These Charts Show How Gender Bias May Have Played A Role In The White House Secret Service Breaches



SS Double Standards




” Even MSNBC and their Democratic guests agreed: Julia Pierson was not the right person for the job, and her gender may have played a bigger role than it should have in getting her hired.

  But looking past the former Secret Service director, who resigned on Wednesday, and examining the people who make up the Secret Service may give even more insight to whether political correctness was too overzealous within the organization.

  Reportedly, White House intruder Omar Gonzalez “overpowered” the agent who was stationed just inside the front White House door, The New York Times reports.

  The NY Times story initially included the fact that that agent was a “female,” but, as the Weekly Standard reports, that fact was later edited and omitted.

  And it might now be clear why.

  The Secret Service’s own web site includes a flier detailing the physical standards that its agents must meet to be eligible for the service – but these charts reveal a surprising tidbit of information: women and men doing the same job are not held to the same standards of physical fitness. “


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