The Secluded Homeless Camps Of Baltimore



Photo Credit: Ben Marcin


” During the hunting season, Ben Marcin likes to hike on the edge of Baltimore’s woodlands. That’s where he discovered the city’s secluded homeless camps; makeshift dwellings for locals who choose to live off the grid but close to roadways and shopping centers. 

  Marcin is no stranger to documenting solitude in the built environment. So he decided to find as many of these as possible, putting together a photo project called Camps. Similar to Last House Standing, in which the photographer captured lonely rowhouses around the Mid-Atlantic, Marcin shot the dwellings without the dwellers themselves.

  While Baltimore’s solitary rowhouses often symbolize neighborhood decline and the dedication of those who remain, Camps shows a different kind of loneliness – the section of Baltimore’s homeless population that feels uncomfortable using city-provided shelters. Instead, these residents choose to carve out their own lives using whatever materials they can find.

  The results are fascinating. As Marcin notes, no two shelters look the same, and each one reflects the user’s possessions, needs, and creativity. Some are no more than a bed under a roadway, others have their own roofs with facades built entirely of old doors or milk crates. “


Read more here and see more of Mr Marcin’s photos here