Connecticut Cop Who Said He’d Love To “Bang Down Your Door and Come For Your Gun” Placed On Leave


John Cinque



” As a first step towards gun confiscation, Connecticut is implementing gun registration. That has turned tens of thousands of formerly law abiding citizens in the state who’ve refused to comply into felons. Now, the state is trying to figure out what to do next. If the “next” thing they decide to do is door-to-door gun confiscation, there’s at least one police officer who wants everyone to know that he’ll be just following orders when he puts a gun to your head in order to take away your second Amendment rights.”



gun confiscation “I give my left nut to bang down your door and come for your gun …… ”


” A Connecticut officer with the Branford Police Department has reportedly been placed on extended leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation after he allegedly told a Facebook user he couldn’t wait to “bang down your door and come for your gun.”

” Connecticut resident John Cinque, whose passionate remarks to lawmakers on the state’s new gun registration laws went viral, provided screenshots of a Facebook conversation involving Officer Joseph Peterson to the conservative blog Freedom Outpost. The officer is reportedly a “long-time friend” of Cinque’s. “

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