Category: Animal “Rights”

 Here’s What Just Happened On The Live-Streaming Website That’s Enthralled America

Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 7.21.09 AM

Click image for Live Stream



” You might call it one of the most popular “spy cams” in the country today — the one offering an incredible live, bird’s-eye view of an eagle’s nest in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

  And what happened at 8:24am Eastern time on Tuesday in that nest high up in a tree shows that the population of the bald eagle — America’s majestic national bird — has increased by one. A second egg in the nest is expected to hatch any time now.

  Eager bird watchers logged on to the popular website featuring the live eagle cam joyfully celebrated the blessed and rarely seen event (my wife was among them, so I am personally familiar with this phenomenon that has enthralled so many people).

The amazing glimpse into the lives of this bald eagle family is, according to the a Pennsylvania government site, “supported by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, HDOnTap, Comcast Business, Friends of Codorus State Park and several other partners.” “



Read on












Planet Of The Llamas







” On Thursday, I kept my weekly date on The Hugh Hewitt Show, just in time for the big news of the day:

  HUGH HEWITT: Now we’ve got a lot to cover. We’ve got to cover llamas, the Oscars and the Islamic State, not to mention Chris Christie, so I’ve got to go fast. Did you by chance watch the llama drama on Fox today?

  MARK STEYN: (laughing) Yeah, the llamas on the llam. You can joke, Hugh, but I think the llamapocalypse is upon us. I looked out in the yard, out of the window at the yard about 20 minutes ago, and there were just nine llamas there, and I thought that’s unusual for New Hampshire in winter. I just looked out the window now, and there’s 17 llamas between me and the car. So I think, you know, this is some Planet of the Llamas…

  HH: (laughing)

  MS: In the words of Charlton Heston, ‘Take your hands off me you damned, dirty llama.’ This is how it begins.

  We also discussed Dennis Miller’s observation that the Oscar statuette looks like Vladimir Putin, and Lady Gaga’s Academy performance of “The Sound Of Music”:

  MS: Well, I don’t think Lady Gaga is actually a bad singer of those kinds of songs. I rather regret that she got mixed up with Tony Bennett, because he’ll duet with anybody. I mean… he’s done a double CD with my plumber. I didn’t know it. My plumber was working in the room for 15 minutes, and Tony Bennett swung by, and they recorded seven numbers together. Tony Bennett releases three duet albums, in the course of this conversation, he’ll have released another duet album. You’ve probably done a duet album with Tony Bennett yourself, haven’t you? “



Read it all













28 Dog Photos You Just Can’t Explain





” When this chihuahua went where no man had gone before.”


   We’ll never know what that chihuahua was thinking and perhaps we’re better off for it , but there are 27 other photos here that will also leave you scratching your head , smiling and marveling at the wonders of the canine mind . 












Video From





    This dog has obviously done this before as it is absolutely tenacious in it’s defense of it’s turf against the cobra but that doesn’t matter to the animal rights nuts in the comments that would rather the cobra be free to maybe kill a child or other family member from the dog’s household . 

Watch Dramatic Rescue: Coast Guard Acts Quickly To Save Labrador From Icy Waters





” As he inched his way toward a Labrador struggling to stay afloat in icy waters, U.S. Coast Guard member Tim Putnam knew there wasn’t much time.

” You could tell she was ready to get out,” said Putnam, a boatswain mate third class. “She was pretty shook up.”

  The dog rescue happened Tuesday, Feb. 3 right outside the Frankfort Coast Guard station, in the channel between Lake Michigan and Betsie Lake.”













Man Tries To Kick Dog But Face Plants Instead





Published on Feb 2, 2015

” Man tries to kick Dog but face plants instead.”












How Did ‘Zombie Cat’ Escape His Grave?







” There’s a new theory that could explain how a cat, presumed dead and buried, somehow clawed out of his grave and appeared at the neighbor’s house five days later.

” We have two cats and they play together all the time and they roam around with each other,” Ellis Hutson, the cat’s owner, explained. “He might have went looking for his brother and dug him up — but I have no idea.”

  Hutson has been confused and perplexed since last Monday when he found his black-and-white cat named Bart curled up in a ball and covered in blood in the middle of the road.

” He was stiff, wasn’t moving, no sign of life,” he said.

  Hutson — too distraught to grab the shovel himself — asked his buddy David Liss to take Bart to his final resting place.

” As far as I know he wasn’t breathing,” Liss explained. “I looked at it, and I looked at it, and I didn’t see the chest moving up and down or anything and I said, ‘you know, well look at the blood, it’s dead.’ “

  Liss said he put Bart in the ground under about a foot of dirt, right off the road from where Hutson found him “dead”.

  But Bart wasn’t dead.

  Five days later, the cat showed up at neighbor Dusty Allbritton’s home, and she called Hutson.”


Read more about Bart’s rise from the grave here 













10 Differences Between Dog Lovers And Cat Lovers


cats vs dogs




” A tale as old as time: cat lovers pitted against dog lovers in a battle over who’s really got life figured out. Assumptions have been made and stereotypes created in attempts to settle the score in the past, but science has come to the rescue to set the record straight. The definitive answer? Well, it’s still a bit biased depending on your stance. Why? Because just like they do in pet preference, cat and dog lovers seek and prefer different qualities in life and relationships than dog people. In a study of 600 college students, researchers found that each group shared similar (maybe controversial) characteristics according to their furry friend of choice. Allow me to explain with a list of the 10 most significant differences between dog lovers and cat lovers that were pulled from this study!

1. Dog lovers listen

  Not too surprisingly, dog people tended to be more obedient in nature. According to an article in the Huffington Post, dog lovers “followed the rules more closely”, while cat lovers “tended to be non-conformists, preferring to be expedient rather than follow the rules”. Those of you who’ve ever tried to call your cat to you when you have company over probably understand this one. “


Read the other nine differences here












The 30 Most Intelligent Doggies



Our personal favorite , the Brittany



” We feel a little guilty labeling one dog smarter than another, but Stanley Coren, a professor of psychology at the University of British Columbia Vancouver, published a book in 1994 titled The Intelligence of Dogs. In this book he highlights his research, explaining how he determined which dogs were smarter than others. He determined that dogs have three types of intelligence: instinctive intelligence, adaptive intelligence, and working and obedience intelligence.

  Instinctive intelligence is a measurement of how well the breed performs the task it was bred for. Is it a herding dog? Well, how good of a job does it do herding livestock?”



Pembroke Welsh Corgi

 Our other favorite , the Pembroke Welch Corgi



” Adaptive intelligence is all about independent problem solving. Without any training, how quickly and thoroughly will the dog adapt to its environment and solve problems?

  Working and obedience intelligence deals with what the dog can learn from humans. This has to do with trainability. So, a dog may have instinctive and adaptive intelligence in excess, but be a pain in the rear to train. Or, the breed may take to training like nobody’s business, but be further down the list than others who are more stubborn.

  So, without further delay, check out the 30 most intelligence dogs! “



See all thirty breeds at












Rhianna The Rhino Escapes From Tel Aviv Zoo – Rhinos Escape While Zookeeper Sleeps




Published on Jan 7, 2015

” Raw CCTV Video: Security Guard Chases Rihanna The Rhino And Friends After They Escape From Ramat Gan Safari Park, Israel – Rhianna the Rhino Escapes From Tel Aviv Zoo – Rhinos Escape While Zookeeper Sleeps  

  This video footage shows the moment a young female rhinoceros named Rihanna led two pals on an escape bid from a safari park after spotting the security guard had fallen asleep.

  The footage shows the rhinos escaping from the front entrance of the Ramat Gan Safari Park in the city of Ramat Gan in the Tel Aviv district of western Israel after a security guard nodded off to sleep and failed to notice until too late what was happening.

  Although another employee of the park gave chase, it was too late to stop the white rhinos from hitting the road.”












Man Tries To Save Stray Cat, Cops Shoot Him To Death






” Another innocent American citizen has been shot to death by police. This time, the citizen was simply trying to help an animal. The incident began when Robert Lawrence found a stray cat in need of help.

  Robert picked up the cat and promptly took it to a nearby animal shelter where it could be provided with food and safety.

  Employees at the shelter asked to see Robert’s drivers license. It is not known why they needed to see his ID, but according to reports they insisted on seeing it as Robert was leaving.

  Robert, who happened to be a Sovereign Citizens member, did not own government-issued identification.

  Robert explained to the animal shelter workers that he was a Sovereign and, since he did not use government-issued identification, offered to show alternative paperwork that would sufficiently identify himself.

  Apparently, the shelter workers and Robert got into a dispute at that point. Robert was told he was not allowed to leave the shelter until he produced proper government-issued identification. The workers decided it would be a good idea to call the police.

  When police arrived, the situation spiraled out of control. They informed Robert that he was going to be arrested.”


Filming Cops has the whole story  



Interested readers can also find more on this tragic story at Reason and The Examiner: 


” The Dothan Animal Shelter hasn’t released a statement as to their version of the tragedy, but their Facebook page is taking a beating. According to their website, the Dothan Animal Shelter is run by the Dothan Police Department.”


   Admittedly the man had a history with the police department , but the question remains , why was it necessary to show ID in order to perform a good deed ?




Self-Defense Is A Constitutional Right







” So holds State v. Hull (Wash. Ct. App. Dec. 18, 2014) (nonprecedential), in an interesting and pretty detailed opinion.

  Generally speaking, courts rarely have to decide whether there is a constitutional right to self-defense, since all states generally recognize a statutory or common-law right to use force against another person in self-defense. And while there are constraints on this right — e.g., you can’t use deadly force against a relatively minor attack, some states bar deadly force when there is a completely safe avenue of retreat available, and so on — a constitutional right to self-defense is unlikely to be absolute. Traditionally accepted limitations on self-defense are likely to be seen as limiting any such constitutional right as well.

  But sometimes self-defense law contains substantial gaps (perhaps unintended by the legislature). One such gap is that many state penal codes — including, apparently, in Washington — expressly provide for self-defense only against people and not against animals. And in State v. Hullthe prosecution actually argued that “Self-defense is a defense to the use of force against a person, not an animal,” so Hull “was not entitled to a self-defense instruction.” “The language of the Washington Pattern Instruction 17.02,” the prosecution argued, “is … clearly limited to lawful ‘force upon or toward the person of another.’ Simply put, a dog is not a ‘person’ as contemplated by either the statute or the pattern instruction,” so when someone is tried for injuring a dog, the jury isn’t supposed to consider whether he acted in self-defense.

  That can’t be right, and the Washington Court of Appeals said it wasn’t right. Indeed, the court said, there is a constitutional right to self-defense, for three related reasons (reason 1 got the votes of all three judges, and reason 3 and possibly reason 2 got only two votes): “


Eugene Volokh has more










India: Watch Heroic Monkey Resuscitate Electrocuted Friend On Train Tracks




Published on Dec 21, 2014

” A monkey saved the life of one of his fellow primate friends when the animal lost consciousness after being electrocuted on train tracks in the northern Indian city of Kanpur.”










Sausalito Crash 12:14:14




  While Silas Patlove was out for an afternoon cycling excursion though the hills outside of Sausalito he experienced a dangerous encounter with a sizable specimen of the species Odocoileus virginianus , otherwise known as the white-tailed deer . As Mr Patlove was speeding downhill on the shoulder of Alexander Avenue he had the all too common experience , among motorists at least , cyclists thankfully not so much ,  of watching helplessly as the buck in question leapt the highway guardrail directly in his path .

    As luck would have it , the cyclist was armed with a helmet-cam which survived the crash and herewith provides the reader with a visual record of his deer encounter . Readers will be pleased to know that Silas escaped with a minor concussion and some small memory loss but is otherwise ok . Watch the video and be thankful for both bicycle helmets and helmet-cams .


Dog Rescues Sister From Toy Snake Attack! Cute Dogs Maymo & Penny




Published on Dec 2, 2014

” Dog Saves Sister from Toy Snake Attack! Cute Dogs Maymo & Penny
To use this video in a commercial player, advertising or in broadcasts, email Viral Spiral (

  Maymo protects his sister Penny from a toy snake invasion. Watch cute dog Penny run from an advancing motorized snake, before her brother Maymo runs in and saves the day. Maymo uses his signature ninja agility moves to take down the snake, rescuing his sister from impending doom. Penny tries to resuscitate the ailing snake but is unsuccessful.

Maymo’s Instagram:
Maymo’s Facebook:
Maymo’s Twitter: “













Neo-Nazi Police Chief Seriously Mauled By Three Lions At Barcelona Zoo





Published on Dec 7, 2014

” Ataque de leones a hombre Zoo Barcelona, Man seriously injured after being mauled by three lions at Barcelona Zoo after he jumped into their enclosure

  A man has been left with serious injuries after jumping into a lion enclosure at Barcelona zoo where he was picked mauled by three of the animals. Dressed in military uniform, the man climbed over railings and began scaling one of the walls in the enclosure before being picked off by one of the animals and thrown into a pit.

  The 45 year old was rescued around 30 minutes later covered in scratches and bite marks. He was taken to the city’s Hospital de la Vall D’Hebron where he remains in a serious but not life threatening condition.
According to Spanish reports, the man climbed over fencing to enter the enclosure as horrified tourists watched on.

  Footage of the bizarre incident shows him scaling one of the enclosure’s walls before being tossed by the leg into a pit by a lioness. He emerged some 30 minutes later after fire fighters used hoses to fight the animals off of him. According to local reports the man, named by El Pais as Justo Jose MP, is a neo-Nazi demonstrator.

  He was arrested last month in the city centre after draping banners emblazoned with Swastikas over the famous Casa Mila building in an anti-abortion protest. It is not known whether the incident at the zoo was a demonstration, though fire fighters said the man could not have entered the enclosure accidentally.

  The security system makes it impossible for a person to fall into the enclosure. It cannot have been by accident, to enter (the enclosure) you have to want to go in,’ said chief fire fighter of the Bomberos de Barcelona, Hector Carmona. While he emerged from the enclosure covered in bite marks and scratches, zoo keepers have insisted the lions were merely trying to play with him, Spanish news reports. ‘The intention was not to kill him, they were just trying to play with him, Ignasi Armengol, director of Barcelona Municipal Services said.’ “











Paws In The City



“I don’t always make a mess …





… But when I do , I sit like a boss while you clean it up.”




Ah , the dog’s life










‘Bird Bomb’ Explodes When It’s Shot By Afghanistan Police






” Why did the brown and white bird walk down the road? Apparently to blow somebody up. That’s what Afghanistan police surmised when they spotted the large, non-native bird walking along a highway with an antenna, explosives and an electronic device strapped to its body.

  When police shot the bird, it exploded, scattering “suspicious metal stuff,” provincial police chief Maj. Gen. Abdul Nabi Ilham told NBC News.

  Police are still examining the various remains, but have identified what appears to be a GPS device and a small camera. The bird was first spotted close to a police checkpoint in Faryab province in the north where the Taliban are active.

  Investigators speculated that the bird may have been “deployed” on a surveillance mission.

  It’s the first time ever security forces have encountered such a “bird bomb,” though Hamas militants rigged a donkey with explosives and set it on a path heading toward Israeli soldiers during fighting in Gaza last summer. No humans were injured, but the donkey exploded. “


Thanks to UPI Odd News









Louisiana Town To Kill All Pit Bulls And Rottweilers: Those Who Don’t Surrender Face Police Action

Louisiana Dog Ban




” A town in Louisiana has recently voted to ban all Pit Bulls and Rottweilers, calling them “vicious breeds” of dogs. Current owners of these specific breeds have just one more month to either move out of town, or hand their family pet over to the government to be killed.

  While there has traditionally been heavy debate over larger breeds of dogs, in recent years the debate has began to die down, because an overwhelming majority of people now agree that like humans, a dog’s temperament and personality are largely based on their upbringing and life experiences.

  Sadly, town officials in Moreauville, Louisiana are stuck in a very immature state of mind where they are basically prejudice against breeds of dogs.

  Dog owners were notified of the recent ordinance by mail, in a letter which stated that the dogs will be taken away by the local government and killed on December 1st.

The letter reads:







    Readers can read the entire story here and below you can find an update from KALB news that reveals that the town has put the ban on hold temporarily .




” The Village of Moreauville is putting plans to officially enact its pit bull and Rottweiler ban on hold.

  They’re saying after an outcry from people around the world about a breed ban that would force a family to get rid of their beloved dog, Zeus, they’re taking a step back to figure out what they should do next.     

“I never thought it would get this far,” said O’Hara Owens, owner of Zeus.

  It has been a whirlwind weekend for Moreauville residents O’Hara Owens and her mother, Joanna Armand.

  Minutes after News Channel 5’s story on a village breed ban that promised to take their beloved pit bull, Zeus, away from them aired, their phones blew up.    

” It has become crazy,” said Armand. “Crazy, hectic. But, in a good way.”

  On October 13, the Village of Moreauville passed an ordinance banning pit bulls and Rottweilers from village limits.    

A letter was sent out saying if you didn’t comply, your dog would be taken away for “further disposition.” “



If you find this idea as appalling is we do you can sign a petition at the link below .



” The Owens family has also started a petition which hopes to overturn the ordinance.

If you are interested in signing the petition, please visit this link. “











A Squirrel Nabbed My GoPro And Carried It Up A Tree

(And Then Dropped It)




Published on Nov 9, 2014

” This video is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To use this video for broadcast or in a commercial player go to:… or email: or call: +44 (0) 8432 895 191

  I attached a piece of bread to my GoPro, and a squirrel picked it up and carried it up a tree. After eating the bread, it swiftly discarded the GoPro.”










Dog Killed In Standoff








” A dog was shot and killed as police moved in to end a 3-hour and 40-minute standoff Saturday afternoon at a residence at 4000 Victory Avenue.

  The incident, which police said began at about 11:30 a.m., concluded at about 3:10 p.m. when the male resident of the home was seen being taken into custody. No humans were injured. The man, whom police had not identified as of 6 p.m. Saturday, was in custody at the Racine County Jail, said police Sgt. Sam Stulo.

  The incident started over a confrontation about leaf blowing and dog excrement, said Kim Polk, 49, who lives diagonally from the man in the 1600 block of Russet Street. Polk said she was using a leaf blower to pick up leaves and move them when her neighbor made a comment about her clearing leaves at his house when she was done. Polk said she did not see humor in the statement.

“ I’m neighborly, but there are some neighbors you just don’t mess with and that’s one neighbor we don’t fool with,” Polk said, noting the man’s many alleged run-ins with police in the past.”


Read more












Hawk Attacks Drone!




Published on Oct 8, 2014

” On Oct 8th, I was flying my quadcopter at Magazine Beach Park in Cambridge, when a hawk decided he wasn’t too happy with my invasion of his airspace…

  As far as I could tell, the juvenile red-tailed hawk came out unscathed, and having defeated his prey, was happy to retreat. (As soon as he flew at me, I throttled down the props to try to minimize any harm to the bird.) The quadcopter came out unscathed as well. Funds generated through YouTube ads will be donated to the Massachusetts Audubon Society.”













SFTV Conservation Minute: #Sailfish Handling At The Boat






How to handle your sailfish catch at the boat and safely release them back to the sea without harming them .

Covered In Tar & Unable To Move, This Amazing Rescue Saved This Dog’s Life!




Published on Sep 27, 2014

” He had fallen into a pool of hot tar that smothered his body and had became rock-solid. He was stuck to the ground and unable to move. A passerby saw him struggling and called our help-line. After 3 hours of massaging vegetable oil into the thick layer of tar watch his amazing recovery!

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