CBS Confirms Reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s Computer Breached





” CBS News said Friday it has confirmed that a computer used by one of its Washington reporters, Sharyl Attkisson, was breached by an unknown intruder and that the hack appeared to be “sophisticated.”

The intrusions were detected in December, when Attkisson was reporting almost exclusively on the government’s response to the terrorist attacks on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. The attack on Sept. 11, 2012, killed four Americans, including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens. Attkisson has previously investigated the Department of Justice’s gun-tracking operation known as “Fast and Furious.”

It added, “Evidence suggests this party performed all access remotely using Attkisson’s accounts. While no malicious code was found, forensic analysis revealed an intruder had executed commands that appeared to involve search and [removal] of data. This party also used sophisticated methods to remove all possible indications of unauthorized activity, and alter system times to cause further confusion.” “


     Since Ms Attkisson has been the leader in reporting on both Fast & Furious and Benghazi the list of possible suspects would seem to be a short one . Who would have the ability to mount “sophisticated” attacks and the desire to “remove data” pertaining to two prominent administration scandals ?