Meet Miriam Carey, Suspect Reportedly Killed In The Capitol Hill Shooting





This just shoots their narrative all to hell , doesn’t it ?



” Here’s what we know about Miriam Carey, the woman identified in news reports as the suspect in a shooting incident that left Capitol Hill on lockdown for a brief period Thursday afternoon, and has now reportedly been shot dead by police.

Carey, a 34-year-old dental hygenist has been identified by ­­­the New York Post and the New Haven Register newspaper as the suspect (victim) in a shooting incident that took place in the nation’s capital. 

ABC News reported that Carey had “a history of mental health issues.”



    It would appear that the latest “shooting” , which the minions of the State were preparing to use as a cudgel on the NRA , Tea Party and the rest of us “right-wing extremists” was in fact , another instance of the agents of the State doing the shooting and the unarmed citizens , disturbed or otherwise , doing the dying.