From Ben Smith ; US Navy SEAL Retired





” Why what is happening in Connecticut matters to any American who values what our founders and forefathers fought for, as has every soldier since.

A State Government (CT) seeks to physically take our guns and 1st and 2nd amendments from its own citizens without any Constitutionality. Know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE, America is with you!

Our so called movement leaders feel safe to talk the tough talk and regale on the tumult of the times we live….. but will you stand firmly and speak straight when it is time to back up the claims we make, most won’t, will You?

Will you stand your ground knowing your outcome is grim and most likely fatal? Would you fight knowing you will fall, never seeing the glory for which you fought (but you will have peace, are we already fighting in spiritual chains)?

Would you give up everything, your life for the idea we call Freedom and Liberty?And not in suicide, but in American Glory! The second amendment is a serious one. People died for this idea to even exist let alone be remembered by us today because they wouldn’t give up their guns when they were told to so. Lexington and Concord are case and point: it wasn’t just one person, an individual…… these were men of purpose who quickly formed up and just went knowing full well that they might die that day with Free Will and God in their heart. 

  We may be called to serve that duty because they have compelled us to the separation….. Remember your oath! Might you be called to kill for it? What does the BILL OF RIGHTS mean to you?

(Aside) Military men, you know this in spades! You have been there. Educate the people around you, be the leader you swore an oath to be!

“ In questions of power, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” — Thomas Jefferson

We can’t be alone in this, we have to come to each other’s aide. An unjust act demands a measured and just response so overwhelming it could turn from conflagration to politics to melee and retaliation in the instant it begins. They want you divided to separate you. They will come to your individual houses and take you with a squad knowing we will let it happen in our own neighborhoods and do nothing. We have to let them know that unconstitutional or tyrannical acts will be met with the full force of the second amendment itself! This will get ugly real fast.

  It’s not in the news because they (who are they anyway? Fascism, Communism – both Socialism and Marxism) know what happens if you WAKE A SLEEPING GIANT! So, they hush it up.

They got really messed up the last time they tried to take us in WW2. With stories like this being squelched, might it be time to dust of your weapons and see if they still work?

Let us see if we can find the hero we have been calling for! He has been within us all along! It is you, and everyone else all around you that have to survive as well. It is us, WE ARE THE SLEEPING GIANT!

Have a response team (of friends, citizens, PATRIOTS) that moves to respond or even your neighborhood to take the long shots (old people can shoot too….. know your neighbors and find their plan and work together, know what they believe and think. Yes, we may become involved in something that has us not lasting long at all, we probably won’t even survive but understand people will see this as one of those times that changed the direction of History itself. By guns, politics or character assassination we will all take extreme hits from all directions but would you take the glory of standing for what you believe WITH YOUR LIFE?!?! To the solitude of chains????Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say ‘what should be the reward of such sacrifices?’ Bid us and our posterity bow the knee, supplicate the friendship and plough, and sow, and reap, to glut the avarice of the men who have let loose on us the dogs of war to riot in our blood and hunt us from the face of the earth? If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!” —-Sam Adams 

  Tyrannical law and Unconstitutional acts are to be met with the ferocity of is natural manure at the foot of the Tree of Liberty! This will not stand! This is virtually uncovered in the big media, even on national television and FOX, this issue is one to unite us to 100 years more of quasi-peace or plunge us into a civil revolutionary war. (Up vs. Down vs. Right vs. Left vs. what is left of Americanism). You have no chance If you do nothing. If what you are doing is not working, do something else! DO ANYTHING ELSE!!!

My prediction – In the end of this stifled circus we will see the authorities back off. This is a tactic to see if we will stand and push back. It they know that we will not, they will start to roll on us hard from here knowing we will fold. We usually do fold, if not in the immediacy, we usually let our guard down eventually. There is such a concept as being “too free”. If they see that we are together and will stand, they will stand down and be in the periphery until they feel they can have another go at us. It’s the way bullies and communism have worked since its beginning. 

  I think and pray and hope with all my might that these people retract from this treasonous behavior, and when they do, we come after them with everything we can to take them from office by vote or any means necessary because un-American becomes Treason when you they actively, visibly and provably come to enslave you, that’s all they want really. Its simple! 



For Good,
Benjamin Smith
– Civil Disobedient
– Citizen Soldier
– SEAL Vet