Gun Subject-Control Drive To Get First Votes In Congress




” Wider background checks had been seen as having a good chance in Congress, but the effort has stumbled in recent days over a dispute about whether to keep records of private gun sales.Republicans fear such records would be a first step to a government register of gun owners.

Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma appeared more optimistic on Thursday about the possibility of reaching an agreement with Democrats on background checks.

“I think we’ll ultimately get there even though the outside groups aren’t comfortable with it yet,” Coburn said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The drive for gun-control laws has taken on a new urgency since the December shooting in which a gunman killed 20 children and six adults at a school in Newtown, Connecticut.

It has become one of Obama’s top domestic priorities, along with immigration reform and fixing a series of budget messes.

But reviving an assault-weapons ban that expired in 2004 has almost no chance in Congress, with opposition from Republicans and some Democrats.

The two parties are closer to agreement on the two lesser elements of the gun-control drive: cracking down on the illegal trafficking of firearms and bolstering school security.”


   What the hell happened to Tom Coburn ? He used to be a man of principle and believer in liberty . They’ve all over-stayed their welcome in DC . Now he’s turned into some sort of Olympia Snow ? Oklahoma … call your Senator … he needs a reminder of what he is supposed to stand for .



Update: Maybe Coburn is growing a pair . Keep burning up those phone lines folks .


” Democrats had hoped to reach a bipartisan deal on expanding federal background checks with conservative Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. But on Wednesday, Democrats set aside their efforts to win over Coburn after weeks of talks failed to resolve a dispute over requiring that records of private sales be retained.

Their inability to craft a deal with Coburn was a blow to Democrats because of his solid conservative credentials and “A” rating with the NRA. His support could have meant backing from other Senate Republicans and even moderate Democrats, including several facing 2014 re-election campaigns in GOP-leaning states.”