Medicaid Expansion Brings Latest Unpleasant Surprise From Obamacare






” Now we have the latest in the long and growing list of unpleasant “surprises” about the Affordable Care Act.

  It turns out that expansion of Medicaid coverage for low-income Americans increases rather than decreases visits to hospital emergency rooms.

  According to just-released results of a new study published in the journal Science based on 10,000 low-income residents in Oregon newly covered by Medicaid, emergency room visits were 40 percent higher than those with no insurance at all.

  It was supposed to be the opposite. Supposedly, a big driver of our high expenditures in health care has been due to those without insurance going to emergency rooms.

  So get more of these folks covered with government health insurance, they stop going to the emergency room, and we all save money. Right? Wrong.”


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