Category: Courage


“Taps” Performed In Arlington National Cemetery

Summer And Winter





Published on Jan 21, 2014

” The buglers of The United States Army Band “Pershing’s Own” perform over 5000 missions a year in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, VA.
Featured here are SSG Jesse Tubb (summer) and SSG Drew Fremder (winter) “











 Happy Birthday Carlos Hathcock





The Story of Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock



” When retired Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock II died at the age of 57 on Feb. 26, 1999, his legend had long since chiseled its way into the pantheon of Marine Corps history.

  He’d served almost 20 years in the Corps, including two tours as a sniper during the Vietnam War. A killer more deadly and silent than Hathcock finally had him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger, ending his extraordinary life.

  The medical term for that stealthy, relentless force is multiple sclerosis, a slow, progressive terminal malady that attacks the central nervous system. MS can cause paralysis, spasms and the loss of coordination and muscle control.”



Then Cpl. Carlos Hathcock (far left) being awarded the 1965 Wimbledon Cup.
This trophy is given to the winner of the 1000 yard shooting match.



Carlos Hathcock (1942 – 1999)


” was a US Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant who served as a sniper in the Vietnam War. With 93 confirmed kills, he was the 4th most effective sniper in American history, trailing behind Adelbert F Waldron (109), Charles Mawhinney (103), and Eric R England (98). His exploits, both as a courageous soldier and a sniper, made him a legend in the Marine Corps. Hathcock became a major developer of the United States Marine Corps Sniper training program. Not only was Carlos extremely lethal as a sniper, but he was also a brave marine; he was awarded the Silver Star for his act in 1969 of saving the lives of seven fellow Marines after the amphibious tractor on which they were riding struck a mine. Hathcock was knocked unconscious, but awoke in time to race back through the flames to save his comrades.

  Carlos Hathcock was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, on May 20, 1942. Since his parents had separated, he lived with his grandmother in the country where he grew up. At a young age, Carlos learned to use a rifle, which his father had brought from Europe after World War II. Then, he would hunt wild animals to help feed his poor family.In 1959, at the age of 17, Carlos Hathcock joined the Marine Corps. Before being shipped to Vietnam, he showed his natural skills as a marksman on the rifle range at Camp Pendleton where he was undergoing recruit training, winning the Pacific Division rifle championship while he was deployed in Hawaii as a member of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. In 1966, he was sent to Vietnam and became a sniper after Captain Edward J. Land Jr. had pushed the Marines into raising snipers in every platoon.” ” 







Interview Parts 1-3




























More Videos



Further Reading


Bob Tuley – Carlos Hathcock Sniper Biography

Carlos Norman “Gunny” Hathcock II (1942–1999) – Encyclopedia …

Carlos Hathcock – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Carlos Hathcock Biography |

Carlos Hathcock – Gunsopedia














Manchester Man, 95, Fends Off Would-Be Robber With Cane







” A 95-year-old World War II veteran used his cane to fight off a would-be robber in Manchester over the weekend.

  Arthur Kamberis said he has been in tough situations before, including climbing down a cargo net 70 years ago on his way to invade Okinawa, but he was still unnerved when he was accosted by a man Saturday morning.

” But damn it, if I’d have had my cellphone, we would have nailed that guy, because the police station is only one block down,” Kamberis said.

  Police said they always recommend surrendering goods during robberies because things can be replaced, but people can’t. Despite the attempted robbery, Kamberis said he has no plans to change his routine — with one exception.

” When I go out alone, my .357 Magnum will be with me all the time when I’m alone, because I cannot protect myself other than the cane,” he said.”















Charlie Hebdo Receives Free Speech Award, Standing Ovation at PEN Gala

” The staff of Charlie Hebdo was honored tonight at the PEN American Center gala, following much controversy, and they received a standing ovation as they affirmed their commitment to free speech and free expression.

  There was a recent controversy when a group of authors refused to participate in the gala because of their opposition to what they perceive as the French publication’s “intolerance.” Salman Rushdie and a whole host of other writers stood up for Charlie Hebdo, defending them from that charge of intolerance and insisting the free speech principle is of paramount importance.

  Well, the gala happened tonight (under heavy security), and they received the award to a standing ovation.”

   The six dhimmi authors who shamefully refused to participate are: Peter Carey, Michael Ondaatje, Francine Prose, Teju Cole, Rachel Kushner and Taiye Selasi .

Mediaite has more


Police: Man Shoots, Kills Would-Be Carjacker Outside Store




” A shopper with a concealed weapons permit shot and killed a man who was trying to carjack a woman Saturday outside a Utah grocery store, officers said.

  The 31-year-old male shooter was in Macey’s parking lot in Orem, 45 miles south of Salt Lake City, when he heard a woman’s screams as she was being pulled from her SUV by the suspect, investigators said.

  The man told police he went to assist the woman, and the 27-year-old male suspect lunged at him in an attempt to grab his gun.

  The man fired one round at the suspect, hitting him in the chest. The suspect later died at a hospital.”


Yahoo News










Conservatives, Unleash the Awesome Power Of “No”







” We decent Americans are bombarded with lies, libeled, and subjected to petty (and, increasingly, not so petty) tyrannies by government flunkies. At every turn, liberals and their suck-ups in the media and academia seek to delegitimize our interests, concerns, and opinions. They want us to submit, to take the easy way out, to just go along. Our fate, they decree, is cultural and political dhimmitude.

  Well, it’s time to draw a red line and, unlike President Feckless and the Wimptones, to enforce it.

  Conservatives, it’s time to say, “No.”

  No, liberals, you can’t just lie about us anymore without us pushing back. The days of surrender in the face of your slander are over.

  No, liberals, you are the racists. Your party created the Klan. Your party created and enforced Jim Crow. Those weren’t Republicans beating black skulls in Selma – they were Democrats. Bull Connor was a union-loving populist and a delegate to a Democrat National Convention. You liberals elected a KKK member as your Senate Majority Leader and then made him your President Pro Tempore, and you did it in this century.

  I repeat, in this century.

  Your Democrat party relies on racial divisions, lies, and hatred. Quick, which party would fold tomorrow if racial hatred suddenly evaporated – the party that seeks to limit government and to empower every individual to create his own success, or the party that seeks to grow government to more lavishly hand out scraps to buy votes? “


Read the rest at Townhall










Concealed Carry Holder Saves Elderly Man From Beating In Kroger Parking Lot



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” The folks at Moms Demand Action believe that Kroger is somehow a magical space where nothing bad ever happens, and ridicules anyone who thinks that they should be allowed to carry a concealed handgun on the premises. Time and again their fantasy has been patently disproven, but this time there’s a twist. At a Kroger in Arkansas this past Wednesday, an elderly man was being savagely beaten by seven people. One man, armed with a concealed handgun, decided to step in and try to save that man’s life. This is the true story of how a concealed handgun at Kroger saved lives.

  From Ozarks First:

  The 24-year-old says when he was leaving the grocery store he saw something he couldn’t ignore. “I saw seven people against one guy and I did not like those odds.”

  The out numbered man was elderly so Gene felt obligated to get involved. “Throw down, step to the side, draw, then up.”

  With the gun drawn the attackers turned their attention. “They kept yelling this isn’t your fight, you need to walk away you need to put the gun down,” Gene says.”


Read the rest at TheTruth About Guns










Katana-Wielding Homeowner – 1, Four Pistol-Packing Burglars – 0


Covered in blood: In the panic, the thieves only managed to steal the equivalent of £278 and fled in a Peugeot 206 car which was parked outside



” It is not technically a “Defensive Knife Use” since the hero of our story was swinging a Samurai katana, but we are going to count it. Unlike the “Middle-Aged Mormon Ninja Bishop” who simply needed to brandish a sword to thwart an assault, a 49-year old Argentinian homeowner went positively Medieval on the quartet of thugs who broke into his home recently. Things did not go well for the burglars.

  From the DailyMailUK:

“ Mr Costa, 49, and his wife Christina, 48, were asleep when the men, who were armed with two pistols, broke in at around 3.30am.

  Police commissioner Mariano Zarate said: ‘In a moment when the attackers were not paying attention, the house owner took a samurai sword and defended himself, injuring the attackers and making them run away…

 …Bleeding heavily, the driver lost control of the vehicle and hit a stationary car forcing all four to go to hospital for emergency treatment.

  Police initially arrested two men and one woman, but another man who hid was forced to come back to hospital the next day due to serious sword injuries.” “

Read more at The Truth About Knives

Young People Inspired By Libertarianism, Conservative Free-Market Ideals Push For Change In Brazil





    Above is a video of the demonstration for those that understand Portuguese and much more may be found here and here .



” Microphone in hand and standing atop the sound truck, the raspy-voiced protest leader jabbed his finger into the air shouting for the ouster of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, igniting wild cheers from the crowd below him.

” What Lula and Dilma have done shouldn’t just result in their being banned from politics. It should result in them being in jail!” Kim Kataguiri yelled, denouncing Rousseff and her predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.” 





” The March 15 demonstration was the largest Sao Paulo had seen in more than three decades, since 1984 protests demanding democratic elections after a long dictatorship.

  But more surprising than the crowd of more than 200,000, according to the Datafolha polling and statistics agency, was the fact it was being led by Kataguiri, a skinny, 19-year-old college dropout, and other young Brazilian activists inspired by libertarianism and conservative free-market ideals.

  The grandson of Japanese immigrants, Kataguiri is a social media star whose quirky videos skewer Rousseff and the ruling party’s social welfare policies. His ascent as a protest figure has been rapid. Two years ago, when protests erupted across Brazil over corruption and poor public services, Kataguiri was a high schooler who avoided the unrest.”


Deseret News












Former 10th Mountain Division Soldier Aids Christian Militias Fighting ISIS






” A former 10th Mountain Division soldier is helping Christian militias in Iraq protect their homes from Islamic State group militants.

  Brett Felton, who previously served with the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, told a crew from CBS News’s “60 Minutes” that his Christian faith inspired him to travel into the country.

“ People say, ‘You’re crazy for doin’ this,’” Mr. Felton said on the program. “I think people are crazy for not doing their part, to be honest with you. To me, for the Christians here, it would be an honor to give my life helping these people.”

  Mr. Felton deployed to Iraq in 2006, and left the Army in 2007.

  The Troy, Mich., native arrived in Iraq after sneaking over from Lebanon, where he was studying.

  The news program’s crew found him in February training forces in Bakufa, a small village north of Mosul, where many of its Christian residents have fled.”

Read more

Veteran Has Recruited 17 Men To Fight In Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing Group


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” A local veteran has put together a combat team to fight terrorists in the Middle East. Now, they’re getting ready to deploy in a few months.

  Action News first told you about this story last month on the day Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing was formed.

  Founder and Army veteran Sean Rowe’s goal was to find several veterans willing to fight the terror group, and he found more than a dozen veterans are willing to fight.

  Almost half of them are from Florida and Rowe said a lot of people reached out to him after our first story aired. They all have a military background and are ready to return to the battle field to fight ISIS.

  Rowe said he was looking for a few good men to join his group Veterans Against ISIS: Offensive Wing and he’s found them. Just don’t call them mercenaries.

“ I hate that term. We’re not doing this for money; we’re volunteering our time,” Rowe said.”


   Read more about Sean Rowe as he joins other Christian volunteers in the fight against the existential threat to our civilization while our leaders dither and issue platitudes .












Newsmax’s Top 50 Conservative Blogs Of 2015





   Although we would classify a fair amount of these blogs as libertarian rather than “conservative” the choices are sound and united in their anti-statism . Not bad for a bunch of pajama-clad basement dwellers .


” Newsmax is out with our 2015 list of the 50 top conservative blogs.

  The Internet now allows anyone who cares to invest the time and trouble to become a political commentator with, potentially, many times the readership of the most long-established syndicated columnists. The media elite, from the Big Three Networks to the local newspaper, have suffered a collapse in influence and a hemorrhage of revenues as Americans simply click on their favorite bookmarks for informed opinions about the events around them.

  Is it any wonder that an executive branch dominated by the big-government left is determined to let nothing stop it from converting the Internet into a regulated public utility whose ultimate destination apparently involves United Nations oversight?

  Obama administration scandals like those involving the IRS and Benghazi may not have reached critical mass — yet. But if this were the old days of near-total liberal dominance of information transmission, it would be near-impossible to bring new developments before the eyes of the public if it contradicted the wishes of newspaper editors and network anchormen.

  It would also be impossible to prevent the mainstream media from snowballing an artificial scandal like Rathergate a decade ago, which easily could have jeopardized George W. Bush’s re-election, and which Power Line and other conservative websites had a substantial role in debunking.”

  London’s Hyde Park Corner has, for nearly a century and a half, been famed for the colorful characters who stand atop soapboxes on Sundays and speak their minds, with extremists from the organized right and left well-represented, and most of the speakers solemnly serious about what they tell the assembled throngs. A good few, however, have always been entertainers, sometimes feigning political passions that the crowd eventually discovers to be disguised jokes.

  It is no exaggeration, considering the multitudes of people many of them reach, to say that the conservative blogs listed below have more greatly influenced political events than all the Hyde Park diatribes ever delivered. Personality abounds. Some of the sites feature graphics that are feasts for the eyes; many deliver laughs rivaling a P.G. Wodehouse yarn. And almost all let any reader join in and comment to his or her heart’s content.

  Conservative blogs have electrified our 223-year old First Amendment like nothing the Founding Fathers could ever have foreseen. Here are the top 50 conservative blogs:


1. Instapundit – University of Tennessee law professor and hawkish libertarian Glenn Reynolds’ nearly decade-and-a-half-old powerhouse often causes “Instalanches” of Web traffic to sites to which it links articles. Reynolds posts relentlessly and the brevity and wryness of his often all-caps comments are famous, like a recent link to a Popular Mechanics report on Iran exploding a fake U.S. aircraft carrier to flex its muscles during nuclear talks. Blogged Reynolds, “WHY DON’T WE ONE-UP THEM BY BLOWING UP A REAL IRANIAN NUCLEAR RESEARCH FACILITY?” 


2. Hot Air – Founded originally by firebrand columnist and TV commentator Michelle Malkin, Hot Air persuaded veteran blogger Ed Morrissey to archive his own well-established Captain’s Quarters blog and write for Hot Air. Its other stars are American Conservative Union blogger of the year Mary Katharine Ham, and the mysterious and eloquent AllahPundit, who recently posted his skeptical take on Jeb Bush’s less-than-comfortable CPAC appearance, which he theorized wasn’t to attract votes on the right, but “to prove to people who aren’t at CPAC that he’s one of them and not afraid to broadcast that fact at ground zero of the conservative movement.”


3. RedState – Some of editor-in-chief and Fox commentator Erick Erickson’s recent headlines provide a sample of Red State’s pungent flavor: “Can We Impeach Now?” “Eunuch Mitch McConnell Squeals Like a Pig,” and “All the President’s Boot Lickers Still Pretend Obama is a Christian.” But the Eagle Publishing-owned site features plenty of substantive analysis for cyberspace’s hardcore right, much of it by volunteer contributors, like “Streiff” concluding that “Boehner and McConnell are negotiating with themselves over the terms of their own surrender” on Homeland Security funding and President Obama’s executive amnesty. Pointing out that a DHS shutdown endangers no one, Streiff warned that if Congress “won’t refuse to appropriate money to fund non-essential functions of DHS, it has become irrelevant and we are a dictatorship, not a constitutional republic.”


4. Power Line – The law school-educated weightiness comes through in this polished, eclectic political site founded by three Dartmouth-grad attorneys. An example: A recent post from John Hinderaker diving into the technical details of the Obama administration’s new bullet regulations and demonstrating that Second Amendment fears regarding them are “not irrational; liberals have openly argued for attacks on ammunition as an indirect means of achieving gun control.”


5. Free Republic – “Working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption,” and “always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!” Free Republic might just be the national bulletin board for the Tea Party, among serving other functions. Thousands of “Freepers,” with handles like Alamo Girl and cripplecreek, link to articles other sites usually miss, then post endless pithy commentaries. Typical is a recent post by GreyFriar on the FCC turning the Internet into a public utility: “The Democrat version of democracy means three unelected bureaucrats voting for something that none of us is allowed to see.”

6. The Corner – With National Review’s full arsenal represented, like the forceful mind of terrorist prosecutor Andrew McCarthy and the incisive reporting of Joel Gehrke, conservative political junkies fly to “the one and only” Corner for anything-but-amateur rapid response analysis on just about anything that’s happening. Washington Editor Eliana Johnson (whose father, Scott, co-founded Power Line), for instance, crashed the garden party for the latest “anti-Jeb” with her recent “Two Scott Walkers” post, reporting that hundreds of donors at the Club for Growth’s winter conference in West Palm Beach were eager to see “the man who has slayed Wisconsin’s public-unions and delivered a boffo performance” at CPAC. “Instead, they got the Walker who is shaky, unsure of himself, and hazy on policy details.”

7. Avik Roy – Forbes magazine opinion editor and Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Avik Roy’s knowledge of the maze of legislative language that makes up ObamaCare is unrivaled, and as it inevitably declines in effectiveness, the blog written by Roy, former House Budget Committee Chairman Bill Frenzel, and a half dozen other experts is the place to check in often and watch its slow death.

8. – With all the resources of Brent Bozell’s Media Research Center at its disposal, NewsBusters watches the mainstream media’s every move and skewers its chronic bias, sloppiness, inaccuracies, and even outright deceit. A Matthew Balan post recently pointed out how the evening news shows of all the Big Three networks ignored the Treasury Department’s new “active investigation” into IRS “potential criminal activity,” yet “all devoted full segments to the viral photograph of a dress that appears to be either black and blue or gold and white.”

9. Café Hayek – “The Road to Serfdom” author F.A. Hayek would be delighted with the undiluted capitalism served at the blog bearing his name. One recent post by Don Boudreaux linked to a YouTube clip of the “Price is Right” game show from 1972 to demonstrate that the conventional wisdom about stagnant living standards is wrong. One of the show’s prizes was a “30-inch electric kitchen range priced at $385.” Boudreaux pointed out: In 1972, the average hourly earnings of a production or nonsupervisory private-sector worker in America was $3.90. So, such a worker in 1972 had to toil for 99 hours to earn enough income to buy that range.” But today, Home Depot sells a 30-inch range for $349, with the average hourly wage $20.80. “So, today’s ‘ordinary’ worker can earn enough income to buy a 30-inch electric kitchen range in just 16.8 hours — a mere 17 percent of the work time required in 1972.”

10. Big Government – It’s undoubtedly insulting to call the best-known section of the multi-faceted Breitbart website a blog; the late and legendary Internet pioneer Andrew Breitbart’s baby is fast growing into a professional journalistic global empire, opening bureaus everywhere from Texas to London to the Mideast. But the whole massive operation, launched to destroy the “old media guard” dominated by the left, has always had a blogger’s rebellious soul. The trademark Breitbart cheekiness was on full display in a recent post by C-FAM president Austin Ruse, who asked the head of American Atheists if the president is faking being a Christian and got this agnostic response: “Obama was raised by an atheist and a skeptic, so he at least knows the arguments.” “



Click through to see where your favorite blog ranks













Mumbai Student Pradnya Mandhare Drags Sex Attacker To Police Station By The Hair As Crowd Does Nothing






” When a would-be rapist attacked uni student Pradnya Mandhare at a crowded Mumbai train station at two-thirty in the afternoon, nobody came to her aid.

  Instead, her fellow commuters (up to 50 of them, both men and women) “merely stood by and gawked” as her drunken, drug-affected assailant grabbed at her body. To be fair to the bystanders, this was India and a common enough sight. Nobody was seriously expected to do anything but watch — let alone intervene.”



Read more on this brave girl













Bibi Is Back: The Consequences For U.S.-Israeli Relations






” Bibi’s win is another in a long string of Middle East failures by President Obama and will add to the belief by both our friends and our enemies in the region that the costs of being Obama’s friend can outweigh the costs of his enmity. Egypt’s President Mubarak thought he was Obama’s friend; so did his successor President Morsi. The Syrian moderate rebels expected their friend in the White House to back them. The Zionist Union thought that promising to work more closely with Obama was the ticket to an electoral win in Israel. Meanwhile, as Bibi can now testify, those who defy this White House don’t seem to pay much of a price: just ask Syria’s Assad or, for that matter, his patrons in Iran. ISIS has more visibility and power in the Middle East than al-Qaeda ever did, while the Sunni Arab tribes of Iraq who saved America’s bacon during the surge and who counted on American influence to protect their interests in postwar Iraq are being overrun by Shi’a militias.”



   While we would argue that for the past six years the present administration has done everything in it’s power to destroy the above referenced US-Israeli relationship and that the “two state solution” is a non-starter , we’ll set that aside and let the esteemed Walter Russell Mead continue













Sniper: Inside The Crosshairs – Full Documentary





Published on Nov 6, 2014

” The deadliest weapon on the battlefield is neither bullet nor gun; it’s the lone sniper. Journey inside the science and psychology behind the greatest shots in military history, through the scope of the world’s most extreme marksmen. Deconstruct the missions, ranging from Vietnam to Iraq to Afghanistan, presented by the men who were there and pulled the trigger. For the first time on American television Canadian sniper Robert Furlong, tells the story of his history-making shot in Afghanistan–striking a Taliban fighter from 1.5 miles away. Ballistics… Tactics… Weaponry… Stalking… This two-hour special examines these critical components in vivid detail, combining interviews with cinematic reenactments, CGI and present day shooting demonstrations to put the viewer squarely inside the crosshairs.”













Washington Siblings Help Stop Younger Brother’s Kidnapping






” A 22-month-old Washington boy is safe after a kidnapping thanks to the quick thinking reaction of his older brother and sister.

  The toddler, Owen Wright, was playing in a park in Sprague, Washington, on Sunday with his older brother, 10-year-old Brenden, and sister, 8-year-old Delicia. The siblings were playing unsupervised in a park next to their babysitter’s home while their father, Michael Wright, was at work, according to local ABC affiliate KXLY.

  Surveillance footage from a nearby grocery store shows the suspect running off with Owen in his arms.”


Read more













Watch The Plunge From This New 325-Foot Roller Coaster








” While most of the country is shivering in the cold, a theme park wants you to shiver with excitement at what it calls the world’s tallest and fastest “giga” coaster expected to make its debut later this month.

  Carowinds, one of 11 amusement parks operated by Sandusky, Ohio-based Cedar Fair LP (NYSE: FUN), made the first test run Wednesday of its 325-foot-tall Fury 325 earlier this week. Its first passenger was a video camera, but when it opens March 27, 32 visitors in each open-air train car will be able to experience the climb to the top of the hill, a 81-degree drop and speeds of up to 95 miles an hour.

  A giga coaster, a term coined by Cedar Fair’s first park, Cedar Point, has a drop from 300 to 399 feet. The next class is a “strata” coaster with a height of more than 400 feet.

  In comparison, the Statue of Liberty stands 305 feet, 1 inch from the ground to the tip of the torch, according to the National Park Service.

  When the Fury 325 opens, it will be among the five tallest roller coasters in the world, coming in at No. 3 or No. 5 depending on whether you’re including shuttle roller coasters, according to and Steel-track shuttle coasters don’t travel a complete circuit.”


Read more at USAToday













German Socialist Killed Fighting With Kurdish Forces In Syria


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” A young German woman has been killed while fighting alongside Kurdish forces against Islamic State militants in northeastern Syria, according to a monitoring group.

  The woman, named by some sources as Ivana Hoffman, was killed on Sunday near the town of Tal Tamer where she was assisting the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in their struggle against the IS fighters.

  She is the third Westerner killed among Kurdish ranks in Syria.

  Hoffman, who reportedly went by the Turkish nom de guerre Avasin Tekosin Gunes, identified herself as a member of the Marxist–Leninist Communist Party (MLKP), a Hoxhaist party based in Turkey where it is listed by the government as a terrorist organisation.

          A photo circulated by MLKP supporters, showing Hoffman holding the MLKP newpaper ‘Atilim’ (‘The Leap’), location uknown.

  A statement on the MLKP’s website lauding Hoffman’s final hours in Syria reads: “Her dreams are our dreams, her path is our path and her memory is our honour. Comrade Avasin Tekosin Günes is immortal.”

  A video released by the MLKP in January purported to show Hoffman (whose faced is obscured) in the Kurdish region of Syria, also called Rojava, describing her reasons for fighting:

“We are here on the front – IS territory is right behind us,” she tells the camera.”






   Read more on the third western volunteer to die fighting with the Kurds against ISIS who joins Aussie Ashley Kent Johnson and Brit Konstandinos Erik Scurfield on the KIA roles .  

   More on Ms Hoffman’s death can be found herehere , and here .













British Former Marine Reported Killed In Syria




” A former Royal Marine has become the first British fighter to be killed battling with Kurdish forces against Islamic State jihadists in Syria, the BBC reported.

  The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights earlier told AFP a European citizen had been killed fighting with Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), but that it was not clear whether he was British or Greek.”




” The BBC named the dead man as former marine Konstandinos Erik Scurfield from Yorkshire in northern England. Reports in the Daily Telegraph and Daily Mail said he was 25 years old.

  The BBC reported that a British pro-Kurdish activist had informed Scurfield’s family of his death and that the YPG had asked if he could be buried in Syria “as a martyr”.  “



The website offers their condolences:



” Kurdish Question can confirm that the family of Konstandinos has been informed of the loss of their son and we would like to pay our deepest respects and honour the memory of this brave young man who travelled to Rojava to fight ISIS with the Kurdish forces of the YPG.

To all of the family, friends and comrades in arms of Konstandinos we pay our deepest respect and will honour his memory as a brave fighter for justice. “



Yahoo has more















Border Agent Brian Terry Statue Unveiling Ignored By Obama And Holder







” The unveiling of a new statue built to memorialize the murdered U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry on Saturday at the Homeland Security Department’s Brian Terry Border Patrol Station in Bisbee, Arizona, received minimal news coverage by the nation’s media except for the Fox News Channel, a news agency maligned and denigrated by President Barack Obama and his administration. In fact, no official from the Obama government attended the event and the sycophants in the legacy media made certain not to cover the story.

” That iconic image of Brian carrying his BordTac team member on his shoulders represents everything good about Brian, his strength, his determination, his attention to detail, his love for the Border Patrol and his love for his fellow agents,” Terry’s cousin, Robert Heyer, told FNC’s anchor Arthel Neville while standing next to the image of the hero cop.

  One police official noted that while President Obama made certain to appear with illegal aliens, promising them that he would punish any immigration enforcement agents or officers who did not follow his anti-deportation policy, he appeared to be indifferent to the deaths of law enforcement officers killed by illegal aliens or foreign gangs. “This is a leader who regularly disrespects law enforcement officers while being concerned about the treatment of terrorists, criminal aliens and lawbreakers,” said police officer Anna Colon.”



Read more













5 Most Dangerous Hackers Of All Time




” As you may know Hackers aren’t inherently bad — the word “hacker” doesn’t mean “criminal” or “bad guy.”, it means someone who tries to find solutions or alternative solutions to a problem. Geeks and tech writers often refer to “black hat,” “white hat,” and “gray hat” hackers. These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behavior.

  A white hat hacker is someone working for corporations like anti-virus or firewall companies or in general trying to help society like most Anonymous Hackers.

  A Gray Hat Hacker is someone who usually doesn’t work for any company and is neither good or bad, meaning that he hacks systems kinda illegally, but still not doing any harm to the system or anyone else.

  A Black Hat Hacker is usually considered as the ‘typical’ bad guy who is doing harm, either financially or by just exploiting and hacking systems to push his own limits or better to day ego. “


Thanks to AnonHQ














US Christians Back Emerging Private War On Iraq Jihadists






” After fighting with rebels in Libya and Syria, Matthew VanDyke has rolled up in northern Iraq, but the celebrity American revolutionary-cum-filmmaker has traded his fatigues for a three-piece suit.

  VanDyke, who rose to fame as a foreign fighter backing Libyan rebels against Moamer Kadhafi, has just finished leading his new military contracting firm through its first assignment — training Christian volunteers to take on jihadists.

  Funded by Christian groups from abroad, mainly from the United States, the Nineveh Plains Protection Unit (NPU) aims to bring a local Christian militia to bear against the Islamic State group that has seized swathes of Iraq and Syria.

  VanDyke is one of the best-known — and least camera-shy — figures in an expanding and complex constellation of foreign fighters, organisations and donors getting involved in a private war against the jihadists.

” This is an extension of my work as a revolutionary,” he says as he takes a sip from his cappuccino in a cafe in the Kurdish capital of Arbil. “What gives somebody else the right to sit home and do nothing?” 

  The 35-year-old came to prominence in 2011 when he joined Libyan rebels in the fight to overthrow Kadhafi. He was held by regime forces in solitary confinement for more than five months.

  The film “Point and Shoot” directed by Marshall Curry, which won the best documentary award at the Tribeca Festival last year, recounts the 35,000-mile motorcycle odyssey that led VanDyke to Libya and which he describes as “a crash course in manhood”.

  Not one to shy away from self-aggrandizement, VanDyke’s official website claims that his own documentary on the Syrian conflict, in which he volunteered in 2012, won no fewer than 82 prizes.

  A few months ago, VanDyke changed tack and decided to form his military contracting firm, the Sons of Liberty International (SOLI), with the training of a few hundred NPU volunteers as a first assignment.

  The Nineveh in the NPU’s name refers to a northern region which Iraq’s Assyrian Christians and other religious minorities consider their ancestral home.

  IS last year declared a “caliphate” over parts of Iraq and Syria it had seized, forcing hundreds of thousands of civilians to flee their homes, including many Iraqi Christians.

  The mostly Sunni Arab group has been accused of persecuting other communities and this week was reported to have taken several hundred Assyrian Christians hostage in northeastern Syria.

  A US-led international coalition launched an air war on the jihadists in August and dispatched forces to train Kurdish and Iraqi federal troops who hope to eventually retake lost ground.

  In the meantime other — less official — parties have been drawn into the conflict from abroad.

  The NPU, for example, is being funded by the American Mesopotamian Organization (AMO), a California-based group founded by Assyrian-Americans.”



    Even as we mourn the loss of the first western volunteer to die fighting ISIS the news is filled with encouraging reports of private citizens and organizations , Christian and otherwise , stepping up to the plate as the western powers , those dauntless defenders of liberty , dither , bluster and wring their hands .

   Read the rest of this article at Yahoo News and see the links below for many similar tales …



Daniel Hannan: Westerners Joining ISIS to Fight for a Cause

The names: Who has been recruited to ISIS from the West

Westerners Join Iraqi Christian Militia To Fight ISIS

Kurdish fight against ISIS draws dozens of Westerners

How ISIS and other jihadists persuaded thousands of Westerners to fighttheir war of extremism

Dozens of Westerners join battle against ISIS














Australian Killed Fighting Islamic State Named As Ashley Kent Johnston


Ashley Kent Johnson RIP




” An Australian killed fighting for the Kurds against Islamic State in northern Syria – and thought to be the first Westerner to die in battle against IS – has been identified as 28 year-old Ashley Kent Johnston.

  Mr Johnston, born in Maryborough, Queensland, is believed to have been a resident of the ACT before joining the fight against IS in Syria and Iraqi Kurdistan.

  Australian Kurdish Association president Gulfer Olan confirmed Mr Johnston had died in the fighting and said she was trying to contact Mr Johnston’s family to pass on the Kurdish community’s condolences.

  A man reported killed fighting against Islamic State in Syria, and identified as 28-year-old Australian Ashley Kent Johnston.

  Fairfax Media has obtained an image of Mr Johnston’s passport from Australian Kurdish representatives. He was born on April 15, 1986.”

  The news of the Australian’s death travelled fast through Kurdistan and the Kurdish controlled enclave of Jazira in north-eastern Syria.

  Mr Rahman said dozens of Westerners had joined the YPG’s ranks.

” There are foreigners fighting on all sides of Syria’s war … They are volunteers, they don’t get paid anything at all,” he said.

” The YPG isn’t actively recruiting foreigners, but people from countries like Canada, the United States, Britain, Spain, Australia, Holland, Austria and France have travelled to Syria to join their ranks,” he said.”




The YPG posted an announcement along with a tribute video on their Facebook page:




” We the YPG regretfully inform you of the death of one of our bravest western fighters Heval Bagok Serhed. He is the first western fighter to be martyred fighting the evil of isis. Rest in Peace our Brother

  We cannot disclose his identity as of yet for security reasons but in Rojava he went by the name of Heval Bagok Serhed. A YPG spokesman Redur Xelîl will make a statement to the media in due course. What we can disclose is his story of heroism and self-sacrifice for the Kurdish people.

  Throughout his time in Kurdistan he had a positive impact on my peoples lives though his humility and kindness to everyone he met. He was taken from us in a heroic assault on ISIS positions in a small village near Shingal. His squad of 8 fighters were in a truck which had broken down and it was critical that they dislodge ISIS from their positions so they pushed on fearlessly with little regard for the own safety. They where massively outnumbered and outgunned but fearless in the face of this as they knew another ISIS death meant saving the lives of countless civilians. He was a fearless and exceptional soldier as well a great man.

  Please keep his family and loved ones in your prayers and remember him and his heroic actions, which saved his comrades. He has given his life in the line of duty for his brothers in arms and for humanity in riding this world of the greatest evil of the 21st century. ISIS.

  Long live the resistance of the YPG/YPJ and long live the memory of Heval bagok serhed!! Kurdish People will never forget you and you will live in our heart forever . ”  The Lions Of Rojava

Rest in peace Christian soldier … 


Sydney Morning Herald















National Police Misconduct NewsFeed Daily Recap 02.24.15



National Police Misconduct Reporting Project





” Here are the ten reports of police misconduct tracked for Tuesday, February 24, 2015:

  • Romulus, Michigan: An officer was demoted after he was caught on video Tasing a man in his jail cell. The officer is suing the department for improper training in the use of force. Incident caught on video.
  • Update: Davidson County, Tennesee (First reported 02-09-15): The deputy who was arrested for domestic violence has resigned.
  • Santa Fe, New Mexico: An officer was charged with four felony counts of “paying/receiving public money for services not rendered” for incidents in which he allegedly falsified time cards in 2013. He resigned his post after the initial investigation, but was rehired to the SFPD when a new police chief came in. He faces a preliminary hearing to determine whether there is probable cause to go to trial.
  • Española, New Mexico: An officer was charged with embezzlement. He allegedly traded government-issued ammunition for t-shirts from a graphic shop. Like the officer in Santa Fe, he too faces a preliminary hearing.
  • Chicago, Illinois: The Guardian (UK) reported that the CPD run a “black site” to illegally hold Americans incommunicado for police questioning. A summary of the report may be found here. The original story is here:
  • Round Rock, Texas: An officer was arrested and charged with assaulting his ex-girlfriend.
  • Atlantic Beach, North Carolina: Two officers were charged with DWI-related offenses while off duty. One was charged with DWI with reckless driving after being pulled over with a BAC of .12 and. The other was charged with aiding and abetting DWI. They both resigned.
  • Fort Lauderdale, Florida: An officer was suspended for slapping and pushing a homeless man at a bus stop. The incident was caught on video and a criminal investigation is pending.
  • Nampa, Idaho: The City and one if its officers are being sued for forceful arrest that left a man with shattered shoulder blade. The man claims said he was being peaceful when he was slammed to the ground by the officer for arrest on an outstanding warrant. The suit also calls for the department to review how it trains officers to handle individuals with obvious disabilities.
  • Update: Huntsville, Alabama (First reported 12-16-14): A now-former officer pled guilty to a federal conspiracy charge. The former officer of the year was initially arrested for trying to get someone else’s drug charges dropped.

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