Category: Dhimmitude

Blasts the Media Over Pam Geller’s Event In Texas





Charlie Hebdo Receives Free Speech Award, Standing Ovation at PEN Gala

” The staff of Charlie Hebdo was honored tonight at the PEN American Center gala, following much controversy, and they received a standing ovation as they affirmed their commitment to free speech and free expression.

  There was a recent controversy when a group of authors refused to participate in the gala because of their opposition to what they perceive as the French publication’s “intolerance.” Salman Rushdie and a whole host of other writers stood up for Charlie Hebdo, defending them from that charge of intolerance and insisting the free speech principle is of paramount importance.

  Well, the gala happened tonight (under heavy security), and they received the award to a standing ovation.”

   The six dhimmi authors who shamefully refused to participate are: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi .

Mediaite has more


Signing Any Deal With Iran Is Bad For America





Published on Mar 21, 2015

” Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement – Signing Any Deal With Iran Is Bad For America
Rift Between Pres Obama & Netanyahu Widens After Election In Israel “














Horrific Video Of The Moment Muslim Drags Teenager From Bus Stop, Hits Her With A Rock And Brutally Rapes Her In Garden






” What is the rape count in the UK by Muslim gangs left free to prey on young non-Muslim girls by dhimmi law enforcement offices fearful of  being called “islamophobic” and “racists.”

  Harrowing footage of the moment teenager was dragged from bus stop before being hit with a rock and brutally raped in garden

  The man attacked the 18-year-old girl at a bus stop in Leeds last Friday
The attacker beat the woman with a stone before sexually assaulting her
The man, who is Pakistani or Middle Eastern origin left her for dead
Detectives have released shocking CCTV footage in a bid to catch the man

  These are the horrific scenes where a teenage girl was grabbed at a bus stop, dragged into a garden, beaten with a rock, and then brutally raped.”



Read more about this latest rape jihad attack from Pamela Geller 













Pentagon Creates Essay Contest To Honor Saudi King, Muslim World





” President Obama couldn’t go to France to stand for freedom of speech in the wake of the Islamic slaughter of the editorial staff of a French weekly magazine but he’ll fly to Saudi Arabia for the King of shariah and then force feed this dung down the throats of our schoolchildren.

  We are under siege, my fellow Americans. Jihad in the White House. Dhimmitude and submission at the most senior levels .

TR: The Pentagon announced Monday that Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey has come up with a way to honor the recently deceased Saudi monarch, King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz: an essay contest.

  Despite Saudi Arabia’s abysmal record on human rights, the contest, to be hosted by the National Defense University, is intended to “to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world.”

  Here is the complete text of the Department of Defense’s announcement:

  WASHINGTON, Jan. 26, 2015 – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has established a research and essay competition in honor of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz hosted by the National Defense University.

  The king, who died Jan. 23 at age 90, oversaw the modernization of his country’s military during the time he spent as commander of the Saudi Arabian National Guard, a position he held from 1963 until he became king in 2005.

  Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey said the essay competition is a fitting tribute to the life and leadership of the Saudi Arabian monarch.

Lifetime Supporter of U.S.-Saudi Alliance

  The king was a lifetime supporter of his country’s alliance with the United States. Abdullah ruled Saudi Arabia from 2005 to his death, and served as regent of the country from 1995. He is succeeded by King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz.

“ This is an important opportunity to honor the memory of the king, while also fostering scholarly research on the Arab-Muslim world, and I can think of no better home for such an initiative than NDU,” Dempsey said in a statement announcing the competition.

  The competition will focus on issues related to the Arab-Muslim world and is designed to encourage strategic thinking and meaningful research on a crucial part of the world. The program will be in place at NDU for the next academic year, officials said.

‘A Man of Remarkable Character and Courage’

  Dempsey first met Abdullah in 2001, when he was a brigadier general serving as the U.S. advisor to the Saudi Arabian National Guard. “In my job to train and advise his military forces, and in our relationship since, I found the king to be a man of remarkable character and courage,” Dempsey said.

  Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Frederick M. Padilla, the president of the National Defense University, welcomed the opportunity to challenge future students while honoring the late king.

“ This scholarly research competition presents NDU students with a unique opportunity to focus their research and writing efforts on relevant issues at the intersection of U.S. security interests and the Arab-Muslim world,” he said.”



Read more on Defense Department dhimmitude from Pamela Geller 














Hollande Asked Netanyahu Not To Attend Paris Memorial March




” French President Francois Hollande conveyed a message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the weekend asking him not to come to Paris to take part in the march against terror on Sunday, according to an Israeli source who was privy to the contacts between the Elysees Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. The fact that this message had been conveyed was first reported by Channel 2.

  After the French government began to send invitations to world leaders to participate in the rally against terror, Hollande’s national security adviser, Jacques Audibert, contacted his Israeli counterpart, Yossi Cohen, and said that Hollande would prefer that Netanyahu not attend, the source said.

  Audibert explained that Hollande wanted the event to focus on demonstrating solidarity with France, and to avoid anything liable to divert attention to other controversial issues, like Jewish-Muslim relations or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Audibert said that Hollande hoped that Netanyahu would understand the difficulties his arrival might pose and would announce that he would not be attending.”













The Mohammed Cartoons – Everyone Should Flood the Web With Them







By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

” We will not be subjugated by radical Islam – period. The Jihadists can pound sand. Today’s murder of Charlie Hedbo, the Mohammed cartoonist and 11 others at a French media outlet, was a sad and horrific event. I watched as a cop pleaded for his life and was executed, cold-bloodily by an Islamist. 15 others were wounded. As my friend Zombie put it aT PJ Media: “Today’s terror attack on Charlie Hedbo, the irreverent French satirical magazine that was one of the few media outlets in France to publish the original “Mohammed cartoons,” is an attempt by Islamic fundamentalists to enforce shari’a worldwide, even on non-Muslims.” It was indeed… may Charlie find peace and bless his soul. Murdered for the crime of satire. France is now at war from within. Better clean Jihadist house and quick.  We must not let fear stop us from exercising free speech and calling out the murderers as they strike those who would raise their voices against a broken and corrupt theology and political structure. Each of us must endeavor to show these asshats the disrespect and mockery they deserve. They can’t shut all of us up – they can’t kill every one of us. I choose to not be silenced, not be cowed, not kneel before a barbaric Caliphate and its evil followers. ISIS and the rest of their Islamic cohorts can stuff it. You can kiss my ass.

  You will not silence our voices. You will not invalidate the Constitution of the United States and our freedoms. You will not enslave those who will fight until the death if necessary to defeat you. I’ll dance with you right into eternity if I have to. Every Christian, every Jew, every person who gives a damn about freedom… you need to post these cartoons and yell it from the rooftops. We will not submit. Ever. I intend to post these cartoons and I reserve the right to do a two-step boogie on a Quran if I choose to. Stuff that in your hookah and smoke it.

  Having said that, Zombie has published the cartoons again and has all of them on file for posterity. Zombie speaketh:

  The Mohammed Image Archive, which I have hosted at zombietime since the day of the original “Mohammed cartoon crisis” back in May of 2006, has not only a full collection of the original cartoons, but more importantly the largest collection of Mohammed imagery ever assembled in the history of the world.

  I hereby grant permission, and even encourage, anyone reading this to repost any images found anywhere on the Mohammed Image Archive. No limits. Repost them all, if you want to.

  Go to any of these pages, download whatever images you choose, repost, and help to win the most important cultural war humanity has faced in a long time:





Without further ado, I give you a sampling of le cartoons – Bon Appetit – this is for you Charlie:




The original cartoon that started the entire controversy back in 2006, which culminated in today’s terror attack.






Illustration showing Mohammed (on the right) preaching his final sermon to his earliest converts, on Mount Arafat near Mecca; taken from a medieval-era manuscript of the astronomical treatise The Remaining Signs of Past Centuriesby the Persian scholar al-Biruni; currently housed in the collection of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris (Manuscrits Arabe 1489 fol. 5v).





“Mohammed Cursing the Vines,” German woodcut print, c. 1481. Presumably Mohammed is cursing the vines for producing the grapes that got him drunk.






This prescient cartoon was published way back in 2006 by J.J. McCullough.






  In 1928, Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company issued a series of advertising trading cards to promote its canned beef extract products. The 1928 card set illustrated six different pivotal points in Mohammed’s life. The most striking of the cards was the second one, seen here, which showed the Archangel Gabriel escorting Mohammed up to the presence of Allah in Paradise — the climax of his legendary “Night Journey.”






  The Israeli magazine Nana published this picture showing the aftermath of a four-way orgy involving Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and Buddha.





“Piss Mohammed” is a parody of Andres Serrano’s “Piss Christ” that incorporates the original controversial Danish cartoon.




“Married to Children,” a parody of the TV sitcom “Married with Children,” lampoons Mohammed’s marriage to the 6-year-old Aisha. It circulated extensively on the Web in the months after the 2006 cartoon crisis.






  The caption to this cartoon by Steph Bergol says, in French:
Mohammed (being carried away by devils): “It is a judicial error! I am Mohammed, the prophet!”
St. Peter (with a scimitar through his chest): “Definitely: GUILTY!”




————————-A special thanks to Zombie who has showed courage and steadfastness through all of this. “

    This post is shamelessly re-printed in it’s entirety , we hope you don’t mind , from it’s home at To Hell With Islam .
    The good folks at THWI have provided us with a fount of information on anti-Mohammad cartoons that deserves to be spread far and wide .
   Please visit them and share these cartoons and the links above to many others to show your support for the side of liberty and human decency as we enter the next phase of our current “clash of civilizations” 

Rialto Unified Defends Writing Assignment On Confirming Or Denying Holocaust



Cali Holocaust Denial


” The Rialto Unified School District is defending an eighth-grade assignment that asks students to debate in writing whether the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain.”
The district says the assignment is merely to teach students to evaluate the quality of evidence made by advocates or opponents of an issue.

“ When tragic events occur in history, there is often debate about their actual existence,” the assignment reads. “For example, some people claim the Holocaust is not an actual historical event, but instead is a propaganda tool that was used for political and monetary gain. Based upon your research on this issue, write an argumentative essay, utilizing cited textual evidence, in which you explain whether or not you believe the Holocaust was an actual event in history, or merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain. Remember to address counterclaims (rebuttals) to your stated claim. You are also required to use parenthetical (internal) citations and to provide a Works Cited page.””


Note the names of the spokespeople quoted in the article …













Lefty Letterman: A Top Ten List Of The Outgoing CBS Host’s Most Liberal Outbursts


Letterman Couric




” David Letterman shocked the late night talk show world, last week, when he announced he was going to retire in 2015. But over the last few years Letterman had been losing the ratings war to his less liberal competitor Jay Leno. While Leno tried to be more even-handed in his jokes against Republicans and Democrats, Letterman took a decidedly leftist turn. A recent study of Letterman’s 2012 campaign jokes found he took more shots at Mitt Romney (44) than Barack Obama (9).

  In the 2000’s Letterman throttled Republicans like George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, questioning if they had any “humanity.” He also conducted his own personal war on GOP women as he called Michele Bachmann a “whacko” and depicted Sarah Palin and her daughter in “slutty” terms. But when it came to Obama, Letterman was positively awe-struck when the President came on his show, as he gushed “how satisfying it is to watch you work.” [Video compilation after the jump]

  The following is a Top 10 List of David Letterman’s Most Liberal Outbursts:” See the rest here

Islam And The Rest Of Us




” A couple of days ago, you’ll recall, we featured current controversies over a metal cross retrieved from the rubble at Ground Zero, and a roadside cross marking a fatal accident in Lake Elsinore, California. American Atheists and the American Humanist Association are suing over both outrageous provocations.

  On the other hand, as far as I’m aware, American atheists and humanists have no plans to bring any separation-of-church-and-state suits against the City of Minneapolis, for its observance at City Hall last month of “Hijab Day“. Female members of the city council wore the hijab, as did the Chief of Police, Janeé Harteau, a lesbian who recently married her “favorite sergeant“, Holly Keegel. I have no idea what Sgt Keegel wore for Hijab Day. Maybe she went as the Grand Mufti.

  Hijab Day grows a little bigger around the world each year. Its purpose is to enable the rest of us to show our support for women who choose to go covered. In reality, for most Muslim women around the world, the choice is made for them – by men. In Afghanistan under the Taliban, women were forbidden by law from ever feeling sunlight on their faces. Maybe most of them would have “chosen” not to feel it anyway, but we’ll never know, will we? And in the west young Muslimas who decline their fathers’ and husbands’ choices do so at their own peril:

  Why aren’t Noor Almaleki and Aasiya Hassan as famous as Matthew Shepard? They weren’t in up-country villages in the Pakistani tribal lands. They were Americans – and they died because they wanted to live as American women. “



Read it all







Not News: Muslims Demand Halt To Alcohol Sales In Compliance With Sharia Law – News: In London…





” Multiculturalism continues to run amok in the UK.”




” The Shariah Project, a London-based Muslim group, is to march through Brick Lane on Friday against the drinking and sale of alcohol along the nightlife spot.

  Members of the group believe the consumption or selling of alcohol to be “sinful” under Islamic law and should be “strictly prohibited”.

  They hope that the rally, scheduled for the afternoon following Friday prayers, will illuminate the ills of alcohol.”









Congress In Revolt On Iran Deal





” With the blistering New York Times editorial condemning sanctions efforts underway in Congress (“a breakthrough agreement at risk” falsely implies there is a U.S. -Iran agreement on key points), you know the administration is nervous, very nervous. It seems bipartisan contingents in both the House and Senate are unwilling to be threatened by the totalitarian regime in Tehran, which has threatened to call off the whole deal (which isn’t even a deal) unless the Congress shuts up. It is quite extraordinary — both the Times and the mullahs vilifying Congress’s efforts merely to enforce the terms of U.N. resolutions on Iran’s illegal weapons program.

   This is not a partisan affair. Democrats and Republicans are both involved in efforts to stop Iran’s march toward a nuclear arms capability. Both sides are alarmed at a White House running toward appeasement.”



   Exhibiting a rare example of spine , Congress refuses to roll over for the appeasers in the White House . Good for them . Good for US.









Hijab Uniform Approved For Canadian Police Force – Even Though They Have No Muslim Officers



Note: This picture is for illustration purposes only 
as there are no Muslim women police officers
 to model the new uniform ...
 But Canada is dhimmi'd out just in case .



” In the name of diversity and multiculturalism, Western governments will gladly edge towards extinction as long as they’re seen as “tolerant” among dim-witted constituencies.

Speaking of Canada:

Female members of the Edmonton Police Service will be allowed to wear police-issued hijab headscarves while in uniform.”













” The agreement reached late Saturday night between Iran and the United States — and the rest of the United Nations’ “P5+1” gang — will enhance Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons whenever it decides to do so. It makes war in the Middle East nearly a certainty, rather than protecting us against it.

  For Obama — and while he is president, for us — there is no responsibility so great that it cannot be sacrificed to political expediency, no duty so grave that it cannot be ignored.

  America has an obligation to itself, and to allies such as Israel, to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear arms. Four American presidents — George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — have recognized this duty by stating firmly an American policy that Iran is not to be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. The first three of those presidents share the distinction of having done nothing to enforce that policy. The fourth has assured his place in history by surrendering the policy to Iran’s ambitions.”



History will not be kind … assuming anyone survives to write it .






U.S. Obama Unfreezes $8 Billion In Iranian Assets


We trust this man for the security of the world ?



” The United States released $8 billion in frozen assets to Iran on Sunday in a move meant to ensure Tehran’s compliance with a nuclear pact signed over the weekend, according to top Iranian officials.

Iranian government spokesman Mohammad Baqher Nobakht confirmed on Monday morning that the U.S. government had unfrozen $8 billion in assets that had been previously blocked by the Obama administration.


    Undoubtably nothing could have kept Bagher Nobakht from confirming in a most public way that the Obama/Kerry capitulation contingent had in fact engorged the Iranian terror coffers to the tune of $8 Billion dollars . The “smart diplomacy” of Barack “Peace Prize” Obama is paying off in spades … if you are a terrorist or jew hater … for the rest of us ? Not so much .









Abject Surrender By The United States




” This interim agreement is badly skewed from America’s perspective.  Iran retains its full capacity to enrich uranium, thus abandoning a decade of Western insistence and Security Council resolutions that Iran stop all uranium-enrichment activities. Allowing Iran to continue enriching, and despite modest (indeed, utterly inadequate) measures to prevent it from increasing its enriched-uranium stockpiles and its overall nuclear infrastructure, lays the predicate for Iran fully enjoying its “right” to enrichment in any “final” agreement.  Indeed, the interim agreement itself acknowledges that a “comprehensive solution” will “involve a mutually defined enrichment program.”  This is not, as the Obama administration leaked before the deal became public, a “compromise” on Iran’s claimed “right” to enrichment. This is abject surrender by the United States.

  In exchange for superficial concessions, Iran achieved three critical breakthroughs. First, it bought time to continue all aspects of its nuclear-weapons program the agreement does not cover (centrifuge manufacturing and testing; weaponization research and fabrication; and its entire ballistic missile program). Indeed, given that the interim agreement contemplates periodic renewals, Iran may have gained all of the time it needs to achieve weaponization not of simply a handful of nuclear weapons, but of dozens or more.”


   Israel has always had much to fear from an Obama administration and now the worst of those fears have been realized . Kerry and Obama have essentially thrown Israel to the wolves and the massive bloodshed just over the horizon will be on their hands .


” Most importantly, the deal leaves the basic strategic realities unchanged. Iran’s nuclear program was, from its inception, a weapons program, and it remains one today. Even modest constraints, easily and rapidly reversible, do not change that fundamental political and operational reality.  And while some already-known aspects of Iran’s nuclear program are returned to enhanced scrutiny, the undeclared and likely unknown military work will continue to expand, thus recalling the drunk looking for his lost car keys under the street lamp because of the better lighting.”


    John Bolton , a man of vast foreign policy experience lays it on the line . Read his entire dissection of the Obama Appeasement plan here .


Illustration by Glenn McCoy







Muslims Feed People To Crocodiles, Christian Militias Respond With Crusade





” Bloodthirsty violence and the cruelest of murders have been done upon the Christians of the Central African Republic under the hands of the devil ridden Muslims, “who imagine mischiefs in their heart; continually are they gathered together for war” (Psalm 140:2).

The Muslims, who are a part of a Islamic group called Seleka, bound five people and through them into a crocodile and hippo infested river.

Jislain Ngangaguende, who survived this brutality, recalled his horrid experience:

I started to drink water so I brought my head up, but a soldier saw me and tried to shoot me… I stayed down for minutes and when I came up they were gone. I bit on a branch and moved up the river but my hands were still tied behind my back. I thought I was dead but the power of God made me get out.

Entire villages have been reduced to ghost towns; one man taking shelter in a hospital, in whose voice you can just sense the purest of pains, described the hell he is enduring:

We’re here because of the Seleka, who came to our village, looted, ransacked and killed … We’ve lost our houses, our fields, our goods. Houses were razed with all our things in. We are… I don’t even know what to call us. We have nothing now. I can’t even go to my house or fields. If they see me there, they’ll kill me. “


   Thankfully the Christians have had enough and are banding together and forming militias to take the fight to the enemy , the barbarism that is Islam .



Pissed off Christians with guns



” But the Christians of this land are not putting up with this tyranny as helpless victims, but fierce lions, in a holy militia so ferocious, they battle with “the people that delight in war” (Psalm 68:30).

  They call themselves the Anti-Balaka, or Anti-Machete, and they are a force to be reckoned with. They believe in the exclusivity of Christianity, and are not like the comfortable men of the West who sell their souls for any heresy for the sake of fame and recognition. They fight not for celebrity status, but for that Battling Messiah, Who will storm Satan’s soldiers, to “tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury; and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain all my raiment.” (Isaiah 63:3)”



    Will Africa be the location of the start of what Samuel Huntington described as the “Clash of Civilizations” ? As difficult as it is to even acknowledge Islam and its adherents as civilized , there seems to be little doubt that , given the chimerical existence of “moderate” muslims , that the non-Islamic world is being thrust into a growing conflict with the extreme factions of the muslim world , one that is becoming increasingly impossible to avoid . 



Professor Huntington :

Conflict Islam & West



The “Clash of Civilizations” has been a low-level war since the very beginnings of Islam and will not come to an end until the “Religion of Peace” either manages to rid itself of the extremist element that has since it’s very inception,  maintained control through terror and threats or until it is crushed once and for all by the forces of the true religions of peace … Christianity , Hinduism , Judaism , Buddhism and the rest . Until then , however , it is becoming increasingly obvious that the cowardly western Church will have to count for it’s continued existence on the poor adherents in places like Syria , Nigeria and the Central African Republic .

   It is quite ironic that the saviors of the Christian religion will most likely come from the “Dark Continent” even as the West , home of Christianity succumbs to the sickness of doubt , political correctness and Dhimmitude . Yes , while the Churches of the West roll over in appeasement of the Islamic onslaught , the African continent , home of the fastest growing Christian population on earth is finding it necessary to fight back .



  Professor Huntington continues :


Clash Of Civilizations



   The willful blindness of the progressive West combined with the current politically correct attitude of moral relativism is only exacerbating the situation and adding fuel to the fire that is bursting forth from Allah’s minions and if left unchecked will surely consume the world , particularly if Iran and or other Muslim terrorist states are allowed the horrendous power of the atom . While the West dithers our future and that of the peace loving peoples throughout the world may come to rest on these ragtag groups of brave native Africans , willing to fight for their God , their beliefs and all of our existence .





European Far-Right Parties Team Up Against Islam And Brussels




” Six European far-right parties joined forces Thursday to combat immigration and European bureaucracy ahead of 2014 elections, French newspaper Liberation reported.

The parties, which include France’s Front National, are teaming up against two common enemies: Brussels and Islam, the newspaper said. The Netherlands’ PVV, Belgium’s Vlaams Belang, Italy’s Liga Norte, Swedish democrats and Austria’s Freedom Party met at a hotel in Vienna to discuss the outlines of their collaboration.

The meeting happened in secret so as not to attract the attention of possible demonstrators, the paper said, and to be able to devote their time to strategizing about the future of the far-right in Europe.

But Andreas Molzer, the organizer of the meeting and an Austrian member of the European Parliament, confirmed the meeting took place. “The points that unite us are more important than those that separate us,” he told Liberation.”


   The “extreme right” of Europe seems to be very similar to the Tea Party on this side of the pond . In typical leftist controlled media fashion those with a divergent viewpoint must be “extreme” . More power to the nationalists . Who really wants their country to be turned into Islamic slums even as the original citizens are forced top foot the bill ?








    No , not that haughty , French looking secretary of state John (Did I mention I served in Vietnam) Kerry , the real French … They are the saviors (so far) of the Iranian nuclear negotiations . If it wasn’t for some Gaulist backbone the Kerry/Obama crowd would have folded like a cheap suit .



More of that much heralded “Change” . Only these two clowns could make France look like the hardliner in international affairs.



” Who ever thought that when it came to foreign affairs we would some day be saying “Thank God for the French”?  It seems that even France can’t take the “modalities” of the French-looking John Kerry (“modalities” being the precious word Kerry used on Meet the Press yesterday to describe appeasement).  Maybe Kerry forgot to pack his magic hat.  Anyway, Jonathan Tobin notes at

French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius’s “torpedoing” of the talks by his insistence on more concessions on both the Islamist state’s enrichment of uranium and their construction of a plutonium plant enraged the Iranians and frustrated Kerry and some of the other negotiators. While there is a lively debate about the French motive for their tough stance, those who care about stopping Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon can only say thank heaven for the French.”


Read the rest at Powerline








Rouhani’s Reign Of Terror




” Diplomats have now left Geneva with a nuclear deal with Iran tantalizingly close, but uncompleted. Today, Le Monde outlined the French government’s reasons for refusing to sign onto the deal:…

The current diplomatic process with Iran dates back 20 years when German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel proposed “a critical dialogue”–dialogue because that’s the lifeblood of diplomacy, and “critical” because Kinkel promised that the dialogue would tackle not only diplomatic issues relating to Iran’s external behavior but also tough issues such as Iran’s atrocious human-rights abuses.”


    In twenty years of talks , summits , meetings and negotiations with the mullahs NOT ONE DAMN THING has been accomplished other than providing the revolutionary regime with the time necessary to crush their internal opposition , become the world-wide sponsor of terrorism and journey to within a hair’s breadth of the moment when they possess the means to turn the lands of Israel to glass , all with impunity .


” There is a consistent pattern—certainly true under Iran’s former “reformist” president Mohammad Khatami—that as Iranian officials launch a charm offensive toward the West, they simultaneously crack down at home in order to make clear to the public that under no circumstances should the Iranian people believe that the Iranian leadership was abandoning their commitment to revolutionary values. Usually, those living in the periphery of the state suffer worse, if only because Iranian officials recognize that outside journalists do not cover those areas.”


   Not one of the alleged “moderate” presidents of the Islamic Republic has conceded a thing to the west , nor have any done anything substantive in the way of human rights towards their own people , especially ethnic minorities other than as window dressing to provide cover for the appeasers of the First world . 


” That appears to be what is occurring now. According to a Reuters report based on a conversation with Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi, the exiled leader of Iran’s most prominent ethnic Kurdish party:

“Rouhani had released political prisoners, but none were of non-Persian ethnicity, he said. He highlighted the killings of 52 Iranian dissidents in a camp in eastern Iraq in September, which he said was neglected abroad. The dissidents belonged to the Mujahadin-e-Khalq (MEK), which wants Iran’s clerical leaders overthrown. They are no longer welcome in Iraq under the Tehran-aligned, Shi’ite Muslim-led government. Haji-Ahmadi also pointed to Iran’s execution of 16 people in a day last month, most of them Baluchi, Sunni Muslims who lived near the Pakistan border, as well as two PJAK members.”


   And now , as the mullahs of Tehran parade their figurehead “moderate” president about the world stage in a kind of Kabuki demonstration of their desire for “peace, reform and change” , as their Himmler scientists ready the Iranian “Final Solution” and the time for the west to be firm and united has arrived ( long past actually ) , when more than ever there is a need for a Churchill , we are lead by Barack “Chamberlain” Obama who , in pursuit of some sort of legacy beyond the fiasco that bears his name , is pulling out all of the stops in an effort to declare “Peace In Our Time” . God help the people of the Middle East . God help us all .










John Kerry Throws Freedom-Seeking Women Under The Bus



” It’s confirmed: The “F” in John. F. Kerry stands for “Feckless.” Women around the world no longer need to wonder whether America’s secretary of state will stand boldly with them in defense of their basic rights. He won’t.

On Monday, Kerry was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Anyone with a phone or an Internet connection inside and outside the country knows what’s been going on there. The kingdom has been rocked by women of all ages protesting the Muslim nation’s retrograde ban on female drivers. Over the past two weeks, the protesters and their supporters have taken to social media to pressure the oppressive sharia-enforcing regime. It is the only country in the world that won’t allow its women — 20 million of them — to obtain driver’s licenses.

. “I was wondering,” the journalist asked, “what your take is on women driving in Saudi Arabia?” Kerry’s take was … to take cover. “With respect to the issue of women driving here in Saudi Arabia,” he filibustered, “it’s no secret that in the United States of America we embrace equality for everybody, regardless of gender, race or any other qualification.” And then came the “but.” The crapweasel “but.”

But it’s up to Saudi Arabia to make its own decisions about its own social-structure choices and timing for whatever events. I know there’s a debate. We actually talked about this at lunch,” Kerry ducked. What he “actually talked about” he wouldn’t say. “There’s a healthy debate in Saudi Arabia about this issue, but I think that debate is best left to Saudi Arabia, the people engaged in it, all of whom know exactly where we in the United States of America stand on this issue.” “


   It’s “comforting” to know that the women of the world can expect exactly the same amount of loyalty and support from the present administration as can the rest of US allies around the globe … which is to say , none .










Christians Raise Arms To Fight Holy War Against Muslims





” So few ears have heard the news on the very recent and greatest massacre of Christians in Syria. Forty five saints, in the village of Sadad, were slaughtered by the Muslim heretics, this is not just a mere killing, but a foreshadowing of a future holocaust.

Here is a video filmed by the perpetrators of the mutilated bodies of their victims: See above

Archbishop Selwanos Boutros Alnemeh, Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Homs and Hama  , expressed the carnage of the massacre:

What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half

Children were not even suffered to live, the elderly were not given an ounce of pity, and so great was the desire of the Muslims to control the area, that 1500 families were taken hostage.”

But there are Christians who are no longer allowing for the slaughter of their people. A Christian militia has arisen, they are headed by one Hanna, and they call themselves The Lions of the Canyon. They are so far protecting 33 villages, and even some Alawite and Sunni Muslims have joined them.

Here is a poster of two Christian fighters who were martyred in the holy war against the followers of the devil: “



Obama’s FSA allies are killing Christians throughout Syria and they are finally taking up arms . Support the Lions Of The Canyon.












Angel of Woolwich ‘Threatened With Arrest’ For Facing Up To Thugs



” Ingrid Loyau-Kennett, 48, stepped in to confront the alleged killers moments after Drummer Rigby was attacked in May. But now she says she has been threatened with arrest herself after thugs pelted her house with eggs and stones.

She says she dialled 999 and went outside to “calmly” remonstrate with the gang but when police arrived she claims they “manhandled” her and threatened to arrest her for a breach of the peace — and that instead of dealing with the youths responsible, a policeman grabbed her arm and twisted it.

The teacher and former Girl Guides leader said: “I’ve had trouble with these youths from the moment I moved in here five years ago. Being on the television just made things worse. I became more of a target. I’ve never confronted them before but I’d had enough and decided to be brave.

“They’ve been throwing eggs and stones at my house for months. On Monday night, I heard something hit my wall and that’s when I caught them.

“I called the police as soon as the incident happened. They arrived after 20 minutes which was useless.”




This woman has more “cojones” than the entire London Constabulary Dhimmies .