Vermont: Gun Confiscation Provisions Tucked Inside Bill On Government Fees

” Buried inside a bill that would adjust fees for lottery ticket sales, returned checks and the use of the “Market Vermont” logo, is a budding requirement for police to confiscate, store for a fee and sell privately owned guns.

  The legislation, among its many regulatory tenets, would establish a framework for law enforcement to seize and store guns from those who are the subject of a restraining order.

“ We’re talking about folks who have been abusive to their partner or spouse, usually wife,” Gov. Peter Shumlin said at a news conference in Barre last week.

  Ostensibly designed to adjust certain judicial and executive fees inside the Vermont government, just six pages of the 31-page bill, H.735, deal with firearms. It is this section, however, that is drawing the most attention.” has more on this latest sneaky effort by pols to confiscate guns . It’s a good thing women never make any false accusations against spurned lovers , or there might be people men persecuted by the State on heresay “evidence”. 

   While we realize that this bill does not explicitly push confiscation it does place an undue financial burden on citizens that have not been convicted of any offense merely on the suspicion that they might be used in a crime .

   We certainly do not wish any harm on women or any other domestic partners but if the State feels the need to take an individual’s guns without prior conviction then the State should be obligated to foot the bill for the safe storage of confiscated arms until it has attained a conviction .

    For an innocent man to have his guns taken by the State solely on the word of a disgruntled lover and be sent a bill for such storage even if found nit guilty at the end of the day is a penalty without a crime and and affront to due process .