Category: Healthcare

Border Agents Bracing For New Immigrant Surge



Families of Central American immigrants turn themselves in to U.S. Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Grande River from Mexico on September 8, 2014 in Mission, Texas. Although the numbers of such immigrant families and unaccompanied minors have decreased from a springtime high, thousands continue to cross in the border illegally into the United States. The Rio Grande Valley sector is the busiest area for illegal border crossings, especially for Central Americans, into the U.S.  (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images) Photo: John Moore, Getty Images

John Moore, Getty Images



” On a recent evening near the banks of the Rio Grande, a group of five Guatemalan immigrants, among them two girls, ages 8 and 10 without a parent or guardian by their side, turned themselves over to U.S. Border Patrol agents. 

  It is a familiar scene to law enforcement agencies in South Texas that witnessed nearly 50,000 unaccompanied children and families, mostly from Central America, illegally streaming across the border here last year.

  While far fewer immigrants have been detained in recent months than during the same period a year ago, thousands are still crossing the Rio Grande illegally, and border agents are bracing for thousands more in the months ahead.

  Already, 15,647 minors and 13,911 families have been detained since the beginning of the fiscal year in October, along the whole Southwest border, most of them in Rio Grande Valley. With the historically busy April, May and summer months ahead, it is conceivable that apprehensions this year will surpass all but the unprecedented surge of 2014.”


Houston Chronicle












Obamacare Exchange Customers Set For Significant Premium Spikes, CBO Predicts





” Obamacare exchange customers are about to see spikes in their premiums, the Congressional Budget Office predicted Monday, saying insurers that offer plans are facing twin pressures from the government and the marketplace that will mean hikes of more than 8 percent a year through 2018.

  Now in the second year of full operation, the exchanges are critical to the success of the law. The government is using tax subsidies to attract more customers to help offset costs for the rest of the system.

  Nearly 11.7 million Americans bought plans on the exchange in the second enrollment period, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell announced Monday afternoon, hours after the CBO’s analysis was released.

  The CBO said premiums for the key “benchmark” exchange plans will rise an average of 8.5 percent per year from 2016 to 2018, faster than the rest of the health care market.”

Washington Times

To Collect Debts, Nursing Homes Are Seizing Control Over Patients




” Lillian Palermo tried to prepare for the worst possibilities of aging. An insurance executive with a Ph.D. in psychology and a love of ballroom dancing, she arranged for her power of attorney and health care proxy to go to her husband, Dino, eight years her junior, if she became incapacitated. And in her 80s, she did.

  Mr. Palermo, who was the lead singer in a Midtown nightclub in the 1960s when her elegant tango first caught his eye, now regularly rolls his wife’s wheelchair to the piano at the Catholic nursing home in Manhattan where she ended up in 2010 as dementia, falls and surgical complications took their toll. He sings her favorite songs, feeds her home-cooked Italian food, and pays a private aide to be there when he cannot.

  But one day last summer, after he disputed nursing home bills that had suddenly doubled Mrs. Palermo’s copays, and complained about inexperienced employees who dropped his wife on the floor, Mr. Palermo was shocked to find a six-page legal document waiting on her bed.

  It was a guardianship petition filed by the nursing home, Mary Manning Walsh, asking the court to give a stranger full legal power over Mrs. Palermo, now 90, and complete control of her money.

  Few people are aware that a nursing home can take such a step. Guardianship cases are difficult to gain access to and poorly tracked by New York State courts; cases are often closed from public view for confidentiality. But the Palermo case is no aberration. Interviews with veterans of the system and a review of guardianship court data conducted by researchers at Hunter College at the request of The New York Times show the practice has become routine, underscoring the growing power nursing homes wield over residents and families amid changes in the financing of long-term care.

  In a random, anonymized sample of 700 guardianship cases filed in Manhattan over a decade, Hunter College researchers found more than 12 percent were brought by nursing homes. Some of these may have been prompted by family feuds, suspected embezzlement or just the absence of relatives to help secure Medicaid coverage. But lawyers and others versed in the guardianship process agree that nursing homes primarily use such petitions as a means of bill collection — a purpose never intended by the Legislature when it enacted the guardianship statute in 1993.

  At least one judge has ruled that the tactic by nursing homes is an abuse of the law, but the petitions, even if they are ultimately unsuccessful, force families into costly legal ordeals.”

     Before you commit your loved one to a nursing home/elder care facility be sure to read this entire piece from the NY Times . This is a shameful abuse of the law , no different than “civil asset forfeiture” .

ObamaCare: Young Adults, Unsubsidized Shun Exchanges






” One number stands out from ObamaCare’s second enrollment season: Among those signing up for coverage via, 87% have qualified for subsidies.

  That’s even higher than the 85% subsidized share of the 8 million people who signed up for ObamaCare exchange plans during the first enrollment season that wrapped up last April.

  The data are early and lack key details, but suggest that the unsubsidized may be shunning the exchanges.

  That’s a surprise: The Congressional Budget Office had projected that 1 in 3 of this year’s new enrollees will earn too much to qualify for premium subsidies.

  Another red flag is the lagging participation among young adults: Just 24% of the 3.4 million new and renewing sign-ups via through Dec. 15 are in the 18-to-34 age group. That’s down from 28% among the first 8 million to sign up for coverage for 2014, and far below the 40% that is consistent with the young-adult share of the potential exchange population.”


Investor’s Business Daily











How To Pull A Tooth With A Golf Club, Golf Ball And Dental Floss





Published on Dec 30, 2014

” My 7 year old wanted to pull his tooth but was concerned it would be to painful to pull SLOWLY. So we did it QUICKLY and in his words with no pain, just a little fear.”











Florida Man Causes Hospital Fire By Smoking Crack While Hooked To Oxygen




” A Florida man was arrested for smoking crack cocaine with his hospitalized friend, causing a small fire in an intensive care unit where the patient was located, police say.

  Lee Vern Cook, 54, was arrested Christmas Eve on multiple charges, including arson, five counts of possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony.

  Cook is accused of visiting a bed-ridden friend in the North Okaloosa Medical Center Intensive Care Unit, bringing with him crack cocaine, a pipe from which to smoke the drug and a firearm. The two smoked the cocaine together from a homemade device, police say, but the patient wore an oxygen mask and the flame from lighting the pipe mixed with the gas to rapidly cause a fire.”


UPI Odd News











How Hillary Could Make ObamaCare Worse





” An ABC-Washington Post poll shows 61 percent of Democrats support Hillary Clinton for president in 2016, far more than other contenders. If she wins the White House, health reform could become even more painful than ObamaCare.

  Clinton ducks questions about her views on health reform. But the plan she proposed in 1993, as first lady, raises concerns.

  That proposal was even more coercive than ObamaCare. She put price controls on doctors and limits on how much health care the nation could consume annually and how much you could buy for your own family — even if you paid for it yourself.

  True, that was 20 years ago. But it’s an important window into her thinking.

  Before Americans choose candidates for 2016, they ought to ask how much power they want government to have over their health care and whether Clinton stands by the coercive plan she proposed the last time she was in the White House.

  Start with whether the government should force us to have insurance. The Obama administration is using ads and street fairs to convince people to get covered. Millions are still saying “no.” ObamaCare penalizes the uninsured but also offers exemptions, including just pleading “hardship.” “


NY Post










India: Watch Heroic Monkey Resuscitate Electrocuted Friend On Train Tracks




Published on Dec 21, 2014

” A monkey saved the life of one of his fellow primate friends when the animal lost consciousness after being electrocuted on train tracks in the northern Indian city of Kanpur.”










New York Flags 278 Gun Owners As “Mentally Unstable”





” New York State’s tough new SAFE Act gun control law has flagged 278 gun owners who could lose their weapons because they have been deemed mentally unstable, a new report shows.

  Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged lawmakers to pass the SAFE Act quickly after the 2012 mass shooting at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Conn.

  The Syracuse Post-Standard reported last week that since the law’s enactment, the state has collected 38,718 names in a database of individuals who have been found at-risk for owning guns by psychiatrists and other health professionals.

  The paper said when the database was checked against a list of pistol permit holders in the state, there were 278 matches, less than 1 percent.

  Monroe County had the most matches at 36, followed by Westchester, 17, Suffolk, 16 and Dutchess, 14. “


Fox News












Obamacare Blamed For Killing Hospitals





” Eighteen acute-care hospitals across the United States shut their doors in 2013.

  At least 12 more hospitals have closed this year in rural areas alone. More are getting out the plywood to nail over windows and barricades for doors.

  Don’t worry, it’s just the new normal under Obamacare, says Lee Hieb, M.D.

“ Events happening now give us some idea of what medicine will be reduced to in the future,” Hieb writes in her forthcoming book, “Surviving the Medical Meltdown: Your Guide to Living Through the Disaster of Obamacare.”

“ Today, all over America, small and midsize hospitals as well as hospitals in inner-city, poor areas are closing,” she said.

  Hieb is an orthopedic surgeon and past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.

  She said the reasons for the closures aren’t complicated. Most of the victims are smaller hospitals or those in poor areas, which often serve the greatest number of Medicare and Medicaid patients.

  A report at Modern Health Care just a few weeks ago confirmed that among just the critical-access hospitals, which have 25 beds or fewer, there were 14 closures in 10 states in 2013.”


WND has more











UC Study: Minimum Wage Hike Of 2007-09 Cost 1.4M Jobs





” Raising the minimum wage, a stated goal of the Obama administration, likely would cost jobs and hurt low-income workers.

  University of California San Diego economic researchers discovered that the federal minimum wage increase from $5.15 to $7.25 per hour between 2007 and 2009 actually cost the economy 1.4 million jobs, Breitbart News reports. “



” Even worse, the increase’s negative effect landed squarely on the people it was designed to help — low-paid, unskilled workers, who found themselves blocked out of low-paid or internship positions that would give them a shot at gaining experience and achieving higher-paid jobs, the study notes.

” We find that binding minimum wage increases significantly reduced the likelihood that low-skilled workers rose to what we characterize as lower middle class earnings. This curtailment of transitions into lower middle class earnings began to emerge roughly one year following initial declines in low wage employment. Reductions in upward mobility thus appear to follow reductions in access to opportunities for accumulating work experience,” the report states. “




” While the wage distribution of low-skilled workers shifts as intended, the estimated effects on employment, income, and income growth are negative. “



   For every government mandate on businesses , industry and technology will create a way to avoid them . If increasing the mandatory minimum wage by two dollars cost a million and a half jobs just imagine the losses from a doubling of the present state-mandated wage for unskilled workers , and machines don’t need healthcare .

   Read more at NewsMax











Beware Of Rosy Job Numbers



” Don’t be fooled by the everything’s-coming-up-roses coverage that the national news media gave the Obama administration’s job numbers last week.

  The news headlines said the Obama economy created 321,000 jobs last month, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. But a little closer examination of the other numbers, buried in the bureau’s report, tells a far sadder story.

  A large share of the nonfarm employment figures were low-paying, part-time jobs among Americans who the bureau refers to as “involuntary part-time workers.” They’re people “who would have preferred full-time employment” but were “working part time because their hours had been cut back or because they were unable to find a good full-time job,” the government said.

  There were seven million of these people for whom life in the dreary Obama economy has changed very little, and their numbers “changed little in November,” the bureau said deep into its report.

  If the number of jobs rose by 321,000, shouldn’t the unemployment percentage have fallen in November? No, the number of jobless Americans “was little changed at 9.1 million” and the 5.8 percent rate didn’t budge.

  Did you hear it put just that way on the nightly network news shows last week? No? I didn’t think so. But it gets worse.

The unemployment rate for adult men actually “rose to 5.4 percent in November,” BLS said. And the jobless rates for adult women (5.3 percent), working age teenagers (17.7 percent), blacks (11.1 percent), and Hispanics (6.6 percent) showed “little change over the month.” “


Read more











Watch Obama Hijack A Segment On Colbert Report While The Teleprompter Mocks Him




” The President took time out of his schedule to drop by the Colbert Report and take a satirical stab at the show’s segment ‘The Word.’ Instead of ‘the Word,’ President Obama used ‘the Decree,’ and proceeded to explain why the unpopular Obamacare law is really awesome, after all. The friendly audience was supportive; the American people, not so much. “

Kyle Becker at IJR has more

Jonathan Gruber Testifies Before An Unimpressed Congressional Oversight Committee






” Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, voluntarily testified before the House Oversight Committee today. Made famous when his comments about Obamacare were unearthed in all their truthful glory, Gruber took great pains to sidestep any question that touched upon the veracity of his remarks.

  Gruber’s defense amounted to, “I’m not a politician, and I was using inexcusable language to make myself sound smarter than I really am.” For not being a politician, Gruber was coached masterfully avoided answering questions.

  Despite getting paid almost six million bucks from the federal government and advising the Obama Administration on the construction of the Affordable Care Act, Gruber claimed repeatedly that he was not a political advisor.

“ The pervasiveness of your quotes is so much that it has to be more than that. It has to be more than an episodic mistake that you made,” Gowdy grilled. Gowdy went on, “What did you mean when you said you wish that you had been able to be transparent, but you’d rather have the law than not?” “


Many thanks to Kemberlee Kaye at Legal Insurrection












Cost Still A Barrier Between Americans And Medical Care


Percentage of Americans Putting Off Medical Treatment Because of Cost



” One in three Americans say they have put off getting medical treatment that they or their family members need because of cost. Although this percentage is in line with the roughly 30% figures seen in recent years, it is among the highest readings in the 14-year history of Gallup asking the question.

  Since 2001, Gallup has asked Americans each November if they have put off any sort of medical treatment for themselves or their families in the past 12 months. Last year, many hoped that the opening of the government healthcare exchanges and the resulting increase in the number of Americans with health insurance would enable more people to seek medical treatment. But, despite a drop in the uninsured rate, a slightly higher percentage of Americans than in previous years report having put off medical treatment, suggesting that the Affordable Care Act has not immediately affected this measure. “


Gallup has the details










Obamacare Offers Firms $3,000 Incentive To Hire Illegals Over

Native-Born Workers







” Under the president’s new amnesty, businesses will have a $3,000-per-employee incentive to hire illegal immigrants over native-born workers because of a quirk of Obamacare.

  President Obama’s temporary amnesty, which lasts three years, declares up to 5 million illegal immigrants to be lawfully in the country and eligible for work permits, but it still deems them ineligible for public benefits such as buying insurance on Obamacare’s health exchanges.

  Under the Affordable Care Act, that means businesses who hire them won’t have to pay a penalty for not providing them health coverage — making them $3,000 more attractive than a similar native-born worker, whom the business by law would have to cover.

  The loophole was confirmed by congressional aides and drew condemnation from those who said it put illegal immigrants ahead of Americans in the job market.

“ If it is true that the president’s actions give employers a $3,000 incentive to hire those who came here illegally, he has added insult to injury,” said Rep. Lamar Smith, Texas Republican. “The president’s actions would have just moved those who came here illegally to the front of the line, ahead of unemployed and underemployed Americans.”

  A Department of Homeland Security official confirmed that the newly legalized immigrants won’t have access to Obamacare, which opens up the loophole for employers looking to avoid the penalty. “


Washington Times










Breakthrough Stroke Treatment A Game-Changer For Sufferers







” Stroke is a leading cause of death in the U.S., killing 130,000 Americans each year — one of every 19 deaths, federal statistics show. One reason: Conventional treatments involving clot-busting drugs are only effective when given within three hours of a stroke’s onset, so most sufferers never make it to the hospital in time.
  But a revolutionary new procedure is giving stroke victims new hope and help, as Newsmax TV’s “Meet The Doctors” reports this week.” It’s called a thrombectomy, and the procedure essentially involves vacuuming out blood clots that form in the brain causing strokes, blocking blood flow and leading to disability and death.
  Imran Chaudry. M.D., with the Medical University of South Carolina Medical Center, explains that with a thrombectomy, patients can benefit even 12 hours after suffering a stroke, and perhaps longer. Although the procedure is still considered experimental, studies are underway to refine the technique and establish its safety and effectiveness — research that could lead the Food and Drug Administration to approve it as a front-line stroke therapy. “

This Gruber-Gate Supercut Video Is Positively Enraging







” This video, flagged by invaluable Twitter resource and Ace of Spades Decision Desk entrepreneur John Ekdahl, is among the most infuriating things you will see today.

  Composed by American Commitment, this video is nothing more than a smash cut of the various videos of Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber juxtaposed against footage of Democratic lawmakers either denying his existence or exalting him to the heavens.”


Hot Air has more










$1 Million Hospital Bill For Canadian Woman Who Gave Birth In US







” A Canadian mother is stuck with a $1 million hospital bill after she gave birth prematurely while on vacation in the U.S. last year. 

  Jennifer Huculak-Kimmel, at six months pregnant, thought she and husband Darren had taken all the right steps before taking a trip to Hawaii. She got approval from her doctor and even purchased travel insurance from Blue Cross, the Toronto Sun reported.

  But her water broke while she was on vacation, leading to an emergency C-section and a lengthy hospital stay for the couple’s premature daughter, Reece.

” Blue Cross said that because I had a bladder infection at four months and hemorrhaged because of that, that they would not cover the pregnancy,” Huculak-Kimmel said. “We thought we had done everything right. We thought we had covered all avenues and we thought we were covered. We thought we were safe to go.”

  The hospital bill added up to about $950,000, including $40,000 for medical evacuation to a Honolulu hospital; $160,000 for Huculak-Kimmel’s hospital stay; and $750,000 for the care of the baby in a neonatal intensive care unit. Saskatchewan Health paid about $20,000 of the bill and the United States paid $12,000, leaving the couple with a staggering $918,000 bill.”


This is the Canadian healthcare system that we are supposed to aspire to ?











Health Care Law Recasts Insurers As Obama Allies




” As Americans shop in the health insurance marketplace for a second year, President Obama is depending more than ever on the insurance companies that five years ago he accused of padding profits and canceling coverage for the sick.

  Those same insurers have long viewed government as an unreliable business partner that imposed taxes, fees and countless regulations and had the power to cut payment rates and cap profit margins.

  But since the Affordable Care Act was enacted in 2010, the relationship between the Obama administration and insurers has evolved into a powerful, mutually beneficial partnership that has been a boon to the nation’s largest private health plans and led to a profitable surge in their Medicaid enrollment.

  The insurers in turn have provided crucial support to Mr. Obama in court battles over the health care law, including a case now before the Supreme Court challenging the federal subsidies paid to insurance companies on behalf of low- and moderate-income consumers. Last fall, a unit of one of the nation’s largest insurers, UnitedHealth Group, helped the administration repair the website after it crashed in the opening days of enrollment.”

It’s all about the cronyism with this administration . Read the rest at NY Times

Don’t Tell ‘Em (Obamacare Version)




Published on Nov 17, 2014

” As Jonathan Gruber could tell you, the only way to sell “stupid” American voters on Obamacare was to keep us confused about what the law actually does.

Remy recreates the White House’s strategy meeting in this parody of the Jeremih hit, “Don’t Tell ‘Em.”

About 90 seconds.

Subscribe to Reason TV’s YouTube channel to get automatic notifications when new material go live.

Written and performed by Remy. Mastering and background vocals by Ben Karlstrom. Video produced and edited by Meredith Bragg.

Scroll down for lyrics, and visit… for downloadable versions, and more.

Follow Remy on Twitter at @goremy and Reason at @reason.

Folks would be aghast if
this law would be passed but
thankfully they are so dumb

Sure our team can’t build a
website in three years but
THEY’RE the ones who are so dumb

So, what’s the strategy?

Don’t tell em, don’t tell ’em
You ain’t even
Don’t tell em, don’t tell ’em
You ain’t even, you ain’t even gotta tell ’em

It’ll bring prices down with it
Your healthcare plan will stick around with it
Boy, you know I’m from Chicago
Maybe they get a clown with it…

Don’t let me catch you snoring
Making government bigger is never boring
Our CBO strategy’s named “Bill Cosby”
we’re looking for an improper scoring

When folks ask what’s in you lie through the tooth
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Our ideas are so good we can’t tell the truth
That’s right right right right right

But won’t people read it in three years or so?
My, my, my, my, my, my
Who’d look inside something that many years old? “










Gruber Uber Alles




” The Blaze’s Benjamin Weingarten interviewed Mark about his new book The [Un]documented Mark Steyn. Along the way they also discussed Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber, whose smug, confident contempt for the people Steyn suggests is the acme of liberal technocrat condescension. Lots of other subjects, big and small, are covered in this conversation. We think you’ll enjoy it. Just click below to listen: “

Give a listen

Nancy Pelosi On Jonathan Gruber: Then And Now






” Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., in a 2009 press conference, praised MIT health economist Jonathan Gruber’s work on the Affordable Care Act, advising that reporters inspect his findings on the topic.

  Today — on Nov. 13, 2014 — Pelosi told reporters that she “didn’t know who [Gruber] is,” adding that the noted economist didn’t help congressional Democrats draft the massive healthcare law.

“ I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill. And, so, with all due respect to your question, you have a person who wasn’t writing our bill, commenting on what was going on when we were writing the bill who has withdrawn – withdrawn some of the statements that he made,” the House minority leader said during a press conference Thursday.

  Pelosi’s contradictory statements come after conservative activist groups and various news outlets have uncovered past controversial comments from Gruber on the Affordable Care Act.”


Thanks to the Washington Examiner










A New Supreme Court Challenge For ‘Obamacare’







” The Supreme Court agreed Friday to hear a new challenge to President Barack Obama’s health care law — a case that threatens subsidies that help millions of low- and middle-income people afford their health insurance premiums.

  The justices said they will review a federal appeals court ruling that upheld IRS regulations that allow health-insurance tax credits under the Affordable Care Act for consumers in all 50 states. Opponents argue that most of the subsidies are illegal.

  The long-running political and legal campaign to overturn or limit the 2010 health overhaul will be making its second appearance at the Supreme Court. The justices upheld the heart of the law in a 5-4 decision in 2012 in which Chief Justice John Roberts provided the decisive vote.

  The case probably will be argued the first week in March, with a decision expected by late June.

  White House press secretary Josh Earnest promised a vigorous defense before the high court.

” This lawsuit reflects just another partisan attempt to undermine the Affordable Care Act and to strip millions of American families of tax credits that Congress intended for them to have,” Earnest said. “


AP News