Category: Civil Discord

CBS News/New York Times Poll: Race Relations Worst In Over 2 Decades





” A new poll released Monday indicated that Americans believe race relations are at their worst in more than two decades.

  The CBS News/New York Times poll said 61 percent of Americans characterize race relations in the U.S. as “bad,” including a majority of white and black respondents. The figure is the highest since 1992.
A total of 79 percent of African-Americans believe police are more likely to use deadly force against a black person than against a white person, while 53 percent of whites believe race does not play a role, the survey said.

  Black respondents were also more likely than white respondents to believe their local police make them feel anxious rather than safe, the poll said.”


Read more












Cops Go To Wrong House To Make Arrest, Let Dog Out, Shoot At Dog In Crowded Area


” Several officers attempting to make an arrest at the wrong house quickly turned their incompetence into a deadly situation.

  As police were trying to force their way into the wrong home, they irresponsibly let the home owner’s dog loose.

  When the dog ran out, he was naturally in an excited state. The dog jumped on a frightened lieutenant but didn’t cause any harm. Then one NYPD officer, with absolutely no regard for his surroundings pulled out his service weapon and fired his gun at point blank range.

  As the incident unfolded, a crowd had gathered, some of the people in the crowd had their cameras rolling. One video captured this reckless shooting first hand, from only several feet away.

  Luckily for this dog, this officer was a horrid shot. Also lucky were the people in the crowd who managed to avoid being hit by any of the bullet fragments as they ricocheted off the concrete.

“ No, no you wrong. You wrong. You’re dead *expletive* wrong for that,” a person in the crowd yelled after the officer shot.”


Read more at the Free Thought Project










Father Arrested On Bridge Where His Teen Daughter Died






” A grieving father was arrested as he attempted to build a barricade on the bridge where his teenage daughter died.

  White County Sheriff’s deputies arrested Shannon Hamilton on Gene Nix Road Sunday.

On March 15, Hamilton’s 16-year-old daughter, Cecily Hamilton, and 18-year-old Taylor Swing died when their car went off the road and into the water below. Their car went undiscovered for hours; both teens drowned.

  Family members said Shannon Hamilton was trying to build a barricade on the bridge to prevent future tragedies. He is charged with interference with government property.

  After the teens’ deaths, more than 1,700 people signed a petition calling for safety features on the bridge. White County Commissioners are looking into installing guard rails.”


Thanks to


The video was originally posted to the Facebook account of Mr Hamilton’s son with this commentary:


” “My dad, Shannon Hamilton, was arrested today for attempting to put up temporary barricades on the Gene Nix Rd. Bridge. White County wants to take their time in getting this accomplished so my dad did it for them. Unfortunately White County wasn’t going to allow him. It’s a shame that because someone is concerned about the safety of others after losing his daughter that the law can arrest them. This video is what’s going to be the change to all this. I love you dad, your doing a great thing and I’m so proud of you!” “











Big Brother Fears As NYPD Attaches Microphones To Lampposts To Listen Out For Gunshots… But They Can Also Record Your Conversations








” Technology now in use by the New York Police Department may be picking up stray conversations.

  Three hundred ShotSpotter microphones are being placed in high crime areas of the Bronx and Brooklyn, with the aim of alerting police immediately when they overhear the sound of gunshots.

  However, the devices pick up more that just the bang of shots being fired in potential crimes, and evidence from conversations they’ve listened in on has been used in court.”

We find the raven emblematic of the death of our privacy

” Audio recordings from ShotSpotter have been used to corroborate testimony that led to convictions in a 2011 Massachusetts murder where a voice was heard shouting ‘No Jason, no Jason!’ before shots were fired. 

  NYPD officials and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a pilot program for the microphones earlier this week.

  Sensors in seven districts of the Bronx have already begun working, and the devices will be turned on in ten districts of Brooklyn on Monday, according to the New York Times. “

   ShotSpotter amounts to “Big Brother” listening posts throughout the public streets , and despite assurances to the contrary raise legitimate privacy concerns:

” The restrictions on triggering events have not stopped some privacy advocates from saying that evidence procured by the ShotSpotters may violate the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. 

‘ If [ShotSpotter] is recording voices out in public, it needs to be shut down,’ the ACLU’s Jay Stanley told Take Part.

  He said his organization is ‘always concerned about secondary uses of technology that is sold to us for some unobjectionable purpose and is then used for other purposes.’ “

   One thing that has become readily apparent in recent years is that if there is a way to abuse and/or misuse technological advances , the State will find a way … Read more on the huge potential for civil rights abuses represented by State ears recording on public streets here

   If public eavesdropping becomes socially acceptable , in the name of “public safety” of course , then it follows that the next step , also for “the public good” , will be something along the lines of what the head of Scotland Yard recently proposed … surveillance cameras in our homes .  

The Counted: Inside The Search For The Real Number Of Police Killings In The US




” If a police officer fatally shoots an unarmed citizen in the United States – and it was happening on average more than twice a day even before the killing of Michael Brown seven months ago in Ferguson, Missouri – most people find out about it not from law enforcement but from the 24-hour news cycle.

  The best counts America currently has of killings by police are the work of activists and journalists – online databases like Fatal Encounters, Facebook compilations like Killed By Police, or Operation Ghetto Storm, which estimates that one African American is killed by police, security guards or vigilantes at least “every 28 hours”.

  Citizen activists keep the best national counts. But there are corners of the country where the police track use-of-force more closely than any outside activist could. For example if an officer intentionally fires a gun in Montgomery County, Maryland – even if no one is hit or hurt – the police department posts a detailed description of the circumstances on its home page, usually within 24 hours. It is policy.

  But transparent police departments are by no means the norm: the United States has no uniform count of people killed by police officers. The problem of missing data stems from more than just police obstructionism or oversight. A national infrastructure for data collection has never been built. Instead a confusing mosaic of city, state and county reporting leaves too many cracks for data to fall through, without imposing consequences for local police failing to report when they kill those they are sworn to protect.

“ The reality is that there is not a good national data – or even a regional, state or local data on officer-involved shootings,” Laurie Robinson, a professor of criminology at George Mason University and co-chair of Barack Obama’s task force on community policing, told the Guardian.”



   Read more as the Guardian continues to do the job that the US MSM refuses to do … namely , report facts and not serve as a state-run propaganda machine and be sure to check out this companion piece “The Uncounted” that deals with efforts to create a TRUE national database of police killings …



Screen Shot 2015-03-21 at 9.14.09 AM




     Keeping an accurate count of citizens killed by police should not be a daunting task for a government that is so good at counting:



” The federal government counts many things very well. It counts the number of children who die each week from flu (11 during the week ending 17 January). It counts the average number of hours American men spend weekly on lawn care (almost two). It counts the monthly production of hens’ eggs (8.31bn in November). It counts nut consumption by non-Hispanic white men over the age of 20 (42.4% enjoyed nuts on any given day in 2009-2010). It counts how many women aged 15-44 use contraception (60.9 million, or 61.7%).

  The US government is a virtuoso counter. So why can’t it count people killed by police?

  Some people think Washington already does keep count. The government publishes two statistics every year that look an awful lot like, and are regularly mistaken for, comprehensive counts of deaths from interactions with police. The first is the FBI’s count of “justifiable homicides by law enforcement”, based on police reports submitted by state and local agencies.

  The second is the Centers for Disease Control’s count of “deaths by legal intervention”, based on medical records and death certificates. Considerable scholarly exertion has gone into describing the flaws in each count. Not all police agencies participate in the FBI’s count, which is limited to deaths involving a weapon, for example, while the CDC misses cases, among others, in which medical examiners certify a homicide but fail to note police involvement.”




















‘Jade Helm 2015’ 8-Week Summer Special Ops Exercises Prep For End Game And ‘Mastering The Human Domain’






” From July 15th to September 15th of 2015, the US Army’s Green Berets, US Navy Seals, US Marines Special Ops Command and US Air Force Special Ops Command will be taking part in ‘Jade Helm 15’, 8 weeks of night time drills in 7 states in the southwestern portion of America in which the states of Texas and Utah are both labeled ‘hostile’ territory in the ‘drills’ as outlined in more detail in the US Army Special Ops Command documents embedded below. “







” While US Army operations planner Thomas Mead tells “this allows our soldiers to get a better training environment” and “you only get so much in a military environment”, his disclaimer is “you don’t get a true interaction with the public” which leads us to ask these questions: How much interaction do they expect with the public between the hours of 11 pm and 4 am, when these exercises will be taking place? Maybe even more importantly, what exactly is ‘mastering the human domain‘, the exercise tag line seen in the image at the top of story? “



Read all about the latest preparations for martial law at the All News Pipeline














Americans Name Government As No. 1 U.S. Problem


Trends in Top "Most Important" U.S. Problems, March 2014-March 2015




” Americans continue to name the government (18%) as the most important U.S. problem, a distinction it has had for the past four months. Americans’ mentions of the economy as the top problem (11%) dropped this month, leaving it tied with jobs (10%) for second place.

  Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, the economy and unemployment have been the dominant problems listed by Americans for more than a year.

  The latest results are from a March 5-8 Gallup poll of 1,025 American adults.

  While the ranking of the top two problems is similar to what Gallup found in February, mentions of the economy dropped from 16% to the current 11%. In a separate measure, Americans’ confidence in the economy had been dipping further into negative territory in late February and early March, but has been improving in recent days. “



    Read it all and rejoice as the truth finally begins to dawn on the general public …


“A government big enough to give you everything you want, is a government big enough to take away everything that you have.”













Mysterious Spy Cameras Collecting Data At Post Offices In Colorado





” Within an hour of a KDVR reporter discovering a hidden camera, which was positioned to capture and record the license plates and facial features of customers leaving a Denver post office, the device was ripped from the ground and disappeared.

  Investigative reporter Chris Halsne confirmed the hidden camera and recorder is owned and operated by the United States Postal Inspection Service, the law enforcement branch of the U.S. Postal Service.

  The recording device appeared to be tripped by any vehicle leaving the property on Johnson Road, but the lens was not positioned to capture images of the front door, employee entrance, or loading dock areas of the post office.

  A customer first noticed the data collection device, hidden inside a utilities box, around Thanksgiving 2014. It stayed in place, taking photos through the busy Christmas holidays and into mid-January.”



    While the Postal Service tried to maintain that the surveillance was just a “routine security measure” privacy groups see it a bit differently , and rightly so …



” Lee Tien, an attorney for the San Francisco-based Electronic Frontier Foundation, says more and more federal agencies are getting away with conducting surveillance and collecting personal data of citizens without a warrant signed by a judge.

“ Part of being a responsible, constitutional government is explaining why it is doing surveillance on its citizens,” Lee told Halsne. “The government should not be collecting this kind of sensitive information. And it is sensitive! It`s about your relationships, your associations with other people, which can be friendship or political or religious. The idea that we give up that privacy simply because we use the U.S. mail is, I think, a silly idea.” “



     As if the Postal Service wasn’t endangered enough , now they are actively driving their ever-dwindling customer base further into the arms of private delivery services by spying on them … Read it all and head to your nearest UPs/Fedex office to send your mail .












The FAA Says You Can’t Post Drone Videos On YouTube







” If you fly a drone and post footage on YouTube, you could end up with a letter from the Federal Aviation Administration.

  Earlier this week, the agency sent a legal notice to Jayson Hanes, a Tampa-based drone hobbyist who has been posting drone-shot videos online for roughly the last year. 

  The FAA said that, because there are ads on YouTube, Hanes’s flights constituted a commercial use of the technology subject to stricter regulations and enforcement action from the agency. It said that if he did not stop flying “commercially,” he could be subject to fines or sanctions.

” This office has received a complaint regarding your use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (aka drone) for commercial purposes referencing your video on the website as evidence,” the letter reads. “After a review of your website, it does appear that the complaint is valid.” “

  The hobby use of drones and other model aircraft has never been regulated by the FAA, but the agency has been adamant about making a distinction between hobby and commercial use, which has led to much confusion over the last couple years.

  Where, exactly, does commercial use begin and hobby use end, for instance? If you fly for fun, but happen to sell your footage later, were you flying for a “commercial purpose?” What if you give it to a news organization that runs it on a television station that has ads on it? What if you upload it to YouTube and Google happens to put an ad on it? What if you decide to put an ad on it?

  The letter makes clear that at least some in the FAA (this one was sent by Michael Singleton, an aviation safety inspector in the FAA’s Tampa office) take a very wide view of what is “commercial.” “


Read the rest at Motherboard













West Virginia House Votes To End Common Core, 75-19




” On Saturday, the West Virginia House passed a bill that would withdraw the state from the Common Core State Standards adopted by the West Virginia State Board of Education in 2010 and the Next Generation Content Standards and Objective adopted in 2011. 

  Introduced by Rep. Amanda Pasdon (R-Morgantown), House Bill 2934 (HB2934) directs the State Board of Education to repeal those standards, forbids the use of Common Core-aligned assessment including, but not limited to, Smarter Balanced Assessments, and ensures the standards are revised so West Virginia students will be adequately prepared for college and careers. The House vote was 75-19.

  The bill requires the following by July 16, 2015:

(A) The Common Core Standards as approved by the Board in May, 2010, and the subsequent Next Generation Content Standards and Objectives as approved by the Board in August 2011, are repealed;

(B) No assessments designed to assess student learning based on the common core standards, including but not limited to the Smarter Balanced Assessment, will be used in West Virginia public schools; 


For West Virginia: Take action to support this important bill HERE.

For other states: Take action to fight Common Core in your state HERE. “



Next stop the senate education committee , good luck West Virginia . Read on .












Texas Town Sees 61% Drop In Crime After Kicking Out Cops





” Rather than degenerate into a lawless land where criminals rule the streets, a Texas town that fired its entire police department has seen a 61% decrease is crime.

  In 2012, Sharpstown, a community of 66,000 located just southwest of Houston, declined to renew its contract with the constable’s office, essentially dismissing its cops.

  Instead, the Sharpstown Civic Association hired SEAL Security Solutions, a private firm, to patrol their streets.

“ Since we’ve been in there, an independent crime study that they’ve had done [indicates] we’ve reduced the crime by 61% in just 20 months,” James Alexander, Director of Operations for SEAL, told”



The most surprising thing about this article were these revelations:



Not only has SEAL been more successful at preventing crime in Sharpstown than traditional law enforcement, they are cheaper. Sharpstown is saving $200,000 per year over their previous contract with the constable, and they get more patrol officers for less money, reported.

  So far, more than 70 communities in Harris County, where Sharpstown is located, have contracted with SEAL, according to”



   Read the rest and note this Washington Post article of a few days ago that also highlights the rise of private police forces , albeit with the much more Statist attitude typical of that democratic mouthpiece.












Tamir Rice ‘Directly And Proximately’ Responsible For Own Police Shooting Death, Says City






” The death of Tamir Rice was “directly and proximately” caused by the 12-year-old’s own actions, the city of Cleveland has argued in a defense document following a civil claim from the boy’s family. Rice was shot dead by a police officer last November.

  When he was shot, Rice was holding a toy gun which police mistook for a real firearm. The incident sparked widespread criticism that officer Timothy Loehmann, who killed Rice, employed a drastic overuse of force.

  The city of Cleveland’s defense, filed with the US district court on Friday, argues that both Rice and members of his family are to blame for any damages, injuries and losses arising from the incident. The argument lists 20 lines of defense, including that Rice did not “exercise due care to avoid injury” and that members of his family, including his mother and teenage sister, who have lodged the claim, sustained damages “caused by their own acts”. “



   Read more on the city of Cleveland’s attempt to excuse their police officer’s wanton killing of Tamir Rice by blaming the victim at the Guardian and in case you’ve missed it you can catch on the horrifying execution and it’s aftermath by reading our previous posts here , here and here .

   Be sure to watch the above video and see the young man gunned down before the police car is even brought to a stop and bear in mind that the city medical examiner ruled the shooting a homicide .













Foreign Workers Fill Hundreds Of Sacramento-Area IT Jobs





” It’s nearly 8 p.m., and inside a state office building two dozen computer experts design and troubleshoot a system that will take and process millions of unemployment claims each year.

  It’s a $200 million Employment Development Department project, but with the exception of two managers, everyone inside the office is from outside of the U.S. They are employed by Deloitte, a major U.S. IT company hired by the state to create and manage its Unemployment Insurance Modernization project. The mostly Indian nationals are allowed to work here under a visa program called H-1B.

” It’s not any different than what illegal aliens have done to construction workers,” said Kim Berry, the webmaster of two sites that almost exclusively address the influx of foreign workers in the U.S. IT job market. “Why hire an American to do the roofing when you can have a truckload of illegals do it for $30 per day each?” “


   Read more about foreigners being hired to do the jobs from which Americans are laid off . Perhaps if a college education in America didn’t cost more than a house the US education system could produce the specialized workers domestically .












Feds Raid Texas Political Meeting








” In a deliberate “show of force,” federal and local police forces raided a political meeting in Texas, fingerprinting and photographing all attendees as well as confiscating all cell phones and personal recording devices.

  Members of the Republic of Texas, a secession movement dedicated to restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic, had gathered Feb. 14 in a Bryan, Texas, meeting hall along with public onlookers. They were debating issues of currency, international relations and celebrating the birthday of one of their oldest members. The group, which describes itself as “congenial and unimposing,” maintains a small working government, including official currency, congress and courts.

  According to “Minutes into the meeting a man among the onlookers stood and moved to open the hall door, letting in an armed and armored force of the Bryan Police Department, the Brazos County Sheriff’s Office, the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office, agents of the Texas district attorney, the Texas Rangers and the FBI.

“ In the end, at least 20 officers corralled, searched and fingerprinted all 60 meeting attendees, before seizing all cellphones and recording equipment in a Valentine’s Day 2015 raid on the Texas separatist group.” “



WorldNetDaily has the story of the crushing of political dissent by the State













5 Most Dangerous Hackers Of All Time




” As you may know Hackers aren’t inherently bad — the word “hacker” doesn’t mean “criminal” or “bad guy.”, it means someone who tries to find solutions or alternative solutions to a problem. Geeks and tech writers often refer to “black hat,” “white hat,” and “gray hat” hackers. These terms define different groups of hackers based on their behavior.

  A white hat hacker is someone working for corporations like anti-virus or firewall companies or in general trying to help society like most Anonymous Hackers.

  A Gray Hat Hacker is someone who usually doesn’t work for any company and is neither good or bad, meaning that he hacks systems kinda illegally, but still not doing any harm to the system or anyone else.

  A Black Hat Hacker is usually considered as the ‘typical’ bad guy who is doing harm, either financially or by just exploiting and hacking systems to push his own limits or better to day ego. “


Thanks to AnonHQ














A Message From Anonymous To Chicago Police #OPGitmo2Chicago




Published on Feb 27, 2015


Saturday, February 28 at 3:00pm in CST
3379 W Fillmore St. Chicago, IL

More information here…


Please invite as many of your friends to this event as possible.



Copy + Paste these tweets or create your own. Do not retweet, the hashtag will not trend.

If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #Gitmo2Chicago hashtag, also try to include @rahmemanuel!

You do not need to post more than once every five minutes, especially to avoid suspension of your account, although having a high volume of tweets all at once is the objective to make the tag trend and bring the issue to more people’s attention.

Chicago Police are operating a secret detention facility that mirrors the CIA’s “black sites.”… #Gitmo2Chicago

Hubbard was found dead in an interview room, no records exist on cause of death. #Gitmo2Chicago…

Violations of due process to torture, revelations raise concerns of deteriorating state of freedom #Gitmo2Chicago…

The egregious nature of this danger to liberty cannot be overstated. Demand @rahmemanuel shut it down. #Gitmo2Chicago…

Join the Protest– Saturday, February 28 3:00pm…#Gitmo2Chicago

Scariest part is likelihood of more locations across US where police can secretly detain/kill #NDAA #Gitmo2Chicago…

Secret interrogation facility reveals aspects of war on terror in US #Gitmo2Chicago…

‘They disappeared us’: protester details 17-hour shackling without basic rights… #Gitmo2Chicago

Accounts describe police brutality, missing 15-year-old and one man’s death #Gitmo2Chicago…

Infamous GITMO “Interrogator” Also Tortured Americans And Forced Confessions As A Chicago Cop… #Gitmo2Chicago

Military Police From the Torturous Gitmo Prison, Being Recruited as Cops… #Gitmo2Chicago


Chicago police you can expect us tomorrow “














Exclusive: Here Is The New Homeland Security Report On ‘Sovereign Citizen Extremist’ Violence

” Reason has obtained the federal government’s recent report on the sovereign citizens, a largely unorganized subculture whose elaborate legal theories say they do not have to follow most laws. Members of the movement are infamous for filing nuisance lawsuits, making their own drivers’ licenses and license plates, and sometimes attempting to form their own parallel institutions of government. Some of them are also prone to violence, and it is this hotheaded subgroup that is the subject of the report.

  The intelligence assessment, which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) prepared in coordination with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, was circulated to law enforcement on February 5 but was not released to the public. (DHS did not respond to repeated requests from Reason for comment.) CNN revealed its existence last Friday, but the network quoted only a couple of lines from it and did not post the full document for everyone to see.

  We’ve posted it here. If you’ve seen the sensationalized coverage the sovereign citizens have been getting in some quarters—CNN announced its find with the front-page headline “Bigger threat than ISIS?”—the report’s rather measured contents might surprise you.

  The document declares on its first page that most sovereign citizens are nonviolent, and that it will focus only on the violent fringe within a fringe—the people it calls “sovereign citizen extremists,” or SCEs. It describes their violence as “sporadic,” and it does not expect its rate to rise, predicting instead that the violence will stay “at the same sporadic level” in 2015. The author or authors add that most of the violence consists of “unplanned, reactive” clashes with police officers, not preplanned attacks.

  When sovereigns do plan an attack in advance, the report suggests that this tends to be “in direct response to an ongoing personal grievance, such as an arrest or court order.” It argues that sovereign citizens are unlikely to pick a symbolic target—like, say, the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City—and that in this way they are distinct from the killers who attacked two randomly selected cops in Las Vegas last year or three TSA officers at an L.A. airport the year before that. While some police assessments of the movement may give officers the impression that anyone asserting their rights or videotaping an encounter might be a sovereign citizen, the DHS report draws its distinctions fairly carefully.”

   Read Reason’s entire analysis here 

Republicans Fear Net Neutrality Plan Could Lead To UN Internet Powers





” The U.S. government’s plan to enact strong net neutrality regulations could embolden authoritarian regimes like China and Russia to seize more power over the Internet through the United Nations, a key Senate Republican warned Wednesday.

  Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune of South Dakota argued that by claiming more authority over Internet access for net neutrality, the Federal Communications Commission will undermine the ability of the U.S. to push back against international plots to control the Internet and censor content.

  Countries like Russia already have made it clear that they want the International Telecommunications Union or another United Nations body to have more power over the Internet, Thune said.

” It seems like reclassifying broadband, as the administration is doing, is losing a valuable argument,” Thune said at his panel’s hearing on Internet governance. “How do you prevent ITU involvement when you’re pushing to reclassify the Internet under Title II of the Communications Act, and is everyone aware of that inherent contradiction?”

  On Thursday, the FCC is set to vote on net neutrality regulations that would declare Internet access a “telecommunications service” under Title II. Advocates, including President Obama, argue that the move is the only way the FCC can enact rules that will hold up to legal challenges in court. The rules aim to prevent Internet providers from acting as “gatekeepers” and controlling what content users can access online. 

  David Gross, a partner at the law firm Riley Wein who advises tech and telecom companies, agreed with Thune’s warning.

  The U.S. has consistently argued that the Internet is not a “telecommunication service” and therefore outside of the authority of the International Telecommunications Union, he explained. “If they were to find that Internet service is a telecommunications service, that would undoubtedly make the job of my successors much more complicated,” Gross, a former ambassador to the ITU during the George W. Bush administration, said.

  A top Obama administration official dismissed the comparison between net neutrality and UN control of the Internet.”

   Read the rest at National Journal and see how confident in the Obama administration’s assurances you are . It’s not like they’ve ever lied to us .

Cop Pulls Assault Rifle, Threatens Protesters For Their ‘Constitutional Bullsh**’






” A Houston, Texas cop was recently caught on video illegally detaining protesters and threatening them with his department-issued assault rifle. His reason? Protesters were spouting what he called “Constitutional bullsh**.”

  The video was recorded by Open Carry Texas and uploaded to their YouTube channel after a recent peaceful assembly where they advocated for “Constitutional Carry,” which is already legal in Texas when it comes to rifles of any sort.”


CopBlock has more













Eleventh-Hour Drama For Net Neutrality


These three political appointees hold the key to the future of the internet … WTF ?




” A Democrat on the Federal Communications Commission wants to see changes that could narrow the scope of new net neutrality rules set for a vote on Thursday.

  Mignon Clyburn, one of three Democrats on the FCC, has asked Chairman Tom Wheeler to roll back some of his provisions before the full commission votes on them, FCC officials said.

  The request — which Wheeler has yet to respond to — puts the chairman in the awkward position of having to either roll back his proposals, or defend the tough rules and convince Clyburn to back down.

  It’s an ironic spot for Wheeler, who for months was considered to be favoring weaker rules than those pushed for by his fellow Democrats, before he reversed himself and backed tougher restrictions on Internet service providers.

  Clyburn’s objections complicate the highly anticipated vote and add an extra bit of drama to the already high tensions on the five-member commission.  

  Wheeler will need the votes of both Clyburn and Democratic Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel to pass the rules, since the two Republicans on the commission are expected to vote against anything he proposes.  

  Clyburn’s changes would leave in place the central and most controversial component of Wheeler’s rules — the notion that broadband Internet service should be reclassified so that it can be treated as a telecommunications service under Title II of the Communications Act, similar to utilities like phone lines.

  The full text of the rules will not be revealed to the public until after the FCC’s vote on Thursday morning.”


The Hill has more












FCC Chief Pressed To Release Net Neutrality Rules





” A key Republican lawmaker in Congress called for Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler to make proposed net neutrality regulations public before a planned Thursday vote on the measure.

  In the latest wrinkle in the Republicans’ battle to quash Wheeler’s proposals, Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, who’s also the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, sent a letter today to Wheeler, questioning whether the FCC has been “independent, fair and transparent” in crafting the rules to protect content on the Internet.

” Although arguably one of the most sweeping new rules in the commission’s history, the process was conducted without using many of the tools at the chairman’s disposal to ensure transparency and public review,” he said.

  Chaffetz urged Wheeler to publicly release the 332-page draft order that was given to the other four commissioners nearly three weeks ago and appear at a House Oversight hearing Wednesday before a vote at the FCC’s monthly meeting Thursday.

  Also today, FCC commissioners Ajit Pai and Michael O’Rielly too asked for Wheeler to release the proposal to the public and postpone the Thursday vote to allow for 30 days of public comment.”


Read more













Southern Tier Towns Looking To Cut NY Ties



Southern Tier Secession




” The local economy is pushing one organization in Upstate New York to pose a question: Is it possible to secede to Pennsylvania?

  The Upstate New York Towns Association is researching this very topic. The group says a few factors pushing its research are high property taxes, low sales tax revenue and the recent decision to ban hydraulic fracturing in New York.

” The Southern Tier is desolate,” said Conklin Town Supervisor Jim Finch (R). “We have no jobs and no income. The richest resource we have is in the ground.”

  Finch said the ground in Conklin is rich with natural gas in the Marcellus Shale. However, that shale is unable to be tapped. He described this ban as a violation of his natural rights as a property owner.

  There are 15 towns interested in the secession, according to the Towns Association. These towns are in Broome, Delaware, Tioga and Sullivan counties. The association declined to name the towns without their permission and also declined to comment on specifics at this time. As of now, research is ongoing. The group will be updating Action News with all of their findings in the coming weeks.

  The association said it’s comparing taxes and the cost of doing business in the two states. It says the facts show there is a huge difference between the two. “



Read more on the legacy of Andy Cuomo and the democrat’s iron grip on state politics .











Parties, Golfing, ‘Casino Nights’ Part Of Energy Dept.’s $21M Conference Budget: Report




” Cruise-boat dinners, Super Bowl parties and golf tournaments were part of Department of Energy conferences that cost taxpayers more than $21 million over a 16-month span, according to a new report from the department’s inspector general.

  The report examined more than 300 Energy Department conferences held from April 2013 through September 2014 and found that, in at least some instances, work wasn’t the only thing on the agenda.

“ Our review also identified conference information regarding social events that in our view could lead to negative public perceptions. Existing guidance notes that participation in any associated social events should be limited and restrained to the greatest degree practicable to avoid the appearance of impropriety,” the inspector general said in the report.

“ Despite this admonition, we found that attendance at some conferences included associated social events. For example, [Energy Department documents] showed department-sponsored conferences that included a casino night, Super Bowl party, golf tournament, banquet on a dinner cruise boat, dinner at the NASCAR Hall of Fame and a tour and dinner at an aquarium,” the report said.”

   Washington Times has more on the lavish lifestyles of the Federal employee courtesy of our taxpayer dollars .

Sen. Sessions Releases Lengthy Timeline Of Obama Administration’s Dismantling Of Immigration Law







” As Republicans work to overcome a Democratic filibuster of a House-passed Department of Homeland Security bill that blocks President Barack Obama’s executive amnesty, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) is highlighting the Obama administration’s long history of dismantling immigration laws.

  In a lengthy timeline released Monday, Sessions — the chairman of the Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest — lists every instance of the Obama administration ignoring, rewriting, delaying and breaking the nation’s immigration laws.

  The timeline begins in January 2009 with the administration ending worksite enforcement actions and, 50 pages later, ends on February 13, 2015 with the House Judiciary Committee’s revelation that the administration included a “sneaky” avenue for illegal immigrants granted deferred status to be placed on a pathway to citizenship.”


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