West Point Study Demonizes “Far Right” As Terrorists






” Our soldiers are forbidden from criticizing Islam but a West Point study calls Americans on the political right “terrorists.”

Michael Carl of WND alerts us to a new West Point study released by the U.S. Military Academy’s Combating Terrorism Center which should ring alarm bells.

The study, “Challengers from the Sidelines: Understanding America’s Violent Far-Right,” links the “far right” to terrorism. By “far right,” the study includes members of “a racist/white supremacy movement, an anti-federalist movement and a fundamentalist movement,” the latter referring to those who are pro-life and anti-abortion.

The author of the West Point study, Arie Perliger, cites “anti-abortionists” as an active terrorist threat. He writes:

“The anti-abortionists have been extremely productive during the last two decades, amassing 227 attacks, many of them perpetrated without the responsible perpetrators identified or caught. And while, in both cases, the 1990s were more violent than the last decade, in the case of anti-abortion, the trend is much more extreme, as 90 percent of attacks were perpetrated before 2001.” “