Category: Apocalypse

This Is The Video CNN Will Play When The World Ends






” Thirty-four years ago, at the launch of Ted Turner’s Cable News Network, the founder made a grandiose and specific promise about his newly created round-the-clock operation. “Barring satellite problems, we won’t be signing off until the world ends,” Turner declared. And in anticipation, he prepared a final video segment for the apocalypse:

  We’ll be on, and we will cover the end of the world, live, and that will be our last event. We’ll play the National Anthem only one time, on the first of June [the day CNN launched], and when the end of the world comes, we’ll play ‘Nearer My God To Thee’ before we sign off.

  People thought he was joking. We have proof that he wasn’t. Below is the never-before-seen video the last living CNN employee will be required to play before succumbing to radiation poisoning, the plague, zombies, or whatever crazy end Turner saw coming. “

Jalopnik has the whole story

Sinkhole Swallows Australian Woman Hanging Up Washing







” An Australian woman has been rescued by firefighters after falling into a ten-foot sinkhole in a Melbourne garden.

  The woman, in her early 50s, was hanging out washing in the Springvale garden when she fell into the two-foot wide hole, a Country Fire Authority spokesman said.

  It took approximately 20 minutes for neighbours to hear her cries for help and call emergency services.

  Paramedic Stephanie Palamberis told the ABC in Australia that at one point the woman’s head was under water.

” The woman told us she was hanging washing out in the backyard at about 11.30am when the ground gave way,” she said.

” She fell with the dirt and mud, dropping about three metres and landing in waist deep water.”












How To Survive The Coming Chaos: Hope For The Best, But Prepare For The Worst





” I have long dabbled in the preparedness mindset but never really paid too much attention to it all until my town was hit hard by a mile-wide, category-three tornado that destroyed or severely damaged hundreds of homes in my immediate area. Ordered to evacuate my home for several days the realization that things can change very quickly and that ‘bad things’ can and do happen to otherwise completely normal people has compelled me to re-evaluate my own preparedness for a wide variety of possible scenarios.

  One cannot be hurt by being prepared for whatever may happen, but one will undoubtedly be hurt if one has not prepared for the unexpected. That has become my mindset and how I now approach the concept of preparedness. It just makes good sense to have plans and preparations in place for the unknown. It is every man’s duty to provide and protect his family no matter what happens and being prepared is the ultimate fulfillment of that duty as well as being a valuable insurance policy against a great many possible threats.

  Ideally, one should plan to hunker down and not leave your own home unless you absolutely have to. This is ‘bugging in.’ Planning around this allows you to stock large stockpiles of water, food, and other supplies without any major convenience. Know your neighbors well, and this will allow you to have a small base of supplies and a network of people in the immediate vicinity that can help each other out if things go south quickly for whatever reason. Be a good neighbor now and they’ll be an invaluable neighbor then. I live in a cul-de-sac and know everyone on the block fairly well. I bring them gifts of garden produce in the summers, wave at them when I drive by, and invite them all over when I have my big backyard birthday bashes. We have helped each other out at various times and I would feel comfortable turning to them for assistance or access to tools etc. if I had no choice. Such nominal relationships could come in very handy some day. You never know.

  Let’s examine each of the subjects of preparation I have mentioned: “










    Growing up what boy didn’t try to create his own flamethrower with a match and a can of Lysol ? Well , these “boys” have taken that idea to entirely new heights so if you feel the need to prepare for the zombie apocalypse check out these videos .



This guy scared the crap out of his girlfriend , who was filming the video …




Published on Nov 12, 2012

” To see what this thing can really do check my other video…. This is with a full tank of fuel. Bad ass for info “






Here is the how-to video from Mr Bumgardner explaining how he created his very cool flamethrower … Warning – plenty of “F words” …









Published on May 25, 2013

” Ok yall here is the instructions on how to build it. Any questions just email me and dont be stupid with it, its not a toy. Im not liable for your dumb ass killing yourself or others “





This video is offered by a guy who actually has plans available so that you can make your own . 




Published on Jan 5, 2013

” Our latest flamethrower update! A daylight video to see all the flamethrower details in action. To purchase plans or your very own flamethrower, visit “






     These videos are offered for entertainment purposes only and we shall not be held liable by any idiot that survives blowing him/herself up .










Why Is Kansas Preparing For The Zombie Apocalypse?




” Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback wants his state to be ready when zombies arrive.

  And to make sure Kansas takes the zombie apocalypse seriously, Brownback plans to officially declare October “Zombie Preparedness Month” during a ceremonial event Friday at the Kansas Statehouse.

  Zombie Preparedness Month, however, is not actually about planning a defense for viral reincarnate flesh eaters. Instead, Brownback’s administration wants to capitalize on pop culture’s zombie obsession to raise awareness about disaster planning and response.”

Continue reading

The Corbett Report Discusses The Potential For World War Three





A Motorized Bike Will Help You Survive The Apocalypse






” When the apocalypse arrives (zombie or otherwise), you’ll need to be prepared for anything. Part of said preparedness should certainly involve transportation, and thanks to the folks at Motopeds, there’s a legit option. The Survival Bike: Black Ops Edition hits the trail with a compound crossbow, fuel storage, shovel, tomahawk, harpoon, blade saw, climbing gear, lights and a smattering of tools and knives. To keep you on the correct (read: covert) path, there’s a handlebar mount for that trusty smartphone or GPS unit needed to navigate. Unfortunately, there’s no word on pricing, but the company’s regular chassis kit includes everything you’ll need minus the 4-stroke engine for $1,999.”



Available accessories include …

” Barnett Recruit Compound Crossbow

Rotopax RX-1G Gas Packs – 1 Gallon

United Cutlery M48 Tactical Survival Shovel

United Cutlery M48 Hawk Tomahawk

United Cutlery M48 Hawk Harpoon

Gerber Fixed Blade Saw

Blackburn X6 Light System

Black Diamond Carabiners / Climbing rope

Cree Mini LED Flashlight

BioLogic Bike Mount for iPhone4/gps

Tool Logic Tactical Multifunction Knife / light

Tool Logic Credit Card Companion multi-tool

CRKT Guppie multi-tool

Tactical-Warrior Neck Knife “




Thanks to Engadget












Common Core Survey: You’ll Love The Pufferfish!





” A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds that after being presented with a description of the Common Core, 59 percent of Americans “strongly” or “somewhat” support “adoption and implementation,” while 31 percent oppose it. Of course, as we’ve seen before, the description is key. The WSJ/NBC pollsters used the following:

  The Common Core standards are a new set of education standards for English and math that have been set to internationally competitive levels and would be used in every state for students in grades K through 12.

  This is first biased in favor of the Core in what it says. It is, in fact, highly debatable that the Core is set to top international levels, while the use of “competitive” might suggest that the standards aren’t just benchmarked to top countries, but will help us to compete with them, an empirically hollow suggestion.”


Cato Institute has more on the slanted poll











U.S. States Most And Least Likely To Survive The Zombie Apocalypse





” Given the growing frequency with which zombies appear in movies, TV shows, and your worst nightmares, it’s inevitable the zombie apocalypse will soon be upon us. When it comes to surviving this inevitable showdown with the undead, location is everything. Do you live in a state populated with zealous zombie fighters capable of beating back hordes of brain-hungry walking dead? Estately answered this question with its Zombie Apocalypse Preparedness Rankings, which were determined using the 11 metrics below that measure fighting ability, knowledge of zombies, physical fitness, and access to weapons…

  Active Military Personnel: States with more soldiers per capita means states with more people who are physically fit, trained to fight, and have access to weapons (source).

  Military Veterans: Percentage of veterans per capita is a solid way of measuring fighting experience (source).

  Physically Active: States with residents who rarely get out of their Laz-E-Boy will not escape the zombie menace (source).

  Martial Arts Enthusiasts: Hand-to-hand combat is an important skill when the ammo runs out (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “martial arts” as an interest).

  People with Survival Skills: In the long run, knowing how to survive without modern conveniences in a collapsed society will be critical (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “survival skills” as an interest).

  People with Knowledge of Zombies: To know your enemy you must know their ways (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “zombies, Resident Evil, Zombieland, and The Walking Dead” as interests).

  Laser Tag Enthusiasts: Yes, laser tag. Few things prepare you for a zombie attack in enclosed space (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “laser tag” as an interest).

  People with Guns: Shooting a zombie in the head is really the best way to defeat a zombie, and to do that you need a gun (source).

  Obesity: The obesity epidemic will yield to the zombie epidemic because the obese will struggle with running away from zombies. It’s really very simple (source).

  Paintball Enthusiasts: Those who can slink around the woods unnoticed while splattering their enemies with paint will find success shooting zombies in nature (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “paintball” as an interest).

  Triathletes: When everything breaks down, running, swimming, and bicycling will be ideal ways to escape zombies (source—percentage of Facebook users who listed “Ironman triathlon” as an interest).

Below is a complete ranking of the 50 states based on zombie apocalypse preparedness. Those at the top are the most likely to survive and those at the bottom are the least likely to. Scores are per capita rankings for each category.”










  Despite being physically fit, residents of Massachusetts are almost completely lacking in knowledge of zombies. Ignorance is not bliss, it’s very costly in a zombie apocalypse.


  The Tennessee Zombie Response Unit has its work cut out for it because the rest of state is ill prepared to battle the undead. Tennesseans should abandon their company softball teams and form paintball teams instead.


  For Louisiana, the downside of letting the good times roll is it makes it very difficult outrun the living dead. Lack of physical fitness and limited knowledge of zombies dooms the great state of Louisiana… once it runs out of ammunition.


  Here’s a plan—Alabama confronts its obesity by training for the Alabama Biathalon. It’s a variation of the winter sport, but instead of cross-country skiing you just run around the woods with a gun shooting at everything. It’s like hunting season, but you can’t bring a 24-pack of beer.


  Residents of Connecticut should either begin playing laser tag or start seasoning themselves because if the zombie apocalypse started today they’d get eaten up as appetizers.


  Even though The Walking Dead is set in Georgia, residents there have little interest in zombies. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, the undead will discover Georgia brains are as sweet as Georgia peaches.


  If there were New York travel brochure for zombies it would tout the state’s lack of veterans, limited enthusiasm for survival skills, and scarcity of firearms.


  Our nation’s capital has almost no knowledge of zombies, martial arts, or firearm ownership. It’s going to be an all-you-can-eat brain buffet for the zombies.


M-I-S-S-I-S-S-I-P-P-Die. Everybody is going to die. From zombies.


  If the zombie apocalypse began today, and you live in New Jersey, the odds are 100% that you’ve already been bitten and have become a zombie, unless you took a course from New Jersey’s own Zombie Survival Course. It’s real, and it could definitely save your life… even though they criticized our article (video proof).


Check out these articles about our zombie list…

CNET: When the zombie apocalypse hits, pray you’re in Alaska

Wall Street Journal: If a Zombie Epidemic Hits, New Jersey Is Screwed (Map)



Read the rest at Estately











Guide To Prepping


Map Reveals What Our Planet Would Look Like If Sea Levels Rose By 260ft








” Global sea levels have risen by 8 inches (20cm) since 1880 and scientists predict they could rise up to 3ft (98cm) by 2100.

  But despite the UN’s recent threats of war, famine and extreme weather, such a dramatically different world caused by sea level rise can be hard to imagine.

  To help picture the future, Martin Vargic, an amateur graphic designer from Slovakia, has created a map depicting the planet with sea levels around 260ft (79m) higher than they are today.

  He imagines what Earth would look like if the ice sheets surrounding the North and South poles melted, releasing five million cubic miles of water into the world’s oceans.

  Whilst at first glance it doesn’t seem much different to a map of the world today, a closer looks shows huge unshaded areas swamped by water with today’s existing coastlines depicted in dotted lines.”



   The Daily Mail has more on these beautifully crafted , doomsday scenarios and the original creations can be viewed here in all their magnified detail .













Op-Ed: Civilization Could Crash In 15 Years- NASA Study





” Sydney – NASA’s new study says the crunch time for civilization could be very near. Usually, when civilizations fall, it’s a big deal. Whether or not anybody will even notice the fall of this particular civilization is highly debatable.


The Guardian:


A new study sponsored by Nasa’s Goddard Space Flight Center has highlighted the prospect that global industrial civilization could collapse in coming decades due to unsustainable resource exploitation and increasingly unequal wealth distribution.


Noting that warnings of ‘collapse’ are often seen to be fringe or controversial, the study attempts to make sense of compelling historical data showing that “the process of rise-and-collapse is actually a recurrent cycle found throughout history.” Cases of severe civilisational disruption due to “precipitous collapse – often lasting centuries – have been quite common.”


     NASA is sounding like an adjunct to the extremists of the Democratic party . While the drumbeat of income inequality is sure to grow louder and louder as the 2014 election nears we wouldn’t expect such a blatant show of partisanship from an allegedly apolitical scientific organization such as NASA , but such is life in Obama’s Amerika .



” You can see where this is going. Distribution of wealth, social inequalities, etc. One word would do- “Mismanagement”. The historical societies didn’t just collapse. They fell to pieces over time. At any point, they could have revived, but they didn’t. 

Old economics are still very much part of this perspective. The economic hierarchy is given as the primary symptom of the decline of civilization. Resource depletion is cited as the primary issue for economic management. “




The fact is that we are not in disagreement with the concept of the “s**t hitting the fan” , on the contrary , we see no other possible result under our present leadership of ignorance , foolishness and corruption . No , where we take issue with the NASA prediction is in the root causes … NASA’s main focus deems “income inequality” and “unsustainable resource exploitation” as the culprit in civilization’s impending death , which is just another way of demanding MORE GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION .




” As a matter of fact, inequalities have existed since the caves. There are no recorded instances of any society of economically equal people, either, in those 5000 years. Quite the opposite, the “1%” of the historical past records the elites, not the mass of the society. “




  We here at YouViewed on the other hand feel that the demise of our way of life , should it come to be and things are not looking good  , will be a direct result of an overabundance of State action rather than a need for more . Trying to shift the blame to two of the Left’s favorite stalking horses all but guarantees our imminent collapse by throwing more gasoline on the already raging pyre . The solution to our ills lies at the very fingertips of our innovative citizenry if only those fingertips weren’t being crushed under the boot heel of the Leviathan State .

 ” History is made by individuals and groups, not by the whole society.” 



Read the rest







2011 Japan Tsunami Caught On CCTV Cameras



Published on Jul 27, 2013

” This tsunami footage was recorded on CCTV cameras that were placed along Route 45 in Iwate Prefecture. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) published it in the sped-up form, because the original videos were in very low frame rate.

Camera #1 (on the roof of Miyako City Hall):

Camera #2 (in Taro, Miyako City):

Camera #3 (in Osawa, Yamada Town):

The video data was retrieved from:
Science & Technology

Credits: Public Domain: we believe this television episode is in the public domain. If you have any evidence that this video is not in the public domain please e-mail us urgently.”









Unedited Footage Of The Bombing Of Nagasaki (Silent)






Published on Feb 6, 2014

” This silent film shows the final preparation and loading of the “Fat Man” bomb into “Bockscar,” the plane which dropped the bomb on Nagasaki. It then shows the Nagasaki explosion from the window of an observation plane. This footage comes from Los Alamos National Laboratory. I have not edited it in any way from what they gave me except to improve the contrast a little — it is basically “raw.” I have annotated it with some notes on the bombing and what you can see — feel free to disable the annotations if you don’t want them.

More details here, on my blog:… “


HT/Libertarian Republic








Federal Reserve Issues Warning, Bank Drills, Possible False Flag




” Either the new Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen is a prepper, or there is something afoot in the world of banking. If she is a prepper, I missed any indication of that in her background. Bankers typically talk in terms of contingency plans and liquidation programs, not prepping for disasters.

  In January of this year, Supervisory Regulation (SR) 14-01 was issued in regarding the need for bank preparedness particularly for the eight bank holding companies (BHCs) in the United States. According to the memo, there are eight Bank Holding Companies that appear to be at risk and that risk threatens the financial stability of the United States. These eight companies are Bank of America Corporation, Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, PLC, Citigroup Inc., Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, State Street Corporation, and Wells Fargo & Company.”


Story continues
















Survival Food – 56 Long-Term Survival Foods And Supplies At The Grocery Store




” With the help of suggestions that have come in from our readers, we have compiled a list of the top food items and emergency supplies that you can buy at the grocery store. The list contains foods with a long shelf life, items that have multiple uses, and supplies that are great for bartering.”





” Survival Food that adds flavor & comfort: These four foods can be stored for over 10 years and are a great way to add a little bit of flavor to your cooking. If stored properly they can probably last indefinitely.

  1. Salt
  2. Sugar – Brown or White
  3. Raw Honey
  4. Alcohol – Whiskey, Vodka, etc…

Hard Grains: Stored properly hard grains have a shelf life of around 10 – 12 years.

  1. Buckwheat
  2. Dry Corn
  3. Kamut
  4. Hard Red Wheat
  5. Soft White Wheat
  6. Millet
  7. Durum wheat
  8. Spelt “



Read the rest at OffGridSurvival









Wall Street Adviser: Actual Unemployment Is 37.2%, ‘Misery Index’ Worst In 40 Years






” Don’t believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

  In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

  Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn’t being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“ The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.

Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent.


You can see Marotta’s website here as well as other articles he has written here .








Health Officials Respond To Beach Radiation Scare




” An amateur video of a Geiger counter showing what appear to be high radiation levels at a Coastside beach has drawn the attention of local, state and federal public health officials. Since being posted last week, the short video has galvanized public concerns that radioactive material could be landing on the local coastline after traveling from Japan as a result of the 2011 meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi reactors.

  Government officials say they are looking into the video shot on Dec. 23 and performing their own sampling of the beaches, but they have found no indication so far that radiation levels were hazardous.

“ It’s not something that we feel is an immediate public health concern,” said Dean Peterson, county environmental health director. “We’re not even close to the point of saying that any of this is from Fukushima.””


Read more here and below .


Officials reject concerns over 500 percent radiation increase on California beach

Fukushima Blamed for 500 Percent Higher Radiation Levels (Video)








Zombie Survival Tips #20




Published on May 30, 2013

” Subscribe to My friend KGBsurivalist:…

Don’t have any tools to open a can no problem just use concrete

My 2nd channel:



check it out!









Fukushima Meltdown: 2 Underground Nuclear Explosions At Crippled Plant On Dec 31





” According to the report, Ministry of Defense (MOD) “assets” associated with the Red Banner Pacific Fleet detected two low-level, underground atomic explosions in the Fukushima disaster zone on Dec 31,

  • The first explosion measured 5.1 magnitude in intensity
  • The second, a 3.6 magnitude explosion followed moments later

The MOD further reports that evidence that these underground nuclear explosions occurred after mysterious steam plumes were spotted on Dec 19, then again on Dec 24, 25, and 27.”



Read more here , here and here .








 For Some Reason, I Can’t Look Away…

” These real life ruins offer an eerie glimpse into a world without humans. Their dark walls inspire a sense of wonder like I’ve never felt before.”



5. Willard Asylum – Willard, New York







” Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane was built in 1869 and closed in 1995. Housing 4000 patients at its peak, more than half of the 50,000 patients who called Willard Asylum their home died within its walls. This makes the asylums morgue (pictured above) one of the creepiest places we can imagine. By its closure, most patients were eventually integrated back into society, but in the early days “people didn’t leave unless it was in a box.” “




” 22. Wreck of the SS America – Fuerteventura, Canary Islands




” This former United States ocean liner was wrecked in 1994 after 54 years of service.”

See all the creepiness at Distractify








How A Deadly Disease Could Spread Worldwide






” A team of experts have created a video showing how a deadly virus would spread across the world.

  As the world becomes increasingly connected, the spread of disease too becomes more mobile.

  With over three billion passengers travelling by air every year, researchers have found that diseases and viruses can travel far faster and more effectively through busy airports than around cities in the same country.

  Scientists at Berlin’s Humboldt-Universität, ETH Zurich, Northwestern University and Robert Koch Institute developed a mathematical theory showing how a deadly virus would spread.”


Continue Reading








Beneath Yellowstone, A Volcano That Could Wipe Out U.S.


The Grand Prismatic Spring is beautiful but it sits just above a dangerous supervolcano.
Photo: Reuters



” A team from the University of Utah have told the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco that Yellowstone’s magma chamber is 2.5 times larger than previously thought.

  It is an underground cavern measuring some 55 miles by 20 miles and containing between 125 and 185 billion cubic miles of molten rock.

  If it blows it will wipe out America – and have enormous impacts on the rest of the world.

  The university researchers described their discovery as “astounding.”

  Professor Bob Smith told the BBC: “We’ve been working there for a long time, and we’ve always thought it would be bigger … but this finding is astounding.” “









When A Panic Room Is No Longer Enough: The ‘Billionaire Bunkers’ In America With Recognition Software, Hidden Passageways And Enough Provisions To Sustain Families For Three Generations



” Wealthy families across the country are shelling out millions to protect their loved ones from intruders, natural disasters or the apocalypse as home security goes increasingly sci-fi.

Companies that provide concerned homeowners with futuristic gadgets – and a priceless peace of mind – have revealed the growing demand of costly bunkers, passageways, panic rooms and recognition software.

Chris Pollack – president of Pollack+Partners, a design and construction adviser in Purchase, New York – told Forbes that, while security has always been important for the wealthiest clients, the spending on home security has noticeably grown in the past five years.

And the options available on the market are like something from a Bond film.”


Protection: Creative Home Engineering, provides secret passageways by hiding their entrances in custom-made bookcases


   This is a fast growing market with the wealthy paying big dollars to protect and preserve their loved ones . It is a disturbing commentary on the times that we live in .



   The possibilities are endless and limited only be imagination and budget , however , if you are clever enough and handy even the average craftsman could produce a hidden space in their home . As much as big budgets can make the spaces luxurious , simple ingenuity and time can make for a safe retreat of your own on a limited budget .