Jennifer Rubin


  ” So how about it, Mr. President — who called off a rescue and why?
President Obama, a little more than a week before the election, won’t
tell Americans what happened. Well, why should he — the press
doesn’t hound him, the liberal elite still rushes to his defense, and
his White House attack dogs bark “Politics!” whenever legitimate
questions are asked.

  Meanwhile, the father of slain SEAL Tyrone Woods is furious with
the administration, demanding to know why his son wasn’t saved
when “apparently even the State Department had a live stream and
was aware of their calls for help. My son wasn’t even there. He was
at a safe house about a mile away. He got the distress call; he heard
them crying for help; that’s why he and Glen risked their lives to go
that extra mile just to take care of the situation. And I’m sure that
wasn’t the only one received that distress call — you know, ‘Come
save our lives.’” ”

Posted by John Galt