NYSAFE Act: Keeping our communities safe while respecting hunters and sportsmen

Gun Owners

” The SAFE Act prevents criminals and the dangerously mentally ill from buying guns, cracks down on illegal guns and bans only the most dangerous assault weapons. The SAFE Act protects law- abiding citizens right to bear arms and does not restrict New Yorkers’ ability to buy, sell, keep or use their guns.” *

   This is what you will find at the confiscation registration website . Each of the questions is hotlinked to a dropdown menu with the state – approved answer.

   You can register here but you cannot see the registration form until you have already given the State Police all of your personal information . Name , address , DOB , description , driver’s license # etc .

Frequently Asked Questions:

Assault Weapons

Q: I own a gun that I use for hunting, is it an assault weapon?
Q: I own a handgun, is that an assault weapon?
Q: I am not sure if the gun I own is an assault weapon. How do I find out?
Q: I have an assault weapon. Do I have to give it up?
Q: How does registering my gun compare to getting a handgun license?
Q: What do I do if I don’t want to register my assault weapon?
Q: If I modify my gun by removing all design characteristics that makes it an
assault weapon, do I have to register it?
Q: If I don’t currently own an assault weapon, how does the new ban on
assault weapons affect me?

Assault Weapon Registration

Q: Where do I get the assault weapon registration form?
Q: How much does the registration cost?
Q: How do I complete the form?
Q: Once the form is submitted, how will I know that my weapon has been successfully registered?
Q: By when do I have to register my weapon?
Q: What happens if I fail to register my weapon by the deadline?
Q: Will this information be publically available?
Q: Once I’ve registered my weapon, do I ever have to register it again?
Q: Do I have any other obligations associated with registering my assault weapon?


Q: How does the SAFE Act impact magazines?
Q: Can I continue to buy 10 round magazines?
Q: How many rounds can I put in my magazine?
Q: Is there anything else I should be aware of?

Antique Guns & Magazines

Q: Is there any exception for historic or antique guns and magazines?
Q: What qualifies as an antique gun or magazine?
Q: I have an antique gun that now qualifies as an assault weapon. Can I transfer it?
Q: I have an antique gun with a magazine that can contain more than ten rounds.
Can I keep the magazine?

Private Sales

Q: What types of private handgun, rifle or shotgun sales or transfers are subject to background check requirements?
Q: What family members are exempt from the private sale/transfer provision?
Q: As a private individual seller/transferor, how do I conduct a background check
on a buyer or transferee?
Q: Do I need to get a background check if I am selling or transferring the firearm
to a relative?
Q: Are dealers required to facilitate a private sale or transfer?
Q: What if I fail to comply with the background check provision?

Safe Storage

Q: When am I required to safely store my gun?
Q: What do I have to do to safely store my gun?

Please note: This website is informational only and does not constitute legal advice.



* We’ve got a bridge for sale if you believe this .





   PS : Here is a poem from the comments at the Breitbart link to the NY State registration story .We thought it very apt for the occasion .


John (magnum)  MarvLS1 • 32 minutes ago


America is the land of the free,
Millions have died for you and me.
Our Constitution is under attack,
By “The Messiah” , the socialist Barack .

The Democrat party has ceased to be,
They wish total control over you and me.
Socialists and Communists they have become,
Destroy America, their rule number one.

Cutting the military their ultimate goal,
Along with selling their devilish soul.
Drones in the sky in the land of the free,
So they can keep tabs on you and me.

The Second Amendment they HATE you see,
Because it means freedom for you and me.
They tap our phones and e-mail too,
They are afraid of what we can do.

They want my guns, they are saying to me,
Not as long as I breath and able to see.
I took my oath and went to Nam,
They WILL NOT get guns from this old man !

Many have died for the red white and blue,
If the need arises, I will too.
Guns from my hands they will have to pry,
MOLON LABE is the battle cry !!!!!!

John D USN RVN 71, 72, 73, evac 75