Hollins was speeding through the parking lot at the Consumer Square shopping center on W. Broad Street, when one of the victims shouted at the driver to slow down, according to police.

Hollins then turned his vehicle around and hit two parked cars before running into Jason Barry, 34, and Kristina Petree, 33, according to court documents.

Barry was pronounced dead at the scene and Petree was taken to Mount Carmel West Hospital, where she underwent emergency surgery. She may still lose her leg.”



   Racial healing ? What racial healing ? Barack Obama has done more to divide this country in 6 years than the Ku Klux Klan accomplished in 75 . At the present rate he will have set back race relations a half century or more before he is gone from office . Quite a legacy for the man who claimed to president of “all the people” .

 Where are the condemnations from the White House , the president is , after all , half white and perhaps if he had a son he would have looked like Jason Barry … crickets … that’s all we hear … crickets








A Very Dangerous Game

” New York City police authorities are investigating a series of unprovoked physical attacks in public places on people who are Jewish, in the form of what is called “the knockout game.”

The way the game is played, one of a number of young blacks decides to show that he can knock down some stranger on the streets, preferably with one punch, as they pass by. Often some other member of the group records the event, so that a video of that “achievement” is put on the Internet, to be celebrated.

The New York authorities describe a recent series of such attacks and, because Jews have been singled out in these attacks, are considering prosecuting these assaults as “hate crimes.” “

    Our “post-racial” president , you remember him  , the one that was going to usher in a new era of racial healing , has remained notably silent on this issue although he had plenty to say when the thug who looked like his son was killed and he rushed to condemn police for “acting stupidly” in arresting his buddy Professor Henry Louis Gates without first obtaining the facts .

      Where is the Presidential outrage when the victims are white ? When the crimes have led to at least seven deaths ? Our post-racial president is a fraud on the issue of race just as he is with virtually everything else . Racial attacks have skyrocketed in his era and not only does he say nothing but the MSM , his cheerleading squad , twists itself into pretzels trying to avoid discussing the surge in black-on-white crime .

   Below you can see stories of some of the fatalities caused by this “game” that predominantly features black males attacking whites totally unprovoked … as a matter of fact the lack of provocation and the complete surprise generated by the “sucker punches” is an integral part of the “sport” .

   This young man lost his life in Minnesota …

   New Jersey is where this man was killed 

    The internet is filled with stories of these racist attacks , although you wouldn’t know it if your only means of information was the MSM . fortunately there is a book out by Colin Flaherty that is full of documented cases of both the “knockout game” attacks and more “routine” black-on-white crime that passes virtually unacknowledged by the press .

   Mr Flaherty has invested tremendous time and energy in researching “White Girl Bleed A Lot” and in it he documents the growing trend of black-on-white criminal assault that can take the form of random beatings , mob violence , wilding , the “knockout game” and other types of racially motivated crime .

    Where is the media ?  Where is our “national healer” ? He’s not in Gettysburg celebrating the 150th anniversary of , arguably , the most important speech on race this country has ever heard . He’s nowhere on this issue and that should be enough for him to be seen once and for all as the post-racial poseur that he is .

From Brandon Smith At Personal Liberty




” The idea that our government has indeed run economic collapse scenarios, found the United States in mortal danger and done absolutely nothing to fix the problem is bad enough. I have my doubts, however, that the Pentagon or partnered private think tanks like the RAND Corporation did not run scenarios on dollar collapse before 2009. In fact, I believe there is much evidence to suggest that the military industrial complex has not only been aware of the fiscal weaknesses of the U.S. system for decades, but they have also been actively engaged in exploiting those weaknesses in order to manipulate the American public with fears of cultural catastrophe.

History teaches us that most economic crisis events are followed or preceded immediately by international or domestic conflict. War is the looming shadow behind nearly all fiscal disasters. I suspect that numerous corporate think tanks and the Department Of Defense are perfectly aware of this relationship and have war gamed such events as well. Internal strife and civil war are often natural side effects of economic despair within any population.

Has a second civil war been “gamed” by our government? And are Americans being swindled into fighting and killing each other while the banksters who created the mess observe at their leisure, waiting until the dust settles to return to the scene and collect their prize? Here are some examples of how both sides of the false left/right paradigm are being goaded into turning on each other.”



    The signs are ominous . Anyone who strives to keep themselves well-informed should have cause for concern . There are certainly strong indications that our present course is leading us ever-closer to class warfare , civil strife and yes , maybe even civil war . Is it intentional ? Is it Alinskyite ? Cloward-Piven







Allen West: America On Verge Of Race War?…




” West’s fellow black conservative Thomas Sowell thinks we are, but you would never know it judging by the media’s refusal to report about the epidemic of black-on-white violence.

Via Allen West:

I hold Thomas Sowell in very high esteem because he’s willing to focus on issues which the mainstream media does not and will not report on. In this most recent case, it’s black mob violence against whites.

In fact, Sowell fears we are on the verge of a race war:

Initial skirmishes in that race war have already begun and have in fact been going on for some years. But public officials pretend that it is not happening, and the mainstream media seldom publish it at all, except in ways that conceal what is really taking place.”








Whites Are Inherently Privileged According To Common Core Lesson Plan



” The federal public school curriculum known as Common Core has come under constant fire from conservative groups who feel its lessons contain either latent or direct leftist ideals. One organization, EAGnews, has kept a close eye on associated course materials, and recently found something disturbing tucked away in a literature textbook meant for fourth grade classes.

Teachers using the resources are expected to assign a two-week lesson on a particular book, “The Jacket,” that paints racial relations in a damaging light, the group claims.

Telling the story of a white child who falsely claims a black child took his brother’s coat, the book by Andrew Clements has been either praised or criticized — depending on the source’s viewpoint — for its embrace of white privilege rhetoric.”








Brooklyn Group Of Black Youths Blocks White Couple’s Car, Bloody Victims In Racial Attack



” A group of 10 black youths — one of them a 12-year-old girl — surrounded a white couple’s car in Brooklyn, viciously beating the husband and yanking the wife to the pavement by her hair as they peppered the two with racial slurs, authorities said.

“Get those crackers!” some of them screamed, according to court papers. “Get that white whore!”

The confrontation erupted about 7 p.m. Monday, as the marauding group crossed Avenue U at E. 58th St. near Kings Plaza Shopping Center in Mill Basin.

Ronald Russo, 30, and his wife, Alanna, apparently had the green light and the husband honked at the group to get out of the way. The rowdy kids started kicking the car, according to the criminal complaint. Ronald Russo got out to check on potential damage to his vehicle.

And that’s when all hell broke loose.”










Meet Chokwe Lumumba , Black Separatist Mayor Of Jackson Mississippi




” Voters in Jackson, Miss., a mid-sized city in the heart of the Deep South, have picked a Democrat as their mayor. What’s different about this individual is that he is a former leader of the Republic of New Afrika, a group dedicated to creating an independent black nation out of five southern states.

Now leading the city of about 175,000 is Chokwe Lumumba – who has a long history of radical activism and whose plans for the largest city in Mississippi could be called “revolutionary.”

A co-founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, which promotes black “self-determination,” Lumumba was sworn in on July 1, after winning 86 percent of the vote in the general election.

Lumumba also has earned the highest praise from the Final Call, the official publication of the Nation of Islam, which called his electoral victory one of the “most important progressive political victories on a long list of important political leaders.” “



Read the whole thing










FrontPage Magazine Examines Our First “Post-Racial” Presidency And Finds It Wanting




” During the 2008 presidential campaign, legions of commentators from across the political spectrum did their best to convince themselves and the electorate that the election of America’s “first black president”—then Senator Barack Hussein Obama—promised to usher in a new era of race relations, a “post-racial” epoch.

In the wake of his election, this number soared to seven out of ten Americans who entertained high hopes for the future of race relations in America—and the world.

Five years later, how silly the true believers in Obama’s “post-racial” America should feel.

Obama, on the other hand, looks not so much silly as deceitful, and possibly even treacherous,  for not only did he fail abysmally to deliver what he implicitly—and repeatedly—promised; race relations are actually worse in many respects now than they were prior to Obama’s election.

And they are worse to no slight extent precisely because of Obama.”










Union Square ‘I Hate White People’ Beating Victim Dies At Bellevue Hospital



” A 62-year-old man who was brutally attacked in Union Square last week died Monday.

On Wednesday, a man shouting that he “hated white people” punched victim Jeffrey Babbitt — who is white — in the face, witnesses said, causing him to fall and strike his head on the ground.

Lashawn Marten, 31, who is black, “made statements to the effect that I’m going to punch the first white man that I see,” said NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly.”









Video: Man Allegedly Screaming “I Hate White People” Attacked Three In Union Square


I Hate White People


” A man was arrested this afternoon in Union Square after allegedly attacking three people. According to witness Joey Boots, the African-American suspect attacked a white man around 2:30 p.m. “He bloodied him up pretty good,” Boots said. When two others came to aide the victim, the suspect allegedly assaulted them as well, and started shouting, “I hate white people.” “


Video At The Link















Black Mob Pounces On Woman: ‘Shut Up White [bleep!]’




” As the black mob kicked her in the face, pulled her hair and punched her – all the while directing racial slurs at her – Ginger Slepski thought she was going to die.

She didn’t. This Pittsburgh electrician and mother of two escaped with torn ligaments in her shoulder and cuts and bruises that most police reports call “minor injuries.”

The black mob attack happened Sunday as Slepski pulled up to a stop sign in the black part of Pittsburgh.

Channel 11 News in Pittsburgh picks up the story:

Slepski was savagely beaten after the girls threw a bottle at her car on Concord Street and she stopped to confront them.”



  Here are a host of links from WND that highlight the racial attacks taking place nationwide and largely being ignored or downplayed by the media and law enforcement .


About that violent gang, the ‘Obama Boyz’

Intended Knockout Game victim shoots back

Black mob-in-training bullies white girl, 3

Black mob on rampage fractures cop’s skull

Black teen, 16, who beat WWII vet to death arrested

Police: Teens kill baseball player ‘for fun’

Downtown Memphis? Safe, of course

Black mob looting: ‘This is the city of Detroit’

Black mobs erupt in Ivy League region

Dad: Son ‘sorry’ for beating white boy on bus

Man in coma after black mob of 50 pummels him

Black-on-black murders epidemic in this city

Black mob targets off-duty police

Vicious: Blacks pummel white child on bus

Even media can no longer ignore black violence

Black man in hoodie stabs white girl 11 times

Black mob leaves waiter with broken jaw

Race violence alarms, before Zimmerman verdict

Black mobs go ‘bang’ on July 4th

Kaboom! Now black mobs kill 4th of July

Family picnic turns to horror thanks to black mob

Mall maul nothing much, authorities report

Black mob strikes Ohio mother

Bike trail builds reputation for mob attacks

Woman sics dogs on reporter

Knockout Game victim’s eye kicked out of socket

Happy holiday! Let the violence begin

Beach week fun: Kevlar vests and weapons

FBI called into hate crime targeting whites

Police blamed for black crime spree

Shooting victim wanted ‘tribe’ to be peaceful

Violence takes over ‘CelebrAsian’

Black violence surges from D.C. rail line to Master’s

‘Beach week’ draws black crowd — and violence

Gun owner stops home invaders dead

Black mob attack on elderly white halted

Strategy: Reduce violence by taking away Facebook

Media label black-mob violence ‘mischievous teens’

Violent threats follow Detroit takeover

Torture-slaying retrial declared ‘victim-free’ zone

Black mob beats man ‘for no reason’

7 injured at party for 13-year-old rapper

‘COPS’ slammed for portraying blacks as criminals

Taser-armed security guard chases black mobs

25-year-old victim loses Knockout Game

TV-smashing, rock hurling ‘candlelight vigil’

It’s ‘scuffle’ with dozens of people, guns

Help ‘tending wounds’ sought for black attackers

Sanford healing 1 year after Trayvon’s death?

Jawdropper: Black mob meets ‘gay’ beauty pageant

TV anchor: ‘Race-baiters’ behind black-mob claims

‘Knockout Game’ perp shot, killed

70 officers needed to disperse ‘food fight’ rioters

College football stars and the Knockout Game

Detroit facing surge of black violence

Black mob takes over neighborhood, again

Video: Black mob beats man until skull breaks

Seattle in denial about black mobs

Star is born when security guard Tasers ‘crazy lady’

You’re white, you’re guilty, you’re dead!

Surge of black violence called ‘urban terrorism’

‘White and black don’t mix’

Deck the halls, and your fellow shopper, too

$10, cell phone and a bullet to head

Chicago robbery, chase, crash and a riot

Black mobs take over Washington Metro

Race-based Knockout Game meets the Moms

‘We’re looking at the background of the victim’

Football stars accused in racial Knockout Game

Black mob violence hits high-school gridiron

Heisman hopes hit by black-mob attack

Black mob picks on ‘The Wrong Guy’

‘Knockout Games’ a hit with black mobs

Black mob violence blamed on white kids drinking

Black mob hijacks store: ‘We own this’

Attempted robbery that almost became a race riot

Riots, denials and black mobs in Flint

Black mob violence and the media silence

Brand-new surge in black-mob violence

The race riot … and the media cover-up

Black commentators sound off on racial violence

Mighty Salon and little old me

See no evil: Racial violence underreported

‘Perfect storm’ of black violence on ‘gays’

2nd Amendment proves valid defense against black gangs

Black mobs now have soundtrack for violence

Black mobs’ Knockout Game raising alarms

Blogger: Why don’t blacks behave?

Judge to black perps: What are you doing with your lives?

Black mob violence hits Nordstrom








Legal Insurrection:


” The spate of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Muslim, and homophobic posters and graffiti that plagued the Oberlin College campus in February 2013 was definitively exposed as a hoax led by a pro-Obama liberal anti-racist student activist seeking to get a reaction from the community.

The post by Chuck Ross of The Daily Caller outlines the details of the police report and his own investigation in that regard.

The Oberlin student body as a whole was not aware of the hoax, although some individuals knew.  Mass hysteria overtook the campus in reaction, with one student erroneously thinking a woman walking at night with a blanket wrapped around her was someone in a KKK outfit.”







” A racist website predicting and advocating for a race war has lead to a DHS employee being put on paid administrative leave.

An acquisitions officer for Immigration and Customs Enforcement who deals with small businesses, Ayo Kimathi, operates the website War on the Horizon. It includes descriptions of an “unavoidable, inevitable clash with the white race.” Kimathi is black.”







Delbert Belton Murder Suspect Transferred, Second Suspect Wanted



” KREM 2 News received the first look at Demetrius Glenn, 16, in police custody as he was transferred from a juvenile detention facility to the main Spokane County Jail campus. Authorities said Glenn will be charged as an adult and booked at the main campus. He will later be transferred back to the juvenile detention facility for the weekend. 

Officers arrested Glenn Thursday night in Spokane. He and Kenan Adams-Kinard, 16, do have gang ties according to Straub. Both teenage suspects are African American. However, Straub said the attack was not racially motivated.”


It’s never racially motivated if it’s black on white crime , at least that is how the authorities inevitably portray it . Shame .







Evidence Suggests Murder Of Memphis Nurse Was ‘For Trayvon’ Shooting



The family of 27-year-old David Santucci, who was shot to death walking home in the early morning hours of Aug. 12, is speaking out and claim the police are covering-up a black-on-white hate crime.

In the early morning hours of Aug. 12, police in Memphis arrested Dondre Johnson, 19, Mario Patterson, 23, and Jerrica Norfleet, 23, only minutes earlier, reportedly shot and killed a 27-year-old man on South Main Street.

While Memphis police have claimed the murder was the result of an attempted robbery, Santucci was shot from about ten feet away, and his wallet and cellphone were not taken.

The victim’s brother-in-law, Miguel De Diago told the Blaze that one of those charged with the shooting, Mario Patterson, “had numerous photos of Trayvon Martin” oh his Facebook page.

The page in question has since been removed.”







Race Relations Under Obama



” The September issue of Ebony magazine has four tribute covers to Trayvon Martin with the headline “We are all Trayvon–Join the Movement to Save our Sons.”

The first cover has Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton with Trayvon’s brother Jahvaris looking like the million bucks they got in the settlement from the Twin Lakes Homeowner’s Association.

The other three covers feature director Spike Lee, model actor Boris Kodjoe, and NBA star Dwayne Wade along with their respective sons, all wearing hoodies.

We can be sure the vultures at Ebony won’t feel any pangs of conscience for their complicity in using pampered, rich kids to encourage more Trayvon Martins to go after white people. 

Read this shameless rot from their website.”







Another Racial Attack That The White House Is SurelyUnaware Of


” An elderly World War II veteran was beaten to death outside a lodge in Spokane, Wash. and police said two black teenagers are suspect in the horrific crime.

Delbert Belton was left for dead outside the Eagles Lodge Wednesday night. The 89-year-old was on his way inside to shoot a game of pool when the two teenagers brutally attacked him and left him for dead.”








From A DHS Employee’s Website



” Ayo Kimathi, a small business specialist for the Department of Homeland Security, apparently doesn’t like white people, and according to a report posted Thursday at The Blaze, runs a website calling for the mass murder of whites in his spare time.

“The 21st century will either mark the return of Black resistance to white domination or global white-on-Black genocide leading to our complete extinction,” says Kimathi’s site, “War on the Horizon.” “Warfare is eminent, and in order for Black people to survive the 21st century, we are going to have to kill a lot of whites – more than our christian (sic) hearts can possibly count.” 

BizPac Review said that according to a report from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hatewatch” blog, the site advocates “the mass murder of whites and the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of ‘black-skinned Uncle Tom race traitors.’” “







Police: Black teens kill white man ‘for fun’

” As the family of an Australian baseball player gunned down in Oklahoma mourns his death, police said today that the college athlete was targeted by three black teenagers who simply “wanted to see someone die.”

  The suspects followed Chris Lane, 22, as he jogged alongside a road in Duncan, Okla., Friday afternoon, shot him in the back and left him to die on the side of the road, said Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford.”

  “Get the book that documents racial violence in America, with hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims.”

Vicious: Blacks Pummel White Child On Bus



” A cell-phone video captures the 13-year-old boy’s screams for help as he’s pummeled with fists and kicked by three bigger, older youths who “ganged up” on him as he was about to get off at his bus stop.

The black teens beat the white sixth-grader for roughly a minute before opening the emergency-exit door and fleeing the bus.”


Video At The Link







Published on Jul 23, 2013

” Barack Obama’s latest plan to remake America will involve punishing white communities for their lack of inclusion. Already the Obama Administration has doled out “damages” to 25,000 Americans in the last three years in housing reparation payments.”