” Opposition to New  York’s extreme gun control law the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act continues and elected officials are stepping forward to promote full repeal of the bill that was hastily, strong-armed into law.

“The Republican majority made this happen,” said Rep. David J. DiPietro (R.-East Aurora), a freshmen state assemblyman representing parts of Erie and Wyoming County in western New York.

Dean G. Skelos (R.-Rockville Centre) who is the majority leader of the New York State Senate is to blame, he said.  “He voted for the bill.  He allowed the bill to come to the floor.

The former Village of Aurora trustee and mayor said that Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo brokered a deal with Skelos to enact the SAFE Act.  “They threatened Long Island Republicans that if they did not vote for the bill, $1 million would be donated to an opponent for their seat.”

Skelos and his Long Island delegation sold us out,” he said.

An overwhelming majority of Democrats in the state’s assembly will not pass a repeal bill, and the governor will not sign it, she said.  “Our hope is in the lawsuits pending and the courts determining the law unconstitutional.” “


    Long Island “Republicans” are nothing of the sort . They are all John McCain style republicans which is to say , no republican at all .