Category: Dogs

28 Dog Photos You Just Can’t Explain





” When this chihuahua went where no man had gone before.”


   We’ll never know what that chihuahua was thinking and perhaps we’re better off for it , but there are 27 other photos here that will also leave you scratching your head , smiling and marveling at the wonders of the canine mind . 












Video From





    This dog has obviously done this before as it is absolutely tenacious in it’s defense of it’s turf against the cobra but that doesn’t matter to the animal rights nuts in the comments that would rather the cobra be free to maybe kill a child or other family member from the dog’s household . 

Corgis Are Now A ‘Vulnerable’ Breed In Britain





” Corgis are now listed as a “vulnerable” breed in the United Kingdom, only a week after the Sunday Express newspaper reported Queen Elizabeth would no longer introduce more of the dogs in the royal household.

” Pembroke Welsh Corgis” are joining their cousins, the “Cardigan Welsh Corgis,” and 28 other breeds on the list, which is updated each year by the Kennel Club, a British organization promoting the health and welfare of dogs.

  Last year, registration numbers for Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies were at 274, falling under the 300 threshold needed to stay off the list. They had been on a watch list for the past four years when the number fell under 450. While overall numbers of Corgis are estimated between 4,000 and 5,000 in the United Kingdom and Ireland, Caroline Kisko from the Kennel Club told ABC News there had been a 16 percent drop since 2013.

  Why are the numbers declining? Because celebrities aren’t buying Corgis, Kisko said. “It makes sense when you look at the increased popularity of exotic breeds: French bulldogs registrations have gone up from 350 in 2004 to 9,000 last year.”

“ People are daft,” Kisko said, “because celebrity isn’t a good reason to buy a dog. Corgis are for everyone. They are fun, intelligent and active. We want people to do their research before buying a dog.”

  Not everyone believes in the celebrity factor. Diana King, chairwoman of the Welsh Corgi League, told ABC News she believes the decline is due to a 2007 ban on tail-docking (the practice of cutting off the animal’s tail) in the U.K.”


More on the fall from favor of the quintessential British dog at ABC News
















Watch Dramatic Rescue: Coast Guard Acts Quickly To Save Labrador From Icy Waters





” As he inched his way toward a Labrador struggling to stay afloat in icy waters, U.S. Coast Guard member Tim Putnam knew there wasn’t much time.

” You could tell she was ready to get out,” said Putnam, a boatswain mate third class. “She was pretty shook up.”

  The dog rescue happened Tuesday, Feb. 3 right outside the Frankfort Coast Guard station, in the channel between Lake Michigan and Betsie Lake.”













2015 Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial “Lost Dog” – Budweiser #BestBuds




Published on Jan 28, 2015

” Watch Budweiser’s 2015 Super Bowl XLIX commercial, “Lost Dog.” #BestBuds

Music: I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) performed by Sleeping At Last

Download on iTunes:…

“I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” by Charles Stobo Reid & Craig Morris Reid; Zoo Music LTD. (PRS), all rights administered by Warner/Chappell Music LTD.

Follow Budweiser for more info: “












10 Differences Between Dog Lovers And Cat Lovers


cats vs dogs




” A tale as old as time: cat lovers pitted against dog lovers in a battle over who’s really got life figured out. Assumptions have been made and stereotypes created in attempts to settle the score in the past, but science has come to the rescue to set the record straight. The definitive answer? Well, it’s still a bit biased depending on your stance. Why? Because just like they do in pet preference, cat and dog lovers seek and prefer different qualities in life and relationships than dog people. In a study of 600 college students, researchers found that each group shared similar (maybe controversial) characteristics according to their furry friend of choice. Allow me to explain with a list of the 10 most significant differences between dog lovers and cat lovers that were pulled from this study!

1. Dog lovers listen

  Not too surprisingly, dog people tended to be more obedient in nature. According to an article in the Huffington Post, dog lovers “followed the rules more closely”, while cat lovers “tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules”. Those of you who’ve ever tried to call your cat to you when you have company over probably understand this one. “


Read the other nine differences here












From Majic 95.5







” Here’s a little something adorable to brighten your day! Feel free to share with someone who needs a smile today! “













The 30 Most Intelligent Doggies



Our personal favorite , the Brittany



” We feel a little guilty labeling one dog smarter than another, but Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia Vancouver, published a book in 1994 titled The Intelligence of Dogs. In this book he highlights his research, explaining how he determined which dogs were smarter than others. He determined that dogs have three types of intelligence: instinctive intelligence, adaptive intelligence, and working and obedience intelligence.

  Instinctive intelligence is a measurement of how well the breed performs the task it was bred for. Is it a herding dog? Well, how good of a job does it do herding livestock?”



Pembroke Welsh Corgi

 Our other favorite , the Pembroke Welch Corgi



” Adaptive intelligence is all about independent problem solving. Without any training, how quickly and thoroughly will the dog adapt to its environment and solve problems?

  Working and obedience intelligence deals with what the dog can learn from humans. This has to do with trainability. So, a dog may have instinctive and adaptive intelligence in excess, but be a pain in the rear to train. Or, the breed may take to training like nobody’s business, but be further down the list than others who are more stubborn.

  So, without further delay, check out the 30 most intelligence dogs! “



See all thirty breeds at












Freshpet Holiday Feast – 13 Dogs And 1 Cat Eating Christmas Dinner




    We all love our dogs , some more than others , and this video shows that love taken to a Christmas extreme … bon appetit

Published on Dec 15, 2014

  Everyone! We would LOVE to see your pets and will be giving out some special prizes! If your pet has what it takes, feel free to post a photo or video of them eating with hands and use the hashtag #FreshpetFeast

  Watch the Behind the Scenes video here to see how we did it!…

  We are on a mission – to bring the power of fresh, real food to dogs and cats. And we’re committed to doing so in ways that are good for our pets, for people and for the planet.

  At Freshpet, our dogs and cats aren’t just our pets. They’re part of the family. And as our families choose to eat fresh, less-processed foods, we thought it made sense that our pets should too. That’s why we made Freshpet. Freshpet isn’t found on the shelf like every other pet food. You’ll only find it in the Freshpet fridge. Just fresh meats and fresh veggies, and no preservatives.

Connect with us!

  Special thanks to the Humane Society of Utah for their participation in this video. Many of the dogs in the video are available for adoption!

Video created by: “









Stinky Revenge: Couple Tricks Holiday Package Thief Into Stealing Box Of Dog Poop


Dog Poop Package


Click pic for video

” After falling victim to thieves who swiped packages off of their front porch several times, a Northeast D.C. couple decided to teach them a lesson.

  Tis the season for package thieves; many D.C.-area residents have recently caught robbers taking packages on surveillance. But for one couple, caught on camera wasn’t enough—they boxed up a stinky surprise from their two dogs.

  About 3 p.m. Friday, surveillance footage shows a man walking up and down the sidewalk in front of their home, before stealing their package and taking off. The caught-on-camera incident marked the third package taken from their yard since October. “












Dog Rescues Sister From Toy Snake Attack! Cute Dogs Maymo & Penny




Published on Dec 2, 2014

” Dog Saves Sister from Toy Snake Attack! Cute Dogs Maymo & Penny
To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, email Viral Spiral (

  Maymo protects his sister Penny from a toy snake invasion. Watch cute dog Penny run from an advancing motorized snake, before her brother Maymo runs in and saves the day. Maymo uses his signature ninja agility moves to take down the snake, rescuing his sister from impending doom. Penny tries to resuscitate the ailing snake but is unsuccessful.

Maymo’s Instagram:
Maymo’s Facebook:
Maymo’s Twitter: “













In The Darkest Of Times There Is Nothing To Compare With The Silent Devotion Of Your Dog



” When I am sad there is no greater comfort …


The Silent Devotion Of Dogs




… than the silent devoted companionship of my dog 










Paws In The City



“I don’t always make a mess …





… But when I do , I sit like a boss while you clean it up.”




Ah , the dog’s life










Louisiana Town To Kill All Pit Bulls And Rottweilers: Those Who Don’t Surrender Face Police Action

Louisiana Dog Ban




” A town in Louisiana has recently voted to ban all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, calling them “vicious breeds” of dogs. Current owners of these specific breeds have just one more month to either move out of town, or hand their family pet over to the government to be killed.

  While there has traditionally been heavy debate over larger breeds of dogs, in recent years the debate has began to die down, because an overwhelming majority of people now agree that like humans, a dog’s temperament and personality are largely based on their upbringing and life experiences.

  Sadly, town officials in Moreauville, Louisiana are stuck in a very immature state of mind where they are basically prejudice against breeds of dogs.

  Dog owners were notified of the recent ordinance by mail, in a letter which stated that the dogs will be taken away by the local government and killed on December 1st.

The letter reads:







    Readers can read the entire story here and below you can find an update from KALB news that reveals that the town has put the ban on hold temporarily .




” The Village of Moreauville is putting plans to officially enact its pit bull and Rottweiler ban on hold.

  They’re saying after an outcry from people around the world about a breed ban that would force a family to get rid of their beloved dog, Zeus, they’re taking a step back to figure out what they should do next.     

“I never thought it would get this far,” said O’Hara Owens, owner of Zeus.

  It has been a whirlwind weekend for Moreauville residents O’Hara Owens and her mother, Joanna Armand.

  Minutes after News Channel 5’s story on a village breed ban that promised to take their beloved pit bull, Zeus, away from them aired, their phones blew up.    

” It has become crazy,” said Armand. “Crazy, hectic. But, in a good way.”

  On October 13, the Village of Moreauville passed an ordinance banning pit bulls and Rottweilers from village limits.    

A letter was sent out saying if you didn’t comply, your dog would be taken away for “further disposition.” “



If you find this idea as appalling is we do you can sign a petition at the link below .



” The Owens family has also started a petition which hopes to overturn the ordinance.

If you are interested in signing the petition, please visit this link. “











From World Animal Foundation




“Dogs Do Speak , But Only To Those That Know How To Listen”

Puppies Woofs






The most powerful anti-depressant in the world has four paws and a wagging tail … 










Covered In Tar & Unable To Move, This Amazing Rescue Saved This Dog’s Life!




Published on Sep 27, 2014

” He had fallen into a pool of hot tar that smothered his body and had became rock-solid. He was stuck to the ground and unable to move. A passerby saw him struggling and called our help-line. After 3 hours of massaging vegetable oil into the thick layer of tar watch his amazing recovery!

Donate to support our street animal rescued in India:

Like us on Facebook:













City Of Boulder’s “There’s No Such Thing As The Poop Fairy” Contest Asks Dogs To Dress Up To Promote Responsible Poop-Scooping




” A Colorado city is inviting dog owners to bring their canine companions to a park for the second annual “There’s No Such Thing as the Poop Fairy” photo contest.

  The City of Boulder’s Open Space and Mountain Parks Department said dogs and their owners are being invited to come have their pictures snapped Wednesday at the Sanitas Valley Trail between 7:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to promote the city’s new dog waste composting program.

  The city said its photographers will provide backdrops and canine costumes, but owners are also free to dress their own pooches in any outfits they choose. “














Don’t Abandon Our Dogs Of War





” We’ve all heard the expression: “A man’s best friend is his equipment.”

  You haven’t? Well you must not work for the Pentagon. There, military dogs are considered mere “equipment” and as such can be left behind when the troops come home.

  It’s a bit more complicated than that. Military dogs are enlisted (drafted actually) to identify enemy locations, to seek out bombs, and protect bases. It is dangerous, often traumatic work. The dogs are credited with saving countless U.S. and allied lives, which is why the Taliban actively targets our dogs of war. While on active service, each dog is given a higher rank than its handler.

  That is, right up until the moment these dogs are “retired.” Once they are too old, too shell-shocked or simply not needed, the dogs are automatically declared equipment that can be left behind like a latrine tent. The military sometimes says they are “retired” and become “civilians,” but the result is the same because these civilians don’t have a right to military transport home. ” 


Read more from Jonah Goldberg













Owners Raise Questions Over Alleged Police Shooting Of Dog



Apollo the dog shot by police (Facebook)




” A family dog was allegedly shot and killed in front of a 6-year-old girl by a police officer in southwest suburban Hometown Friday afternoon.

  The dog’s owners said their one-year-old German Shepherd mix, named Apollo, had run out the front door of their house on the 8700 block of Beck Place around 2:20 p.m. and had returned to the front lawn when police arrived.

” I walked over and I tried to call him inside. The police officer had his gun out already,” said Nicole Echlin, one of the dog’s owners. Her 6-year-old daughter walked with her.

” He started showing his teeth — that’s when the officer shot him,” said Echlin, 27. “I didn’t know that was going to happen.”

  Echlin then grabbed her daughter, who had fallen to the ground crying, and rushed her inside.”



Readers may show their support for Apollo and voice their outrage at the Facebook page “Justice For Apollo” .



Chicago Tribune









Loyal Dog Won’t Leave Injured Friend Behind – HELP JAPAN’S LOST & INJURED TSUNAMI PETS


Uploaded on Mar 16, 2011

” UPDATE: Nov.1, 2011 – ONE OF THESE DOGS HAS BEEN LOCATED. See for details at:…

For the story of Japan’s Loyal Tsunami Dogs:…

How To Help & Donate To Japan’s Lost and Injured Pets:…

  You don’t have to speak Japanese to understand the sympathetic tones of the two men observing these dogs who are also disaster victims — and one loyal dog refusing to leave his hurt friend’s side. There is so much we don’t understand about the emotional lives of animals. But we know they can suffer tremendously, and we know they care for each other.

  We wish all the people and animals of Japan heartfelt concern during this incomprehensibly difficult time. We know that the people of Japan will respond like these two friends, never abandoning each other in this time of need. Ganbatte kudasai! (“Don’t give up!”) — Global Animal


From Jose Ahonen & Rudi Rok





Published on Jun 16, 2014

” Magician Jose Ahonen & Comedian and voice actor Rudi Rok ( )collaborated to find out! 
Jose Ahonen 
Twitter: @joseahonen 

Rudi Rok 
Twitter: @rudirok

Please tip if you liked! Bitcoin:
17k15q6rHd31fwPHXtNdByBLio8kXpqy9S “

Pharrell Williams Happy




Published on May 1, 2014

” Inspired by Pharrell William’s International “Happy” Hit! Lot’s of dogs and cat playing at the beach. Special appearance from “DIDGA” aka ‘Worlds BEST Skateboarding Cat’ 

For licensing/usage please contact: licensing(at)jukinmediadotcom

Consider subscribing to CATMANTOO:
OR Malibu Dog Training:

Other videos by CATMANTOO:
OR Malibu Dog Training –

Check out Didga’s skateboarding viral video (over 2.3 million views) here –

Follow Didga on Instagram – catmantoo_youtube

Story behind this video:
After a dog graduates my off leash training program, I’ll offer a “doggy outing service”. I pick up the dogs (usually between 8-12 dogs), take them to dog beaches or other dog friendly places, let them play together, while continuing to practice the training they’ve learned. I’ll rinse off any sand, trim their nails (if needed), then take them home. 2 1/2 year old Didga, aka ‘Worlds Best Skateboarding Cat’, who I adopted from the shelter at 13 weeks old has been joining us on the outings her whole life. Especially being a part of the group photos or videos I make. A GoPro camera was used for all the shots for this “Happy” video.

When I’m not on the group outings, Didga still joins me everywhere and loves riding in the car, at times she is very “dog like” sticking her head out the window as we drive down the road, riding on my stand-up paddle board or enjoying a little swim. Most cats don’t like being in water, BUT when she was young she didn’t react too negatively to water, so I took on a HUGE challenge of ‘desensitising’ her even more to the water. FYI – It was several months of patience and dedication to achieve what you see in the video. I’m a professional animal trainer so PLEASE don’t try getting your cat to swim at home.

Although I don’t make any money directly from this video because I used the “Happy” song, I couldn’t think of any other song that goes so perfectly with the – HAPPY DOGS!” 

Thanks for the Likes, comments (I read them), shares and SUBSCRIBING. Check out my other videos, (6+ million views) I’m just getting started, so more videos on the way.

Thanks, Robert And Didga

Facebook – CATMANTOO and Malibu Dog Training
Twitter – Malibu Dog Trainr
Instagram – catmantoo_youtube

Filmed mostly at Currumbin Dog Beach”















From Comes This Fetch Machine




” This Jack Russell terrier is happy to have an engineer for an owner, because that means it is able to play fetch even when no humans are around. This device allows the dog to load the launcher and fire it without human assistance.”