DHS Ransacks Florida Couple’s Home Without Explanation, Strips Woman Naked





” A Florida couple was traumatized after a dozen heavily armed SWAT agents crashed through their front door, flash-banged their cat, aimed rifles at them and searched their home without explanation.

  The raid took place in the pre-dawn hours of June 10th, 2014. At approximately 6:16 a.m., Kari Edwards and her live-in boyfriend were intruded upon by men dressed in full SWAT gear and wielding rifles. After smashing down the couple’s front door, agents tossed concussion grenades and proceeded into the home.

“ They busted in like I was a terrorist or something,” said Ms. Edwards.

“ [An officer] demanded that I drop the towel I was covering my naked body with,” Ms. Edwards said, “before snatching it off me physically and throwing me to the ground.”

“ While I lay naked, I was cuffed so tightly I could not feel my hands. For no reason, at gunpoint,” Edwards said. “[Agents] refused to cover me, no matter how many times I asked.”

  Ms. Edwards said her boyfriend told her that an agent holding an assault rifle to her back was gawking at her exposed body. “Eying me up and down like I was eye candy,” she said.

  The house was equipped with a surveillance system, which captured video of the agents from a couple different angles. “








Ms Edwards describes the assault this way …




” At 6:16 am on Tuesday June 10, 2014 a team of over a dozen heavily armed men in full swat gear smashed my front door, threw flash bang grenades at my cat (a normally friendly cat who greets everyone is now fearful and hard of hearing), demanded that I drop the towel I was covering my naked body with before snatching it off of me physically and throwing me to the ground.

  According to my boyfriend, the agent with his assault rifle to my back kept eying me up & down like I was eye candy. I requested to see ID and the agent pointed at his uniform that read POLICE and said “Isn’t this ID enough for you?” When I told him I could buy that up in Miami he called me retarded and said I was fucking stupid. They spent bout 2 hours trashing my house, even smashing clear glass shower doors and a vintage statue.

  My boyfriend, who is asthmatic, started having trouble breathing due to the lingering smoke created by the flash bang grenade and asked for his inhaler. The agent said “do I need to call paramedics? My boyfriend said no, I just need my inhaler can someone get it for me?, Again he was answered with a paramedic offer. Finally another agent asked where it was and brought it out then helped him use it. The video is short because they ripped out my surveillance DVR stating they “can’t be recorded”.”









” After about 2 hours of pure hell, a female agent asked if there were any laptops in the house. They left us thinking that they were here for child pornography but the more I thin about it, I don’t think they would have come in full force, shields, helicopter, etc for kiddie porn.

  I’m still scratching my head but have made complains to the ACLU, DHS OIG and the White House but I don’t want to just sit there waiting so decided to spread the word and increase awareness.




   PoliceStateUSA has more original reporting including pictures of the trashed house provided by Ms Edwards here .