House Leaders Sell Immigration Blueprint



” The House Republican leadership is trying to sell their colleagues on a series of broad immigration principles, including a path to legal status for those here illegally.

  Speaker John Boehner’s leadership team introduced the principles at their annual policy retreat here. Top Republicans circulated a tightly held one-page memo titled “standards for immigration reform” toward the tail-end of a day that include strategy conversations about Obamacare, the economy and the national debt.

  In the private meeting where the language was introduced, Boehner (R-Ohio) told Republicans that the standards are “as far as we are willing to go.” “

Politico has lots more on the sellout of working Americans
    If you , like us , have had enough of the House “republican leadership” pandering to their cronies in the corporate world and volunteering to wipe Dear Leader’s backside sign the petition to Fire Boehner and do not forget that our former vice-presidential nominee , Mr Ryan is also an amnesty backer . SECURE THE DAMN BORDER . That is your job Congress .


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