State Police Eye Early Pistol-Permit Registration




” State Police are planning a pilot program to start getting pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons as part of the state’s controversial SAFE Act.

  New York’s gun-control law adopted in January 2013 requires pistol-permit holders to re-certify their weapons every five years starting in 2018.

  But with about 2 million pistol-permit holders in New York, State Police appear to be starting the process early through a pilot program in the Albany area that could slowly expand to other parts of the state, county clerks and sheriffs said.

  The pilot program in Albany, Schenectady and Fulton counties could start as early as next month. State Police, according to local officials, are expected to start by sending out letters to 500 gun owners in each county asking them to voluntarily re-certify their guns now instead of 2018.

” They are trying to break up the workload,” said Wayne County Clerk Michael Jankowski, who wrote a memo to fellow clerks last month after State Police presented preliminary plans at a clerks’ meeting last fall.

  But the scope and the process for the early re-certification is unclear. State Police would offer no specifics.”


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