‘Arab-Israel Alliance’ Leaving Obama Isolated




” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has jabbed President Barack Obama with a stinging remark that although Israel and the United States are friends, fears of Iran and the ISIS have forged a “new partnership” of Israel and “many of our Arab neighbors.”

  Netanyahu took the opportunity of being charged with the responsibility to form a new government to say:

  We very much appreciate, and will take care to preserve, our alliance with the best of our friends, the United States; however, we will continue to work to prevent the agreement with Iran, an agreement that endangers us, our neighbors and the world. We see eye to eye with many of our Arab neighbors regarding the danger posed by Iran and we also view positively the benefit that this new partnership could have for the region.

  The chaos in Yemen has once again embarrassed the Obama administration by exposing another colossal foreign policy failure that has made President Obama increasingly isolated in the region.”



    This article from today’s Jewish Press amply demonstrates that our “Dear Leader” sides , not with all Muslims , but only with the extremist factions … Iran , Palestinian terror groups and jihadists , while Israel forges alliances with the more moderate Muslims of the mideast in the interests of self-preservation.

    One side seeks only to be left in peace while the other works ceaselessly towards a Global Caliphate with the active collusion of our “commander-in-chief” … President “Peace Prize” , who claims to seek peace in the middle east is in actuality ensuring  , whether by incompetence or design , that war is coming ala Neville Chamberlain .