Obama Blames Five Years of a Bad Economy on “Phony Scandals” and “Distractions”



” President Obama did his best to shift his administration’s focus to the economy today during a speech at Illinois’ Knox College by blaming the anemic economy on Republicans and “phony scandals.” 

As predicted, Obama gave America the same speech he’s been giving for five years, saying the country needs more infrastructure spending due to crumbling roads and bridges, that we must fight poverty, that CEOs are making too much money while the poor suffer etc. He even went so far as to tout “saving the auto industry” one week after Detroit filed for bankruptcy.

Funny, I’m not sure the IRS targeting American citizens (with the help of one of Obama’s political appointees) for political purposes or four dead Americans killed in Benghazi count as “phony” but hey, “what difference, at this point, does it make?” “