New York, Northeast Lead Nation In ‘Outmigration






” New York State and the Northeast region led the nation in domestic net “outmigration” in the period from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014 , according to newly released data from the Census Bureau. During the same period, Texas and the South led the nation in domestic net “immigration.”

  Domestic net outmigration is the number of residents who move out of a state or region to another part of the country minus the number of residents who move in from another part of the country. It does not include international migration—n.b. people who move into a state or region from outside the United States, or from a state or region to outside the United States.”



   This video dates from 2011 and demonstrates that the flight from NY has been ongoing for decades , which gives you an idea of how long the state has been so poorly managed …







” A state or region has domestic net immigration when the number of people moving in from another part of the country exceeds the number moving out.

  From July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2014, 30 states had a domestic net outmigration and 20 states plus the District of Columbia had a domestic net immigration.”



Here are the top ten states that people are fleeing:


” 1-New York (-153,921)

2-Illinois (-94,956)

3-New Jersey (-55,469)

4-California (-32,090)

5-Pennsylvania (-31,448)

6-Michigan (-28,679)

7-Connecticut (-26,216)

8-Virginia (-20,400)

9-Ohio (-18,243)

10-Massachusetts (-16,354) “




CNS News has more details



Here is some further reading on the “Exodus” state:


Going Going Gone: Why are People Leaving NY?

People leaving New York State

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State

The “Exodus States:” People leaving New York

The States People Are Fleeing In 2013

Movers Study: People Leaving NY, NJ En Masse

Why Are People Leaving New York?

New Yorkers leaving state