New York Next To Pursue Gun Violence Restraining Order Legislation





” Only days after California’s precedent setting bill authorizing confiscatory gun seizures from those deemed a risk becoming law, the Empire State may be next to examine the concept.

  A new bill intended for the state Assembly, modeled after California’s AB1014, was debuted this week by a Manhattan Democrat. Like the West Coast law, the first of its kind in the nation, it would set up a framework to deny firearm possession to those believed to be dangerous.

“ So this is a bill that would permit family members or friends or medical professionals or law enforcement or really anyone who’s concerned that somebody having to access to guns poses a serious danger to go to a court and present evidence of that, and if the court were persuaded, they would be able to issue a temporary order preventing the person from acquiring or possessing guns,” Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh, author of the legislation, told WAMC this week.

  Kavanagh’s bill, as detailed in a release from his office, is intended to provide another tool in society’s toolbox to prevent gun violence. The avenue to implement the so-called gun violence restraining order would be the court system, who, upon being presented with a petition that contends an individual’s possession of guns in their current state could pose a general danger, could authorize an order to confiscate the firearms involved.”



Given the left-wing proclivities of the New York court system , one can only imagine the “preponderance of evidence” that will be needed to deprive a “suspected threat” of his/her rights to due process and the concept of “innocent until proven guilty” . This is yet another example of the rule of law being turned on it’s ear and all of us peons being guilty until we can prove otherwise . Read it and weep 

     We have entered the age of the “thought police” . Now we will be prosecuted/persecuted , like hate crimes , based on  perceptions and not on our actions … Land Of Liberty ? DOA …