Republican Pressure Builds To Block Obama’s Unilateral Immigration Order



GOP Pressure Amnesty




” Dozens of House Republicans have signed onto a new letter that insists the party include language in the upcoming spending bill to prevent President Obama from taking unilateral action on immigration, escalating a simmering fight between Congress and the White House.

  Rep. Matt Salmon, an Arizona Republican who organized the letter, said Congress needs to use its power of the purse to defend its own powers to write immigration policy — and he said he believes there could be enough support even in the Democratic-controlled Senate to win.

“ I’m not going down without a fight,” he said in an interview with The Washington Times.

  The letter is to be issued Thursday, but the debate is already heated.

  Mr. Obama has vowed to claim executive powers to grant tentative legal status to potentially millions of illegal immigrants, and to act by the end of the year.

  Republican leaders have warned him against that move, saying it would “poison” chances for getting a real immigration deal done in the next Congress, and could tarnish prospects for bipartisanship on a whole host of other issues when the GOP has control of both chambers next year.”


Washington Times