Category: Health/Medicine

Night Vision Eyedrops Allow Vision Of Up To 50m In Darkness







” It might sound like something straight out of Q’s laboratory or the latest Marvel film but a group of scientists in California have successfully created eye drops that temporarily enable night vision.

Science for the Masses, an independent “citizen science” organisation that operates from the city of Tehacapi, theorised that Chlorin e6 (Ce6), a natural molecule that can be created from algae and other green plants, could enhance eyesight in dark environments.

  The molecule is found in some deep sea fish, forms the basis of some cancer therapies and has been previously prescribed intravenously for night blindness.

Jeff Tibbets, the lab’s medical officer, said: “There are a fair amount of papers talking about having injected it in models like rats and it’s been used intravenously since the 60s as treatments for different cancers. After doing the research, you have to take the next step.”

  The next step was to moisten the eyes of biochemical researcher and willing guinea pig Gabriel Licina’s eyes with 50 microlitres of Ce6.

  The effect was apparently almost instantaneous and, after an hour, he was able to distinguish shapes from 10 metres away in the dark and soon at even greater distances.”


Read the whole story at the Independent













All The Health Benefits Of Whiskey You Wish You Knew Earlier





” Whiskey is one of the best alcohols you can drink. Not only is it the least likely to give you a hangover, but it’s also one of the healthiest around. You’ll find that having a few fingers of whiskey every week can help to:

  1.  Avoid Weight Gain – Whiskey is a low-calorie alcohol, especially when compared to the many cocktails, beers, and wines you can find on supermarket shelves. You can drink a tumbler of whiskey without worrying about packing on the pounds thanks to its low sugar content.
  2. Boost Heart Health – Did you know that drinking whiskey can actually make your heart healthier? Aside from wine and dark beer, what other alcohols can claim that? Not only will whiskey reduce the risk of blood clots, but it will lower your stroke and heart attack risk as well. The antioxidants in whiskey stop cholesterol from clogging your arteries, and it can even boost your good cholesterol.
  3. Fight Cancer — Whiskey is rich in antioxidants, particularly one known as ellagic acid. This antioxidant stops your body’s DNA from coming in contact with cancer-causing compounds, reducing the risk of carcinogens forming. It can also protect your body from chemotherapy, and will reduce oxidation in your body.
  4. Improve Brain Health – A study conducted in 2003 discovered that drinking whiskey reduces your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. If you’re worried that your brain is slowing down in your old age, it’s time to start drinking whiskey to protect your very important organ from damage.
  5. Reduce Stroke Risk — Whiskey not only helps to prevent cholesterol from building up in your arteries, but it can actually help to get rid of any cholesterol present in your blood vessels at the moment. It will also help to relax the walls of your arteries, ensuring that your blood can flow without obstruction. One of the greatest health benefits of whiskey is the reduced stroke risk, and we can all drink to that! “


Learn the other five at The Luxury Spot












Man Drives Two Hours With Knife Lodged In His Head





” A Brazilian man who was stabbed in the head with an 11-inch knife survived the attack and drove himself two hours to a hospital.

  Juacelo Nunes, 30, said he was arguing with a man at a party in Agua Branca when the other man summoned three friends to help him attack Nunes.

  Nunes said he was stabbed in the throat, shoulder and chest before the knife, which bears an 11-inch blade, was embedded in his head.

  The knife missed Nunes’ left eye and passed through his mouth to the right side of his jaw.

” I did not see the moment of the stabbing, but at no time fainted and remained conscious even with pain,” he said.

” I thought I would die and only came to believe when I saw what happened to me, because if someone told me I would not have believed it.”

  Nunes said he drove for two hours to a hospital in Teresina, 60 miles from Agua Branca.”


UPI Odd News












Is Social Psychology Biased Against Republicans?






” On January 27, 2011, from a stage in the middle of the San Antonio Convention Center, Jonathan Haidt addressed the participants of the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. The topic was an ambitious one: a vision for social psychology in the year 2020. Haidt began by reviewing the field that he is best known for, moral psychology. Then he threw a curveball. He would, he told the gathering of about a thousand social-psychology professors, students, and post-docs, like some audience participation. By a show of hands, how would those present describe their political orientation? First came the liberals: a “sea of hands,” comprising about eighty per cent of the room, Haidt later recalled. Next, the centrists or moderates. Twenty hands. Next, the libertarians. Twelve hands. And last, the conservatives. Three hands.”







” Social psychology, Haidt went on, had an obvious problem: a lack of political diversity that was every bit as dangerous as a lack of, say, racial or religious or gender diversity. It discouraged conservative students from joining the field, and it discouraged conservative members from pursuing certain lines of argument. It also introduced bias into research questions, methodology, and, ultimately, publications. The topics that social psychologists chose to study and how they chose to study them, he argued, suffered from homogeneity. The effect was limited, Haidt was quick to point out, to areas that concerned political ideology and politicized notions, like race, gender, stereotyping, and power and inequality. “It’s not like the whole field is undercut, but when it comes to research on controversial topics, the effect is most pronounced,” he later told me. (Haidt has now put his remarks in more formal terms, complete with data, in a paper forthcoming this winter in Behavioral and Brain Sciences.)

  Haidt was far from the first to voice concern over the liberal slant in academia, broadly speaking, and in social psychology in particular. He was, however, the first to do it quite so visibly—and the reactions were vocal. At first, Haidt was pleased. “People responded very constructively,” he said. “They listened carefully, took it seriously. That speaks very well for the field. I’ve never felt as if raising this issue has made me into a pariah or damaged me in any way.” For the most part, his colleagues have continued to support his claims—or, at least, the need to investigate them further. Some, however, reacted with indignation. “


Read the rest at the at the New Yorker


















” How refreshing to hear something resembling candor in the Obama administration’s public pronouncements on the threat from Ebola.

  Problem is, the implications of what is being said with this newfound candor are ominous to say the least, a flabbergasted Rush Limbaugh outlined for his radio listeners yesterday. (Audio)

LIMBAUGH: … Some of the highlights from the congressional hearing on Capitol Hill today, House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee hearing on the Ebola crisis, Dr. Thomas Frieden …. Oh he’s got a new answer here …. I don’t believe this, we gotta play this one! I just basically scanned this one. This Frieden guy, he’s got to want to be thrown out of office here. You just gotta hear this! I don’t want to characterize it before I actually here it. I don’t want to tell you what it says and then have it not say that and look like I got egg on my face.

Here’s the setup: Fred Upton, Republican (of) Michigan, is asking Frieden, the director of the CDC, this question — the question I have is, if other countries are restricting travel from these African countries and, as you said, the fundamental job of the US is to protect American citizens, why can’t we move to a similar ban on travel from these other countries? The exposure rate of 14 days or 15 days is well within the 21 days of incubation and in fact knowing that there 150 people coming a day from those countries, we have not 94 percent in terms of screening at US airports. It seems to me it’s not a fail safe system that’s put into place here.

FRIEDEN (testifying before House subcommittee): Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that someone will travel over land, will come from other places, and we don’t know that they’re coming in will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave.

LIMBAUGH: OK, that’s one. There’s part two, just hang on. I know that sounds confusing but there’s a part two. He said, right now we know who’s coming in. Don’t forget that. Right now we know who’s coming in. If we tried to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land and come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming will mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things. Do you know what he just said there? …. He just threw amnesty overboard! He, he, he just threw amnesty under the bus. He just threw Obama’s precious open borders under the bus. He says if we try to eliminate travel, then they’re going to come here illegally — acknowledging there are others already doing that! If we try to eliminate travel, the possibility that some will travel over land like the Hoof Express through the Rio Grande River. They’ll come from other places and we don’t know that they’re coming in. It’ll mean that we won’t be able to do multiple things! In other words, what’s already happening will continue to happen and yet some of the people coming might have Ebola! Oh no!  He can’t last much longer! The Chamber of Commerce is having a conniption fit right now. (Democrat congressman) Luis Gutierrez is having a conniption fit right now.

So his answer seems to be, if we don’t let them come in on planes, they’ll come by land over our porous border.

FRIEDEN: Borders can be porous, especially in this part of the world. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they leave. We won’t be able to check them for fever when they arrive. We won’t be able, as we do currently, to take a detailed history to see if they were exposed when they arrive. When they arrive, we wouldn’t be able to impose quarantine as we now can if they have high-risk contact. We wouldn’t be able to obtain detailed locating information which we do now including not only name and date of birth but email addresses, cell phone numbers, address, addresses of friends, so that we could identity and locate them. We wouldn’t be able to provide all of that information as we do now to state and local health departments so that they can monitor them under supervision.

LIMBAUGH: Well, uh, ladies and gentlemen, it sounds to me like he’s saying that if we don’t let them come in on planes, what he’s saying is — unbelievable! — do you understand what he’s saying?! If we don’t let them come in under our auspices, they’re going to come in via illegal immigration and we’re not going to know who they are and it’s going to be even worse. Like the 300,000 children that came in and might have brought enterovirus and like the 12 million who are already here that we want to grant amnesty …

This guy, he has swerved into something, folks, that is totally, unless I’m missing something, I didn’t see this coming. This guy is acknowledging that we do not have a closed border. He’s acknowledging we cannot control who comes into the country. This guy is saying, the Centers for Disease Control director Thomas Frieden is saying, that we cannot close airports. We cannot shut down flights to this country because other parts of our border are wide open with thousands already crossing the border! And we don’t know who they are and we don’t know what they have and we don’t know how sick they might be. And we don’t know  and will have no way of knowing. Oh man! “


NewsBusters has more











New York’s Registry Of Mentally Ill People Barred From Having Firearms Draws Heavy Criticism







” A newly created database of New Yorkers deemed too mentally unstable to carry firearms has grown to roughly 34,500 names, a previously undisclosed figure that has raised concerns among some mental health advocates that too many people have been categorized as dangerous.

  The database, established in the aftermath of the mass shooting in 2012 at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and maintained by the state Division of Criminal Justice Services, is the result of the Safe Act. It is an expansive package of gun control measures pushed through by the administration of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo. The law, better known for its ban on assault weapons, compels licensed mental health professionals in New York to report to the authorities any patient “likely to engage in conduct that would result in serious harm to self or others.

  But the number of entries in the database highlights the difficulty of America’s complicated balancing act between public safety and the right to bear arms when it comes to people with mental health issues.

“ That seems extraordinarily high to me,” said Sam Tsemberis, a former director of New York City’s involuntary hospitalization program for homeless and dangerous people, now the chief executive of Pathways to Housing, which provides housing to the mentally ill. “Assumed dangerousness is a far cry from actual dangerousness.” “


Post Gazette


Sarah Challenges Two Political Heavyweights







” I accept Wasilla Arctic Cat’s #icebucketchallenge to #strikeoutALS and will donate to the Pete Frates #3 Fund. Watch my video to see whom I challenge. Hat tip to actor Patrick Stewart for reminding everyone with his video that the donation is the most important part of the #icebucketchallenge, not the frivolous water-tossing theatrics that those of us who are more thoughtfully serious choose to forgo.

Find out more about #ALS and learn the story behind the #icebucketchallenge here: and here:

Next up, it’s Todd’s turn!

– Sarah Palin “












Jeff Foxworthy’s Ice Bucket Challenge






” Not only is this a great fundraiser for The ALS Association, but it takes care of the weekly bath for us Rednecks! #icebucketchallenge “












Trey Gowdy’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge- Even The Ice Water Is Afraid Of Gowdy!




” But now that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) accepted the challenge, all of your videos are garbage in comparison. Gowdy, a former prosecutor who is ready to take down Hillary Clinton, is cool as a cucumber with ice water in his veins.

  Watch, as he keeps his composure while wearing a FULL SUIT, with a laser-like focus. Doesn’t even flinch, as he is tough as nails. All men wish they could be like THE Trey Gowdy.


  I hope Trey has inspired you to donate. You better do it now, before Trey finds out! “


The Political Insider












Zac Brown Band






” #IceBucketChallenge accepted! This one’s for you Hunter Hayes and Vineyard Vines. We now challenge Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers,Foo Fighters, Bob Lefsetz and #GarthBrooks. Join us to #StrikeOutALS! You have 24 hours. “











Justina Pelletier Transferred To CT Facility; Custody Of Mass. DCF






3D Printed Cast Speeds Bone Recovery Using Ultrasound






” A new prototype brings together 3D printing, room to breathe and ultrasound pulses to create a cast that is not only comfortable and stylish to wear but is expected to speed healing relative to existing options.
  In a move that is less The Singing Bone or Singing Bones than Singing to the Bones designer Deniz Karasahin has adopted the idea of using Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound, (LIPUS) to speed bone regrowth. Pulses of sound waves too high frequency to hear have been shown to increase the incorporation of calcium ions in cultures of cartilage and bone cells, as well as increasing the expression of genes known to assist in healing
  However, despite success in vitro and promising results from clinical studies LIPUS has not been widely adopted, partly because the measured benefit has varied across trials, in some cases appearing too small to justify the effort.
  Where LIPUS currently involves a daily session at a medical clinic, Deniz Karasahin added a portable ultrasound generator to the cast. “For single 20 minute daily sessions this system promises to reduce the healing process up to 38% and increase the heal rate up to 80% in non-union fractures,” he has claimed, using figures from the top of the ranges produced in trials of LIPUS without changing cast technology.”
I F***ing Love Science has more on this groundbreaking marriage of two prominent technologies


Justice For Justina




Published on Apr 26, 2014

” Huckabee Opening Statement – Justice For Justina
State Took Custody After Parents Disputed Doctor’s Diagnosis
Rev Mahoney Met W/ Ma HHS SEC. To Discuss Justina Reunification Plan “






Ebola Outbreak May Have Spread Out Of Africa And Into Europe






” The Ebola outbreak in Africa may have spread to Europe despite pandemic containment efforts. World Health Organization officials have been working diligently to contain the Ebola outbreak to West Africa, but their efforts may have failed.

  A Reuters report on the Ebola outbreak claims that death toll statistics will no longer be released to the public to “avoid causing unnecessary panic.”

  The virus has reportedly spread into seven countries in Africa. A report by Christian Relief groups working in both Liberia and Guinea maintain that the number of confirmed Ebola infection increased by 15 percent in just the past 24 hours.

  Approximately four dozen migrant workers from the outbreak area came ashore, allegedly illegally, in Pisa, Italy. The workers are reportedly being isolated with symptom commonly associated with the Ebola virus. The migrant workers have reportedly presented with conjunctivitis, blood around the eye, and fever.”


Read more here 












Group Gathers Outside Facility To Pray For Justina Pelletier


Dozens gathered Saturday outside the facility where Justina Pelletier has lived for the last few weeks after being discharged from Boston Children's Hospital. (Image source: Keith Mason/Personhood USA)



” Outside a youth home in Framingham, Mass., between 50 and 80 people gathered peacefully in below freezing temperatures and prayed for a Connecticut teen at the center of a high-profile custody battle.

  The vigil held Saturday at Wayside Youth and Family Support Network was for Justina Pelletier, who has been in state care against her parents wishes for more than a year after a disagreement over a medical diagnosis.”





” We prayed for Justina, prayed for the family, prayed for the lawmakers to step up and to do this. We prayed for DCF workers, that God would touch their hearts,” Keith Mason, president of the pro-life human rights’ group Personhood USA, which co-organized the event along with Rev. Patrick Mahoney, told TheBlaze. “It was a time for prayer and was somber. We saw a lot of committed people.”

  Among them were state lawmakers who plan to introduce a resolution to “free Justina” in next legislative session scheduled for March 5 and other parents who Mason said have been in similar situations with DCF. Linda and Lou Pelletier, Justina’s parents, were not present at the vigil.”


The Blaze has more







The Xbox Kinect Can Do A Lot More Than Recognize Your Dance Moves…






” The military has long been an object of the video game industry’s fascination. Titles like Call of Duty slavishly pore over the details of real-life weapons, technology, and terrain to create virtual battlefields for their users to wage war on. But in a case of reality mimicking art, the military has started to turn to the gaming industry for help — and not just for training, as one would expect, but for technology itself.

  In the arms race for a better user experience, the $66 billion video game industry has become so advanced that in some areas it has outpaced the military. The gaming industry’s state-of-the-art controllers, high-tech sensors, and processors have been co-opted, even weaponized, by the Pentagon.

  Here, a few examples:

  How Xbox Kinect can guard a border

  In addition to interpreting dance moves and imaginary swings of a light saber, Xbox Kinect sensors are helping to guard the last remaining front of the Cold War, the demilitarized zone (DMZ) that divides North and South Korea.

  After a series of high-profile border mishaps, including a defecting soldier from the North who simply waltzed through the heavily fenced, mine-strewn, 2.5-mile-wide DMZ and knocked on a guard post, the South Korean military turned to the developer of the Xbox Kinect sensor for help.”



    Other topics of video game use by the military discussed in the article include using Wii to defuse bombs and how VR can help alleviate PTSD . Well worth your time . Read it all … this is the future .









Marijuana Is An Exit Drug For Some





” A new study in Canada has found the reverse is true for marijuana: it is an exit drug. 

The study is in the journal Addiction Research and Theory.

“While some studies have found that a small percentage of the general population that uses cannabis may develop a dependence on this substance, a growing body of research on cannabis-related substitution suggests that for many patients cannabis is not only an effective medicine, but also a potential exit drug to problematic substance use,” the authors wrote.

The drugs cannabis users are fleeing include prescription medicines, alcohol, cocaine and other illicit drugs.”

Read more








Honesty Ratings Of Police, Clergy Differ Most By Party



Party Differences in Honesty and Ethics Ratings of Professions, December 2013



” Reinforcing the power party identification has in shaping Americans’ views of many aspects of the world around them, Republicans and Democrats differ by at least 10 percentage points in their honesty and ethics ratings of six of 22 professions included in Gallup’s 2013 update. Republicans rate the honesty and ethical standards of police officers, clergy, military officers, and pharmacists higher than Democrats do. In turn, Democrats are more positive about judges and TV reporters.”


There is lots more detail at the link








This Was Posted On A Friend’s Facebook Wall



    We have no particular knowledge of whether these discounts are for real or not but , at risk of being accused of internet rumor-mongering , we thought we would pass the list along for our reader’s comments and possible benefit.The grocery store discounts have the ring of truth to them as our regional chain offers 10% off on Wednesdays to those over 55 . Some of the retail and accommodations offers seem a bit generous but perhaps some our readers have firsthand experiences they might share . In any event , it never hurts to ask .

   We did find links to numerous websites that specialize in informing people over the age of 50 of the many many discounts available that are not necessarily well publicized . Some of them include discounts on prescription drugs , Amazon movie rentals and a host of other potential savings . Kind of a modern day Green Stamps program . Just print your coupons and pocket your savings . Every little bit helps in these harsh economic times .




” As I was waiting in line behind an older gentleman at Wendy’s recently,I heard him ask for his senior discount. The girl at the register apologized and 
charged him less. When I asked the man what the discount was, he told me that
seniors over age 55 …get 10% off everything on the menu, every day. (But you need to ASK for your discount.)

Being of ‘that’ age myself, I figured I might as well ask for the discount too.
this incident prompted me to do some research, and I came across a list of restaurants, supermarkets, department stores, travel deals and other types of offers giving various discounts with different age requirements. I was actually surprised to see how many there are and howsome of them start at the young age of 50 .
This list may not only be useful for you, but for your friends and family too.

Dunkin Donuts gives free coffee to people over 55 .
If you’re paying for a cup every day, you might want to start getting it for FREE.

YOU must ASK for your discount !” 

Applebee’s: 15% off with Golden Apple Card (60+)
Arby’s: 10% off ( 55 +)
Ben & Jerry’s: 10% off (60+)
Bennigan’s: discount varies by location (60+)
Bob’s Big Boy: discount varies by location (60+)
Boston Market: 10% off (65+)
Burger King: 10% off (60+)
Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee ( 55+)
Chili’s: 10% off ( 55+)
CiCi’s Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Denny’s: 10% off, 20% off for AARP members ( 55 +)
Dunkin’ Donuts: 10% off or free coffee ( 55+)
Einstein’s Bagels: 10% off baker’s dozen of bagels (60+)
Fuddrucker’s: 10% off any senior platter ( 55+)
Gatti’s Pizza: 10% off (60+)
Golden Corral: 10% off (60+)
Hardee’s: $0.33 beverages everyday (65+)
IHOP: 10% off ( 55+)
Jack in the Box: up to 20% off ( 55+)
KFC: free small drink with any meal ( 55+)
Krispy Kreme: 10% off ( 50+)
Long John Silver’s: various discounts at locations ( 55+)
McDonald’s: discounts on coffee everyday ( 55+)
Mrs. Fields: 10% off at participating locations (60+)
Shoney’s: 10% off
Sonic: 10% off or free beverage (60+)
Steak ‘n Shake: 10% off every Monday & Tuesday ( 50+)
Subway: 10% off (60+)
Sweet Tomatoes: 10% off (62+)
Taco Bell : 5% off; free beverages for seniors (65+)
TCBY: 10% off ( 55+)
Tea Room Cafe: 10% off ( 50+)
Village Inn: 10% off (60+)
Waffle House: 10% off every Monday (60+)
Wendy’s: 10% off ( 55 +)
Whataburger: 10% off (62+)
White Castle: 10% off (62+) This is for me … if I ever see one again.

Banana Republic: 30% off ( 50 +)
Bealls: 20% off first Tuesday of each month ( 50 +)
Belk’s: 15% off first Tuesday of every month ( 55 +)
Big Lots: 30% off
Bon-Ton Department Stores: 15% off on senior discount days ( 55 +)
C.J. Banks: 10% off every Wednesday (50+)
Clarks : 10% off (62+)
Dress Barn: 20% off ( 55+)
Goodwill: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Hallmark: 10% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kmart: 40% off (Wednesdays only) ( 50+)
Kohl’s: 15% off (60+)Modell’s Sporting Goods: 30% off
Rite Aid: 10% off on Tuesdays & 10% off prescriptions
Ross Stores: 10% off every Tuesday ( 55+)
The Salvation Army Thrift Stores: up to 50% off ( 55+)
Stein Mart: 20% off red dot/clearance items first Monday of every month ( 55 +)

Albertson’s: 10% off first Wednesday of each month ( 55 +)
American Discount Stores: 10% off every Monday ( 50 +)
Compare Foods Supermarket: 10% off every Wednesday (60+)
DeCicco Family Markets: 5% off every Wednesday (60+)
Food Lion: 6% off every Monday (60+)
Fry’s Supermarket: free Fry’s VIP Club Membership & 10% off every Monday ( 55 +)
Great Valu Food Store: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Gristedes Supermarket: 10% off every Tuesday (60+)
Harris Teeter: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
Hy-Vee: 5% off one day a week (date varies by location)
Kroger: 10% off (date varies by location)
Morton Williams Supermarket: 5% off every Tuesday (60+)
The Plant Shed: 10% off every Tuesday ( 50 +)
Publix: 15% off every Wednesday ( 55 +)
Rogers Marketplace: 5% off every Thursday (60+)
Uncle Guiseppe’s Marketplace: 15% off (62+)

Alaska Airlines: 50% off (65+)
American Airlines: various discounts for 50% off non-peak periods (Tuesdays – Thursdays) (62+)and up (call before booking for discount)
Continental Airlines: no initiation fee for Continental Presidents Club & special fares for select destinations
Southwest Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
United Airlines: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
U.S. Airways: various discounts for ages 65 and up (call before booking for discount)
Amtrak: 15% off (62+)
Greyhound: 15% off (62+)
Trailways Transportation System: various discounts for ages 50+

Car Rental:
Alamo Car Rental: up to 25% off for AARP members
Avis: up to 25% off for AARP members
Budget Rental Cars: 40% off; up to 50% off for AARP members ( 50+)
Dollar Rent-A-Car: 10% off ( 50+) Enterprise Rent-A-Car: 5% off for AARP members Hertz: up to 25% off for AARP members
National Rent-A-Car: up to 30% off for AARP members

Overnight Accommodations:
Holiday Inn: 20-40% off depending on location (62+)
Best Western: 40% off (55+)
Cambria Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Waldorf Astoria – NYC $5,000 off nightly rate for Presidential Suite (55 +)
Clarion Motels: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Comfort Suites: 20%-30% off (60+)
Econo Lodge: 40% off (60+)
Hampton Inns & Suites: 40% off when booked 72 hours in advance
Hyatt Hotels: 25%-50% off (62+)
InterContinental Hotels Group: various discounts at all hotels (65+)
Mainstay Suites: 10% off with Mature Traveler’s Discount (50+); 20%-30% off (60+)
Marriott Hotels: 25% off (62+)
Motel 6: Stay Free Sunday nights (60+)
Myrtle Beach Resort: 30% off ( 55 +)
Quality Inn: 40%-50% off (60+)
Rodeway Inn: 20%-30% off (60+)
Sleep Inn: 40% off (60+)

AMC Theaters: up to 30% off ( 55 +)
Bally Total Fitness: $100 off memberships (62+)
Busch Gardens Tampa, FL: $13 off one-day tickets ( 50 +)
Carmike Cinemas: 35% off (65+)
Cinemark/Century Theaters: up to 35% off
Massage Envy – NYC 20% off all “Happy Endings” (62 +)
U.S. National Parks: $10 lifetime pass; 50% off additional services including camping (62+)
Regal Cinemas: 50% off Ripley’s Believe it or Not: @ off one-day ticket ( 55 +)
SeaWorld, Orlando , FL : $3 off one-day tickets ( 50 +)

AT&T: Special Senior Nation 200 Plan $19.99/month (65+)
Jitterbug: $10/month cell phone service ( 50 +)
Verizon Wireless: Verizon Nationwide 65 Plus Plan $29.99/month (65+).

Great Clips: $8 off hair cuts (60+)
Supercuts: $8 off haircuts (60+)

NOW, go out there and claim your discounts – – and remember — YOU must ASK for discount —- no ask, no discount.
I Know everyone knows someone over 50 please pass the one on!!!!!


    Whether all of these terms and percentages are correct or not , the fact is that most large businesses offer some discount or other to senior citizens and it is worth a little time to explore the policies of the companies that you tend to shop at . There is no doubt that there are substantial savings there for the taking .









” Tune-in tonight at 7/6c as the Homeward Bound Telethon on the Military Channel raises funds to support American veterans suffering from PTSD and TBI.

When they were called, they stepped up and served. Now it’s our turn to serve them.”





” Featuring, Co-host Connie Francis, Jason Gould, Kevin Spacey, Patti Austin, James Brolin, Jason Bateman, Ben Vereen, Michael Feinstein, Gloria Loring, Steve Tyrell, The American Military Spouses Choir, Medal of Honor Recipient Sgt.Ty Carter, Bette Midler, Henry Winkler, Mark Harmon and the cast of NCIS, Under the Streetlamp, Lou Diamond Phillips, The Temptations Review, and many veterans whose stories are both emotional and inspiring. “



Watch it tonight and offer whatever support that you can . If you are unable to watch you can still make a donation here .






VA Asked to Explain Blowing Half a Million Bucks on Art




” Some lawmakers are outraged that as part of federal departments’ use-it-or-lose-it spending sprees before the end of the fiscal year on Oct. 1 the Department of Veterans Affairs blew more than half a million dollars on artwork.

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Kan.), a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, today called on VA Secretary Eric Shinseki to justify the purchase that carried a $562,000 price tag.

“At a time when the nation’s crushing debt threatens the well-being of our veterans and all Americans, and when spending across the government is being reduced, I fail to comprehend the reason why this purchase was authorized,” Moran wrote.

“If the overall fiscal stability of our country is not of sufficient concern, then the VA should have at least prioritized service to veterans who continue to wait inordinate lengths of time to receive decisions on benefit claims,” the letter continued.”











Sanjay Gupta Marijuana Not Only WORKS BETTER Than These Narcotics IT’S SAFER



Published on Aug 8, 2013

” Sanjay Gupta is apologizing for “misleading” the American public on weed.

CNN’s chief medical correspondent, whose documentary Weed airs on CNN this Sunday, said he had mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency had sound scientific proof when it placed marijuana in the category of the most dangerous drugs.

“I have apologized for some of the earlier reporting because I think, you know, we’ve been terribly and systematically misled in this country for some time,” Gupta told Piers Morgan on CNN Wednesday night. “And I did part of that misleading.”

Gupta has spoken out against the use of medical marijuana in the past, including penning a TIME magazine article in 2009 titled, Why I Would Vote No on Pot.

In an op-ed that appeared on CNN’s website Thursday, Why I Changed My Mind on Weed, Gupta said he had been wrong about the effects of the drug.

“I apologize because I didn’t look hard enough, until now. I didn’t look far enough. I didn’t review papers from smaller labs in other countries doing some remarkable research, and I was too dismissive of the loud chorus of legitimate patients whose symptoms improved on cannabis.

Instead, I lumped them with the high-visibility malingerers, just looking to get high. I mistakenly believed the Drug Enforcement Agency listed marijuana as a schedule 1 substance because of sound scientific proof. Surely, they must have quality reasoning as to why marijuana is in the category of the most dangerous drugs that have ‘no accepted medicinal use and a high potential for abuse.’ “

Gupta says he hopes his upcoming documentary will help set the record straight on medical marijuana.”






Study unlocks structure of protein causing depression and anxiety

” Scientists at Heptares Therapeutics, a company based in the UK, have determined the structure of a protein molecule produced by the pituitary gland responsible for feelings of stress, anxiety and depression in humans.

  Scientists have long known that the pituitary gland plays an important role in stress, depression and anxiety responses by releasing stress chemicals into the blood.

  However, this is the first time that scientists have been able to describe the molecular structure of the protein receptor CRF1 and confirm its role as the chemical responsible for triggering the stress response.”

iKnife helps surgeons find cancer

” An intelligent surgical knife is helping surgeons identify cancer instantly. It is hoped that the knife will reduce the necessity for multiple cancer surgeries by diagnosing unhealthy tissue the first time around.

Typically in cancers involving solid tumors, surgeons remove a margin of healthy tissue along with the tumor. It has been difficult to determine whether the healthy tissue is cancerous without testing and, in some cases, secondary surgery. It is estimated that one in five breast cancer surgeries require a second surgery to remove all of the cancer, reports the Imperial College London.

Takats based his iKnife on present-day electrosurgery, which uses knives that heat tissue with an electrical current. The iKnife analyzes the smoke from the cauterizing tissue and then provides a reading to the surgical team.

During the research phase, the iKnife diagnosed tissue samples from 91 patients with 100 percent accuracy. Diagnostic information that typically takes 30 minutes to receive from the laboratory was available instantly. ”