Popular Burger King Japan Offering Back, Black







” In the roulette wheel that is fast food, Burger King Japan has a strategy when it comes to its new hamburger menu: always bet on black.

  The company, whose previous offerings include the “Windows 7 Whopper,” said on Wednesday it will start selling the Kuro Pearl burger and Kuro Diamond burger beginning on Sept. 19. The burgers will feature black buns, black sauce and black cheese in addition to black-pepper heavy beef patties. Kuro means black in Japanese.

  The black burgers were first introduced for a limited time by the chain in 2012 and became a hit, outselling all other new products that Burger King offered during the year, according to the company. They were also available for a limited time in 2013.

“ The black burgers sold extremely well because of their visual impact, but people continued to come back for them because of their taste,” a spokeswoman for the company told Japan Real Time.”


Read more on this unusual Burger King offering