New ‘Explosives’ License Impinges On Gun Owners That Load Own Ammo



” Before the smoke had cleared after the terror attacks during the Boston Marathon last month, New Jersey Senator Frank Lautenberg employed Obama’s favorite axiom of never letting a good crisis go to waste by immediately proposing major changes to federal laws pertaining to loose gun powder and explosives.

Reports quickly emerged after the bombing that the terrorists had used black powder for the explosive component of their pressure cooker bombs and this news prompted Lautenberg to action.

On April 23, Lautenberg introduced S. 792, the Explosive Materials Background Check Act. Originally, the Senator submitted the bill as a shell bill–meaning it was not fully written–but this month he has finally submitted the full text of his bill.

An analysis of the text reveals some disturbing changes ton current law. Lautenberg’s changes in the explosives law would seriously hamper history reenactor hobbyists, black powder hunters, sportsmen, target shooters, and anyone that loads their own ammo with modern smokeless gun powder or the older style black powder.

One change would require those that want to buy and store either smokeless powder or black powder to get a new license–at a rate of $50 every three years–to allow them to do so. The bill also says that they will only be allowed to have “limited” supplies but does not seem to say what amount would exceed those limits.”