Poll: Americans Don’t Really Like the Job Obama’s Doing


” When President Obama discusses the economy in his State of the Union Address Tuesday night, he will be dealing with an area in which the American public gives him relatively low performance ratings.

The same thing applies to immigration, energy policy, guns, and taxes.

Gallup found that President Obama is heading into his fourth State of the Union address Tuesday night with an overall job approval rating of around 50 percent. But in eight of the nine specific areas measured, more Americans disapprove than approve of the job he’s doing.

In only one category — national defense — did Obama’s approval rating (53 percent) exceed his disapproval rating (44 percent). “



Here are the latest Gallup poll results for the president’s approval ratings …


Gallup Obama 2-7:10-13



Obama Rated Highest on Foreign Affairs, Lowest on Deficit



” If President Obama focuses on the economy in his fourth State of the Union address Tuesday night, as news reports indicate he will do, he will be dealing with an area in which the American public gives him relatively low performance ratings. The president’s 39% rating on handling the economy is essentially the same as the 38% from this time last year, although lower than the ratings of 45% and 44% he received just before and just after last November’s presidential election. Obama received his lowest rating on the economy (26%) in August 2011, in the aftermath of the debt ceiling fight in Washington. Obama earned his highest economic rating, 59%, in February 2009 — in the first measure after he took office.”



Read the entire poll results and details here .