Category: Anonymous

Anonymous: Martial Law Is Here! Get A Gun Now




Published on Apr 3, 2015

” Martial Law is here, in beta form and is developing in the finalization of their Martial Law program. This is unfortunate and how are people still ignoring reality? We are about to witness the BIGGEST revolution in the history of the world and they are prepping their official completion of the New World Order Agenda. This video will shock you and this is a very serious issue of our very safety. Will we be remembered in history? Time only can say. This is something we need to start getting armed and ready. Illuminati, your time is nearing an end. Too late for you to expect us. Now it is really WAR! We paid the price for ignoring the plans, and now they are paying for the price and we are making them running for cover and failing forward scared that they know they are losing this revolutionary war. I WANT YOU TO GET MAD!!! WAKE THE F#$& UP PEOPLE! It is too late to complain now. It is now time to fight or we are screwed. We thank those youtubers exposing this and we are using your videos to wake up those who are remain asleep. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive the Illuminati. We do not forget what they have done. We are MAD AS HELL AND WE WILL NOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE! Time for you Illuminati to die, so expect that. You want war Illuminati? You got war against you. “










Anonymous: Urgent Update Jade Helm





We Are Anonymous

We are legion 

We do not forgive

We do not forget

Expect us

Anonymous – Code Blue – 2015





Published on Mar 6, 2015




Apologies for the caps , but the post came that way and there was too much text for us to redo … the message remains regardless of the SHOUTING …

A Message From Anonymous To Chicago Police #OPGitmo2Chicago




Published on Feb 27, 2015


Saturday, February 28 at 3:00pm in CST
3379 W Fillmore St. Chicago, IL

More information here…


Please invite as many of your friends to this event as possible.



Copy + Paste these tweets or create your own. Do not retweet, the hashtag will not trend.

If you are writing your own tweets, make sure to include the #Gitmo2Chicago hashtag, also try to include @rahmemanuel!

You do not need to post more than once every five minutes, especially to avoid suspension of your account, although having a high volume of tweets all at once is the objective to make the tag trend and bring the issue to more people’s attention.

Chicago Police are operating a secret detention facility that mirrors the CIA’s “black sites.”… #Gitmo2Chicago

Hubbard was found dead in an interview room, no records exist on cause of death. #Gitmo2Chicago…

Violations of due process to torture, revelations raise concerns of deteriorating state of freedom #Gitmo2Chicago…

The egregious nature of this danger to liberty cannot be overstated. Demand @rahmemanuel shut it down. #Gitmo2Chicago…

Join the Protest– Saturday, February 28 3:00pm…#Gitmo2Chicago

Scariest part is likelihood of more locations across US where police can secretly detain/kill #NDAA #Gitmo2Chicago…

Secret interrogation facility reveals aspects of war on terror in US #Gitmo2Chicago…

‘They disappeared us’: protester details 17-hour shackling without basic rights… #Gitmo2Chicago

Accounts describe police brutality, missing 15-year-old and one man’s death #Gitmo2Chicago…

Infamous GITMO “Interrogator” Also Tortured Americans And Forced Confessions As A Chicago Cop… #Gitmo2Chicago

Military Police From the Torturous Gitmo Prison, Being Recruited as Cops… #Gitmo2Chicago


Chicago police you can expect us tomorrow “














Kristiana Coignard: ‘Anonymous’ Hacker Group Threatens Revenge For Teen Girl Slain By Cops





” The heartbreaking case of Kristiana Coignard, a 17-year-old girl gunned down by Longview, Texas, police officers in the lobby of their own police station last Thursday, has drawn the attention of the online hacker collective “Anonymous,” which threatened retaliation Saturday against the police and the city of Longview over the girl’s death by police gunfire.

  The Inquisitr on Sunday reported the tragic but equally mysterious story of the Kristiana Coignard killing, which took place after the teen walked into the Longview police station lobby in the early evening and used a courtesy phone, requesting to speak with an officer.

“ When Officers arrived they were confronted by a white female who threatened them,” according to the Longview Police Facebook page. “The suspect brandished a weapon, made threatening movements toward the officers and was shot.” “

  Kristiana Coignard was reportedly shot “multiple times,” with three officers involved. She was transported to a nearby hospital, where she was pronounced dead. But police have not released any video or audio of the incident though they have acknowledged that such evidence exists.”




  Here is a surveillance camera video of the killing. The confrontation escalates to the physical at about eight minutes and the shooting starts at approximately the 11 minute mark: 






The police’s version of events goes like this:


” According to police, Kristiana Coignard entered the lobby of the police station at 6:28 p.m., picked up the lobby phone and asked for help, but she would not say why she needed help.

  Officer Glenn Derr was the first officer to arrive. When he did, police say Coignard indicated that she had a gun.

“ She had ‘I have a gun’ written on her hand,” Brian said.

  A physical confrontation began when Derr tried to secure Coignard. 

  During the confrontation, Derr determined Coignard had a butcher knife that she was trying to pull from her waistband.

  Derr got away from Coignard. Then, Officer Gene Duffie entered the lobby during the confrontation and drew his Taser.

  A third officer, Grace Bagley, entered the department lobby and saw Coignard had a knife. Police say Coignard charged Derr with the knife in a threatening manner. Duffie then deployed his Taser at Coignard, but police said it had no effect.

  Derr then fired his weapon three times, and Bagley fired her weapon twice. “

     A careful viewing of the video begs many questions . For one , why was Officer Derr alone in dealing with the girl for the first few minutes , why after he had her on the ground , face down was he not able to keep her there , and finally after two other officers arrive , why do they allow her to stand up ? Also , in the video it is apparent that after again gaining her footing , the young lady does not charge the cops , but heads for the counter when the officers open fire . Where was the imminent threat ?

   Another question that comes to mind is what kind of marksmanship training do these cops receive when  three officers had to fire five shots in the confines of the lobby ? What was the range ? 10 feet ? 15 tops ?

    Undoubtedly the police will rule the shooting justified , as is nearly always the case , but we find it disgraceful that three officers were incapable of subduing a slender teenaged girl , armed with a knife or not , without using deadly force . Apparently the officer’s singular duty is to protect their own lives and not those of the public . Shameful .

Read more herehere and here

‘Hacktivist’ Group Anonymous Says It Will Avenge Charlie Hebdo Attacks By Shutting Down Jihadist Websites





” Hacker group Anonymous have released a video and a statement via Twitter condemning the attacks on Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people, including eight journalists, were murdered.

  The video description says that it is “a message for al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists”, and was uploaded to the group’s Belgian account.

  In the clip, a figure wearing the group’s symbolic Guy Fawkes mask is seated in front of a desk with the hashtag #OpCharlieHebdo – which stands for Operation Charlie Hebdo – featured on screen.

  The figure, whose voice is obscured says: “We are declaring war against you, the terrorists.”

  They add that the group will track down and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.”


The Telegraph has more












Anonymous Hacking Attack Lands British Rock Guitarist In Jail




” Geoffrey “Jake” Commander, a rock guitarist who has played with the Electric Light Orchestra, George Harrison and Elton John, among others, walked unnoticed through the halls of the U.S. District Court in Alexandria early Friday afternoon.

  Having been found indigent by a federal judge, the 66-year-old was accompanied by a court-appointed lawyer. Nearly four years to the day earlier, as his attorney put it, Commander, “like the crew of Gilligan’s Island, went on a three-hour tour that led to disastrous consequences.”

  He was one of 13 people charged last year as members of the underground group Anonymous in attacks against financial institutions and other companies. Initially, he faced up to 10 years in federal prison.

  Later, though, the case was quietly downgraded to a misdemeanor. On Friday, Commander was sentenced to 10 days in the Alexandria jail. With credit for one day served already after his arrest, he’ll be out early next week.

  Records hardly depict Commander as a cybercrime mastermind as much as an online surfer who stumbled his way into an unfamiliar chat room. Once there, in what he later would call an “impulsive, spurious and foolish” decision, he clicked on a link that would lead him years later right into the crosshairs of the Justice Department. “


Washington Times











Anonymous Take Down Ft. Lauderdale’s Site For Anti-Homeless Laws




” The hacktivist group Anonymous is no fan of Fort Lauderdale’s new laws targeting the Florida city’s homeless population, and they took down multiple city websites to prove it.

  Using a denial-of-service attack, Anonymous was able to crash two websites and the city’s email service on Monday, the Sun-Sentinel reported. The main city website,, was taken down for hours, as was the police department website.

  Mayor Jack Seiler told the newspaper that all systems were back online around 6:30 p.m. local time, though sporadic problems were reported. Residents looking to pay utility bills were also denied during the outage.”


We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us


Russia Today



Update: Broward Circuit Judge Thomas Lynch has issued a stay on Ft Lauderdale’s anti-homeless feeding laws :


” A judge ordered Fort Lauderdale on Tuesday to temporarily stop enforcing a new law than restricts the feeding of homeless people, intervening in a controversy that has brought the city a storm of negative international attention.”












Anonymous Issues Lists Of Demands To The Cleveland Police Department

” The following Anonymous communiqué and video were sent to Counter Current News by the hacktivists who outed Cleveland Police Officer Timothy Loehmann. Loehmann was the responding officer who shot 12-year-old Tamir Rice at a Cleveland area park last month.

  Along with the video, and the police dispatch information it contains, the Anonymous hacktivists issued a list of demands to the Cleveland Police Department… “

We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us

For those readers that haven’t seen the surveillance video of the 12-year old being gunned down , here it is again :

Read the communique at CounterCurrent News

Anonymous – Exposing UK Pedophilia Ring In #OpDeathEaters








” Greetings world, We Are Anonymous.

  The biggest story of our generation is unfolding in the
UK to near complete silence in the international corporate media. The
UK media that cover it at all depict it as a ‘sex scandal’ committed by
‘child lovers’.

  What the UK media depicts as “child sex” has left
children missing the lower half of their bodies. These so-called ‘sex
scandals’ involve children provided for torture as bait to blackmail
political opponents in Northern Ireland. The UK has open files on 200
missing boys from 1977 and 1983 The investigation has so far involved a
huge circle of UK establishment from media, politicians, police and
intelligence, known to police as The Untouchables. There are
international ties being ignored.

  To the people of the UK, your ruling classes are
preying on you. Not just in the ways you always knew they were. Our
friends in the UK, just like our friends in Gabon, have a political
class that is torturing and murdering their children and mutilating
their bodies. Unlike in Gabon, the UK media is following the direction
of the Paedophile Information Exchange and telling you these people are
child lovers who need understanding and tolerance. They are telling you
this is sex. Who controls the words controls your thoughts.

  This is not sex.
These people feed off the agony of others. They cause
wars and destruction during their working hours and they torture and
murder children as recreation.
These are not child lovers.
These are death eaters.

  To the people of the world, this story is not limited
to the UK. Unlike us, death eaters have no borders. Human trafficking is
the biggest criminal industry in the world. Death eaters have global

 The CSA inquiry in the UK is an attempt to depict a
powerful cult as a string of isolated incidents of “sex abuse”. The
complicit UK media is running a huge propaganda campaign to conflate
torture and murder with “pedophilia” and call for understanding of
“pedophilia”. This is not a group of sad pedophiles who need help and
understanding. This is a torture and death cult with a powerful global
human trafficking network. We demand that torture and murder be called
torture and murder, not sex. This is an international cult and needs to
be investigated as one, not simply as an endless series of isolated
incidents confined to the UK. We call upon our comrades globally to help
us investigate and demand an end to to the trafficking networks with
arrests at the top not just the bottom. We demand an end to human
trafficking and abuse complicity worldwide.”






We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget 

Expect Us


The Million Mask March 2014 – Largest World Protest By The Most Influential Group In The World








What is The ‘Million Mask March’? 

” Last year thousands of people worldwide joined Million Mask March rallies organized by the amorphous Anonymous movement. Rallies, both peaceful and confrontational, protested austerity, surveillance, corporate greed and corrupt governments.

  In a mass demonstration of people power, crowds in 450 cities around the world filled the streets wearing Guy Fawkes masks. “The corrupt fear us. The honest support us. The heroic join us” – under this motto protesters united in a global mass-march to deliver various messages. 

  From Sydney to Los Angeles, from Johannesburg to London – thousands came forward to make their voices heard. Among key ideas which virtually connected all different protests were anti-capitalist idealism and the rejection of NSA surveillance. Some rallies had a sense of carnival, where whole families with kids marched in protest, while other gatherings – like in London and Washington – turned more intense, with people not hiding their rage.

  You Want To Participate This Year In The Million Mask March 2014 with thousands of others all around the world? “






” Here is all information you need for 2014:



Make sure you have the latest version of Google maps.

  Go to:  (.com, .org & .net lead to the same place).  Once you start zooming in,  city names/event pages and the search option will appear.   As a protective measure, copy this link for safekeeping in case anything ever happens to this web site: “



Million Mask March




1.  We add events to the map that you create.

2.  If you only see a 2013 event, contact the group, ask if they’ll update it to 2014 and email us here or on Facebook with the link so we can add it to the map. Posting links on our FB discussion threads as the only way of informing us is discouraged. “





We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us













Mystery: Posters In NYC, D.C. Call Clintons ‘America’s Lannisters’




” A new Clinton mystery has hit New York City and Washington, D.C. with the surprise display of posters declaring the Clintons as “America’s Most Dangerous Family” and “America’s Lannisters.”

  Pulled by advertising bikes over the weekend, the posters use themes from TV’s “Game of Thrones” and “House of Cards” in portraying BillHillary and Chelsea Clinton — and advisor James Carville — as evil, though they don’t indicate exactly what the advertising is for.

  One of the ad posters appears similar to the style of the hit Netflix series, “House of Cards.” The poster is in black and white and shows Bill and Hillary under an upside down U.S. flag, the sign of distress. That poster reads, “America’s Most Dangerous Family.” “



Washington Examiner













How To Stop Facebook From Tracking Your Browsing History




” Last week, Facebook announced that it was going to start tracking our browsing activity. Facebook is claiming that this feature is part of its ad-tailoring program (it also recently introduced a tool that lets you give feedback on ads). Of course, it’s not quite that innocent: Advertisers will pay more for information on what you do outside of Facebook because it will help them target you better inside of Facebook.

  Sound good to you? Great, carry on! No? You have some choices, including privacy company Abine’s new DoNotTrackMe tool for Facebook.

” It is crazy for anyone to allow Facebook to collect their browsing history when they’re not even logged into Facebook,” said Abine CEO Rob Shavell, in a press release announcing the technology. “The idea that one company should be trusted to know about our friends and family and then also everything we do online is insane.”

  And the scope of Facebook’s tracking ability is greater than you may think. “Our browsing history, which Facebook can only collect because of the many ‘like’ and ‘login’ buttons they have placed on other sites, allows Facebook to connect two critical sets of information about us: ‘Who we are,’ our identity and personal information and social graph; [and] ‘what we do,’ which sites we go to each day, what we do there, and more,” Shavell explained via email. 

” You might have ‘nothing to hide,’ but if you have a Facebook account and surf without technology protecting you from this new default on data collection, you will certainly find out,” he says. “

From the DoNotTrackMe website

” If you’re like the average web user, you’re unknowingly tracked over 100 times each time you surf the web.

  DoNotTrackMe automatically blocks these tracking companies – ad networks, social networks, and sneaky data collection companies – from tracking your browsing behind the scenes. DoNotTrackMe has blocked over 1 trillion attempts to track millions of users’ browsing and actively blocks over 600 of these companies.

  DoNotTrackMe also protects your email address, phone, and credit card from being abused by companies on the web and on your mobile device.”

    The more we learn of Facebook , the more we want to have nothing to do with it . Read more on protecting your privacy from those corporate Statists of Zuckerberg’s at the Daily Dot .

Anonymous – Who We Really Are And How To Become Anonymous






” What is Anonymous? Anonymous is not a group, it is not a person. It is an idea. Specifically it is the idea, that all of us deserve FREEDOM.

Freedom of thought, of speech, of expression, of knowledge, of belief.

The Freedom to determine the course and destination of our own lives.

If your share this IDEA, THAN YOU ARE ANONYMOUS.

You have likely heard many things about Anonymous, some of them are true and some of them are not.

We are not hackers.

We are not terrorists.

We are not violent.

We are citizens of the world who bear witness to tyranny, oppression and censorship.

We are activists who seek to change the system and the cycle of corruption.

We seek to create transparency in governments and all institutions of public service.

We resist those who seek to violate our rights as human beings.

As a collective of autonomous individuals however,

WE HAVE NO LEADERS who dictate the methods of resistance.

Some of us are indeed hackers, who use our skills to make critical information available to the public.

Some of us organize protests and rallies.

Some of us volunteer our time to feed those who can’t feed themselves.

We are your neighbours, your friends, and your relatives.

We prepare your food, repair your appliances, write your books, compose your music, and create your technology.

We are your postal workers, barbers, store clerks and lawyers.

We are socialists, capitalists, we are atheists and we are religious, WE ARE EVERYONE

and we are no one.



United as One,

Divided by Zero.







Anonymous Creed by Rai-ZeSoldier



We Are Anonymous

We Are Legion

We Do Not Forgive

We Do Not Forget

Expect Us















Darkcoin, The Shadowy Cousin Of Bitcoin, Is Booming






” In only a month, the little-known bitcoin alternative known as Darkcoin has rocketed nearly tenfold in value–from around 75 cents a coin to almost seven dollars. Its selling point: Darkcoin offers far greater anonymity than bitcoin, mixing up users’ transactions so that it’s incredibly difficult to trace a payment to a person. And though few have yet to accept that more-anonymous coin for actual goods and services, the promise of Darkcoin’s privacy features seems to have sparked a miniature boom. It’s one of the fastest growing among the wave of cryptocurrencies that’s followed bitcoin’s success, with the total value of its combined coins topping out at nearly $30 million.”







” Darkcoin, supporters argue, serves a real privacy need. Despite its reputation for being more anonymous than traditional money, the bitcoin network actually allows anyone to see every transaction on a public accounting ledger known as the blockchain. Users often have to take extra steps, like mixing their coins in a “laundry” service, to prevent those addresses from being tied to their identity by any government or corporation that wants to snoop.”












Out In The Open: The Tiny Box That Lets You Take Your Data Back From Google








” The National Security Agency is scanning your email. Google and Facebook are hoarding your personal data. And online advertisers are selling your shopping habits to the highest bidder.

  Today, more than ever, people are thinking about how to opt out of this madness without quitting the internet entirely. The obvious answer is to host your own web apps on your own computer server. And thanks to the burgeoning Indie Web Movement, there’s no shortage of open source alternatives to popular services like Google Calendar, Facebook’s photo albums, or Dropbox’s file sharing. The problem is that setting up and managing your own server is a pain in the neck–at least for the average

  For open source developer Johannes Ernst, what the world really needs is a simple device that anyone can use to take their data back from the wilds of the internet. So he designed the Indie Box, a personal web server preloaded with open source software that lets you run your own web services from your home network–and run them with relative ease. Any system administrator will tell you that setting up a server is just the first step. Maintaining it is the other big problem. Indie Box seeks to simplify both, with an option to fully automate all updates and maintenance tasks, from operating system patches to routine database migrations.

  You can’t buy an Indie Box yet, but you can pre-order one through the crowdfunding site Indie GoGo. A completely assembled device costs $500. That may sound like a lot, but Ernst argues that the cost is in line with other machines equipped with similar hardware. And the prices could eventually come down if Ernst is successful in raising funds for the project. Eventually, the Indie Box software platform will be available to download, and that will let people install all its tools on their own hardware.”


Wired has more and you can go to Indie Box’s homepage here









Every Week, 2 Anonymous Students Sneak Into A Classroom And Proceed To Blow Everyone’s Mind


The artists have chosen quotes from various people.




” At the Columbus College of Art and Design, two rogue college students are creating quite a stir… but not by any normal means. They aren’t cheating or stealing, they are causing a creative riot. The anonymous duo, who go by the name Dangerdust, sneak into a classroom each week and create a masterpiece out of nothing but chalk.”

21 - Wq86d5y

” The pair are both seniors in Advertising & Graphic Design, and they are probably busy with a larger than life course-load, but they still remain passionate about their weekly chalk art. These two create some of the most beautiful (and inspiring) art you’ll ever see.”


Visit Viral Nova for many more examples of “Dangerdust’s” fabulous weekly chalkboard artwork












Woman Spotted Walking Man On A Lead Through The Streets Of London




” Commuters heading to work in London this morning were baffled by the sight of a woman ‘walking’ a man on all fours.

  With a collar round his neck and a pink lead, the man was smartly dressed in suit trousers, white shirt and black shoes as he meekly crawled after the woman through the streets of Farringdon, in the centre of the capital.

  Onlookers suspected it was a PR stunt but the woman, who was also smartly dressed and carried a cup of coffee in her other hand, was giving nothing away.”


 The writers want to know who they are : “Do you know who these people are? If so, contact Harriet Arkell on”

Courtesy of The Daily Mail

Albuquerque Security Forces Use Tear Gas On Raging Protesters After Fatal Police Shooting






” Albuquerque police have violently cracked down on protesters, using tear gas and arresting several demonstrators, after over nine hours of unrest. Hundreds expressed their anger over last week’s police shooting that saw a homeless man killed.

  At the beginning of the rally, protesters asked police to take responsibility for their actions.

“ The police serve us, they do not kill us,” one protester told the local KRQE media outlet, while one of the demonstrators held a sign that read, “APD: Dressed To Kill.”







” Another activist, Alexander Siderits, 23, told AP he was participating because he was “fed up” with how police treat citizens.

” It has reached a boiling point, and people just can’t take it anymore,” he stressed.

  The protesters are angry at the Albuquerque police’s involvement in 37 shootings, 23 of them fatal, over the past four years. Many believe it is far too many for a city with around 550,000 inhabitants. The most recent case of a police shooting happened on March 16 when a homeless man was shot dead on the east side of Albuquerque. The incident was caught on video and the FBI has now opened an investigation into the man’s death.”



RT has more








Anonymous Press Release Operation Albuquerque





Published on Mar 25, 2014

” TheAnonPress Facebook:

  Greetings city of Albuquerque, we are Anonymous. Recently, a video has been released to the public which shows Albuquerque Police Officers murdering a man in cold blood for ‘illegally camping’. This man, which was schizophrenic, obviously had no intention of hurting these police officers, on the contrary, this man looks as if he is simply attempting to protect himself from visually fierce militarized thugs. Whether this man had a history of crime is irrelevant. We drastically need to address the growing police state that has occupied our country. When will we say no more? How many more citizens will be murdered? Naturally, the APD will attempt to label Anonymous as a terrorist organization for our demands of justice, but the question has to be asked. Who do we terrorize? Is it not a growing police state that terrorizes it’s own citizens?

  APD you now have the full attention of Anonymous. To the citizens of Albuquerque, it’s time to organize. On March 30th we are asking the citizens of Albuquerque to occupy the APD HQ and occupy the sites of the Albuquerque Police Department. Let them know that your city is not a place for war games against the homeless and the less fortunate. Anonymous grab your cannons and aim them at Albuquerque police websites.

DATE/Time: March 30th 3am UTC/GMT

Know that this will not stand. APD, you should have expected us. “



We are Anonymous.

We are Legion.

We do not forgive.

We do not forget.

Expected us.











UPDATE: Encrypt The Web Report: Who’s Doing What


EFF Privacy Report


” We’ve asked the companies in our Who Has Your Back Program what they are doing to bolster encryption in light of the NSA’s unlawful surveillance of your communications. We’re pleased to see that four five six seven companies—Dropbox, Facebook, Google, Microsoft,,SpiderOak, and Twitter—are implementing five out of five of our best practices for encryption. See the infographic.

  By adopting these practices, described below, these service providers have taken a critical step towards protecting their users from warrantless seizure of their information off of fiber-optic cables. By enabling encryption across their networks, service providers can make backdoor surveillance more challenging, requiring the government to go to courts and use legal process. While Lavabit’s travails have shown how difficult that can be for service providers, at least there was the opportunity to fight back in court.

  While not every company in our survey has implemented every recommendation, each step taken helps, and we appreciate those who have worked to strengthen their security. We hope that every online service provider adopts these best practices and continues to work to protect their networks and their users.”


     Read more at EFF and consider making a donation to help fund their valuable contributions to online freedom and privacy .







Thomas Jefferson Speaks




Published on Feb 26, 2014

In Congress, July 4, 1776

The Unanimous Declaration of the 13 United States of America.

” When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpation’s, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpation’s, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. “









NorCal Couple Finds $10M In Gold Coins; May Be Greatest Buried Treasure Ever Found In U.S.





” A couple has made the buried treasure find of a lifetime – gold coins worth millions of dollars – on their property in Northern California.

  A cache of more than 1,400 rare U.S. gold coins, stored in decaying metal cans and buried near an old tree on the property, was discovered as the couple were taking their dog on a daily walk.

  The estimated value is believed to be in excess of $10 million and may be the most valuable hoard of gold coins unearthed in North America, according to veteran numismatist Don Kagin.”


Read more and drool …








How Covert Agents Infiltrate The Internet To Manipulate, Deceive, And Destroy Reputations





” One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how western intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction. It’s time to tell a chunk of that story, complete with the relevant documents.

  Over the last several weeks, I worked with NBC News to publish a series of articles about “dirty trick” tactics used by GCHQ’s previously secret unit, JTRIG (Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group). These were based on four classified GCHQ documents presented to the NSA and the other three partners in the English-speaking “Five Eyes” alliance. Today, we at the Intercept are publishing another new JTRIG document, in full, entitled “The Art of Deception: Training for Online Covert Operations.”

  By publishing these stories one by one, our NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, the targeting of Anonymous with the very same DDoS attacks they accuse “hacktivists” of using, the use of “honey traps” (luring people into compromising situations using sex) and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.

  Among the core self-identified purposes of JTRIG are two tactics: (1) to inject all sorts of false material onto the internet in order to destroy the reputation of its targets; and (2) to use social sciences and other techniques to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes it considers desirable. To see how extremist these programs are, just consider the tactics they boast of using to achieve those ends: “false flag operations” (posting material to the internet and falsely attributing it to someone else), fake victim blog posts (pretending to be a victim of the individual whose reputation they want to destroy), and posting “negative information” on various forums. Here is one illustrative list of tactics from the latest GCHQ document we’re publishing today:”





” We submitted numerous questions to GCHQ, including: (1) Does GCHQ in fact engage in “false flag operations” where material is posted to the Internet and falsely attributed to someone else?; (2) Does GCHQ engage in efforts to influence or manipulate political discourse online?; and (3) Does GCHQ’s mandate include targeting common criminals (such as boiler room operators), or only foreign threats?

  As usual, they ignored those questions and opted instead to send their vague and nonresponsive boilerplate: “It is a longstanding policy that we do not comment on intelligence matters. “



   This Glenn Greenwald piece is a must read for all that have any interaction with the internet . Yes , this means you . We’re all targets now . No one is safe from attempts to destroy dissent facilitated with our own tax dollars and conducted by our own government .