Category: Civil Disobedience

Oregon Miners Call For Peaceful Protest Against Federal Government After Enlisting Militia Groups








” Owners of a gold mining claim in southern Oregon who enlisted armed activists to guard the mine amid a land dispute with the federal government plan a peaceful protest this week but want to avoid a standoff.

  A co-owner of the Sugar Pine Mine, Rick Barclay, called in armed guards from the conservative Oath Keepers activist group after federal officials served him with a stop-work order last month for failing to comply with federal regulations.

  Federal officials said in a letter to the owners they needed to file plans for the gold mining and equipment on the land or cease operations. The miners argue they have exclusive surface rights and do not have to follow federal regulations.

  Mine spokesman Kerby Jackson said the miners were now calling for a “peaceful protest” at local Oregon Bureau of Land Management offices around Oregon on Thursday. Jackson said the owners were meeting with their attorney on Monday.

“ We are calling on all miners, loggers, farmers/ranchers and freedom lovers everywhere who are tired of government abuse to tell the BLM … that they are sick to death of the way that they have been conducting themselves,” the Sugar Pine Mine website said.”



Raw Story has much more on the latest attempted power grab by the Feds












The Disappeared: Chicago Police Detain Americans At Abuse-Laden ‘Black Site’





” The Chicago police department operates an off-the-books interrogation compound, rendering Americans unable to be found by family or attorneys while locked inside what lawyers say is the domestic equivalent of a CIA black site.

  The facility, a nondescript warehouse on Chicago’s west side known as Homan Square, has long been the scene of secretive work by special police units. Interviews with local attorneys and one protester who spent the better part of a day shackled in Homan Square describe operations that deny access to basic constitutional rights.

  Alleged police practices at Homan Square, according to those familiar with the facility who spoke out to the Guardian after its investigation into Chicago police abuse, include:

  • Keeping arrestees out of official booking databases.
  • Beating by police, resulting in head wounds.
  • Shackling for prolonged periods.
  • Denying attorneys access to the “secure” facility.
  • Holding people without legal counsel for between 12 and 24 hours, including people as young as 15.

  At least one man was found unresponsive in a Homan Square “interview room” and later pronounced dead.

  Brian Jacob Church, a protester known as one of the “Nato Three”, was held and questioned at Homan Square in 2012 following a police raid. Officers restrained Church for the better part of a day, denying him access to an attorney, before sending him to a nearby police station to be booked and charged.”



   The Guardian , doing the job American media refuses to do , has much more on the state of the American Police State .












Reddit Bans Edward Snowden, Flames Glenn Greenwald In ‘Citizenfour’ Documentary AMA




” Edward Snowden says the only thing he regrets about his revelations regarding NSA surveillance is that he didn’t do it sooner. The former NSA analyst took part in a question-and-answer session on Reddit along with filmmaker Laura Poitras and and journalist Glenn Greenwald Monday.

  The trio appeared on the site to celebrate the Academy Award that “Citizenfour,” a documentary that depicts some of the earliest interviews between journalists and Snowden, received. The NSA leaker was temporarily banned from the popular submission site during the community Q&A, also known as an “ask me anything” or AMA.

” Hey guys, sorry — the reddit mods are being a little weird. My account is /u/SuddenlySnowden,” Snowden said. “Mods: Can you pull back the ban? I can’t post from the primary account. Thanks.”

  Snowden’s account was restored nine minutes later, but not before a Reddit moderator confronted him for complaining about the ban. The Reddit volunteer then got into a spat with Greenwald, later inferring the journalist was intellectually disabled.”

We doubt Aaron would approve , but then a lot of the Reddit moderators are as*holes . Read more

Massive Utah Cyberattacks — Up To 300 Million Per Day — May Be Aimed At NSA Facility




” Five years ago, Utah government computer systems faced 25,000 to 30,000 attempted cyberattacks every day.

  At the time, Utah Public Safety Commissioner Keith Squires thought that was massive. “But this last year we have had spikes of over 300 million attacks against the state databases” each day: a 10,000-fold increase.

  Why? Squires says it is probably because Utah is home to the new, secretive National Security Agency computer center, and hackers believe they can somehow get to it through state computer systems.

” I really do believe it was all the attention drawn to the NSA facility. In the cyberworld, that’s a big deal,” Squires told a legislative budget committee Tuesday. “I watched as those increases jumped so much over the last few years. And talking to counterparts in other states, they weren’t seeing that amount of increase like we were.” “

Read more

A Detailed Guide





” I came across this article during the Veteran March on DC on October 13th. The grammar was pretty bad, so I did my best to clean it up.

  The guide in LONG, so it took me a while to get it in this good a shape. Whoever wrote it may not have been the best writer, but he or she certainly knows how to be prepared.

  If you find grammatical errors, I will probably spot them and have them fixed soon. I did as many as I could as fast as I could for the purposes of getting the article published ASAP.

  This article will start off assuming that the Reader is already subject to MARTIAL LAW; that is, the “suspension” of the Constitution.”






” Curfews, rationing of basic goods, enforced relocations, confiscation of firearms and supplies, and summary arrest/execution by soldiers, paramilitary police and other jack booted types wielding assault rifles.

  Basic survival tips will be followed with some detailed ideas on how this country should be run once we take over.

  IF you’re reading this before MARTIAL LAW is imposed by the current corrupt government, and IF you are reading this while you still nominally under Constitutional Law, it’s urgent you read from the beginning to end so as to appreciate the opportunities you currently have to not only protect yourself and yours, but to attempt to stop all of this from ever happening.




Read it all at Disclose.TV


   For those interested in the subject , this page on Bing provides many further links to “Martial Law Survival Guides”











Courtesy Of Natasha Zouves 10News



” Take a look at this video from this morning, I was tense watching this unfold and escalate.

  Many of the drivers who were stopped on the NB I-5 this morning by Ferguson protesters were irate- but one man was so angry, he pushed one of the protesters and stole his bullhorn.

  The man’s name is Tyree Landrum, he’s a Ross employee and also told us this: “I got to go to Ross right now, homie. If I don’t get there, I’m going to get fired. I’ve got six f****** kids to feed, homie … m*****f****** get shot every f****** day. Deal with it the right way, not like this.”

See the story here: “

Researchers Uncover Government Spy Tool Used To Hack Telecoms And Belgian Cryptographer






” It was the spring of 2011 when the European Commission discovered it had been hacked. The intrusion into the EU’s legislative body was sophisticated and widespread and used a zero-day exploit to get in. Once the attackers established a stronghold on the network, they were in for the long haul. They scouted the network architecture for additional victims and covered their tracks well. Eventually, they infected numerous systems belonging to the European Commission and the European Council before being discovered.

  Two years later another big target was hacked. This time it was Belgacom, the partly state-owned Belgian telecom. In this case, too, the attack was sophisticated and complex. According to published news reports and documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the attackers targeted system administrators working for Belgacom and used their credentials to gain access to routers controlling the telecom’s cellular network. Belgacom publicly acknowledged the hack, but has never provided details about the breach.

  Then five months after that announcement, news of another high-profile breach emerged—this one another sophisticated hack targeting prominent Belgian cryptographer Jean-Jacques Quisquater. “






” Now it appears that security researchers have found the massive digital spy tool used in all three attacks. Dubbed “Regin” by Microsoft, more than a hundred victims have been found to date, but there are likely many others still unknown. That’s because the espionage tool—a malicious platform capable of taking over entire networks and infrastructures—has been around since at least 2008, possibly even earlier, and is built to remain stealth on a system for years.

  The threat has been known since at least 2011, around the time the EU was hacked and some of the attack files made their way to Microsoft, who added detection for the component to its security software. Researchers with Kaspersky Lab only began tracking the threat in 2012, collecting bits and pieces of the massive threat. Symantec began investigating it in 2013 after some of its customers were infected. Putting together information from each, it’s clear the platform is highly complex and modulated and can be customized with a wide range of capabilities depending on the target and the attackers’ needs. Researchers have found 50 payloads so far for stealing files and other data, but have evidence that still more exist.

“ It’s a threat that everyone has detected for some time, but no one has exposed [until now],” says Eric Chien, technical director of Symantec’s Security Technology and Response division.

  The researchers have no doubt that Regin is a nation-state tool and are calling it the most sophisticated espionage machine uncovered to date—more complex even than the massive Flame platform, uncovered by Kaspersky and Symantec in 2012 and crafted by the same team who created Stuxnet. “


The whole story may be read at Wired










Hillary Clinton Flying Monkey Signs Deface Brentwood Ahead Of L.A. Fundraiser



” The conservatives’ answer to Shepard Fairey is also working on a fake website designed to mock Clinton and the Democratic Party

  Guerrilla street artist SABO, who made headlines with his Gwyneth Paltrow”Obama Drone” poster, has struck again — this time ahead of Hillary Clinton’s upcoming Democratic fundraiser at Tavern restaurant in Brentwood.

  The Los Angeles artist early Friday hung signs depicting Wizard of Oz flying monkeys holding “Hillary 2016″ signs from traffic lights and pasted them on utility boxes near the San Vicente Boulevard restaurant.”


Glenn Beck interviews SABO here …



” Although, as SABO told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday, one poster near a Whole Foods had been “violently” torn down.

” All these leftists, I’m tired of their s—,” SABO said via email.

  The Louisiana native, who moved to Los Angeles in 1987 to attend the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, has become the conservatives’ answer to liberal artists like Shepard Fairey — but much meaner. “


   Get your Flying Monkeys T-Shirts here and be sure to check out the rest of SABO’s works at his website , Unsavory Agents .

The Hollywood Reporter










Hong Kong Police Use Sledgehammers, Chainsaws To Clear Protest Barriers, Open Road







” Hundreds of Hong Kong police used sledgehammers and chainsaws on Tuesday to tear down barricades erected by pro-democracy protesters near government offices and the financial centre, reopening a major road for the first time in two weeks.

   But late in the evening demonstrators retaliated by swarming into a tunnel on a major four-lane thoroughfare, bringing traffic to a halt and chanting for universal suffrage.

  Riot police tried to push them back with pepper spray and batons, according to a local news channel, but later retreated.

  Traffic flowed freely along Queensway Road after the protesters’ obstructions were cleared early in the day, although other major protest sites remained intact in the Admiralty and Mong Kok districts and pro-democracy demonstrators were defiant.”


Read more









City Orders Family To Get Rid Of Special Needs Child’s Make-A-Wish Gift



Make-A-Wish Playset

Click pic for video



” 10-year-old Tiffany Miranda of Santa Fe Springs, CA suffers from a severe seizure disorder that prevents her from playing on playground equipment in public parks. To ease her quality of life, the Make-A-Wish Foundation built her a playground play set, which her parents placed in the back yard of their own property. However, according to CBS Los Angeles, the Santa Fe Springs city government has issued a citation ordering the family to remove the play set from their back yard, claiming that it is an eyesore.

  Jessica Torres, Tiffany’s mother, told CBS Los Angeles, “When I asked the city, ‘So where do you expect my daughter to play?’ they said ‘Well, the city’s not responsible for your daughter’s disability…’ They said ‘Your Tiffany is not our problem.’” Stating her intention to fight back against the citation, Torres said, “I’m not going to let this go. I’m not going to remove the playhouse and I’m not going to remove her canopy and I want them to stop picking on my Tiffany.” Torres said that her daughter loves playing on her playground play set, “She’s able to be a normal kid. She has her own special park.” “


Ben Swann has more on the ever-caring State











Who Is This Guy Going After Hillary, Obama & Gwyneth Paltrow? Meet Artist SABO. And He’s Just Begun.






” According to a street artist named SABO, Gwyneth Paltrow is a drone. And so are Samuel L. Jackson, Jon Stewart and other Hollywood Glitterati who have had the misfortune of being the muse that drives him back to his drawing board and computer.

  In an exclusive interview, SABO explains his frustration with the Hollywood elite who unabashedly support the President and his policies:

  I really wanted to like Barack Obama, but I stepped back and listened to him and heard him speak and discovered he said nothing. He was just a vessel.”






” As a result, the Arts Center of Pasadena-trained artist has made the President, and those hanging onto his every word, among the targets of his street art–usually with hilarious or shocking results, depending on your point of view.”



 The complete interview is at IJR











Hong Kong Protest Draws Biggest Crowds Yet On Holiday Celebrating Communist Party







” On a holiday meant to celebrate the birth of China’s communist republic, Hong Kong residents instead swarmed the streets Wednesday to protest Beijing’s iron grip over their government and demand democratic reforms.

  The massive crowds appeared to be one of the biggest amid a week of demonstrations that have brought large parts of the city to a standstill.

  Throughout Hong Kong, it was a day of jarring images and symbolism as authorities tried to carry on with National Day celebrations only to have protesters respond with acts of emotional though peaceful defiance.

  Hong Kong’s top official, Leung Chun-ying, began the morning sharing a champagne toast with other Chinese officials while demonstrators nearby booed and jeered. Then, as China’s national anthem played, a group of student protesters turned their backs on a Chinese flag being raised and silently crossed their arms above their heads in a gesture of objection to the Chinese government. “


Washington Post


Don’t forget to check the live feeds at the top of our page to keep abreast of the action on Hong Kong’s streets












    For those who might be interested in the growing student protests and increasing crackdown of same by the Chinese authorities we provide the reader with a pair of live feeds from Hong Kong .



Live Hong Kong Feed



The above feed is from Ustream subscriber 本台設有下載區及網誌  Mee JTV



Live Feed Hong Kong

The second feed is from 佔領中環直播 Occupy Central,Hong Kong Live




   Bear in mind that these feeds sometimes cease broadcasting for a time but usually go live again fairly quickly so keep checking back for the latest developments .
















“Disperse Or We Fire”- Hong Kong Police Fire Tear Gas At Protesting Students: Live Webcast



Hong Kong Protests Ustream



” Yesterday we reported that the biggest riot over the weekend was not in Ferguson (although things there are hardly stable after a local police officer was shot in the violent town overnight) but in Hong Kong, where students and other mostly young people are protesting the recent loss of their democratic vote powers and thus “the loss of their freedom.” Since then things have gotten from bad to worse when late last night Hong Kong declared the start of the Occupy Central disobedience campaign, leading to violent skirmishes with the police, which over the past hour have included the use of tear gas by the police as well as the first outright warning by the cops demanding that the student protesters disperse or risk being fired upon.\

  The following warning from the local police urging protesters to disperse or “they will fire” has attracted a lof attention:



Zero Hedge has much more













Hong Kong Students Step Up Pressure Against Communist China







” Thousands of university students waving yellow ribbons and “Democracy Now” banners boycotted their classes Monday to protest Beijing’s decision to maintain control over Hong Kong elections, marking an escalation of the city-island’s pro-democracy movement that now is taking aim at local pro-China billionaires.

Chanting “Reject fake elections,” the students marched at Chinese University and said their boycott will continue all week as they gather en masse at government offices and headquarters. The protesters said it’s the first phase of a battle that will include occupying Hong Kong’s central business district in the next few weeks to tell the city’s elite to stop backing China.

The activists said they won’t stand down until they get results.

“ I believe a fight for democracy is a war,” said Chan Kin-man, a leader of a group called Occupy Central, which is spearheading the protest in the financial district. “The occupation of the central business district is just one battle.” “


Read on










Cigars, But Not Close






” The “narrative” of Ferguson, Missouri changed somewhat today. But, amid the confusion, the blundering stupidity of the city’s police department remains consistent.

  This morning the Police Chief, Thomas Jackson, released security-camera shots of the late Michael Brown apparently stealing a five-dollar box of cigarillos from a convenience store. So the 18-year old shot dead by Chief Jackson’s officer was no longer a “gentle giant” en route to college but just another crappy third-rate violent teen n’er-do-well.

  This afternoon, the chief gave a second press conference. Why would he do that? Well, he’d somehow managed to create the impression in his first press conference that the officer who killed Mr Brown was responding to the robbery. In fact, that was not the case. The Ferguson policeman was unaware that Brown was a robbery suspect at the time he encountered him and shot him dead. Which is presumably why Chief Jackson was leaned on to give his second press conference and tidy up the mess from the first. So we have an officer who sees two young men, unwanted for any crime, walking down the middle of the street and stops his cruiser. Three minutes later one of them is dead.

  On the other hand, Jackson further confused matters by suggesting that he noticed Brown had cigars in his hand and might be the suspect.

  It’s important, when something goes wrong, to be clear about what it is that’s at issue. Talking up Michael Brown as this season’s Trayvonesque angel of peace and scholarship was foolish, and looting stores in his saintly memory even worse. But this week’s pictures from Ferguson, such as the one above, ought to be profoundly disquieting to those Americans of a non-looting bent. “


Mr Steyn addresses the mess that is Ferguson , Missouri . Read it all .












From RT America





Published on Aug 14, 2014

” The police shooting and killing of unarmed African-American teenager Michael Brown has made Ferguson, MO known worldwide as citizens continue defying heavily armed police to protect their rights. Although the details of the initial incident remain murky, the tragedy has thrust the issues of racial disparity, police militarization and media portrayals of minorities into the mainstream’s attention, and no one knows what will happen next. RT’s Manila Chan takes a look at the now historic series of events.”



Atlas Shrugged The Movie





” The countdown has begun. Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? hits theaters in 44 days. Help spread the word – Like and Share this post.”








” “Who is John Galt?” Teaser Trailer featuring sand art by Joe Castillo.”

Sign up for the Atlas Shrugged movie newsletter:

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Official Atlas Shrugged Movie Site:





Pentagon Funds ‘Cold War-Style’ Science Study To Track Mass Civil Unrest







” The Pentagon along with the Minerva Research Initiative, appears to have resuscitated and partially reconstituted a 60′s Cold War-era social science program used to detect political protest… 

  The controversial program called Project Camelot had been operational nearly a decade into the Vietnam war, as the Special Operations Research Office (SORO) located at American University had received millions in funding from the US Army to conduct a six country study on civil unrest. The current social science program directed by Minerva and the Department of Defense (DoD), appears to have also partnered with some of the most well-known universities in the United States by studying the behavior of peaceful activism and how political ideology shapes protest movements in the world at large.

  The Minerva Research Initiative has been conducting its studies with the sponsorship of the Department of Defense and its university partners since 2010. This new program has prompted a rebirth of the militarization of social science and in the process has undoubtedly opened a floodgate of ethical concerns. The creation of this partnership was born out of a speech by former Secretary of Defense as well as past Director of the CIA, Robert Gates. In April of 2008, Gates delivered a speech at the Association of American Universities, there he provided a vague outline for research that worked in conjunction with academia and other Pentagon affiliated agencies such as the DoD :

What we are considering is based to some degree on the success we had in the Cold War. During that period, we built up the Department of Defense’s – and the nation’s – intellectual capital with new research centers such as RAND and new mechanisms like, as I mentioned, the National Defense Education Act. With the Minerva initiative, we envision a consortia of universities that will promote research in specific areas. These consortia could also be repositories of open-source documentary archives. The Department of Defense, perhaps in conjunction with other government agencies, could provide the funding for these projects.”

Read more at 21st Century Wire

World Cup 2014: 17 Pictures Of Shocking Violence As Police ‘Open Live Fire’ On Anti-Fifa Protesters



world cup 2014 violence




” A Brazilian police officer was filmed firing what appear to be live rounds at anti-World Cup protesters this weekend.”








” The incident was captured by the Associated Press close to Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana stadium during the Argentina vs Bosnia-Herzegovina match on Sunday.

  The scenes also saw a man in plain clothes who identified himself as a police officer fire two shots into the air. He continued firing as he was driven away. The news agency was not able to confirm his identity.

  Some residents have turned to artistic protest – daubing walls with anti-Fifa graffiti.

  These powerful images show a nation discontent with corruption, greed and injustice. “



” One mural in particular, at a Sao Paulo school by renowned street artist Paulo Ito, has gone viral on social media, showing a weeping, starving Brazilian boy, knife and fork in hand, being served a football on a plate.”


Lots more here and at the link below:












U.S. Reconstitutes Group To Fight Homegrown “Extremists”






” The United States is reviving a law enforcement group to investigate those it designates as domestic terrorists, the Department of Justice announced Tuesday.

  Following hate-motivated shootings such as the one at a Jewish Community Center in Kansas City, Missouri in April, federal prosecutors have pressed the need to coordinate intelligence about such criminals on a national level, Justice Department officials said.

  The Department of Justice will reconstitute a task force that was originally formed after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing but dissolved after the Sept. 11, 2001 hijacked plane attacks as law enforcement agencies focused on threats from militants abroad.

  On Tuesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said in a statement that the United States remains concerned about threats from Islamic extremists, but the group will focus on other motives for attacks within U.S. borders.”


Yahoo News












Citizens Take Over Albuquerque City Council, Call For The Arrest Of Chief







” Angry protesters took over Albuquerque City Council Monday night calling for immediate change at APD and the ousting of both Albuquerque’s Police Chief, Mayor and more.

  Protesters even called for the arrest and issued a “people’s warrant” to APD Chief Gordon Eden.

“ This is no longer your meeting, this is the people’s meeting,” protester David Correia, an assistant professor at the University of New Mexico, said into a commandeered microphone as shown in the KRQE video below. “We now serve a people’s warrant for arrest on Albuquerque Police Chief Gordon Eden.” “



Read on










What’s Next For The Bundys?







” The federal response will definitely come.  It will likely be in three areas; two of which don’t involve the Bundys specifically.  First, a multi-faceted attack will be made on the Bundys; second, a broad-front regulatory response against other land users will be made for the purpose of retaliation against the whole group and as a deterrent; and third, new provocateur deployments will probably be made across the West into similar situations.

  The attack on the Bundys will be planned to be large enough so as to not fail since precedents are being considered by the feds.  To give an historical example, the precedent of voluntary militias forming in the nineties as a constitutional concept in lieu of standing armies was effectively derailed for twenty years when the whole movement was painted as obscene by multiple federal law enforcement agencies intensely targeting them, or anything that looked like them, while prosecuting a P.R. campaign in conjunction with the sycophant mass media in the wake of the provocateured Oklahoma City fiasco.

  There is the possibility that doors will be smashed down in the darkness of early morning raids for all the Bundy family members, supporters, and ranch hands. There is the possibility that plants are feigning inside knowledge at this very moment and are seated with prosecutors scrolling through video and pointing out participants and ascribing statements or actions to them. Such violent raids on houses and places of business targeting these designated domestic terrorists represent one possibility. If that happens, it probably won’t be immediate. The following factors all affect the time-line for the response which I estimate to be in about three weeks, give or take a week or two.”


Our guess is bloodshed , as the Feds are sure to feel the need to make an example so as to: “Pour encourager les autres”

Read the whole thing and decide for yourself .









Cult Of Firearms Incites Disobedience





” With the arrival this past week of the deadline for registering military style weapons in New York, our gun-carrying comrades appear to be more tightly bound to the code of the gun than to the laws that bind the rest of us in a civilized society.

  How startling to find that the cult of the firearm should monopolize the passions of this group over their responsibility to uphold and follow the law, the same as all others in society do — their wives and children, neighbors and friends and community leaders.

  How discouraging to hear various police chiefs and sheriffs declare they will not enforce the law to arrest those who fail to register their firearms. And how odd it is, as Christian churches prepare for Easter week celebrations with messages of mercy and forgiveness, that the gun lobbies grow more rowdy, preaching defiance and aggression instead.”

Read more